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March 26, 1941 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-26

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gESDAY, MARCH 26, 1941

Speech Squads
Are Announced
For Congress

Michilodeon Offers $10 Prize

"Michilodeon," the Union-W.A.A.
five cent carnival scheduled for May
3 and 3 is still looking for a winner
in its "Why For" contest, according
to Franhy Aaronson, '42, and Phil
Fisher, '42.

Delegates to the Delta Sigma Rho Thy sponsors of the show are of-
annual speech congress to be held this :ering $10 for the best explanation
year in Chicago April 3, 4 and 5, were ,f the name "Michilodeon." Entrants
announced yesterday by Arthur Se- Imust limit their answers to 50 words.
cordunand Prof. Knneht AG.hu Hace 3allot boxes are located in various
cord and Prof. Kenneht G. Hance sampus places and the League and
of the speech department, directors Union.
respectively of the men's and wo- Twelve-year-old Dick Thurston, the
men's varsity debate squads. '>oy who writes poet y for the Gar-
William Muehl, '41, Edwin Bowers, royle, submitted the first explanation
'41, Arthur Biggins, '41, and John ,esterday, but carnival leader Charles
:-Tinen, '41, admitted that 'his ef-
Huston, '41, will be the delegates from ort Wasn't exactly big-time."
the University participating in the "Michilodeon" is the modern suc-
variety of speech activities offered esor to the old campus Michigras
by Congress. __---
Jean Maxted, '41, Mary Martha -
Taylor, '41, June de Cordova, '411
and Janet Grace, '42, will be the Can 'Technocracy'
members of women's squad to par-
ticipate in the national tourney. "Where Do We Go From Here?"
Delta Sigma Rho, national honor- a lecture on Technocracy, will be de-
ary forensic fraternity, will hold a ivered by A. W. Atwater, of Minne-
complete legislative session at the apolis, at 8:15 p.m. Friday in the
meeting in which the delegates from Michigan Union.
45 colleges and 200 students will Mr. Atwater is an official lecturer
participate. for Technocracy, Inc., and is appear-
ng on a national tour. He will speak
Hilel Council n Detroit this evening.
1110e1 Council Several years ago, Technocracy
theorists gained widespread publicity
Deadine Set when they developed a social scheme
based on technical sprinciples. The
- -roup is now organized on a nation-
Petition Must Be In Today, wide scale'


carnivals and will feature regular
circus acts, side-shows and dancing.
The show will make a two-night
stand in Barbour and Waterman
Arrangements are now being made
so that campus fraternities and so-
rorities may enter side-shows and
Papers Will Be Read
At Study Club Today
The second monthly meeting of
the Graduate Study Club of the
speech department will be held at
4 p.m. today in the East Conference
Ropm of the Rackham Building.
Paul R. Beall, Grad., will present a
critical analysis of "Prolegomena to
Argumentation" written by William
Rowell. Hugh Norton, Grad., will
review "Some Elementary Contri-
butions of Aesthetics to Interpreta-
tive Speech."
Some of the more serious types of
speech handicaps will be described by
Courtney Osborn, Grad., with illus-
trated case histories. Glen Mills,
Grad., will discuss "Practical Prob-
lems in Research in Rhetorical The-I
ory and Criticism."

Senate Releases First
Of True Case Histories
Editor's note: In conjunction with
the Senate's renewed campaign for
alumni scholarships The Daily is
publishing true case histories which
illustrate the gravity of the need.
This is the first case.
Miss C's stepfather is a Cana-
di'an war veteran minus one leg.
There are three younger children
in the family. The mother worked
in a restaurant while the daughter
went to high school. half time.
Miss C. graduated from high
school with honors and came here
on an Alumni scholarship. She
works for room and board with an
elderly couple who have eleven
boys rooming in the house. A
corner of the coal bin has been
boarded off for her room.
She made B in freshman Eng-
lish and three A's - including
Chemistry 5. Her job takes 28
hours a week. In addition she
takes care of children two nights
a week to supplement her income.
Her mother developed tuberculo-
As this winter and was shipped to
Arizona by a local relief agency.
The three small children were dis-
tributed. This June the girl has
no home to go to. She received
99 and 97 on psychological tests.

