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March 26, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-26

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PM eitJ,6 T TH e~r e OrsTt4T raPurUm , IWrOn iAm fl4M .....,..-
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
tights of republication of all other matters herein also6
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, is
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Me.
College Publisbers RePesetative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

FC Promotes
Cooperative Effort ...
COHESIVE though a single fraternity
may be in its group friendship,
scholarship and living, it is comparatively rare
when a group of campus Greek Letter societies
will band together to work for their common in-
terest. Collective action means that the frater-
nities much push to one side their petty, juvenile
disputes tending towards movie-like collegiate #
rivalry, and recognize that they are strengthen-
ing their position in the eyes of their members,
the independents and the University.
Michigan's Interfraternity Council, composed
of representatives of all of Michigan's social fra-
ternities, is making an important move in this
direction, important not only because it is a step.
that is economically wise, but because it repre-
sents a principle of friendly cooperation.
AKING ADVANTAGE of its collective pur-
chasing power, the IFC has appointed a five-
man committee to form a collective purchasing
system for the purchase of meats. Under this
plan, not yet put into effect, the purchasing com-
mission will deal directly with a national meat
packingconcern, through a local outlet. Thus
all fraternity meat purchasing will go to one Anti
Arbor store, causing no change in the present
method of ordering. Payments will be made on
a iercentage of cost-the middleman will lose his
financial bargaining power.
This will mean a 5 per cent to 7 per cent saving
for the fraternities, a saving that will be passed
on to the members of the fraternities. The com-
mittee expects to cut $350 from the fraternities'
monthly meat bill of $5,000. If successful, the
plan will be expanded to cover fraternity pur-
chases -of canned goods, coal, fresh vegetables,
milk and laundry 'services.
Twenty-three fraternities have already given
their unreserved approval to this cooperative
plan; eleven more houses are now awaiting a
vote of confidence from their members. Lack of
cooperation can spike this plan. Clearly it is one
of the most worthwhile actions of the Interfra-
ternity Council and deserves support from all
By this action Michigan's fraternities have
proved that they are alert to reason, that they
recognize the responsibility of their position on
campus and that they refuse to permit an injuri-
ous weapon like racial differences to interfere
with a sensible, well-organized effort towards
general improvement through collective action.
- Will Sapp


by mascott



11Letls Keep It Going.

Editorial Staff.

Hervie Haufler'

Alvin Sarasohn
aulĀ°U. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman

S. . Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
. . . . city Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
* . . Associate Editor
Sports Editor
* . . Women's Editor
* . . Ekchange Editor

Business Staff
Business Manager .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane rause

the editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Why Not
Radio Critics?,. .
EVERY "ART" and "art medium" to-
day, whether it be boogie woogie
music, needlepoint tapestry, the motion picture
or the third rate novel, has its critics. There is
one notable exception-there is no bona-fide,
mature professional criticism of our greatest
medium, our most popular art, by far the great-
est educational influence on the lives of Ameri-
cans-the radio. Admittedly poor books that
scarcely run into 400 copies find their way into
the book sections. The crudest "Western" cin-
ema will be featured in the movie reviews.
But, Robert J. Landry, editor of Variety, claims
in Princeton's Public Opinion Quarterly, "the
only art medium with a universal audience, the
one conduit for ideas that must be kept un-
clogged if democracy is to survive i practically
without any organized, extensive, general criti-
cism." Landry explains that critics would be-
come "professional radio watchmen" who would
strive to keep radio as the country's greatest
editorial force from destroying democracy by
presenting false ideas of life, and possibly from
propagandizing a nation away from its demo-
cratic form of government.
THIS CRITICISM would in no way be censor-
ship-no more than drama critics exert cen-
sorship'over the theatre. There is no doubt that
~Father Coughlin was vicious-but he could not be
removed from the airlanes. The network would
not eject him, nor would the politicians, but an
impartial, influential critic, would not have been
fooled or intimidated so easily.
The radio industry, although it is managed by
private commercial enterprise, is a part of the
public will. The radio critic will be able to ob-
serve and point out to the public how well the
stations maintain their promises to serve the
people. Politicians too frequently gain control of
the material the public is to consume, through
lobby groups or ownership, and radio becomes a
viciously destructive tool. The professional critic
would, with experience, be able to debunk false
claims and see through propagandistic and dis-
guised programs. The critic would be able to
evaluate clearly the significance and importance
of incidents which stir up radio sentiment, such
as the Orson Welles and "obscene song" cases.
than notes on what Kate Smith does on her
vacations, has never been encouraged, firstly
because radio has not heretofore beenconsidered
a mature art, but a mixture of hillbilly and jazz
music and slapstick comedians, and secondly be-
cause of the commercial nature of the industry.
A newspaper does not want its critic to take a
slap at an afternoon soap drama if the soap
concern is one of the paper's largest advertisers.
This obstacle is still to be combated, but unnec-
essarily, because constructive criticism is some-
thing to be welcomed by the sponsor. It is not
like the motion picture industry. If the program
is poor, if his advertising approach is insulting,
his manner propagandistic, he can readily
change his approach and soar higher, rather
than sink lower, in public opinion.
The commercialized radio system in the United
States has been a success to date, but now the
fundamental concepts of the radio sales approach
seem to be changing and breaking down. Radio
is more and more getting into the habit of asking

