Weather Cloudy and colder: ig Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication aiig Editorial Greeks To Discuss Common Problems, VOL. L. No. 127 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Swimmin T A0 Totter As Pre are Kiphuth Of Yale Concedes Victory To WolVerines Team Is In Top Form Michigan's Mighty Plan New Records By WOODY BLOCK EAST LANSING-March 27.-- Michigan's swimming' legions, strong- est in all the nation, hit town to- night in a ferocious and record-hun- gry mood, intent on mopping up their eighth consecutive National Colle- giate title and twelfth in the past 15 years. Conceded the championships by Bob Kiphuth, coach of Yale, the only, team granted a chance to come close to the Wolverines, Matt Mann's squad indicated it preferred winning it in the water of Jenison field house pool today and Saturday. No Fight For First Attention will not center on the fight for first place, however, since there will be no fight for first place' -but rather on the stop-watch, the revolving hands of which the Wol- verines have been cheating all year. If ever a team was ready to step out and slash a few records it is this team of Maize and Blue tankers. They've been doing it all year in mediocre condition &nd what they will do in their top form, which they have finally reached, is a matter of specu- lation. Down in Ann Arbor they were counting on every first place except diving. Perhaps that's a bit too op- timistic. But it won't be far wrong. New Records Certain What is certain, however, is that the records are in for an overhaul- ing with Matt Mann's mermen play- ing the role of mechanics for a couple of evenings. But there's going to be plenty of fancy competition in this blue-blood aquatic festival. In the sprints es- pecially will the Mannatators have their share of trouble. The experts, in fact, aren't even counting on Gus Sharemet to retain his 100 yard title with Bill Prew of Wayne now labeled as the man to beat. Guy Lumsden, another of Wayne's high-powered tankers and present holder of the 50 yard crown is in danger of finding himself out of the running with Prew, Charley Barker, Dick Fahrbach and Jim Garrett of the Army whipping along in superb form. 'Panzer' Division Those are just two of the titles expected to change hands. The dis- tance races will find the Michigan "Panzer" division of Jim Welsh, Jack Patten, Blake Thaxter and Gus Shar- emet far superior to anything the 42 colleges assembled here have to offer. ig Marks. Mermen, For Title 'Be American' Is Wihtol Plea To Mustctans By DAN BEHRMAN Citing native Russian folk music, Austris O. Wihtol, director of the Latvian Singers, criticized American composers who imitate foreign works in an interview last night before his group's performance of the Great Vespers. "I 'do not understand why Ameri- can composers should base their ideas on European motifs," he declared, "while there is so much material at home." He suggested the Middle West as a possible theme for native com- posers. Mr. Wihtol first organized the Lat- vian Singers in Hamburg, Germany, in 1907. At that time they were a purely instrumentalist group, but the musicians found they could not keep up their studies and work as barge- men and coal passers at the same i{ Engineering Open House WiHBe Held Alumni Reunion, Banquet Complete Activity List For EngineWeekend 'Iomorrow Marks Annual Program Exhibaits from almost one hundred engineering industries will be dis- played simultaneously at the Engin- eering Council's ninth Open House, scheduled to get ander way at 9 a.m. tomorrow in the East and West En- gineering Buildings, the West Physicsf Building, the Randall Laboratory, and the ROTC Building. In conjunction with the exhibition, students in the College of Engineer- ing will hold their annual All-Engin- eering Banquet at 6:15 p.m. today in the Union. Principal speaker at the dinner will be Clyde Paton, chief engineer of the Packard Motor Com- pany. Highlighting an engineering alumni reunion which will also be held to- morrow will be a luncheon meeting in the Union at which addresses will be presented by Gov. Murray D. Van Wagoner, President Alexander G. Ruthven and Dean Ivan C. Craw- , -dofte n1f7PofFi.aiprEc As Slavs Defy Churchill Promises Aid To Address Gr'eeks' Military Revolt Succeeds Germany; British Ready To Aid King Peter With Powerful Military Forces '> ALFRED B. CONNABLE , * * , Former IFC Head To Speak On Fraternities "Fraternities and Their Place in the Educational System," will be the topic of Alfred B. Connable, Detroit Trust Company official when he (By The Associated Press) LONDON, March 27.