His folks wanted him to follow
in his father's footsteps and become
a lawyer, but Cabell Galloway III
had other ideas. And today there are
few people in the country who have
not heard of Cab Calloway, "His
Hi-De-Highness of Ho-De-Ho."
Cab's songs, and his interpretations
of various tunes written by others,
are even more famous, particularly
"Minnie the Moocher," "The Reefer
Man," "Zaz Zuh Zaz," "The Scat
Song," "Minnie the Moocher's Wed-
ding Day" and "Kicking the Gong
His Highness, and his well-known
Cotton Club Orchestra, are scheduled
to make their first Ann Arbor ap-
Kappa Kappa Psi
Will Hold Contest
Kappa Kappa Psi, honorary band
fraternity, will hold-its third annual
solo and ensemble contest, March 30,
at 4 p.m. in the Unidn.
The contest will be judged by Mr.
Dale Harris of Pontiac, Mr. Clyde
Vroman and Mr. William Champion
of Ann Arbor. Winners will be award-
ed medals and their names will be
engraved on the Kappa Kappa Psi
The public is cordially invited. Out-
standing brass and woodwind sections
are expected.

His Hi-De-Highness Of Ho-De-Ho
Is Title Won By Cab Calloway

pearance next week playing at the
engineers' annual Slide Rule Ball
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, April
4, in the Union Ballroom.
Born on Christmas Day, 1907, in
Rochester, N.Y., Calloway received
his schooling in Baltimore, Md., where
his family moved when he was very
young. At the age of 16, he really
began 'his musical career singing in
the choir of the Bethlehem Metho-I
dist Church.
At first Cab was interested in law
and considered his music as a means
to that end. He joined his sister,
Blanch, in the cast of a colored show,
"Plantation Days," after his family
moved again-this time to Chicago.
His first big opportunity came
when he was working in the Sunset
Cafe in the Loop. One of the main
attractions was too ill to sing and
Cab took her place. His success was
so complete that he became official
understudy for the entire cast.
Later he became master of cere-
monies at the Sunset Cafe and still
later he became leader of the band
there, the Alabamians. During this
period he was studying at Crane bol-
lege but after another semester de-
cided that he could "make the human
race happier by giving it music than
by trying to keep it out of jail."
The young band leader left: the
Alabamians in New York to become
a singer again in an all-colored musi-
cal show "Connie's Hot Chocolates."

Mercado Announces
Free Tuition Grant
By Mexican School
The efforts of La Sociedad His-
panica to foster closer relations be-
tween American and Mexican stu-
dents materialized yesterday with the
announcement that the University
of Mexico Summer School will not
require payment of tuition from the
two recipients of Spanish Club schol-
In answer to a letter written some
time ago by Prof. E. A. Mercado of
the Romance Languages Department,
Mr. Mario de la Cueva, secretary of
the Mexican school, replied that they
would be glad to allow the students
to enter free of the $35 tuition.
The addition of this sum to the
original $50 increases the value of the
scholarship to $85, which will coyer
the cost of tuition, books, board and
room for the entire summer, Mercado
All undergraduates of the Univer-
sity who are studying or have studied
Spanish, are eligible for the two
scholarships. Interested students are
requested to see Prof. Robert Lincoln
in Room 100 Romance Languages
Building in the near future.
Co-Op Leaders
To Meet Here
Convention Over Weekend
Will Feature Parleys
Representatives of consumer co-
operatives from all over the state of
Michigan will be campus guests this'
Saturday and Sunday at the First
Annual Michigan Cooperative Con-
The convention will be sponsored
by the InterCoopeyative Council and
will feature parleys on problems com-
mon to the consumer cooperative
movements. All cooperative houses
on campus will be open to public
inspection Saturday and Sunday.
All students and townspeople in-
terested in learning about coopera-
tives are welcome to attend any or
all of the parleys, even though they
are not delegates.
Lenten Services Today
Lenten services will be staged to-
day in several Ann Arbor churches.
St. Mary's Student Chapel will have
Lenten devotions at 7:30 p.m. to-
day, and there will be a mid-wek
program, also at 7:30 p.m., at Trin-
ity Lutheran Church.