RcbetS. Ates

THE CASE of democracy vs. Henry Ford is
rapidly coming to a show-down.
The participants will not be democracy as an
abstract but rather as legitimately represented
by the CIO. And it will not be Henry Ford and
his son Edsel that will be on trial, but rather a
whole system of organized brutality. We refer
particularly to the labor-spy-service-man net-
work, the speed-up, and the "rugged individual-
isms" which attempts to maintain itself by vicious
propaganda and force even when that "rugged
individualism" is socially out-dated and con-
trary to the law of the nation.
THE CASE specifically deals with the CIO de-
mands for an election in the Ford River Rouge
and Lincoln plants. It is a demand that is en-
tirely justified under the Wagner Act. Today,
March 26, is the critical day in which Dearborn
Democracy will be given its first test. That test
will be the willingness of the Ford Motor Com-
pany to accede to a general election among its
It is quite possible, however, that the Ford
Company will only accede to. an election after
extensive litigation. It is quite probable, more-
over, that when that election finally takes place,
the CIO will easily win a substantial majority of
the Ford employes. At that time will come the
second test of Democracy in Dearborn: Will the
Ford Motor Company be willing to enter in good
faith into collective bargaining with the CIO?
We already have Harry Bennett's answer: "We'll
bargain until hell freezes over, but we won't give
in." Unfortunately, Mr. Bennett fails to realize
that there i' more than mere letter to law, there
is also a spirit. It is a recognition of the spirit
of the law, a recognition of "give and take" in
the democratic process which makes democracy.
But excessive legalism is always the last refuge
of the anti-democrats and can be expected from
that company which, in the past, by some as-
sumption of "divine right" unto itself has always
stood above the law.
FORD DEMOCRACY has been tested before.
It has been tested by the LaFollette Commit-
tee; it hasbeen tested by NLRB in Texas; it has j
been tested by countless union agents and sym-
pathizers. In most cases this democracy has been
found to be a brutal record of broken skulls and
battered men. In the days of the NRA, it was
revealed as a total disregard of the national law.
In the period since the 1920's, it has often been
revealed as a record of intolerance and reaction.
But the battle for Democracy in Dearborn is
not only the battle of the CIO. It is, curiously
enough, the battle of the other automobile manu-
facturers who must compete with Ford and Ford
conditions (which are poor when compared to
the rest of the industry.) It is, above all, the
battle of all those who envisage democracy in
Michigan and in the United States and rightly
see the policies of the Ford Motor Company as
one of the greatest obstacles to that democracy.
THOSE POLICIES of the Ford Motor Company
deserve a far more ample and savage attack
than we have given above. Unfortunately, we
are limited by space considerations and the real-
ization of the power of the Ford Motor Company
in the state of Michigan. But though we may
"pull our punches," we hope that the CIO and
the U.S. Government will not. Those punches
deserve the full support of everyone who believes
in democracy. There can be little democracy in
Dearborn or in the United States unless those
punches are effective.
Victor has gone music-hall, too, for one of its
recent feature popular releases. Patricia Gil-
more, regular vocalist with Enric Madriguera, is
singing with appropriate stridency the pathetic
tale ("I've Got To Get Hot") of a would-be opera
star who has to keep on shakin' to make her eggs
'n' bacon. It apparently is a ballad that has'been
making the circuit for quite a while in summer
vacation-camps, but Miss Gilmore breathes an
appealing freshness into it. She is less success-
ful, however, with the reverse side, "Give Me

