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March 28, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-28

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THE iC-AN bA1.

,- T A, ,riCi'8sJ4


Ex-Daily.Man Describes Mixed Feelings
As He Is Inducted Into Army Life

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of thQ Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
tights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MADisoN Ave. NEW YORK. N. Y.
Mnember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940.41

Editorial Staff

Hervie Haufler .
Alvin Sarasohn .
Paul M. Chandler
,Karl Kessler
*Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
8elen Corman

Managing Editor
S. Editorial Director
S. .City Editor
Associate Editor
* . . . Associate Editor
Associate Editor
* . . Associate Editor
. . . ,. Sports Editor
. . .Women's Editor
Exchange Editor

Business Staffj

Business Manager
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager




Irving Guttman
Robert Glmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Greeks To Discuss
Common Problems .
RATERNITY MEN often lose track
F of themselves-only to transform
their fraternities into sleeping and eating clubs,
without purpose, without direction.
The Interfraternity Council's second annual
Greek Week, beginning today, will afford these
men of different fraternities to assemble to-
gether to discuss their mutual problems, to ex-
plain how they have overcome particular obsta-
cles that are common to fraternities and to give
the newly initiated men-700 strong-a chance
to gain a broad perspective on what is expected
from them for the next three years, what posi-
tions they must fill in the fraternity world on
this campus.
Four running discussion panels will begin at
3:30 p.m. today following Alfred Connable's talk
before a general assembly of fraternity men.
Problems encountered in rushing, house man-
agement, university relations and the part which
fraternities must play in the defense work-
these all will be aired.
But the IFC's Greek Week will provide an op-
portunity for cooperation even greater than
that found in a single fraternity, that is, coop-
eration among members of different organiza-
tions. And it is not to be a cliquish closed ses-
sion. Faculty men and independents have been
invited to take part in the panels, to submit
their ideas-all in the Council's effort to make
Michigan fraternity men more fully realize their
objectives on this campus.
- Will Sapp
Students To Describe
Working Conditions . .
T HIS WEEK student employes and
their employers are being asked to
describe the working conditions in their particu-
lar establishments. The survey cannot be suc-
cessful unless it receives the ftullest cooperation
from everyone concerned in giving adequate and
accurate information.
Perhaps some may be reluctant to discuss the
subject feeling that it is a private matter and
of no concern to outsiders. From the student
workers' viewpoint it is essential that if working
conditions on this campus need improvements
that full publicity be given the situation so that
measures can be taken to correct the problem..
On the other hand, employers should coop-
erate so that if the conditions in their establish-
ments are fair and reasonable any unfair hear-
say and word of mouth references to their labor
treatment may be refuted. If most employers
cooperate, silence on the part of a few will be a
significant indication that those workers are
not being treated fairly.
Those conducting the survey have asserted
that no student's or employer's name will be
disclosed to the public. The Daily will print the
results of the survey when it is completed next
week and it also assures those being questioned
that their names will not be printed.
It might be well for those cnducting the sur-
ve~v amng the State Street and downtown em-

