THE MI HIGHA DAIL FRIDAY, FERUTARY 21.1941 . ._.. . a'+i1. ar v[7aF 7$. Fp11p 1a/ l H illel Forum Will Feature Talk On War First Fireside Discussion To Be Led By Wright, Agnes Reynolds Today A forum on "The Student and the War" will feature the first Hillel Fireside Discussion of the new se- mhester at 8:15 p.m. today at the Foundation. Agnes Reynolds, field secretary of the Student Defenders of Democracy, and Tom Wright, national director of New America, will be the guest speakers. The Fireside Discussion is part of the regular Friday night program onI the general topic of "This Changing World-Techniques for Living." An informal discussion, in which stu- dents are invited to participate, will feature this program. Prof. James K. Pollock of the po- Ilitical science department; Albert Stevens of the English department; Prof. Richard Fuller of the sociology department, and Prof. George Ben- son of the political science depart- ment are scheduled to speak on the Fireside programs during the com- ing semester. The Discussion will follow the reg- ular Friday night conservative ser- vices which will be conducted byE David Davidson, Grad.;'David Crohn, '43, and Jack Lewin-Epstein, '42, be- ginning at 7:45 . at the Foun- dation. The public is cordially invited to attend the Fireside Discussion and participate in the forum. Refresh- ments will be served afterward. Spanish Club Hears Lecture By Keniston On Dario's Poetry Hon. E. L. Neville To Talk Here On Foreign Service, Far East - -- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Honorable Edwin L. Neville, dis- tinguished American diplomat in the3 Far East and former American Min- ister to Thailand, has arrived here to serve for two weeks as visiting: lecturer in the political science de- partment, Professor Joseph R. Hay- den,. Chairman of the department, announced yesterday. Mr. Neville's program will include four public University lectures, parti- cipation in the work of the depart-, ment in the field of international re-I lations and consultation with students who are interested in the United States Foreign Service as a career. Beginninghis service in the Orient in 1907 immediately after graduating from the University, Mr. Neville acted as Consul and Consul-General in var- ious posts in China and Japan, and became Secretary of the American Embassy at Tokyo in 1925, and Coun- sellor of Embassy and Consul-Gen- eral in the Japanese capital in 1928. In 1937 Mr. Neville was appointed United States Minister to Siam, the highest recognition which is accorded a career diplomat, and served there until his retirement in 1940. While Minister to Thailand he and Mrs. Neville made an important col- Hold Tryouts For Congress lection of Thai ceramics which they presented to the University and which are a valuable addition to the Museum's collection in this field. Mr. Neville's lectures will be: Feb. 24: The Far Eastern Back- ground--Rackham Amphitheatre. Feb. 28: Frontiers in East Asia- Rackham Lecture Hall. March 3: The Consolidation of Ja- pan-Rackham Amphitheatre. March 5: Far Eastern Reactions to Western Penetration-Rackham Am- phitheatre. s Ann Arbor II FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1941 VOL. LI No. 98 Publicntion in the Daily Official Bulletin ise ontructive notice to all nembers of the University. Notices To all those using Parking Space at the Rear of Mason Hall: A light has been placed at the North Univer- sity and Thayer Street entrance to the Campus, which, when burning, indicates that the parking space at the rear of Mason Hall is completely occupied. The University Council's Committee on Parking requests your cooperation with the hope that this signal will be of assistance to all those who ordinarily use this parking area. Herbert G. Watkins To All Staff Members: Will the party whose car, bearing University parking tags, struck Miss Ruth Vo- gel at the corner of North University and Thayer Street at approximately 1:30 p.m. on Monday, February 17, please communicate with the Univer- sity Business Office or phone Mrs. Vogel at 6574. $3,800 a year, closing date March 13, 1941. 1 Further information may be ob- .ained at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall, hours 9-12 and 2-4. