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March 27, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-27

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II _

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Legislature's Amendments
Contain Hidden joker---

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4,50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisher4sRePresentative
1vember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Editorial Staff

Hervie Haufler

Alvin Sarasohn .
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessle . .
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser .
Helen Corman

Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
* . Associate Editor
p. Sorts Editor
. . . .Women's Editor
. . . Exchange Editor

Business Staff
Business Manager .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager .

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by menibers of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Econonic Woes
Hit Nippon ...
A S JAPAN begins to strengthen its
Axis ties by sending Foreign Minis-
ter Matsuoka on his first visit to the pacemaker
of modern totalitarianism, the question again
arises as to how long the chosen race of Asia can
remain in deadlock with their lesser brothers who
refuse to recognize the mutual benefits of the
New Order. The economic aspect of this ques-,
tion must be discouraging to the Nipponese, for
qualified reports indicate a steady and dangerous
decline of the sun descendants.
According to a recent survey of the Depart-
ment of Commerce, the $3,680,000,000 cost of
the war in China has resulted in a definite re-
cession in every pha'se of Japan's business activity
and in the general internal prosperity. The neg-
ligible profit from China has in no way mitigated
the serious shortages of essential materials, la-
bor, and electric power, and the decline of in-
dustrial efficiency.

WHEN April 7 rolls around the voters of Michi-
gan will be asked to vote on two amend-
ments to the constitution proposed by the state
legislature. On the surface of things the two
amendments appear quite laudable-for they
would eliminate fraudulent initiative petitions
by requiring that all signers be registered as well
as qualified voters-but a deeper investigation
reveals a joker:
Though ostensibly drafted to eliminate peti-
tion fraud, the amendments .in effect would
serve to make the process of initiative and refer-
endum more difficult, and thus take away from
the people powers which they have given them-
In 1913 amendments adopted by the people
liberalized the restricted provisions for direct
government that had been introduced into the
constitution in 1908, and since that time no legis-
lature has proposed to, make the process of ini-
tiative and referendum more difficult. In fact,
Professor James K. Pollock points out in his Bu-
reau of Government publication, "The Initiative
and Referendum in Michigan," that the whole
history of the initiative and referendum shows
very clearly that the voters of Michigan have
made very sparing use of these instruments of
popular control, and no proper case can be made
on the basis of experience for restraining or re-
stricting the privilegesoriginally granted in the
constitution of 1908 and liberalized by amend-
ments in 1903.
IN AN ARTICLE in the Citizen's News (March
11, 1941) Professor Pollock specifically ap-
plied that experience to the proposed amend-
ments when he commented as follows:
"The two proposed amendments will beyond
doubt make it more difficult to secure petitions
for the initiative and referendum. By requiring
'qualified and registered electors' to sign peti-
tions, those citizens who are not at the time
actually registered electors are deprived of the
privilege of petitioning for an amendment or a
statute. Nor can a circulator of a petition be
merely a qualified elector. These provisions con-
stitute a serious infringement of the right of
citizens in a democracy to participate in the
processes of government.
"It is the universal practice in this country in
the states having the initiative and referendum
to require 'qualified electors'-not registered
electors-to sign petitions for laws and amend-
ments. To require registered voters, as these
proposed amendments do, runs contrary to exist-
ing practice in this country and is a step back-
ward by restricting citizen participation in gov-
ernment. At a time when democracy is in peril,
we should not make popular action more diffi-
son or other, partly good and partly bad,
are not registered. My studies show that from
12 to 35 percent of the qualified voters are not
Ringling Brothers. Barnum and Bailey, dis-
guised as the Junior Girls' Play, "Jumping Jup-
iter," pitched their tents in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre last night and the end result was
a colossal melange of comedy, sets, songs, dances
and production numbers, with a sprinkling of
First of all, Miss Shirley Silver, chairman
of the project, is to be congratulated upon the
excellent spirit in which everyone concerned with
tfie production entered into it, from the scenery
designers and those playing bit parts to the prin-
cipal characters. The opening night flowed along
smoothly and judging lrl'Om the applause of the
senior girls who made up the audience, it was
worthy of the JGP tradition.
The setting is ancient Greece brought up to
date, and Brooklyn accents never failed to get
a laugh. The entire cast was good and fell into
the parts they played with extreme dexterity.
Dorothy Merki as the athletic, husky-voiced

