TIHE MICHIGAN blAILY PAGE THREE Swimmers Tune iTp For Colegiates By Sinking Wildcat Weir Chooses Teo Of Three Doubles Teams By DICK SIMON With five of the six singles posi- tions pretty well determined and with the final day of reckoning just two weeks away, Coach Leroy Weir has started to make definite plans about the' pairings of his three doubles teams. Captain Jim Tobin and junior Law- ton Hammett, numbers one and two respectively in singles, have been working in the number one spot and have 'really been clicking. Tobin with his hard, fast serve and Ham- mett with his excellent net game seem to be the logical pair to play in this slot. In a practice game yesterday this combination looked quite impressive with, the net play of both players featuring the match. In the second position will prob- ably be two juniors, Jim Porter and Wayne Stille. Porter is a unique player in that he serves with his left hand and plays with his right. Since this left-handed serve is quite diffi- cult to return and since Stille is a powerful server himself, these two should play together quite easily. Both play good net games and the steadiness of Porter should balance the sometimes erratic play of Stille. The last doubles team is still a mystery. One thing, however, is pretty certain-namely that Tom Gamon will probably be one of the two lien. Gamon has been playing a good brand of tennis and has just about assured himself a position. The remaining place depends on the number six singles man, and this person should be chosen soon. Under his tpresent plans Weir has not quite decided if he will take an extra man on the Southern trip and will not do so until he has definitely decided who the sixth singles man and last doubles man will be. SHORTHAND Day andE iening Classes Hamilton College Ph. 7331 William at State BIGGER SALES FOR by means of BETTER LIGHT For the small specialty shop, improved lighting is an invest- ment that pays big dividends. Skillful use of light in windows and interior displays STOPS casual shoppers ... turns interest into SALES. Let us show you how to make light sell for you. No charge - call any Detroit Edison office. Natators Coast jJ, IS fIem To Easy Win; Skinner Stars . Wolverine Breaststroker, Nears World Re cordI With 2:22.5 Timing - - - (Continued fr,n Page 1) 2:19 flat. Gus will be a third Michi- gan entry in this event in the Na- tionals. All of these races-Skinner's breaststroke-the 400 yard relay- and Sharemet's 220 were time trials for both the boys and Coach Mann.; "It will sure give those fellows in Lanky Jim Skinner, product of Lansing something to think about , gh School and Exeter Academy,c when they read the morning papers," he has turned in this season in th Mann remarked after the meet. . Skinner churned the distance in 2 But that isn't all that should bring second off the world's record. Th chills to the 170-odd entries assem- etnlofhewrdsecd. h bing in Michigan State's Jenison Matt Mann, Wolverine swimming c, Field House. Fran Heydt turned in championship in this event at Eas a terrific :59.8 in a special 100 yard formidable opposition will come fr backstroke race with Capt. Bill Beebe of princeton and Johnny Meyer of to decide which lad will swim on the medley relay team Friday. John Sharemet, after a long lay- QC$ orn off, kept close to Skinner most of I the way in his record-assault, fin-1 fshing a short distance ahead of , While lowly teams like the New Johnny Walsh who came in at a |York Giants or the last place Phila- terrific clip. delphia Phillies enjoy the balmy Fahrback's victories in both sprints breezes of the tropical South, Michi- were of the touch variety-Burton - being nipped by the closest of mar- gan's baseball team of championship! 