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following, 9) will meet in room 35 A.H. instead of 209 A.H. H. M.eDorr, L. Preuss Speech dies Codel that you ately. Majors with a Social Stu- Minor: It is very important see your adviser immedi- W. P. Halstead Civil Service Examinations. date for filing application is in each case. United States Civil Service: Radio Inspector, Salary March 6, 1941. Assistant Radio Inspector, $2000, March 6, 1941. Last noted $2600,1 Salary German Make-up Examination. (Continued on Page 4) All Here Is In Today's Summary NewsI The proposed new county airport appeared to be a step closer to reali- zation yesterday when it was learned that a proposal for a special bond issue of an undetermined amount may be submitted to the Board of Supervisors at a special meeting next Monday. The board will decide whether to ask the voters at the April election to decide on two issues, approval of the special bond issue, and increasing the .fi -mill htv 1rmhn fr o,, r, -i Staff Dietitian, Salary $1800, Until further notice. MICHIGAN CIVIL SERVICE Institution Cosmetic Therapist CI, Salary $95 a mo., Feb. 21, 1941. Sanatorium Attendant C, Salary $80 a mo., March 5, 1941. Motorcycle Repairman A. Salary $130 a mo., Feb. 21, 1941. Park Ranger C, Salary $80 a mo., Feb. 28, 1941. Game Farmhand C, Salary $80 a mo., March 5, 1941. Child Welfare Worker AT, Salary $140, Feb. 28, 1941. Pattee Is First Defense Expert (Continued from Page 1) make available as much information on the subject as is possible, so that students will be able to decide for themselves more intelligently what will be their attitudes toward the war and world conditions as they af- fect the United States. Student representatives cooperat- ing in the activities of the committee are Ward Quaal, '41; James Harrison, 42D; Douglas Gould, '41; John J. Union Smoker Will Be Given NextTuesday Activities To Be Explained To All Eligible Freshmen By 15 Campus Leaders Fifteen campus leaders will explain activity life on the Michigan campus to eligible freshmen at the Michigan Union's Annual Activties Smoker next Tuesday evening in the main ballroom of the Union. The smoker will begin. at 8 p.m., according to Douglas Gould, '41, president of the Union, who will act as master of ceremonies and intro- duce the speakers. . Each of the activities represented will have a booth and a display to demonstrate the work involved. A special supplement to The Daily on Tuesday will explain the nature of all campus groups. Names of the speakers and the or- ganizations they represent, as an- nounced by William Slocum, '42, chairman of the Smoker, follow: Dick Schoel, '43, of Alpha Pht Omega; Congress president, William Hearne Rockwell II, '41; Gargoyle's Bernard Bloom, '42; President Jim Harrison, '41, of the Inter-Fraternity Council. Managing editor, Hervie Haufler, '41, of The Daily; Karl Kessler, '41, representing the editorial staff and Brad Williams, '42, the business staff of The Daily; Jack Corey, '41, of the 'iEnsian; the Michigan Technic's Seymour Furbush, '41;' Union secre- tary, Charles Heinen, '41. Jim Gormsen, '42, of Mimes; "Commodore" Ray Jones, '41, of the Sailing Club; President William Muehl, '41, of the Student Religious Association; and Fred Tietzel, '42, of the Gliding Club. Other organizations that will be represented at the Smoker include: the Glee Club, Transportation Club, Sigma Rho Tau, Varsity Band and the Student Senate. Rockwell Will Men In Union Address Today . I v "Some Latin American Poets" was the subject of a lecture delivered before La Sociedad Hispanica yester- day by Prof. Hayward Keniston, chairman of the. Department of Ro- mance Languages. In the third lecture of the society's 1940-41 series Professor Keniston read, discussed and analyzed the po- etry of Ruben Dario and several other contemporary Latin American joets. He pointed out to the audience what the purpose of each writer appeared to be. Professor Keniston is an authority on both the Spanish and the Italian languages. He came here last year from the University of Chicago where he was professor of Spanish. Students interested in committeej work in Congress, Independent Men's Association, are urged to attend