Roxane, and Edith Longyear portraying the
lisping Shiek (ah womantic Awabia!) were the
best comedy leads-together with Mande, the
colored servant played by Helene Herzfield.
Helen Rhodes as the romantic lead, Mariadne,
was pleasing, and her singing was soft and ten-
dler. But in the vocal department, Donna Baish
really stole the show, Lo use a 'ichie. Her rencli-
tion of "Waiting For My LOV," a dlightiully
plaintive torch song written by Noreen White,
caused her to be called back for an encore. Veitch
Purdom as Xanthippe (Xany for short) put il
her usually good Play Production performance.
Socrates, played by Fay Goldner, Nancy Drew
as Clarissa, Eleanor Newbert as Castor, Dorothy
Knode as Dion, Irene Ferguson as Papa and Kay
Gladding as Jules showed up equally well.
Aggie Crow was swell disguised as the philoso-
pher, Mr. Fu, and Kay Ruddy looked cue-what
other word is there?-even in that color com-
bination. Frances Aaronson was called back by
an enth'usiastic audience after her acrobatic
dance, and it is likely that she'll be giving encores
for the rest of the play's run.
Dorothy Turner portrayed Ajax of Terrovia
-which apparenly was the Gr( k)in equivalent
of Brooklyn, and Helen Van Dyke was Ter-

registered. Thus by requiring all petitioners to
be registered voters, the task of securing signa-
tures is made much more difficult."
What then is the excuse for sudh ahendments?
Upon what grounds does the legislature pro-
pose to restrict popular control over govern-
ment, a power that has in fact been used but
THE LEGISLATURE and other proponents,of
the bill tell us that there exist great abuses in
connection with the circulation of petitions. Bu
an examination of the past history of the initia-
tive and referendum fails to substantiate this.
"In the past fifteen years, I can only recall
two proposals in connection with which it might
be reasonable to raise some doubt about the gen
uineness of a small proportion of signatures,"
writes Professor Pollock in the Citizen's News .
. fraud in petitions is not large, such fraudu-
lent signatures as there are have not led to the
adoption of bad proposals, and in any case, in
getting at the problem of fraud, the legislature
is not justified in making the whole process more
difficult for the people."
The alleged t'great abuses" of the legislators
do not seem as great or as prevalent as they
would have us believe. And what is more ques-
tionable is the imperativeness of the reform. If
one is to believe the legislators' description of the
situation, then why have, not some of them ini-
tiated reform long agok
PERHAPS there is no one explanation for their
sudden interest in the question of petition
fraud, but a review of a few facts may shed some
light on the situation.
The state legislature, because of the way the
state is "gerrymandered" (appartionment of
representatives) is dominated by the rural inter-
ests of the state. However, on a popular vote the
strength of the populous Wayne metropolitan
area reveals itself. This happened at the last
general elction when heavy pluralities in the
metropolitan area outweighed rural majorities
against the civil service amendment. The legis-
lature took a drubbing on that issue as the
amendment takes the civil service system entirely
out of their hands including even the important
item of yearly appropriations. Now, seven months
later, the legislature is back with an amendment
to seriously impede the process of initiating
amendment, under the guise of eliminating peti-
tion fraud, and, moreover, the amendments would
strike the urban areas with greater intensity, for
the requirement that the electors be "registered"
means less in the stable, more static rural life
than in the relatively ,mobile society of the me-
J T BECOMES OBVIOUS from the above that
the amendments should be defeated by the
people at the coming election. Passage of the
amendents can only serve to increase the dom-
inance of the legislature upon all the people of
the state. Their recourse to popular control will
be greatly impaired at a time when democracy is
already in difficult straits. It will further aggra-
vate the conflict between rural and urban areas
of the state by securing the saddle of the rural
legislature over the urban populous.
The very excuse for the amendments is flimsy,
for the history of the initiative and referendum
in Michigan reveals practically none of the
abuses alleged to exist.
Any fraud that does exist should be dealt with,
but the proposed amendments are wholly mis-
leading and harmful. The people should deal
with them as such.
H AVING HEAVY SIEGE of 1 exams, papers
et al, for the past week and then some. And
in the midst of it all, an ungodly inclination to
read detective stories. Now this is not wise
during such a time, and indeed I have so
far overcome the impulse as to get the work
that should be done done. But yet there is always
that longing look at the paper-backed horrible
on the table beside my bed, and a thought about

