THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDnAY. MAR . 24-1A1 City's Greek' Aid Campaign CosesToday 75 Children Will Lead Drive For Contributions; Tag DayTo Be Climax I -.... . _. ,.. a+ a .r ix - . u Poulous, assistant trea- surer. Assisting the local committee on the campus are Miss Ethel McCor- mick, social director of the League; James Harrison, president of the IFC; Herbert Watkins, assistant secretary of the University, and Dr. Harley A. Hayes, director of the University Hos- pital. Each of these people is selling 250 buttons for dollar. Names of fac- ulty members who are helping this campus group and also the places where buttons are available are print- ed in the D.O.B. SRA Releases Current Issue Of Publication Pacifism, Mohammedanism, the right to live, and early Christian Art arethe themes presented in the cur- rent issue of "Controversy," student publication of the Student Religious Association. In the vortex, John Huston, '41, the editor of the magazine, concludes that in every age there occurs the same mixture of lust for fighting and horror of war. In his analysis of pacifism he finds that its premises are not wholly valid. War is one of the human imperfections, he main- tains, and is as purposeful as any other human force. Although war is futile, any human accomplishment is futile in the long run, Huston insists. From this view- point pacifism holds out only a ray of hope that men's minds may be changed. In the article entitled "Islam," Is- mail Khalidi, Grad., of Palestine, points out the fundamental principles of Mohammedanism. Belief in uni- ty, power and love of the creator, -charity and brotherhood, the sub- jugation of passions, and the ac- countability for human actions in an- other existence are among the vital parts of the Islamic system, he main- tains. He concluded from his study of the pillars and cardinal principles of Is- lam that there is little difference in principle between Christianity and Islam. Islam today is not only a creed for Moslems but a brother- hood for all religions establishe' within its realms, he insists. E. Erwin Bowers, '41, expresses his sentiments on righting on foreign soil. His chief objection is to killing the enemy civilian populations in the name of defense. Wesley W. Webb, '42A, describes the development and resultant forms of Early Christian art as it was found in the catacombs and the early basil- ica churches. Included in the pub- lication are illustrations of symbols used widely in early church decora- tions. for its featured speaker Major-Gen- eral Charles M. Wesson, chief of ordnance, United States Army, who spoke on "Industry's Job On Our De- fense Program." Professor Boston spoke over sta- tion WCAR, Pontiac, from Morris Hall yesterday on a similar subject, "Michigan Defense Incustries." PARAMOUNT PRESENTS BETTY MR. JONES FIELD - Adolf Hitler, after extensive t to the balcony of the Reichschan platz below. The balcony group inc Ribbentrop (background), Hitler an lin to New York by radio. Vincent Jukes, I Designs Play By JEAN SHAPERO He is listed simply as 'Grad." in the Student Directory, but Vincent Jukes already 'has an outstanding background in theatrical scene de- signing. Here on a fellowship from the National Theatre Conference, Jukes is working on his doctor's degree in speech. He has been serving as as- sistant professor in the School of Dramatic Art at Ohio University for the past ten years, and was awarded the fellowship for exceptional work in the field of theatrical work. 'The fellowsh-ip is given through the Conference by the Rockefeller Foundation," Jukes explained in an interview, "and the seven men chosen each year are enabled to spend a year wherever they wish in research or study. I decided to come to Michi- gan because one of the outstanding dramatic courses in the country is given here." Besides serving as technical direc- tor at Ohio University, Jukes has designed sets for the Cleveland Play- house and the Kane Park Community Theatre, outdoor summer theatre in Cleveland. At present he is working on the sets for "Remember the Day," Play Pro- duction's final offering of the year, to run in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Wednesday through Fri- day, April 2 to 5. "'Remember the Day' will require four