1 gins in the 50 and big Claire Morse hopes is forced to continue its work- just losing out in the century. outs in the Field House. In the quarter-mile, Blake Thaxter Coach Ray Fisher had mapped out went out to a lead he held till the a complete program for outdoor 375th yard when Jim Welsh took over drills this week but the continued to finish two yards ahead in 4:58. Michigan's medley relay of John cold weather has forced him to aban- Sharemet Ted Horlenko. who won don, for the time being, this idea. ry For Xational (2ri sIer Worries As tiopefl kofWeismwn Nam'ed Seek To Fill Harmon's Shoes M Ws By NORM MILLER cliff Wise, u Scmewhere in a hidden niche of last year, and tie Field House store room there is letter-winning tucked away an enoimous pair of 4gut for base football shoes. I in the Mich They were left behind to an aspir- I won't be deter ing successor last November by one It's a weigl Thomas Dudley Harmon of - All- ler and it'll b American fame, and some time in signment to fi the not-too-distant future, an un- wins the posit heralded Wolverine gridiron hopeful to live up to will he expected to shove a- pair of Harmon durin feet into them and start ringing up puts the Gar tcuchdowns for dear old- Michigan. anything but But the task of filling the shoes is - just about as big as the brogans themselves, and no one will be the Fr r least bit surprised if Coach Fritz~r Crisler keeps the domestic aspirin Ir I producers in clover until he finds the I man with the right-sized feet. Fraternity Right now, there is a bevy of back- the limelight Bob Weisman, '42E, of Detroit, will become the first senior manager of .nderstudy to Harmon thevarsity wrestling team under the Davie Nelson, another new wrestling managerial system. halfback. arE both, Weisman succeeds Al Copley, '41, ball and their places of Buffalo, New York. Prior to Cop- igan gridiron picture ley's appointment, men for.the posi- rmined until .fall. tion were selected from other var- hty task for Mr. Cris- sity and freshman team manager e an ever weightier as- groups. Ind the lad who finally tion. The job of trying the standards set by ng the past three years FRIENDLY SERVICE y Ghost's successor in SAVES TIME AND MONEY an enviable spot. - - - - the swimming tanks of Ann Arbor came up with the best performance e 2M0-yard breast stroke last night. :22.5, a mark just five tenths of a e local boy is. being counted on by tfies Stag(e track stars will take at 7:30 p.m. today, Tclegvapb CHARGES FOR TELEGRAMS ' PHONED IN APPEAR O YOUR IELEPHONE BILL. oach, to take the National Collegiate field candidates battling it out for st Lansing this weekend. His most Harmon's job in the spring mud of on* Al Povilaitis of Iowa, Ned Parke Ferry Field,,but so far, no one who Yale. resembles the peerless Ace has ap- peared on the scene. Among the leaders for the position In Fisher's Side is freshman Dave Allerdice of the famous fotball Allerdices who can hit __-_,a dime at twenty paces with his pas- chance to show their stuff in a prac- sing and is a better than average tice game. punter, but who will have to display Capt. Bill Steppon and Bud Cham- a great deal more running ability berlain, who were idle because of ill- to win the job. ness, and George Harms, who was Freshmen Tom Kuzma and Paul out of town because of an injury to White and Ray Sowers, a back who his mother, returned to uniform yes- was making a good bid for last year's terday and participated in practice. squad until felled by a severe knee Bill Burke, catching candidate who injury, are a trio of 190-pound husk- was hit in the head by a pitched ball ies who fill the bill as far as ball- in Tuesday's practice, was pro- carrying is concerned, but none of nounced O.K. and released from the I them can pass satisfactorily with Health Service yesterday afternoon. the result that Crisler is using all ythree at the wingback position. Brooklyn (N) . 101 001 000-3 7 1 Don Robinson, a freshman from St. Louis (N) . 