the organization's first try-out meeting at 5 p.m. today in the Congress of- fices, Room 306 of the Union. At that time William H. Rockwell, '41, president; Gordon Andrew, .2, personnel director, and Richard L. Shuey, '42E, organization chairmen will discuss the various activities which are being planned in the near future and help tryouts find the type of work they are most suited for. Unaffiliated eligible second semes- ter freshmen and sophomores are particularly desired to aid the various committee chairmen in their work. i?ositions are available on the activi- ties committee, social committee, stu- dent welfare group, personnel group and organization group. Members of the present Congress executive committee, their assistants and members of the Rooming House Council will have their 'Ensian pic- tures taken at 4 p.m. today in the Student Publications Building. At- tendance is compulsory. Campus Leaders Are Asked To Sign CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY Loyalty I Library, ours On Washington's Child Welfare Worker I, Salary year peiod to pay off the bond issue. ;Birthday: On Saturday, February $150, Feb. 28, 1941. Virginia Hardy, '41; Annabel Van "Contrary to published reports, Dr. 22, the Service Departments of the Child Welfare Administrator II, Winkle, '41; Doris Merker, '41; Pa- C. M. Dixon, chairman of the airport General Library will be open the Salary $200, Feb. 28, 1941. tricia Walpole, '41; and Alvin Sara- committee of the Junior Chamber usual hours, 7:45 aim. t 10:00 p.m. Industrial Hygiene Engineer 1, Sal- soin, '41. )f Commerce, stated, "federal agen- The Study Halls outside of the build- ary $150, March 5, 1941. The program is intended to ex- ties have made no definite committ- ing and the Departmental Libraries DETROIT CIVIL SERVICE tend throughout the whole semester ments." will' be closed. of and will include lectures, informal Dixon denied published statements Win. W. Bishop, $4020, Feb. 21 1941 talks, luncheons and seminars. Sev- that his group had taken up options Librarian. General Suerintendent of Pa eral other speakers are being sought on the land for the proposed field.! by the comittee, and it is hoped that His committee has merely been given and Recreation, Salary $8500, March Nelson Rockefeller, newly appointed Certificates of Eligibility: Please 3, 1941. the power to take up options. Dixon bring first semester report of grades Complete announcement on file at by President Roosevelt to head an asserted. to the Office of the Dean of Students the UNIVERSITY BUREAU OF AP- agency for the improvement of com- when applying for a certificate of POINTMENTS AND OCCUPATION- h er Ad can contres will eligibility for the second semester. AL INFORMATION, 201 Mason Hall the other American countries, will Naval Reserve Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. be able to come to Ann Arbor. Statement MISCELLANEOUS-20 THESIS Binding - Mimeographing. Brumfield&Brumfield, 308 S State WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL- Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Ikillins Gravel Company, Phone 7112 Sc TAILORING & PRESSING--12 DRESSMAKING and alterations. Coats relined. Also sewing of all kinds. Call Mrs. Ream, 8653. 23c LAUNDERING LAUNDRY -2-1044. Sox darned.. Careful work at low price. 3c STUDENT LAUNDRY-Special stu- dent rates. Moe Laundry, 226 South First St. Phone 3916. 10C TYPING,-18 TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or 2-1416. 14c VIOLA STEIN - Experienced legal typist, also mimeographing. Notary public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland. TAPING and duplicating service. Dorothy Testa, M.A., 625 E. Liber- ty (at State), Rm. 1. 2-1835. Re- ports, theses, dissertations, briefs. LOST and FOUND LOST-Lady's small round gold watch on gold bracelet. Reward. Phone 9710. 3 LOST-Gold and black earring Sat- urday night at J-Hop. Reward. Phone 2-4933. 285 FOR RENT CLEAN, light, warm, single room and suite. First house off State. 