Editor's Note: Readers of the Daily's Music column
last year will remember the facile pen of Little John
Schwarzwalder, who after combining night club, church
and radio jobs into a rather hectic existence, was hit
with a low draft number. Little John quickly enlisted
in the U.S. Coast Artillery and is now stationed at Fort
DuPont, Del. With this article Little John begins a
series of articles for The Daily on army life and its
effect on the personality and character of the newly
inducted draftee. The articles have been passed and
approved by army authorities.a
People keep asking questions. "What's it like?"
they say, "Tell me, boy, what's it really like?"
And you show them the parade grounds and the
barracks, if you're lucky enough to be living in
barracks instead of in a winterized tent. You
show them the mess hall and you take them in-
side and they eat the food very critically and get
a thoughtful look on their faces and say "Not so
bad," and they look at the rifles in the racks
and they watch the faces of the other men and
when they've done all these things they turn
and look at you very carefully and they say,
"Yes, boy, but what on earth is it really like?"
The whole country suddenly wants to know
what it's really like to be between the, ages of
twenty-one and thirty-five and a membr of the
armed forces of the United States. Mothers and
fathers come down to the camps to visit and they
look very lonely most of the time, almost as lonely
as their sons look, but they seem to take a good
deal of comfort in the facts that the boys look
well fed and that the barracks are cleaned every
day and that the army supplies enough clothes
so that no soldier need ever be cold. That sort of
thing is very important to parents and it's also
very important to soldiers. And food, clothing
and shelter, wherever the soldier may be sent, is
likely to be adequate and is often better than
But to say that a man gets enough to eat and
that he has blankets at night and a heavy over-
coat by day to keep him warm doesn't tell the
real story of how the man feels and what the
army is like. So the purpose of these articles is
going to be to attempt to tell, as far as such
things can be told, what the soldier who used to
be a college student or a newspaperman or a
truck driver or a real estate salesman or any one
of several hundred other things really feels about
his new occupation.
Because a man's thought and a man's feelings
are in the long run what makes him happy or
unhappy, a good soldier or a bad one, a person
who can adjust himself to what is around him
or one who cannot, (try as he will), adjust him-
self to those surroundings-because all this is
true it is necessary to probe beyond the hundreds
of facts which have been published in newspa-
pers and articles and books about the army and
to discover the way men feel and think. And
sometimes that isn't very easy to do.
Perhaps the best way to get into those feelings
is to show the way a man comes into the new
army. Every man in the country is by now
thoroughly familiar with the procedure of regis-
tration and classification and all the rest of the
provisions of the Selective Service Act. But
those who are in school have yet to receive the
final notice that says "You will report at this
time for your final physical examination. If
accepted you will be inducted into the service
immediately. Bring enough clothing for five
The most patriotic of young men is liable to a
few qualms when this notice comes, so the night
before the examination calls for a party. And
because the party is the last time you may see
your friends or your girl or the boys down at the
office you drink a good deal more than you really
want or than you really should. About five in
the morning you shake hands with all the men in
the crowd and kiss all the women and kiss Lois or
Mary or Peggy an extra time for good measure
and you go home and pack your bag with the
clothing for five days. And your parents are
already up and mother insists on your having a
cup of coffee that you can't drink and breaks
down and cries and dad shakes your hand a lit-

tle too solemnly and drives you over to the local
board where you see the rest of the boys who are
going along. They look like a pretty sad crew to
you and you look the same to them but most of
them sing as they go down to the armory to be
examined. There is probably no sound in the
world any sadder than the singing of mhen who
really don't want to do anything but sleep. l
Once you get into the armory there's a newI
spirit evident almost at once. Orders, not con-
siderate suggestions, are going to be the diet'
from now on. The doctors poke and probe and
make tests and do about everything doctors can
do and then the psychologists and the dentists
take over and when it's all done you climb back
into your clothes and take an oath "to defend the
United States against all her enemies whomso-.
ever." By then you're a soldier in the United
States Army. The process takes most of the
morning but it seems an absurdly short time to
have spend in making as momentous a decision
as that. The catch to it is that you realize that
you didn't really make the decision at all.
Through the fumes of a rapidly mounting hang-
over you realize that the decision was made for
you some time ago. And at the moment you're
not too sure whether or not you like it. But be-
fogged as you are, you realize that it's all over
with such thoughts now. From now on you do
what you're told to do and very little else. And
the hangover suddenly takes a turn for the worse.
The non-toms and officers get the group of
men into some sort of a formation and march
you to the depot. Along the way people look at
you with strange expressions on their faces. The
younger men call "suckers" and "too bad, boys"
at you and a lot of older people clap as you march
along. At the station as you pass through the
waiting room an old woman shoves an apple
into each prospective soldier's hand and because
it's the first time in the day that anything has
been done for you with a smile you feel touched
though you can't figure out why.
Probably the worst part of the day is the train
ride. Up to now you haven't had the slightest
idea of where they'll send you and then you ride
out of the city and suddenly everybody knows
where they're going. It's a big induction center1
somewhere near your home town and you knowI
that after you get there they may ship you al-y
most any place. The city, your city, suddenly
becomes very precious to you and you watch it
out of sight along the tracks as long as you can.
You don't know when you'll be back and the
chances are it will take a long time. For a mo-
ment you wish you were a kid again and could
cry without anybody taking any notice. Then
you start eating your apple and the hangover
lifts a little and you smoke a cigarette and watch
the card game some of the boys have started in
the seat ahead of you and you know damn well
that if the rest of them can take it,-if the rest
of them can stand being away from the city they
love and the girls they want to marry and the
parents who've done so much for them and the
car that they bought second hand on the install-
ment plan, and the taste of expensive burgundy
that they can't afford on twenty-one bucks a
month-if the rest of them can stand all that
you know that you'll be able to stand it too. You
try for a moment to go over the world situation
that makes all this sacrifice necessary and you
silently curse a number of well-known Euro-
peans and then you give it up because it isn't any
good and you know it isn't any good to think
about it.
And just about that time the train slows down
and you know, with mixed feelings of relief and
somewhat fearful anticipation that you've come
to the first stop in your army career. From now
on life is going to be different. You don't know if
it's going to be better or worse, though you have
a few ideas, but you know all too well that it's
going to be something new. And even though the
hangover is much better and you're beginning to
feel like some food again, you're still not exactly
happy. But you square your shoulders a little
bit and step down off the train.