--Winston Churchill pledged all of Britain's might today to "make common cause" with the new Yugoslav gov- ernment-if that governnent be pre- pared to fight the Axis-- and other informed sources at once pictured this help as a naval-military-aerial movement to harry the whole Ger- man right flank in the Balkans. This, they said, could be accom- plished by British battle fleet sweeps in the Adriatic by the transfer of imperial troops through Salonika, Greece, into Yugoslavia and by the Bowers Lists Itime. _ 1ULWtutng frnmeig One day a Berlin concert booking A special issue of the Technic, agent passed under their window dur- which willserve as an official guide (Continued on Page 2) to these three events, will be issued today. The magazine will describe the various' exhibits at the Open Latvian Singers, Students House andsthextours which will be Present Great Vespers conducted for students and the visit- Incense and candles transformed ing alumni. Hill Auditorium into a Greek Orth- The Ordnance and Infantry bran- odox Church last night while theches will have on exhibition several weapons, including a number from Latvian Singers and two student For't Custer, while the Engineering choirs presented the Great Vespers, a unit has arranged to demonstrate program of traditional Near Eastern mapping and map reading. litanies. Members of Tau Beta Pi, senior The performance, which was joint- scholastic honorary society, and Sig- ly sponsored by Interfraternity Coun- ma Rho Tau, engineering speech so- cil and Panhellenic, included the ciety, will serve as guides through singing of "Prayer For The Nation" the various Open House exhibits. The and "Prayer For The Peace Of 'The speech group will also man the in- Soul," written by Austris 0. Wihtol, formation booth in the lobby of the director of the Latvian Singers. East Engineering Building. Government May Dictate Terms C$ Y To Industries,_M1 1c reed States Student Defense League Told Federal Intervention Might Result From Labor-Capital Bickering By HOMER SWANDER If the owners of large industrial plants refuse to bargain with labor of their own free will, the government will either force them to do so or will take over their factories and operate them, prophesied Mr. H. T. McCreedy, regional director of New America, here yesterday in a talk sponsored by the American Student Defense League. "If government does draft industry," he asserted, "as it has already drafted man-power, labor will not be the loser. Experiences in the first World War indicate that Federal officials will continue to bargain with the -- - unions and will recognize the rights I speaks before the general assembly of Greek Week at 2 p.m. today in Forensie room 320 of the Union. V Mr. Connable was the president of Series both his fraternity and the Inter- I fraternity Council as a student here. 17 years ago. His talk will be followed Ten Teams Will Continue by a discussion period in which fra- Intramural Competition ternity men, independents and facul- Ior Burr-Pratt Awards ty members are expected to take part ITen winning teams of the first part. round of the elimination men's in- Panel Discussions ; tramural debates were announced Four discussion panels--pertinent ' yesterday by R. Erwin Bowers, '41, to fraternity problems-will begin at student director. 3:30. They will be continued Satur- These teams will participate in four day afternoon at the same time. more elimination contests to deter- Fraternity-Urtiversity Relations, mine the winners of the Burr-Patt Room 316, Jack Cory, chairman. Awards to be presented at the Speech Rushing, Room 318, James Tobin. Honors Banquet to be held April chairman. 