000 010 22x-5 6 1 Detroit, can run, pass and kick, but Swift, Wicker and Franks; Van- weighs only 160 pounds and may find, denberg, Roe, Iyons and Cooper it a hard task bucking: mammoth Big Ten lines, Still another possibility when the annual fraternity indoor track meet takes place in Yost Field House. Last year's co-champions, Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Chi, will each be attempting to take the champion- ship, but their paths will be ob- structed by Chi Psi, this year's out- door leaders. These three should make a race of it, but they may easily by upset by any one of the 21 other teams entered. The event is one of the oldest un- der the supervision of the Intramural Department, having been held for the last 22 years. In former times varsity and freshman track per- formers were allowed to participate, but recently they have been barred from competition. GREATER PROFITS IN with the selling power of Millinery shops are keenlyaware of the importance of good 'light for seeing. Color and fashion demand it . . women will not buy what they cannot see. 'But what about lightfor SELLING? How does your store measure up in this important respect? It costs you nothing to find out. Call any Detroit Edison office. 1C G1G , LC U 1i , W1V I the backstroke event, and Will Gaer- vey left the Wildcat trio of Jerry Zehr, Walsh and Emmett McInnis far behind to win out in 3:02. With the opening date of the 1941 season exactly two weeks away the necessity of getting the boys butside' and participating in as many prac- tice games as possible becomes all INTRAMURAL MANAGERS Freshmen who are interested in trying out for Intramural Mana- ger positions should report to the Sports Building, Student Mana- gers Office, at 4 p.m. today. Awards are given to I-M mana- gers-sweaters to sophomores and juniors, and a Varsity 'M' Award to senior managers. A manager in the Intramural Sports Depart- ment has the same special privi- leges as those granted managers of varsity teams. , the more urgent. 'is Chuck Kennedy,. a rugged 190- SIMASU RIEST Ray has cut the squad down to 18 St. Louis (AL) 102 010 402-10 15 1 pounder who prepped at Western Re- men not counting the pitchers and Ft. Worth (TL) 210 000 020- 5 12 4 serve Academy before coming to 100-yard Special Backstroke Event: will not drop any of the flingers from Allen, Kennedy and Grube; Marber- Michigan. Won by Heydt; Beebe, second. Time the roster until they have had a ry, Greer, Milstead and Easterwood. To complicate Crisier's problem, :59.8. 300 Yard Medley Relay: Won by' Michigan (J. Sharemet, Horlenko, Garvey); Northwestern, second. Time dn vi irtehafter's 3:02.« 220 Yard Free, Style: Won by G. Sharemet; Fuller, NW, second;Kel- DU B L ley, NW, third. Time 2:19. 50 Yard Free Style: Won by Fahr- - bach, NW; Burton, Michigan, sec- he has been running desperately, but ham as Michigan's latest half-mile ond. futilely, after girls. find came roaring by. High Board Diving: Won by Powell, This is a great day for the Double, Dye Hogan, the greatest half Ah, but my heart is filled with the NW, 421.2 points; Wolin, Michigan, A thrilled capacity throng (well, miler Michigan has ever had and burning. of competition. My veins second, 404.2 points. a couple of my friends said they chief of the coaching staff hand- are pressing with an intense will to f 100 Yard Free Style: Won by Fahr- might drop around) is expected to ling the Double for this great de- win. My mind is thrilled with dreams bach, NW; Morse, Michigan, second; but, proclaimed his young protege of new records. Yeh, and my feet are Williams, Michigan, third. Time :53.3. a in excellent condition after .a stiff darned tired from all these workouts. 150 Yard Backstroke: Won by Hor- mighty Double make his long-await- workout last night. , lenko, Michigan; Reidl, Michigan, ed debut .in the track world. Chester Stackhouse ,who timed the Dear Professors Gregory, White, second; Zehr, NW, third. Time 1:42.2 Running in the featured Bank- Double as he whirled around the Brum, and Wollaver, 200 Yard Breaststroke: Won by er's half-mile of the annual inter- ttiack, voiced his opinion that "any- I probably won't be in class to- Skinner, Michigan; J. Sharemet, fraternity cinder meet, he is ex- thing might happen." I morrow. I have a little task to Michigan, second; Walsh, NW, third. pected to rock the entire world "I shall see to it that we have a perform tonight and they have al- Time 2:22.5. #assaulttasieupond oall a of T :with a deadly assault upon all of special night man at work here in the ready set aside a bed for me at the 440 Yard ,Free Style: Won by the existing middle-distance ree- Field House. We want to be sure to Health Service. You can reach me Welsh, Michigan; Thaxter, Michigan, ords. have the lights still burning when there, kind sirs, if you need me. second; Kelley, NW, third. Timeo- With best regards .. . 