Time," a heated plea which needs something
more than an exaggerated shrill. In both cases,
the orchestra provides an excellent background,
featuring in the first number a remarkable
mocking trumpet in answer to Miss Gilmor'e
"NE THING about Mercer Elhngton's composi-
tions, whether you like them or not, they will
be different. Recall his first number, "The Girl
In My Dreams Tries To Look Like You," and then
listen to his latest, "Blue Serge" and "Juinpin'
Punkins." As Father Duke does them for Victor,
the first is all mood, minor, low and weird; the
second, carefree with a rhythmic jump led bX
Barney Bigard and Ben Webster. Both are inter-
esting, although you may have to play them sev-
eral times.
Wayne King makes his first local appearance
this year with a softly-smooth version of "We
Could Make Such Beautiful Music Together,"
one of the better moonlight-and-roses songs.
Someone unidentified, probably Wayne King,
does a romantically pleasant vocal. The other
side, coming after Goodman's interpretation of
the same tune, is an unfortunate rendition of
"These Things You Left Me."
FOR THE RECORD: Tony Pastor has turned
out for Victor a solid, rocking "Oh Marie" that
keeps your feet going all the way, even while
Tony is squeezing out the vocal. The platter-
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VOL. I.. No. 125


WASHINGTON --Colonel "Wild Bill" Dono-
van, semi-official observer who has been touring
the Near East, brought a decidedly gloomy report
back to Washington.
Donovan told Secretary of the Navy Knox and
Secretary of War Stimson, the two Republican
members of the cabinet who were largely respon-
sible for sending him, that British chances were
anything but rosy in the Balkans. The Greeks,
he found, were riding the crest of the wave but
were successful more because of their super-
humAn bravery and the weakness of the Italians
than because of their real military strength.
Against a strong, well-equipped foe, such as the
Germans, it would be a different story.
The Turkish army, Donovan also reported, is
poorly equipped when it comes to modern weap-
ons of war and is worried over Russia.
In North Africa he found that General Wey-
gand was not disposed to act independently of
Vichy, and the French in general seemed de-
spondent, floundering in their policy and almost
completely lacking in leadership.
Note-Colonel Donovan got his name "Wild
Bill" in the famous Rainbow Division where he
was wounded three times, was awarded all three
U.S. medals for bravery. He later served as
assistant attorney general under Coolidge.
saleslady, Luck. This includes diamond ring con-
tests, the distribution of $1,000 at random via the
phone book in order to sell stomach pills, and
you know the others.
Because radio is largely influenced by the in-
terests of the advertisers, its powerful educational
potentialities can be so abused as to approach
the point of destroying democracy entirely. This
commercialism must be held in check-if un-
checked, it may lead to what Landry terms
"monopoly of the medium by the most unprinci-
pled, hardest-hitting, best financed merchan-
disers. This would be a further step in the tyr-
anny of the few over the many."
The critic must assume several points of view
and judge the airings from as many standpoints
as possible, for instance: theatrical perfection,
educational connotation, propagandistic charac-
ter or social impact of programs.
The critic must do more than act as a critic of
the acting ability of Pa Thomson on the after-
noon Bachelor's Wives' Children program or any
of the other tools of escape-living America. He
must be a bonafide defender of social democracy'.
He must be "neither too serious, the glaring fault
of pedagogs, nor too flippant, the natural ten,
dency of journalists." He should not have an
axe to grind, and should adapt radio-criticism as
a bona fide career, not as a stepping-stone to one.
ECOGNIZING the value of this service, The

Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
To Members of the Faculty, Staff
and Student Body: Attention of
everyone is called to the Lost and
Found department of the Business
office, Room 1, University Hall. In-
quiry concerning lost articles should
be made promptly at the above men-
tioned office. Articles found on the
campus and in University buildings
should be turned over immediately.
Those articles not called for within
60 days will be surrendered to the
finder. Shirley W. Smith.
Greek War Relief: The local com-
mittee of the Greek War Relief Asso-
ciation has requested that those of
us on the Campus assist in their drive
for funds this week. Identifying but-
tons at $10 eachkmay be had from
the following:
Angell Hall, Professor Carlton F.
Wells:1Haven Hall, Professor Robert
C. Angell Tappan Hall, Professor
Charles L. Jamison; Law School, Pro-
fessor Paul A. Leidy; Natural Science,
Professor Frederick K. Sparrow;
Chemistry, Professor Chester S.
Schoepfle; East Medical, Professor
BradleyM. Patten; Museum, Dr
Josselyn Van Tyne; East Physics,
Professor Ernest F. Barker; West
Engineering, Professor Arthur D
Moore; East Engineering, Professor
Orlan F. Boston; Library, Mr. Samue
W. McAllister; Dentistry, Dean Rus-
sell W. Bunting; Information Desk
Business Office.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for REMOVAL of IN-
be Saturday, April 12. A course ma:
be dropped only with permission o9
the classifier after conference witY
the instructor.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
Freshmen in the College of Litera
ture, Science, and the Arts may ob
tain their five-week progress re-
ports in te Academic Counselors
Office, Room 108 Mason Hail, from
8:00 to 12:00 a.m. and 1:30 to 4:3
p.m. according to the following sched.
Surnames beginning I through C
Wednesday, March 26.
Surnames beginning P through 2
Thursday, March 27.
Surnames beginning A through 1I
Friday, March 28.
Arthur Van Duren,
Chairman, Academic Counselors