30. Finance and house Management, The winning teams included Clar- Room 319, Edward Barrett, chair- ence Carlson, '44, and Bernard Kerohn, man. '43, of Allen-Rumsey; Aubery Ro- Fraternities and the Defense Issue, berts, '41BAd, and George Bosch, '43, Room 320, Douglas Gould, chairman. of Lambda Chi Alpha; Dave Spiro, More than 700 newly initiated fra- '42, and Harry Schagrin, '42, of Sig- ternity members will be feted at a ma Alpha Mu; John Manikoff, '42, formal banquet at 6:15 p.m. Saturday and Elmer Radka, '41, of Alpha Nu; in the Union ball room. Dean Fred- and Jack Cohen, '42, and James Wolf, erick Stecker of Ohio State Univer- '43, of Zeta Beta Tau. sity will deliver the feature address Other winning two-man squads in- of the evening. James Harrison, '41, cluded Bud Burgess, and Jerry and president of the IFC will act as Sheets, of Wenley House; Hale toastmaster. The fraternity schol- Champion, '44, and George Sallade, ar-ship cup, annually presented to '43; Merle Webb, 41, and Eugene the pledge class with the highest Planke, '41, of Alpha Nu; Yale Cog- scholastic average will be presented gan, '41, and Martin Green, '43, by Dean Joseph Bursley. Last year of Sigma Alpha Mu; and Stan Win- the award went to the initiates of kelman, '43, and Ed Grossberg, '43, of Kappa Nu. Zeta Beta Tau. action of British warplanes already based in Greece. The German left flank rests now on the Black Sea in both Rumania and Bulgaria; the right flank at the moment along the Yugoslavian fron- tier; the whole pointed down toward the Aegean. British informants called Yugo- slavia's turn-about "the first major political defeat sustained by the Ger- mans on the continent . . . a blow in the face for Hitler in the presence of the Japanese foreign minister (Yosuke Matsuoka, who is now in Berlin.)" Should Yugoslavia go through with her apparent intention to resist the Nazis, it was added, the whole course of matters in the southeast would be radically changed; the German high command would be put in the position of having to move with a flank uncovered-a dangerous ma- neuver-if it moved at all. It was suggested here that Brit- ish military action in aid of the Yu- goslavians would be set off by a re- quest from King Peter II of Yugo- slavia and a hostile movement by the Germans themselves. Prime Minister Churchill's an- nouncement of the sharply changed atmosphere in Belgrade came toward the end of a speech before the Con- servative Party Central Committee in which he had reviewed Britain's suc- cesses to date, putting at the top of hi$ list a "supreme event more blessed than victories , . . the rousing of the spirit of the great American nation and its ever more intimate associa- tion with the common cause." "Early this morning the Yugoslav nation found its soul. A revolution has taken place in Belgrade and min- isters who yesterday signed away the honor and freedom of their coun- try are reported to be under arrest." Cast Members Of New, Play Are Announced Last Production Of Year, 'Remember The Day', Will Be April 2 To 5 Members of the cast of "Remember the Day," to be presented Wednesday through Friday, April 2 through 5, were announced by Frederick O. Crandall of the speech department and director of the play. Players will be Peter Antonelli, '41, first bell boy; Ollierae Bilby, '41, Nora Trinell; Elaine Alpert, '41, flower girl; William Stegath, '42, second bell boy, Harvey Willens, '41, reporter; Joe Lynn, '41, Dewey Ro- berts; Marian Chown; '42, Kate Hill; and William Kinzer, '42, Tom. Other parts will be played by Sheldon Finklestein, '42, Steve Hill; Natlialie Schurman, '41, Ellen Talbot; Gwendolyn Lawhead, '41, Miss Price; Charles Leavay, Grad., Dan Hop- kins; Thomas Armstrong, '41, Mr. Steele; Marion Conde, '41, Edith Phelps; Dorothy Hadley, Mrs. Ro- berts; Lee Perry, '42, Charlie; Jim Bob Stevenson, '43, Edgar; and Car- ole Freeman, '42, Dorothy, Helene Herzfeld, '42, will play Mil- dred; Jack Mitchell, '42, Mr. Roberts, Merle Webb, '42, Mr. Phelps; Clara Cook, '41, Miss Kline; Margaret Cot- ton, '42, Anna; and Jeff Solomon, '43, will take the part of D. R. Ro- berts. The Stage sets will be designed by Vincent Jukes. Hillel Nanies Cohen President For Year Beverly F. Cohen, '42, Pecame the new president of the Hillel Founda- Boy King To Lead Nation In Stand Against Nazis; Army Readies Defense Hitler Rushes Men To New Frontier BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, March 28. -(/P)-Yugoslavia sped its army of 1,200,000 to battle stations today on the swift pace of an anti-Nazi, pro- British coup that overthrew the re- gency government for joining this kingdom to the Axis, placed the boy king Peter II in full power, and held the deposed regent Prince Paul under military arrest. The military revolt against the Axis alignment began at 2 a.m. Thursday, and took control with the force of the army behind it. Public Backs Rebels The public, vigorously disapprov- ing the Axis pact, hysterically cheered the new regime and called with in- creasing fervor for war against Ger- many. The rush of men to the colors was swift, trains, automobiles and taxi- cabs were commandeered to take them to the frontiers; military trucks rumbled through the streets; and overhead the sky was darkened with Yugoslavia's warplanes. German and Italian nationals, gaily triumphant such a little time before. frantically tried to get out of the country. Paul was seized by the army at Vinkovci, important railway junction near the Hungarian border. He had been reported in flight to Hungary or -Greece.----- . ---- Simovic Is Leader A new government headed by the tough old air corps chief, Gen. Dusan Simovic, with the 17-year-old King Peter handed full sovereignty, gave short shrift to the apoplectic German Ambassador, Viktor Von Heeren. Von Heeren rushed to the foreign office Thursday morning as soon as Peter formed a new cabinet. He was given exactly six minutes to state the German position-re- ported abroad to be a virtual ulti- matum. When he asked about the new gov- ernment's attitude towards the Axis pact which the old egime signed Tuesday' at Vienna, it as reported that the new foreign minister Nom- tchilo Nincic replied merely: "I can't tell you that yet." Otherwise, the policy of the new government'Ndill be based on friend- ship for the Axis, Nincic is reported to have added. Populace Belligerent Neutral diplomats, however, said this was merely an attempt to stall for a time while the military and in- ternal situations were consolidated in preparation for war. Despite official "hedging," there was no mistaking the belligerent tem- per of the populace. All seemed to believe that this country finally had a real "war cabinet" which would break with Germany and Italy. Greek diplomats jubilantly de- clared that with even a part of the Yugoslav army to assist, their troops could complete the occupation of Albany in three weeks at most, and then With British aid 2,200,000 tough fighting men would be ready to con- front the Axis. Preparations for war followed with lightning speed. Germany Sends Troops To Yugoslav Border SOFIA, Bulgaria, MarchX28.-(')- German occupation forces in Bul- garia were rushing today toward the Yugoslav frontier, apparently as the result of the ouster there of the "Axis" government of Regent Prince Paul. An informed source in this cap- ital said the Nazi southward move- m"ent of troops, under way since the occupation of Bulgaria, hid been re- versed suddenly and a rush of Nazi reinforcements was sent in the di- rection of defiant Yugoslavia. "The movement of the past several weeks in men and materials has been I a .1 Ruiven Talks Ref ore Alumni Presidet g ays Education Mlust Not Be Curtailed Welsh is going out for the "grand "There should be no curtailment slam" of winning all three. Only one in educational training as the na- man has ever done that before and tion plans its defense program," (Continued on Page 3) President Alexander G. Ruthven said -- in an address Wednesday night be- T fore the University of Michigan Patten " 10 IVe Alumni Club of Chicago. Dr. Ruthven told the alumni that .ectur* e Series"you must help us pursue a steady course so that we can produce wise --_V _ leaders and intelligent followers. Faculty Member To Talk "Alt"hou gh we "iesliding and bein pushed and pulled to the brink of At Oregon University disaster we must give our universi- ties help to pursue a steady course and Prof. Bradley M. Patten, chairman in so doing we will be doing a great of the Department of Anatomy in the service," he asserted. "We are not Medical School, left yesterday for