615 Monroe St. 278 FOR RENT---$35-Couple to sublet furnshed house through June. Two bedrooms. Bus line. Nice yard. Ph. 8846. NICELY FURNISHED double room. Steam heat, shower bath. Students 4 More than 50 campus leaders have been approached in the last few days to sign a "loyalty to the Uni- versity pledge," which is to be pre- sented to President Alexander G. Ruthven and the Board of Regents in the near future. Drafted by students, the statement reads: "We declare ourselves loyal to the University of Michigan and its traditions and administration." "We regard this as an opportunity to show that we are appreciative ofI the good work Dr. Ruthven has done for the University," one of the signers said. The names of the signatories were not revealed. The statement was further de- scribed as "a private affair, iot de- fined to re-arouse animosities." Presbyterian Group To Visit Dodge House A visit to the Dodge Community House in Detroit and the neighbor- hood which it serves will be the high- light of a trip which the Westminster Guild, young people's group of the First Presbyterian Church, plans to make tomorrow. The students will lunch at a Pol- ish restaurant, call on a few needy families in the section, and return to Ann Arbor late in the afternoon. Any- one interested in social work is cordi- ally invited to make the trip and cars will leave the Presbyterian Church at 8:30 p.m. For the past few years the Guild has had an active interest in the Dodge Community House, an organi- zation similar to the more famous Hull House in Chicago. It is located in Hamtramck near the Dodge plant in a section composed of Poles, Czechs, Slavs and Negroes. Since its institution a few years ago there has been a marked decrease of delinquen- cy in its vicinity. New America Head Will Speak Today Tom Wright, president of the na- tional New America movement, will discuss the position of his organiza- To Hold Exam Engineers' Physical Test' To Be Held Tuesday Physical examinations for all jun- iors and seniors in the College of Engineering wishing to obtain com- missions in the United States Naval Reserve upon graduation will be given Tuesday at the offices of the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps in North Hall. Those desiring to obtain commis- sions, all of whom will be required to take this examination, are urged to make appointments as soon as pos- sible in order to avoid congestion. Arrangements can be made by call- ing the NROTC offices on University extensions 396 and 397. . Eligible students who have not as yet made application for commissions are advised to do so immediately. Blanks are available in North Hall. Juniors and seniors whose applica- tions are approved will be given pro- bationary appointments until gradu- ation at which time they will receive their commissions 'if the Navy De- partment believes that the national emergency still exists. Ordnance Group Hears G. M. Barnes Though admitting that the United States' industries are slower in start- ing production than in most other, countries, Brig. Gen. G. M. Barnes of the Army Ordnance Corps last night told over a hundred Army Ordnance members and engineering faculty men that the eventual U.S. products were far superior to any of the others. "Within a month or two our in- dustry will be fully ready for any crisis," he said, "and by fall we shall be in full production. Every manufac- turing place in the country, no mat- ter how small, is on record in our offices."- Freshman Eligibility: A freshman, during his second semester of resi-I Bence, may be granted a Certificate , of Eligibility provided he has com- pleted 15 hours or more of work with (1) at least one mark of A or B and with no mark of less than C, or (2) at least 21% times as many honor points as hours and with no mark of E.; History and Social Studies: Teach- er's Certificate candidates of the Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts and particularly prospective candidates who have still to complete admission to candidacy for the certi- ficate, are advised to complete all pending business with the Teacher's, Certificate Counsellor, Prof. B. W. Wheeler, during this first week of the* semester. Mr. Wheeler is on leave during the present semester butawill ; keep office hours today 8-12 a.m., 316 Haven Hall. Senior Mechanical and Electrical Engineers: Representative of Elliott Company, Jeanette, Pa., Will inter-c view Senior Mechanical and Elec- trical Engineers, this afternoon only, in the Mechanical Engineering Dept., 221 West Engineering Bldg. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice if an examination to select candidates for appointment in the Dental Corps of the Navy, to be held July 7, 1941, in Washington, D.C., Great Lakes, Illinois, and San Diego, California. Information on file with the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall, hours 9-12 and 2-4. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments'and Occupational Information has received notice of the following United States Civil Service Examina- tions: Senior Chemical Analyst, $2,000 a year. Assistant Chemical Analyst, $1,620 a year. Optional Subjects: Precious Metals Assaying, Ore and Metals An- alysis, Coal Analysis, Petroleum An- alysis, Gas Analysis. Closing date March 13, 1941. Inspector, Naval Civilian Police, Girls Co-operative Houses have vacancies for this semester. Anyone interested in either rooming or board- ing at the houses, please call 2-2218. Academic Notices Mathematics 302, Seminar will have a preliminary meeting today at 4:00 p.m. in 3014 A.H. Probable subject: "Topics in Linear Functional Opera- tions." Bacteriology seminar, Monday, Feb- bruary 24, at 8:00 p.m. in Room 1564 East Medical Building. Subject: "Malaria." All interested are invit- ed. Students in C175, The Psychology of Child Development, may obtain in- troductory material and the initial assignment from the secretary in Room 2509, University Elementary School. 'Political Science 2, section 2 (MWF 9) will meet in room 209 A.H. instead of 35 A.H. Political Science 52, section 1 (MWF G. D. Kennedy AS CAP Members Aee To Dee (Continued from Page 1) NEW YORK, Feb. 19--(P)- State College, maintained at the than 700 members of the Ame morning session that a ten-year pro- Society of Composers, Authors gram of improving 50,000 miles of Pubishers approved unanimousl Michigan roads at a cost of $10,000,- night the Board of Directors dec 000 would reduce operating costs in to consent to a decree designe the future by $20,000,000 a year. end the federal government's c inal anti-trust action against Convention Sidelights society. G. Donald Kennedy, State High- The decree, terms of which way Commissioner, divided his time announced yesterday, would pr during the past two days between the assessment of fines of $24,000 ag Conference and the Democratic State ASCAP and require changes in Convention in Grnd Rapids . . . at CAP's operations policy. the latter place he was renominated Ratification came after New Y for the highway post. Lieutenant Governor Charles P George Schroeder made his conven- tion attendance'record still harder to beat -... this was his 26th annual pilgrimage to the Conference here. back in 1912 he introduced calcium chloride to road men as a means of keeping dust down on the highways. special counsel for the organization, asserted it was the benefit of the Authors, Composers and Publishers of the nation to do so. SHOWS at 2-4-7-9 P.M. TODAY and SATURDAY OUR GUARANTEE Group Hears ree More rican and y to- cision ed to orim- the were ovide ainst AS- rork's oletti, -~ MICHIA *, Attention Ann Arbor!! WE ARE PRESENTING a picture that comes to Ann Arbor little known and unheralded. In New York crowds sat stun- ned and electrified for 91 minutes as suspense crowded on. suspense! They lived every scene . . . Breathless and tense with ex- citement. Nerve-tingling thrills piled on thrills mounting to a startling climax. It is called "NIGHT TRAIN" and stars Margaret Lock- wood and Rex Harrison. They give a brilliant performance supported by a perfect cast - each one of whom was especially selected for his or her part. Already acclaimed by thousands, "NIGHT TRAIN" is Sure to be One of the Top Pictures of 1941 i NEWM{4N CU f/em p 24ance WOODY MACK and his Orchestra SATURDAY from 9:00 until 12:00 at the WOMEN'S ATHLETIC BUILDING " : ' A,, . Admittance More roaring thrills per sec- and than any screen enter- tainment in historyl The whole; excit- ing drama of America . in one mighty showofshowsl p. P SMOIION PICTURE NTED STATES Pmuh S EXTRA - On the Stage - In Person TABLE TENNIS CHAMPIONS ~AI~DD E% ~.I N Also I "PLUTO'S PLAYMATE" I 11 I