Robert S.Anew
WASHINGTON-No one can ever
tell just what is going on in the
Kremlin, but here is how the diplo-
matic dispatches explain the apar-
ent shift of Russia slightly over to
the British side of the war scale.
It is now generally agreed by the
U.S. military observers-and probably.
also by the Russians-that Hitler will
have to win his war by July of this
year or else face serious consequences.
These serious consequences will be:
1. Tremendously increased muni-
tions and ship production by the
U.S.A. After July 1, American fac-
tories will really get into their stride.
2. The necessity of finding food
for Europe next winter.(
3. The necessity of finding more
oil, especially if the British succeed
in blowing up Rumanian oil wells,
which they definitely plan to do.
4. The necessity of pulling a new
rabbit out of the hat to please the
German people. So far Hitler has
pulled out new victories at periodic
intervals - Austria, Czechoslavakia,
Poland, Norway, the Low Countris,
France. But the rabbits have come
fewer and harder recently. The Ger-
man people are reported to be rest-
Only answer to these dilemmas is
Russia. The vast and fertile fields
of the Ukraine, rich in wheat, iron
ore and lying just across from the
oil fields of the Caucasus, are sure
to beckon to Hitler.
And if he still is unable to take
England by July, it more than likely
seems that he will bite off the Uk-
raine. This probability increases if
war in the Balkans disrupts the
spring planting. For one reason why
Hitler has been so patient with Yugo-
slavia is because the crops of the
Balkans are vital to Germany.
All of which is not being lost upon
Coal iAct Battle
Insiders are keeping their lips but-
toned, but there was a heated row
in the House Ways and Means com-
mittee over extending the Guf fey
Bituminous Coal Act, due to expire
April 25.
The committee agreed to approve
a bill prolonging the life of the Coal
Act two more years; also t6 reestab-
lish the office of Consumers' Coun-
sel as an independent adjunct
to the Bituminous Coal Commis-
sion. But this was voted only after
some strenuous demurring by Repre-
sentative A. Willis Robertson of Vir-
A conservative Democrat, Robert-
son loudly opposed continuing the
Act on the ground that its price-
fixing features were a "dangerous
threat" to democratic processes.
"If we approve price controls in
the coal industry.," Robertson thun-
dered, "it will probably spread to
other industries, and before we know
it the price of everything will be fixed
by the government. Such a policy is
extremely dangerous at this time
when we're delegating so much power
to the executive branch of the gov-


. FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1941 1
VOL. LI. No. 127d
Publication in the Daly Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Greek War Relief: The local com-
mittee of the Greek War Relief Asso-
ciation has requested that those ofI
us on the Campus assist in their driveI
for funds this week. Identifying but-t
tons at $1.00 each may be had fromk
the following:c
Angell Hall, Professor Carlton F,
Wells; Haven Hall, Professor Robert
C. Angell; Tappan Hall, ProfessorI
Charles L. Jamison; Law School, Pro-
fessor Paul A. Leidy; Natural Science,.
Professor Frederick K. Sparrow;c
Chemistry, Professor Chester S.
Schoepfle; East Medical, Professor
Bradley M. Patten; Museum, Dr.t
Josselyn Van Tyne; East Physics,
Professor Ernest F. Barker; West
Engineering, Professor Arthur D.t
I Moore; East Engineering, Professor1
Orlan F. Boston; Library, Mr. Samuel1
W. McAllister; Dentistry, Dean Rus-
sell W. Bunting; Information Desk,
Business Office.
Iferberft G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary.
Engineering C'ollege Faculty and
Students: By -action of the Executive
Committee, classes and laboratory
sections in the college, excepting
those in use for demonstration pur-
poses, will be dismissed on Saturday,
March 29, in order to facilitate thel
operation of the 1941 Open House.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for REMOVAL of IN-
be Saturday, April 12. A course may
be dropped only with permission of
the classifier after conference withl
the instructor.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
Students, College of Literature, -Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Courses dropped1
after Saturday, March 29, by students
other than freshmen will be record-
ed E. Freshmen (students with less
than 24 hours of credit) may drop
~courses without penalty through the
eighth week. Exceptions may be made
in extraordinary circumstances, sucht
as severe or long continued illness.,
E. A. Walter
Assistant Dean
Freshmen in the College of Litera-..
ture, Science, and the Arts may ob-
tain their five-week progress re-e
ports in the Academic Counselors'
Office, Room 108 Mason Hall, from
8:00 to 12:00 a.m. and ,1:30 to 4:30
p.m. according to the following sched-
Surnames beginning A through H,
Friday, March 28.l
Arthur Van Duren,
Chairman, Academic Counselors
Members of faculties and staff of
the University willing to accommo-
date visiting high school students at-
tending the Michigan Interscholastic
Press Association meeting, for the
nights of May 1 and 2, are urgentjy'
requested to get in touch with Prof.
John L. Brumm, 213 Haven Hall, as
soon as possible. Owing to the usual
Ann Arbor room shortage,, all jpos-
sible cooperation will be greatl ap-
La Sociedad Hispanica University
of Mexico Summer School Scholar-
ships: The examination for these two
scholarships will take place April 25.
All applcants must register before
that date with Professor J. N. Lincoln
in Room 106 R.L.
In addition to the moneys provided
by the Sociedad, the University of
Mexico has consented to grant free
tuition to the students chosen here.

International Center Vacation
Tours: Two inexpensive conducted
bus tours are being planned by the

International Center for foreignstu-
dents, American students, faculty
and townspeople:
1) To Mammoth Cave, the Lin-
coln Country, the Tennessee Valley,
and the Smokies National Park.
2) To Washington, Tidewater Vir-
ginia, and the Shenandoah National
For details inquire in the Travel
Bureau, Union Room 18, of the Inter-
national Center, where Mr. Ochs,
tour planner, will hold office hours
between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. every
day except Sundays and Mondaysy
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Flint Civil Service Examination. Last
date for filing application is March
31, 1941 at 12 Noon.
Civil Engineer, salary range, $2,100
to $2,640. Applications on file at
the Bureau.
The Bureau has also received notice
that the School District of Philadel-
phia is giving an, examination for a
position as Special Assistant in the
Division of Educational Research.
Closing date' for receiving applica-
tions and credentials is May 1, 1941.
Salary, $3,400.
Complete information on file at
the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, 201 Mason
Hall. Office hpurs: 9-12 and 2-4.
Academic Notices
Bacteriology Seminar, Monday,
March 31, at 8:00 p.m. in Room 1564
East Medical Building. Subject:
"Studies on Bacillus violaceus in
Laboratory Animals." All interested
are invited.
Botanical Seminar will meet Wed-
nesday, April 2, at 4:30 p.m. in Room
2003 N.S. Bldg. Paper by Ernst A.
Bessey of Michigan State College on
"A Botanist in the Hawaiian Islands."
Metal Processing 4-Section 1: Trip
to Detroit on Friday afternoon has
been cancelled. Classes will meet as
Master's Candidates in History:
The language examination will be
given at 4:00 p.m. today. Room B,
Haven Hall. Stdents must bring
their own dictionaries. Copies of old
examinations are on file in the base-
ment study hall of the General Li-
brary. The examiiation is written
and lasts one hour. Students may
sign up for the examination in the
History Department Office, 119 Hav-
en Hall, before Monday, March 24.
May Festival Concerts: The Uni-
versity Musical Society announces
that the major Festival performers
have been assigned as follows
Jarmila Novotna, Soprano: Thurs-
day and Saturday evenings.
Dorothy Maynor, Soprano: Friday
Suzanne Sten, Mezzo-Soprano:
Friday afternoon and Saturdlay eve-
Enid Szantho, Contralto: Saturday
Charles Kullman, Tenor: Saturday
Lawrence Tibbett, Baritone: Wed-
nesday evening.
Mack Harrell, Baritone: Saturday
Norman Cordon, Bass: Thursday
and Saturday evenings.
Jascha Heifetz, Violinist:. Satur-
day afternoon.
Gregor Piatigorsky, violoncellist:
Thursday evening.
Jose Iturbi, Pianist: Friday after-
The Choral Union, Thor John-
son, Conductor: Thursday and Sat-
urday evenings.
The Youth Chorus, Juva Higbee,
Conductor: Friday afternoon.