complete scenes," Jukes said. They are a hotel lobby, a schoolroom, a school hall and a private living room of 1910." According to Jukes, the sets did not present any particular difficulties since they are all straight sets. He looked through books in the architec- ture library to find the accoutrements NROTC Defeats Oklahoma Squad In Rifle Match Winning their seventh match of the year, the local Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps unit defeat- ed a University of Oklahoma squad Monday by a score of 1812 to 1554. Each team did its shooting at its own school after which the results were telegraphed. Final tabulation of the scores was not made until yes- terday. Only the five best scores of each University were counted. High scorers on the University squad were Maitland Comb, '44E, with a score of 367; Mort Hunter, '44, who shot 365; Robert Begle, '43,, 363; Arthur Thomson, '44E, 362, and Harry Miller, '44E,365. The five best scores will be sent to Washington where the results of the various schools will be compared. Final scores will be announced some- time next week. -.....;9'"'kinJoseph Conrads Donovan, the Harriet Eveleen Hunt, - U !s .;the Robert Campbell Gemmell and ta1ks Withx Jabanes eFoeimmn lirster Y'osake Matsroka (left), took him the Joseph Boyer Fund scholarships.4 cellory in Berlin to receive an ovation from the throngs in the Wilhelm.. Only students who are citizens of Y TRCARDO luded (left to righ t) Matsnoka, German Foreign Minister Joachim Von the United States, who have main- AN ISLAND TALE Ld Japanese Ambassador Hiroshi shima. This photo was sent from Ber- tained a general scholastic average A Paamount Pictre with of 2.5 and who are either entirely or ----__partially self-supporting will be per- "I'D DIE. Sir edric Harwicke mitted to apply. Wi Jerome Cowan r mV/ e d The scholarships will probably be Directed by JOHN CROMWELL rfssaa Fellow, M a tine Tet awarded sometime inm May upon the : O~ Ird seR LOVE" Based on the Novel by Joseph'. Srecommendation of the engineers' R- - " omteeo S iolarships composed Ii.. e.' Production Sets il Be ( en of Prof. . W. Miller of the engi- iGA oa n ~~~_~_~ .neering drawing department, Prof -- of a 1910 schoolroom and discovered, . J. C. Brier of the chemical engineer- that they were scarcely different 1. BergiOII to IntervieW ing department, Prof. Peter Field of from a modern one, except that the Applieanus IF r ps the mathematics department, and windows are larger now and of course Prof F. N. Menefee of the engineer- ing mechanics department. WHAT YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR- there is modern heating equipment Lt(.V ege. fteUS a in te prsentday choos.nt. O. V. Bergren, of the U.S. Ma- in the present day schools. Building the set for the living roomi-nine Corps, will be at North Hall, NRtOT'C } eadquarte r., fromnf) Ix ,Fe r rtW .11 tten of 1910 provided the most work, Jukes revealed, since the gaudy wall 5 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Spanish A rt Exhibit paper was in good taste in that per- Wednesday of next week for the pur- iod, and a special bow-urn design pose of interviering applicants for1Im A iT l had to be created and stenciled. the United States Marine Corps Re- ATH O T FU D G E "Living rooms of the day were ugly," I An exhibition of famous Spanish he added, "because they not only serve.pan ibillun o mus lpads used bright wallpaper, but also furn- Since only college graduates are paintings will lure two bus loads ished the rooms with wicker." eligible for commissions in the Corps, Saturday, April 5, the Department of S U N D A Three of the sets are attached to only students who have already grad- Romance Languages has announced. iron bars and will be "flying," Jukesung said, which means that they will be uated or who will graduate this June The exhibit, which is being held raised into the air, while the fourth should apply. in Toledo from March 16 to April C set will be run in on coasters. The Applicants must be over twenty 27, contains representative Spanish llr1FOR longest set change will take three and under twenty-five years of ageworks of the 12th to the 18th cen- minutes, while the others should be on the date of acceptance of thei' tuy. ON E WEE K ON done in 30 seconds. Juke credits his