Textile Exhibit Continues Housing Exhibit Opens
The exhibition of Javanese and An exhibition depicting various
Balinese textiles, taken from the col- phases of defense housing, prepared
lection of Professor and Mrs. Everett by the Central Housing Commission,
Brown, now being shown in the main Washington, D. C., -will open today
floor display cases of the Architecture in the third floor Exhibition Room
Building, will close tomorrow. of the Architecture Building.

Chairman Announces

Tocay is the deadline for all peti-'
tions of persons who wish to be
placed on the ballot for the Hillel1
Council election Friday, Theodore DRL
Liebovitz, '41, chairman of the elec-
ion committee, announced yester--
day. (Continued from Page 4)
Lane Hall and the Hillel Founda- ------
tion will be the polling places and will information on file at the Bureau of
be open all day. Only members of Afom ens a thecupau o-
Hillel who present affiliate cards will appointments and occupational In-
be allowed to vote. formation, 201 Mason Hall, hours
A slate of over 30 names has been,_-_ -4
made up by the retiring Council. The University Bureau of Appoint-
With voting on the basis of propor- ments and Occupational Information
Lional representation, 12 membersrrnsadOcptolIfrmin
wilerset tservon themershas received notice of the following
will be selected to serve on the coun- United States Civil Service Examina-
cil for the coming year. Lions. Last date for filing application
The Hillel Council serves as the is noted in each case:
law-making body of the Foundation, xn
which is run on a democratic basis Expediter Marine Propelling and
by the student members. Outfitting Equipment Salary: $3,200,
until further notice.


the examinations this spring.
Javanese and Balinese textiles from
the collection of Professor and Mrs.
Everett S. Brown are on exhibition
in the display cases, main floor cor-
ridor, Architecture Building, March
Exhibit: Defense Housing, arranged
by the Central Housing Commission,
Washington, D.C.; third floor Ex-
hibition Room, Architecture Building,
March 26-April 4, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00

Auditorium. Box Office at Hill Audi- Major: Vienna Philharmonic Orches-
torium will be open beginning today, tra, Bruno Walter, conducting.
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Brahms: Four Songs. Sung by
-Marian Anderson, accompanied by
v ythe Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene
E""e 's Today" J Ormandy, conducting.
Pre-Medical Society: The bus for Brahms: Quintet in F Minor, Ru-
Eloise hospital will leave from the dolf Serkin, pianist, and the Busch
Michigan Union today at 1:00 p.m. Quartet.
or shortly thereafter. All who in- These programs are open to the
tend to go and have not paid their general public. Commentator: Ivor
transportation fee may do so at that Schilansky.
;ime. No payment will be accepted
after the trip has started. hobby Lobby will meet today
----i o ce at 3:15 p.m. in the Women's Athletic
Alpha Phi Omega will hold a closed Building. Plans will be made for
Imeetling. in the Michigan Union this Paswl emd o
Leeing instead ofhann meeting, spring work on leather and metal,
evening nseofan open eP ig' beading, weaving, and whatever other
as was previously announced. Pledges handcrafts are desired. After the
'are asked to meet at 7:30, and active meeting the group will start immedi-
nembers at 8:00. Itely on some leather work. If in-
terested but unable to attend, con-

Harris Hall: A Lenten
be served this afternoon
to 1:00. Proceeds will go
dent Lenten. Project.