The Philadelphia Orchestra: all
Eugene Ormandy, Conductor:
(Continued on Page 6)

Letters To The Editor


A Flea For Social Workers '
Dear Editor:
For at least a year, students in the Institute
of Public and Social Administration (this is the
social work school and is'not to be confused with
the University Extension Service) have made
certain requests. Among these requests are thk
following which might best be handled through
your committee:
(1) Find out why we social workers-over 150
of us--are never listed in the student directory?
We pay tuition just like all other students in the
University's professional schools (i.e. medical,
law, business administration, etc.,) therefore,
why can't we be listed? It certainly should bf
very simple to list, e.g. John Doe. Soc. Wk '42.
(2) Why can't some arrangements be made
to have the D.O.B. posted on the school's bulle-
tin board every single publication day just as it
is posted on all other University bulletin boards?
Isn't it true that all students and faculty mem-
bers are supposed to look in the D.O.B. every
day because it is the Daily Official Bulletin of
the University and all important notices are
listed there?
(3) Every time some event like the Spring
Parley takes place where students from all de-
partments and schools are invited to partici-
pate, the social workers are ignored. This seems

of Social Service Administration, (these social
work schools have the most damnedly long
names) and others, several paragraphs are usu-
ally devoted to the student organization of the
respective school. Could some similar arrange-
ment be made to have the U. of M. Social Work
Club described in the official bulletin of our
Many of us, like the writer, who did our under-
graduate work in Ann Arbor have strong ties of
loyalty and affection for the campus. Naturally,
since we still attend the University of Michigan
we would like to be considered a part of the
general student body, even though our class-
rooms are 35 miles away. Therefore it is hoped
that through the Social Work Club some of the
afore mentioned items may be given attention.
This may lead to a strengthening of ties between
150-200 active Michigandeks in Detroit and the
other 12,000 in Ann Arbor.
- Hopeful Student
A Community Problem
There is a tremendous waste of human re-
sources in this country because of poor health.
It is estimated that we have 400,000 deaths an-
nually which could have been avoided if proper
medical care and healthful living conditions had
prevailed. We do not enjoy good health in this

duces a lot of new stories. One
of the recent involves two Michigan
men who thumbed a ride in a new
sedan and were questioned by the
drivel: "You fellows carrying any
"Nope, sir," came the answer.
"Wel, I am,"the driver replied,


producing a long, vicious revolver
from his pocket. While collegiate
valor melted, he explained that he
was a deputy sheriff, and he was
just trying to scare the lads.
What a sense of humor .
Another 'M' youth received a
ticket from a, cop out in the county
for illegal passing. The past week
he has been sticking his hand out
for donations so he could finance
the fine. Scraping together ten dol-
lars, he hitch-hiked to the justice-
of-the-peace's home. The judicial
official was so touched by the sight
of the lad walking up the road that

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC-NBC flue
Friday Evening
.6:00 Steyenson News Ty Tyson Rollin' Bud Shaver
6:15 Hedda Hopper Newscast; Music Home The Pactfinder
6:30 Inside of Sports Fred Waring Conga Day In Review
6:45 Melody Marvels Bill Elliott Time Baseball Extra
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Lowell Thomas Happy Joe To be Announced
7:15 Lanny Ross Revue; Melodies Val Clare Rhumba Rhythms
7:30 Al Pearce's Heritage Carson Robison The Lone
7:45 variety Show of Freedom Dream Awhile Ranger
8:00 Kate Smith Cities Service Symphonic Friday Night
8:15 Program; Concert Strings Army Show
8:30 Guest Stars Information, Laugh 'n' Death Valley
8:45 News at 8:55 Please Swing Club Days
9:00 Johnny Waltz Sen. Ludington Gang
9:15 Presents Time Interlude; News Busters
9:30 Campbell . Everyman's I Want John B. Kennedy
9:45 Playhouse Theatre A Divorce Your Happy B'thd'y
O:00 Public Affairs wings National News Raymond G. Swing

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