how swell it would be if there were no studying
to be done and I could settle down in the good
old warm blankets and read how Lady Diana
heard in the still of the night outside a weird
wail that sent chills to her very heart. Believe
you me, I like detective stories, and many other
a good hard working man does too. There is
no better relaxation, no better bolster to the
waning health of a brain worker, no kidding,
like me, than a good old detective story. If I
had m way, I would read at least one detec-
tive story a night, and never go to school, and
never eat my spinach, and if they called me,
I would pretend I was not there, and there
would be no more Shakespeare, Voltaire, Govern-
ment of Italy, Germinal, etc. etc., and I would
just lie there and read a detective story every
day. Label the above 'Spring Fever" or just
plain examinitis, or "Youth's Dream," it makes
no difference, but if I don't show on these
pages for a few days, look for me in the Edgar
Wallace section of our excellent library, and
there far from Granville Barker and his ilk,
I shall be found dreaming out my weary exis-
on modern poetry, I wonder how many of the

Educational Freedom
To The Editor:
ON MARCH 29 and 30th at Ha-
vard University students from all
sections of the country will assemble
for the National Conference for De-
mocracy in Education and will try to
discuss in a rational and democratic
rather than an emotional way such
problems as The Bill of Rights on the
Campus, the Freedom of the Cam-
pus Press, Students in Uniform, Prop-
aganda and Education in a Time of
Because we think that these stu-
dents .have a right-a right that is
aping denied today by pressure groups
seeking to assert their own opinion
and to stifle opposition-to 'meet
and to discuss these issues and be-
cause we think the issues themselves
are important, we have agreed to act
as local sponsors for the convention.
Believing that Michigan should be
represented we encouraged all in-
terested campus groups to aid in
sending delegates.
Prof. Paul Mueschke
Prof. JohnF. Shepard
Ellen Rhea
George Heliker
Hervie Haufler
Courage And Democracy
To The Editor:o
FIRE AND WATER in the Michigan
Daily of Sunday, March 23,
raises the question as to whether or
not there is any hope left in the
world. The writer's attitude on this
problem is that there is none or hard-
ly any left at all. If this be true, if
people generally believe there is no
hope left in salvaging our badly bat-
tered civilization, then we are a
nation of hypocrites. Everywhere one
goes, one hears not that our civili-
zation lies in ruins about which noth-
ing can be done, but rather one hears
on all sides the belief that Britain
and the United States will ultimately
win. This is hope. This is not an act
put on by everyone to convince his
To believe that hope is gone is to
submit passively to those forces which
would overcome us. It denies life it-
self, for what is life that is not hope?
Only by having hope can we suceed
in reaching our ultimate goal in a
harmonious world. Only through be-
lieving that our cause will prove suc-
cessful may we succeed. If we did not
believe in it, if we did not hope for it,
what other reasons would make us
work like fanatics? We must rouse
ourselves from this lethargy and pes-
simism and fight as we have never
done before. In this great crisis when
Democracy may be abolished over-
night are we going to settle back in
the idea that everything is lost and
therefore why try? Are we going to
allow ourselves to be run over by
fascism without even an attempt to
there is no courage or moral con-
viction. Without these two prime as-
sets no battle can be won. Did Na-
poleon go to battle thinking every-
thing was lost? Why did Washington
keep on fighting when everything
seemed lost? Why did he try and try
again against insurmountable ob
stacles? Because he had hope, cour-
age, and the moral convicition that
he was right. We "must not lose oul'
courage, ou' backbone, in a crisis
such as this.
This type of article is welcomed by
the fascist propagandists. Their main
job is to fill us up with fear and

pessimisn' and disorder. Then and
only then can the fascist armies at-
tain victories such as they have been
achieving. To admit there is no hope
is to admit we are doomed. This is
just what the Nazis want. France
was doomed because the people them-
selves thought they were doomed. Are
we to be this Sway also? It probably
will be necessary to wage war against
the fascists. Lives will be lost. But
if we are to attain that end which
we are seeking, what obstacles are too
-lessel Yntema, Jr.