Biological Station: Applications for
admission for the coming Summer#
Session should be in my office before1
April 15, when they will be consid-
ered. An announcement describingc
the courses offered can be obtained
at the Office of the Summer Session
or from the Director. Application
forms can be secured at Room 10731
N.S. from 2 to 4 p.m., Monday
through Friday.
A. H. Stockard, Director
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Courses dropped
after Saturday, March 29, by students
other than freshmen will be record-
ed E. Freshmen (students with less
than 24 hours of credit) may drop
courses without penalty through the
eighth week. Exceptions may be made
in extraordinary circumstances, such
as severe or long continued illness.
E. A. Walter
Assistant Dean
Bronson-Thomas and Kothe-Hild-
ner prize competitions will be held on,
Thursday, March 27, from 2 -5 p.m.
in Room 203 U.H.
Members of faculties and staff of
the University willing to accommo-
date visiting high school students at,
tending the Michigan Interscholastic
Press Association meeting, for the
r nights of May 1 and 2, are urgently
requested to get in touch with Prof.
John L. Brumm, 213 Haven Hall, as
soon as possible. Owing to the usual
Ann Arbor room shortage, all pos-
r sible cooperation will be greatly ap-
Engineering College Faculty and
Students: By action of the Executive
Committee, classes and laboratory

sections in the college, excepting
those in use for demonstration pur-
poses, will be dismissed on Saturday,
March 29, in order to facilitate the
operation of the 1941 Open House.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary.
Metal Processing 4-Section 3: We
have been informed that a fee of
$0.50 will be charged as admission
for students to the Tool Show at Con-
vention ,Hall in Detroit. For this
reason, no students are required to
make the trip. , However, a trip will
be made'for those who care to go at
the scheduled time.
International Center Vacation
Tours: Two inexpensive conducted
bus tours are being planned by the
International Center for foreign stu-
dents, American 'students, fachilty
and townspeople:
1) To Mammoth Cave, the Lin-
coln Country, the Tennessee Valley,
and the Smokies National Park.
2) To Washington, Tidewater Vir-
ginia, and the Shenandoah National
For details inquire in the Trave1
Bureau, Union Room 18, of the Inter-
national Center, where Mr. Ochs;
tour planner, will hold office hours
between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. every
day except Sundays and Mondays.
Summer Jobs: A settlement house
,amp located in New York is in need
of young men to act as counsellors
next summer. Applicants should be
over 20 years of age, seniors, with two
years camp experience in some spe-
cial field. There is also an opening
for a head counsellor, 25 yrs. of age.
There is a salary offer above main-
tenance for the head counsellor, but
none for the counsellors. Further
(Continued on Page 6)

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red I 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC-NBC Blue
Wednesday Evening
6:00 News Ty Tyson Rollin' Bud Shaver
6:15 Hedda Hopper Newscast; Tune Home The Factfinder
6:30 Inside of Sports Bill Elliottm Conga Day In Review
6:45 Melody Marvels Lowell Thomas Time. Baseball Extra
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring Happy Joe Easy Aces
7:15 Lanny Ross Royal Review val Clare Mr. Keen-Tracer
7:30 Meet Cavalcade Carson RobisoA The Lone
7:45 Mr. Meek Of America Serenade; News Ranger
8:00 Ed. G. Robinson Tony Martin Melody Vignettes Quiz
8:15 in 'Big Town' How Did You Meet Interlude; News Kids
8:30 Dr. Christian Plantation Memoirs Manhattan
8:45 News at 8:55 Party In Music At Midnight
9:00 Fred Allen Eddie Star of Hope Yukon Challenge
9:15 Star Theatre; Cantor Tabernacle The Old Traveler
9:30 Portland Hoffa, Mr. District Canadians John B. Kennedy
9:45 Goodman Orch. Attorney All Win 'With Flynn
10:00 Glenn Miller Kay Kyser's National News Prize Fight:
10:15 Ger. L. K. Smith Kollege of Britain Speaks Bob Montgomery
10:30 Girl About Town Musical BBC Radio vs.
10-4 non A,.isteKnwa soNoewsee Lw -nkn

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