Lunch will
from 12:00
to the Stu-

I Head Soil Scientist, $6,500, April 24, p.m.
CL SS F ED1941. ~~~~~- _..
S CLASSIFIE Eookbinder (hand) $1.20 hr. 40 Lectures
hour week, April 24, 1941.
DI 'ECT RY Bookbinder (Machine Operations) University Lecture: Paul S. Martin.
Chief Curator of the Department of
$1.26 r 40 hr week, Aprl 24, 1941.I Anthropology of the Field Museum
JuniorEngineering Draftsman, sal- of Natural History, Chicago, will lec-,
FOR SALE l ary $1,440, April 24, 1941. ture on the subject, "Archeology of
The Bureau has also received notice the Southwest" (illus.), under the
TAME BABY PARAKEETS make de- from the United States Naval Acad- auspices of the Department of An-
lightful, inexpensive pets. Also emy 'that examinations will be held thropology on Thursday, March 27,
canaries, bird foods and cages, for Appointment of Instructors at the at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
562 So. 7th, Phone 5330. 311 U.S. Naval Academy. Vacancies will theatre. The public is cordially in-
WANTED TO RENT-6 probably exist in the Departments vited.
of Mathematics, Electrical Engineer- '
ROOMS WANTED for high school ing (Chemistry), English, History, University Lecture: John Garstang,
students visiting University, for and Government, and Foreign Lan- Professor of Theory and Practice of
nights of May ] and 2, at 50c per guages. Applications on file at the Archaeology, University of Liverpool,
night per person. Mail card to Prof. Bureau. will lecture on the subject, "The
L. Brumm, 213 Haven Hall, giving ' Complete announcement on file at Foundations of Bible History," (illus-
full details. 316 the Bureau of Appointments and trated) under the auspices of the De-
Occupational Information, 201 Mason partments of History, Greek, and
TIYPING -18 Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Oriental Languages at 4:15 p.m. on

: i

TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or.
2-141e 14c
TYPIST. Experienced. L. M. Hey-
wood, 414 Maynard St. Phone 5689. 1
TOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
THESIS BINDING-Mimeographing.
Brumfield & Brumfield, 308 S.{

Academic Notices
Algebra Seminar will meet today
at 4:15 p.m. in 3201 A.H. Dr. SamI
Perlis will speak on "Theory of
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet today in room 410 Chemistry
Building at 4:15 p.m. Mr. Theodore
Berlin will speak on "Theory of the
change of refraction in the formation
of hydrogen halides."


State 19c Political Science Round Table will
E PLURIBUS UNUM - The best meet Thursday evening, March 27, at
night club in Ann Arbor at Lydia 7:30 p.m. in the East Conference
Mendelssohn's "Jumpin' Jupiter." Room of the Rackham Building.
Topic: "South America."
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Student Applicants for Commis-

Tuesday, April 8, in the Rackham
Lecture Hall. The public is cordially
University Lecture: William S. Cul-
bertson, former ambassador to Chile,
will lecture on "Political and Econom-
ic Aspects of Hemisphere Defense"
at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, April 4, in the
amphitheatre of the Rackham Build- I
ing, under the auspices of the Uni-
versity Committee on Defense Issues.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Harry D. Tie-
mann, physicist at the Forest Pro-
ducts Laboratory. U. S. Forest Serv-
ice, Madison, Wisconsin, will give an
illustrated talk on "Significance of
Research on Wood" at 4:15 p.m.
Thursday, April 3, in the amphithe-
atre of the Rackham Building, under
the auspices of the School of For-
estry and Conservation. The public
is cordially invited.
French Lecture: Professor Marc
Denkinger will give the fourth lecture
on the Cercle Francais program; "La
vie audacieuse du Duc de Lauzan sous
Louis XIV," today at 4:15 p.m., room
103, Romance Language Building.
Tickets may be procured at the
Lecture: "The Science of Laugh-
ter," by Miss Elsa Maxwell, on Tues-
day, April 1, at 8:15 p.m. in Hill