VOL. LI. No. 126
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Greek War Relief: The local com-
mittee of the Greek War Relief Asso-
ciation has requested that those ofj
us on the Campus assist in their drive
for funds this week. Identifying but-
tons at $1.00 each may be had from
the following:
Angell Hall, Professor .Carlton F.
Wells; Haven Hall, Professor Robert
C. Angell; Tappan Hall, Professor
Charles L. Jamison; Law School, Pro-
fessor Paul A. Leidy; Natural Science,
Professor Frederick K. Sparrow;
Chemistry, Professor Chester S.
Schoepfle; East Medical, Professor
Bradley M. Patten; Museum, Dr.
Josselyn Van Tyne; East Physics,
Professor Ernest F. Barker; West
Engineering, Professor Arthur D.
Moore; East Engineering, Professor
Orlan F. Boston; Library, Mr Samuel
W. McAllister; Dentistry, Dean Rus-
sell W. Bunting; Information Desk,
Business Office.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for REMOVAL of IN-
be Saturday, April 12. A course may
be dropped only with permission of
the classifier after conference with
the instructor.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
Freshmen in the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts may ob--
'tain their five-week progress re-
ports in the Academic Counselors'
Office, Room 108 Mason Hall, from
8:00 to 12:00 a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30
p.m. according to the following sched-
Surnames beginning P through Z,
Thursday, March 27.
Surnames beginning A through H,
Friday, March 28.
Arthur Van Duren,
Chairman, Academic Counselors
Bronson-Thomas and Kothe-Hild-
ner prize competitions will be held
today from 2-5 p.m. in Room 203 U.H.
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Courses droppedE
after Saturday, March 29, by students

N.S. from 2 to 4 p.m., Monday
through Friday.
A. H. Stockard, Director
La Sociedad Hispanica University
of Mexico Summer School Scholar-
ships: The examination for these two
scholarships will take place April 25.
All appleants must - register before
that date with Professor J. N. Lincoln
in Room 100 R.L.
In addition to the moneys provided
by the Sociedad, the University of
Mexico has consented to grant free
tuition to the students chosen here.
Summer Jobs: A settlement house
camp located in New York is in need
of young men to act as counsellors
next summer. . Applicants should be
over 20 years of age, seniors, with two
years camp experience in some spe-
cial field. There is also an opening
for a head counsellor, 25 yrs. of age.
There is a salary offer above main-
tenance for the head counsellor, but
none for the counsellors. Further
information on file at the Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational in-
formation, 201 Mason Hall, hours
9-12, 2-4.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
United States Civil Service Examina-
tions. Last date for filing application
is noted in each case:
Expediter (Marine Propelling and
Outfitting Equipment Salary: $3,200,
until further notice.
Head Soil Scientist, $6,500, Apil 24,
Bookbinder (Hand) $1.20 hr. 40
hour week, April 24, 1941.
Bookbinder (Machine Operations)
$1.26 hr. 40 hr. week, April 24, 1941.
Junior Engineering Draftsman, sal-
ary $1,440, April 24, 1941.
The Bureau has also received notice
from the United States Naval Acad-
emy that examinations will be held
for Appointment of Instructors at the
U.S. Naval Acadeny. Vacancies will
probably exist in the Departments
of Mathematics, Electrical Engineer-
ing (Chemistry), English, History,
and Government, and Foreign Lan-
guages. Applications 'on file at the
Complete announcement on file at
the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, 201 Mason
Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
Academic Notices



ing 1940 was over one and three-quarter
billion dollars, which is seven times as large as
in 1936-37 and seventeen times as large as the
annual expense before the Manchurian incident
of 1931-32; and a total funded debt for the end
of 1940 was reported at six and one-half billion.
The United States restriction on a wide variety
of essential products and a severe shortage of
foreign rice supplies stimulated Japan's military
advance into French Indo-China, and led to
formations of closer ties with the East Indies to
insure adequate supplies of oil and other needed
products. Japan began anxious attempts to im-
prove trade relations with South America and
APAN'S merchandise import balance with for-
eign currency countries during 1940 was over
twice as large as in 1939, with a gain of only one
percent for all exports. Raw silk, which is Ja-
pan's chief export, dropped to almost half price
during the first six months of' 1940. Silk ex-
ports declined, with a decrease in shipments to
the United States of 23.1 per cent from 1939;
and the cotton spinning and weaving industry
operated on a greatly reduced basis. Agricul-
tural income declined because of labor, unfavor-
able weather conditions, and the establishment
of maximum official prices for all types of com-
Imports suffered from reduced purchases of
cotton and a shortage of raw material needed
by the iron and steel industries as a result of
the application of the United States licensing
system which caused the virtual cessation of
scrap imports. As a result of these conditions,
taxes became substantially heavier; and more
rigid supervision over all exchange transactions
with enforcement of additional control measures
were initiated.
leads toward one result-more military and
diplomatic action to gain the necessities for
maintaining a vigorous and expanding people.
Stalemated in the Far East and constantly
menaced by the hovering bear of Russia, Japan
cannot comtinue her present pace and must start
things moving on her own initiative or with the