training men for today. We are train-. Portland, Ore., where he will deliver ing men for tomorrow." the annual Noble Wiley Jines lec- Commenting on what lie believed tures under the auspices of the Uni- was "Michigan spirit" the president versity of Oregon School of Medicine, described it as "sympathetic under- He will deliver two lectures entitled, standing," and the "product of our "The First eart Beats in Living efforts to build a unified institution." Embryos as Recorded by Micromov- Fielding H. Yost, who accompanied ing Pictures and Analyzed Electro- Dr. Ruthven, was presented with a cardiographically" and "The Fora- gold football on which was inscribed men Ovale-Its Development, its Role "with fond appreciation for 40 years in Postnatal Circulatory Changes and of loyal service." Vc r~n~yni~ EmfPP.o" of the workers." Figures were quoted by the speaker in support of his contention that the labor movement gained, rather than lost, ground during World War I. He pointed out that "in 1917 there were 4,000 strikes--more than in any other year in history, with the exception of 1937. However, due to mediation, largely sponsored by the government, war production was not seriously hampered." "It is to labor's advantage, there- fore," McCreedy continued, "to take a positive attitude toward national defense and aid to Britain; for if Fascism wins, unions will be done away with and democracy will be blacked out for generations." Confident that the workers of the nation have already realized this fact, he declared, "Organized labor will take an active part in the defense ef- fort and when the war is over will (Continued on Page 2) I, it t Speaks Fof nt gineeres Speaking on "The Separation of Materials," Dr. C. C. DeWitt, chair- man of the Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering at Michigan State College, addressed members of the student chapter of Second Greek Week Today's activities begin the second annual Greek Week, a project of the IFC modeled after similar ones at Minnesota and Ohio State. It will afford fraternity men an opportunity to discuss their mutual problems and iron out ills now existing in the fra- ternity system. Harrison and John DeVine, '41, are co-chairmen. Donald C. Stevenson, '42, and Paul Cosper, '42, are in charge of the program. Roger Kelley, '42, contacted speakers and Arron Kahn, '42, handled publicity for the affair. Tesla Coil To 'Shock' Guests At Open House Students walking through the En- gineering Arch from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. today will be "shocked" to find a Tesla Coil in operation, which is guaranteed by the Engineering Open House Committee to be one of the year's most "shocking" cam- pus exhibitions. The committee, however, hastens to explain that they mean 'shock- ing" in the electrical sense. Anthropologist Speaks: Mummy Discovery In Colorado .ndieates Asiatic Ori'in Of Indian Natural mummies found in the caves of the 2,000 year old Basket Maker peoples of southwestern Colo- rado have aided in establishing the Asiatic origin of the American In- dian, Paul S. Mattin, chief curator of the Department, of Anthropology of the Field Museum of Natural His-I tory at Chicago, stated in an inter- view here yesterday. "Lice and lice eggs found in the hair of naturally preserved Indian mummies were found to be Asiatic in- stead of European types," he said, "This evidence supports the theory that the Indians entered the Ameri- can continent from Asia by way of the Bering Straits," Mr. Martin delivered an illustrated friverMtlec turei hore in wh-ich hi such condition that bits may be placed in a saline solution to show the blood grouping of the peoples," he asserted. Well preserved dogs, apparently killed to be buried with the master, are often ,found with human bodies in the rear of the same caves inhabit- ed by the Indians. Frequently rats and various insects were buried with the bodies by accident and remain in good condition, he observed. Mr. Martin noted that baskets, rab- bit fur blankets, and various utensils probably included for supernatural use, are found with the mummies and sometimes the bodies of infants are discovered strapped onto cradle boards. "There was no special ceremony or