Graduate Speech Students: The I tact Elizabeth Malhman (5558 Stock-
Graduate Soudy Club of the well).
Speech Departiient will meet to- -
day at 4:00 p.m. ini the East The Slavic Society will meet to-
Conference Room of the Rackham night at 7:30 at the International
Building. Papers to be presented "enter. The meeting will be followed
are: "Prolegomena to Argumenta- by folk dancing at 8:00 at the Michi-
tion," by Paul Beall; "Some Elemen-j gan Union in Room 305.
tary Contributions of Aesthetics to
iinterpretative Speech," by Hugh Al-Thaqafa, the Arabic Culture So-
Norton; "The More Serious Types of ciety, will hold a round-table discus-
Speech Handicaps with Presentation 'tonight at 8:00 in the Interna-
of a Case," by Courtney Osborn; tienal Center. The subject is "Arab-
"Practical Problems in Research i ism As I Understand It." Fakhri
Rhetorical Theory and Criticism," Maluf will lead the discussion. All
by Glen Mills. those interested are welcome.
International Center: Tonight,
7:30-9:00, the weekly program of re- The Publicity Committee of the
iorded music will consist of: Frosh Project will meet today at 4:00
Brahms: Symplony No. 3, in F 1 p.m. at the League.
eweenc asse..
pause an

The Faculty Women's Club an-
nual tea will be held at the home of
Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven today
from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Coming Events
Alpha Lambda Delta: Important
meeting of all members in the League
at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday. Look on
bulletin board for the room number.
The Great Vespers, an arrangement
of an Ortl'odox Russian Litany, will
be sung by the Latvian Singers, sup-
ported by two student choirs under
the direction of Professor Palmer
Christian of the School of Music in
Hill Auditorium, at 8:30 p.m., on
Thursday, March 27, under the aus-
pices of the Interfraternity Council
and Panhellenic Association. Stu-
dents, faculty, Ann Arbor citizens, as
well as parents of students and in-
terested alumni are invited as guests
of the Chapter Houses.
Graduate Students: Informal dance
will be held Saturday, March 29, in
the Assembly Hall of the Rackham
Building, 9:00-12:00 p.m. Bridge
and refreshments. Slight admission








Killins Gravel Company. phone
7112. 5c

STUDENT-To work for board. Two
meals daily. Mrs. Slade, 1223 Hill,
or phone 2-2276. 318
WANTED-Girl as waitress and as-
sistant. Hours 11 to 2 daily. Per-
manent job. Nut and Nibble Shop,
339 So. Main. 317
Local and Long Distance Moving.
410 N. Fourth Ave. Phone 6297
TAILORED suits and coats, custom
made. Day time, evening gowns
made and remodeled. Phone 3468.

sions in Naval Reserve: The eighth
of the series of lectures on Naval
Subjects will be delivered by Com-
mander W. N. Wallin, U.S. Navy, on
Thursday, March 27, at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 348 W. Engineering Bldg, Sub-
ject: "New Construction."
Preliminary Examinations for the
Ph.D. in Economics will be held dur-
ing the week of May 5 for graduate
students qualified to write them.
Please leave your name in the office
A the Department of Economics as
soon as possible if you plan to write

Comes spring and the young man's - or anyone else's fancy
turns to thoughts of vacation and travel, Sometime in the next few
sunshiny months you too will want to pack up and get away for a
couple of weeks or a month. When you do, be sure that those vaca-
tion clothes and that new spring suit will be kept neat and clean by
good lug'gage. Drop in atWilkinson's for your vacation luggage
From $10 to $12.50 Others at lower prices.

usl i enace or
an excdinq rIamee ..
S A. 1

s pause T®r ece-c®au ,a


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