other than freshmen will be record- Preliminary Examinations for the
ed E. Freshmen (students with less Ph.D. in Economics will be held dur-
than 24 hours of credit) may drop ing the week of May 5 for graduate
courses without penalty through the students qualified to write them.
eighth week. Exceptions may be made Please leave your name in the office
in extraordinary circumstances, such >f the Department of Economics as
as severe or long continued illness. soon as possible if you plan to write
E. A. Walter the examinations this spring.
Assistant Dean
History 12: Lecture H: Midsemes-
School of Education Students, ter, 10 a.m., Tuesday, April 1. Mr.
other than freshmen: Courses dropped Clark's, Mr. Rupke's and Mr. Thorn-
after Saturday, March 29, will be er's sections will meet in Natural
recorded with the grade of E, except Science Auditorium; Mr. Stanton's
under extra-ordinary circumstances. and Mr. Brown's in 231 A.H.; Mr.
No course is considered officially Slosson's in 2003 A.H.
dropped unless it has been reported
in the office of the Registrar, Room Exhibitions
4, University Hall.
Javanese and Balinese textiles from
Members of faculties and staff of the collection of Professor and Mrs.
the University willing to accommo- Everett S. Brown are on exhibition
date visiting high school students at- in the display cases, main floor cor-
tending the Michigan Interscholastic ridor, Architecture Building, March
Press Association meeting, for the 10-.27.
nights of May 1 and 2, are urgently
requested to get in touch with Prof. Exhibit: Defense Housing, arranged
John L. Brumm, 213 Haven Hall, as by the Central Housing Commission,
soon as possible. Owing to the usual Washington, D.C.; third floor Ex-
Ann Arbor room shortage, all pos- hibition Room, Architecture Building,
sible cooperation will be greatly ap- March 26-April 4, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00
preciated. 1x.11.
Biological Station: Applications for Exhibition: John James Clarkson-
admission for the coming Summer Oils, Water Colors and Drawings. Ex-
Session~ should be in my office before blibition {Galleries of the Rackham
April 15, when they will be consid- School;March 28-April 26. Daily (ex
ered. An announcement describing cept Sundays) including evenings.
the courses offered can be obtained Auspices: Ann Arbor Art Association
at the Office of the Summer Session and Institute of Fine Arts, University
or from the Director. Application of Michigan:
forms can be secured at Room 1073 (Continued on Page 6)
750 tC - CBS 920 KC - NBC i edi 1030 KC - Mutui 140I KC-BC Blue
Thursday Evening
( .00 News 'y Tyson Roln1 Bud Shaver
6:15 Liberty's Story Newscast; Tune Home Rhumba , Rhythms
6:30 Inside of Sports Frazier Hunt Conga Day in Review
6:45 Musical Lowell Thomas Time Waltz Serenade
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring Happy Joe Easy Aces
7:15 Lanny Ross Revue; Melodies Val Clare Mr. Keen-Tracer
7:30 Vox Pop Xavier Cugat Mixture Melodies Intermezzo
7:45 Vox Pop Presents Interlude; News Jas. Bourbonnaise
8:00 Ask-it Basket Coffee Peter Horace Heidt's
8:15 Ask-it Basket Time Quill Pot O Gold
8:30 City Desk The Aldrich In Chicago Tommy Dorsey
8:45 News at 8:55 Family Tonight Orchestra
9:00 Major Bowes Kraft Music Hall Echoes Rochester Philhar-
9:15 Major Bowes - Bing Crosby, Of Heaven monic Symphony
9:30 Major Bowes Bob Burns, News; Walionstein's John B. Kennedy
9:45 Major Lowes 'T'rotter Orcl Sinfonietta Let's Dance
10:00 Glenn Miller Rudy Vallee National News Wythe Williams


Michigras folded like an
Now they call it Mich-
Will that win the $10 prize, Mr.
I Union? Seriously, you deserve a
lot of support and praise in this
effort to bring an old Michigan,

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