To help the travelors understand 20 student helpers, and the fact that commission. They must be unmar- the paintings. Prof. H. E. Wethey, March 29 - April 4 they know what is required of them, ried and must be native born citizens chairman of the department of fine with the rapidity of the scene of the United States, among other arts, will give a short, informal talk changes. requirements. in expalnation of Spanish art. He will also accompany the group to To- ledo and discuss the actual works 0 gg gRin the exhibit. American Worker In Superior ;nntheArhbritapoimtl 1:0AMMD The buses are scheduled to leave Ann Arbor at approximately 12:30 jARM MAE Position, Labor Speaker Says f p.m. Saturday and will return in the _ ____late afternoon or evening. Those in- 533 S. Main 1219 S. University 603 E. Liberty By BERNARD DOBER terested in making the trip are re- are made to pay for their own quested to see the secretary of the de- In contrast to the tragic and mental and spiritual degradation." partment in Room 112 Romance ------- threatening events which have over- It is true, the director declared, Languages Building. Read And Use The Michigan Daily Classified Ads taken the German laborers, the that in Germany everyone works, workers in America have many rights but the work is where and on such which are worth fighting for, John terms as the government itself af- W.Rfixes. In general, it has been for the W. Riegel, Director of the Bureau purpose of rearmament, and only og Industrial Relations, said in a secondarily for the production of the speech yesterday. necessities and comforts of life. "The Workers in the United States have standard of living has been reduced. the right to choose and enter any personal liberty has been sacrificed, lawul ccpaton Rige stte, a iand the ideals of the nation have lawfl ocupaion Rieel tate, a been perverted in the interests of mil- wlastergttqutthrih trmih.IVto strike and the right to organize.i Under totalitarianism, there is SR In addition, he has the right to form no consent in the -government Eby the and support political parties, and, in( people who are governed. The Nazi . . policies are made by the leaders of common with his fellow citizens, a the party which maintains itself in vast majority of whom are workers,( power by coercive. means. But under C AV 0Vr%01 C W1MAVC nuumc 1 d^ Lruc he can exert authority over govern- r ment policy by means of a free election.c On asethe her hand, in Germany, Riegel pointed out, the workers are su ect to a controlled press and radio, which present to them shcht news and opinions as' the political leaders dictate. The workers also have to belong to the Labor Front, which is set up by the Nazi Party to deluge them with propaganda. "Thus they democracy, Riegel emphasized, the government derives its powers 'from the consent of the people governed as determined by free elections and majority rule." Thus in a democracy, Riegel de- clared, the workers because of their very numbers, and their rights to organize to strike and their right to form or support political parties, have a determining voice in public opinion. U E ~LinE.wn Uy v & J vivynrv %i nnn11 oI% M 4 JOAN BENNETT Last Times Today -- _ ': Ot O MemoCXJ V I cNAS EaW S/ffc SEE ALL THE SCSTORAGE ROOM SI LENT.. FOR FROZEN LASTS DESSERTS LONGE ---- -DE- -ACTI ON KEEPS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ''. GARDEN FRESH - SUIDING SHELVES ARE A GREAT . CONVENIENCE The Gas Refrigerator has NO MOVING PARTS in its freezing system More and more people every year are changing from other makes of automatic refrig- erators to Servel Electrolux. They know the Gas Refriger- ator, with no moving parts in its freezing system, offers ex- clusive operating advantages. Whether you're replacing your present refrigerator or buying your first.., find out about Servel's permanent si- lence, continued low operat- ing cost, freedom from wear. You'll see why experienced users agree it, "stays silent lasts longer." SEE SERVEL AND SEE THE DIFFERENCE / Coming Sunday! ilu ,T al eesan SUJD LOU A BOTTa COSTE 110 THE ANDREWS SISTLE MAi Different From All Othersl "NO MOVING PARTS" means: I PERMANENT SILENCE l CONTINUED LOW OPERATING COST YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE SAVINGS THAT PAY FOR IT