4:58.8. While this will be the Double's ths hes. uknow, The Deadly Double 400 Yard Free Style Relay: Won by first appearance in organized compe- Michigan (Patten, Burton, G. Share- tition, it has long been felt that he "I've seen everything now," re- NEWS FLASH . . . Greg Rice the met, Barker) Northwestern, second. would probably be a natural if he 1NW LS Ge ie h met, Barker) Northwestern, second. marked track captain Don Can- world's greatest distance runner (ex- Time 3:30.2. ever set his slender flat feet (Draft_ cept for the Double, perhaps) has Board No. 67 please notice) upon the'b cinders. Wings Meet Chicago been declared physically unfit for the. Exhibition Baseball d United States Army. . . The barrel- Just look at the facts. Since Greg DETROIT, March 26.-(')-Count-chested Notre Dame phenomenon, 'Ricereceived his start by running ing noses, the Detroit Red Wings who roared over two miles in 8:51.1 At Fort Myers, Fla. around a paper route, since Ralph found themselves one man shy to- at Chicago Saturday night for a new Detroit (A) .... 010 010 000-2 5 0 Schwarzkopf got his by racing to night for the opening game of their world's record, was found to be suf- Cleveland (A) .. 011 000 Olx-3 7 2 Bible class every Tuesday after wait- National Hockey League playoffs with fering from a triple hernia . . . While Giebell, Newhouser and Tebbetts; ing at home until the last minute so the Chicago Blackhawks but were not Rice was being turned down, Willis Feller, Harder, Dorsett and Desau- that he could hear the end of the particularly worried over it. Play- Ward, former Michigan track and tels, Hemsley. 'Jimmy Allen radio thriller, since ing-coach Ebbie Goodfellow, ace de- gridiron star, and Chuck Fenske, ex- -I Paavo Nurmi got his start by chas- fense man, -was given litle chance of Wisconsin mile king, entered into At Miami, Fla. ing butterflies in Finland and since taking part in tomorrow night's military service via the volunteer Cincinnati (N) 003 500 000-8 14 1 Don Lash rose to fame after spend- open'er. route yesterday. New York (N) . 025 200 00x-9 11 1 ing his early days racing behind fire{---- - Turner, Walters, Logan and Baker, engines, there is no reason why the -_- =-__ J. Riddle; Gumbert, Carpenter and Double should not set the cinders on N EVW FOR S P Hartnett. 'fire tonight. For the past 21years, J . ; - '" - a ,,, + , ' r 5 W? 711 Ia c /&out ain Stgj/ TONIGHT at JGP's JUJMPIN' JUPITER 8:30 P.M.- $1 .00, 75c, 50c - Lydia Mendelssohn Theater Box Office Now Open dw 'Ell Sportwear. The season's newest SPORT COATS IL 1111 In fine new tweed pat- terns all the season's new shades. Special at - .$13.50. Slacks Featuring the season's new tan and brown shades in fine worsted, covert and gabardine. , - $600 and $640 Sport Shirts in fine wool and irayon gabardine, new light weight covert, and a luxurious silk and. celanese. Special at $ .2.95. r Sweaters in the tan and blue shades, with or without sleeves, all made by Bradley $ . . $2.00 and up. Loafer Coats , . that new loose swagger knock-about coat in camel, brown, and green. Priced at S. $8.95. I - aL Give a PHIOTOGRA4PH for EASTERf There is no finer gift for Easter than a fine photo- graph made by Dey Studio. It is a gift that will be remembered not for days, not for weeks, but for- ever. Make an appointment for your sitting now. Finger Tip Reversibles The newest, smartest all 'round coat for all kinds of weather. Du Pont Zelan finished, show- er proof and wind resistant. Light Tan Corduroy, reversi- ble gabardine at $9.95. Natural Tan Covert reversible side tan poplin at $10.95 Camel's Hair with gabardine reversible at $15.00 For Clothes a. . "With an Air" Society Brand SUITSL $40.00 Others makes for less. TOPCOATS Covert and Tweed $22.50 to $40.00 HATS by STETSON and LA SALLE t s r 0 11 iIU Ilii. %NN ::' 110 -'. _.. . . .. .. ®l