Weather Cloudy; slightly warner. Jr Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication 4:aiati Editorial Why rNot Radio Critics?,.. VOL. LL No. 125 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1941 Z-323r PRICE FIVE CENTS Nazis Extend War Zone Past Iceland; Halifax Tells Aims AFL Workers March Back To Work At Harvester Plant Axis Pact Causes Yugoslav Riots; Hundreds Jailed Act Threatens Transfer Base For U.S. Arms; British Want 'Freedom' Invasion Impossible Ambassador States Engine School Will Sponsor Big Weekend Mass Arrests Follow Signing Of Treaty; General Garibaldi Replaces Graziani; Will Command North African Troops (By The Associated Press) BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, March 25.-Yugoslavia signed with the Axis today, and like a spark in a powderhouse the act set off a series of violent explosive demonstrations in many parts of the country. Police strove to halt the serious repercussions by making mass arrests of hundreds of persons in provincial cities, but schoolboys, Serb peasants, Com- munists and the reincarnated Comitaji (committee of dissenters)-stem- X 1 r i J Three of the most important af- BERLIN, March 25. -(A')- Ger- fairs sponsored by the College of En- manypushed the zone of herAt-gineering will be held during the All- Engineering week-end, Friday and lantic war operations westward to- Saturday. night by decree to within three miles The week-end of festivities will get of Greenland, including British-oc- under way at 6:15 p.m. Friday in cupied Iceland and surrounding wat- the Union with the Engineering ers. Council's annual student banquet. A proclamation warned navigators Clyde Paton, chief engineer of the against approaching eland, which I Packard Motor Company, will be the British troops occupied last May at principal speaker. the time of the German invasion of From 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, 1 the Low Countries. the doors of the East and West En- gineering Buildings, the Randall Lab-. Now, the German proclamation oratory and the West Physics Build- said, the British are trying to use ing will be thrown open to the gen-I Iceland as a base against the Ger- eral public for the ninth Engineering man counter-blockade of England. Open House. (In New. York, shipping circles The Open House which will feature said Britain was utilizing Iceland more than 150 exhibits, submitted as a trans-shipment point for United by University departments, student States cargoes being sent to sent to technical societies and various en- England. gineering industries throughout the (Iceland's capital, Reykjavik, is ' country, is designed to offer students 2,700 miles from New York. It is and faculty members alike informa- 250 miles from the nearest point of tion about modern developments in Iceland to Greenland) .n ' ineri This crowd of American Federation of Labor wor :ers, protected by squads of police and a court order, staged this uneventful march back to work in the strike-bound McCormick Works of the International Harv- ester Company in Chicago, marked only by heckling of rival CIO strikers. AFL leaders said that 3,000 workers went in on the day shift. Meanwhile, in Bethlehem, Pa., today, steel workers and police waged a battle royal with tear gas. Police, CIO ClashAtBethlehem Steel; iolence ReportedA tiarvesterPlant JGP To Begin, .Run At Leagrue Theatre Today By GRACE MILLER Classic Grecian simplicity, hilar- iously shattered by Southern drawls, Scotch brogues and Bronx nasals, to say nothing of Grecian bird calls,. have had the final flourishes put to them, and will take a bow when "Jumping Jupiter," 1941 Junior Girls ,Play, opens at 8:30 p.m. today, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. This year's play is using the device of steps with the graceful lines of columns, to make an effective set- ting for the action, and an intricate set-up on which the dance routines are performed. Draped costumes, in both soft and blatant colors, with metallic touches and swinging skirts, carry out the main theme. A sudden entrance of a plaid Scotch kilt merely adds color. There's something of a contrast between this 1941 production, and the first performance which was put on in 199)8, by half a dozen junior women for the seniors. This play consisted mostly of take-offs n ming back to Turkish Empire days- gave rising vent to their anger to- night. The gray-haired Kosca ' Pecanac, olds-time Comitaji leader and-hero of the Salonika campaign of 2918, was reported to have sped out of Belgrade for southern Serbia to recruit the sons of his World War revolutionary comrades for a new fight against the might of:Germany. Young Serbs stormed the Greek and British legations, demanding uni- forms and transportation to the Al- banian and African fronts to battle against the Axis forces with which their government has cast its lot. Foreigners Seek To Leave British, Polish and Greek nationals jammedhthe legations, seeking to leave the country. 'Railroad, offi- cials said so much baggage already wa I piled up at the depots that trains for Greece would be jammed for many days to come. Pamphlets scattered on Belgrade streets proclaimed: "Russia is .de- finitely against German expansion In the Balkans," and the newspapers pointedly asked: "Was Russia notified (of the Axis membership) ?" But the protests swelled beyond mere hope of help from the Soviets. Late this afternoon,eaders of trade academy students obtained a British Union Jack and lashed it to the school flagstaff. Demonstration At 'Nis wswu yv *.ws a. *..saawaaui. -.-_ " A British Want 'To Win This War For Freedom' NEW YORK, March 25.-UP)-The principal war aim of the British peo- ple and those fighting with them, Lord Halifax, British Ambassador, said tonight, "is to win this life. and death struggle for the cause of human firecdom." It was the Ambassador's first pub- lic address since arriving three months ago to succeed the late Lord Lothian. . Halifax, in his prepared address, not only emphasized the nature of the struggle in Europe but sketched a post war picture in which "every nation, great or small, will have its' place and make its own contribution." He touched briefly, too, on the question: "When will Hitler invade Britain?" a question he said he couldI not answer. Swimmers Face Northwestern Team Tonight' Mann's Wolverines Primed For Season's Last Meet Before National Finals By WOODY BLOCK Wildcat meat will be selling at half-price tonight after Matt Mann's Wolverines lead Coach Tom Robin- son's Northwestern swimming team to slaughter in the last dual meet of the season. The butcherin' is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in the Sports Building pool. Like the turkey before Thanksgiv- ing-the Wildcats are doomed. And like the ax that kills the turkey be- fore Thanksgiving-the Wolverines are razor-sharp and ready for action. Wolverines Primed Great even when they're not in top form, Michigan's tankers are primed; as they have never been before this year, which all adds up to a heap of trouble for the hapless Evanston lads.1 Tonight's duel will provide Mann with a "proving ground" test to see what his natators can actually do in their peak condition and as a result, the meet should produce some red- hot races and near-record times. Mann indicated yesterday that his boys are going to take off their wraps -pull out the throttle and really go -not to crush Robinson's squad, but rather to test their own ability be- fore they leave for the National Col.b legiates Thursday afternoon. Two Undefeated Stars But you can't count the Wildcats1 out too quickly. They have two starsI who have gone through the dual1 mood- m',v.n.nn , ihit a Arpnte n,-,-. Hundreds of University graduates are expected to visit Ann Arbor for ' yTheA ssociated Pres.) the third affair, an Alumni Reunion, Police drove CIO strikers away which will be held all day Saturday. from the Bethlehem Steel Company --- - -plant at Bethlehem, Pa., last night, 1 iesfollowing acts of violence and destruc- uneral ites tion, while the company acted to lodge and feed employes still at work Will Bi Hld n the plant. The steel workers organizing com- mittee (CIO) meanwhile arranged a For John . (l* tentative truce mincting for today with the Employes ,Representation Plan I hose activities precipitated the trike, Pulmonary Ailment Fatal but threatened a walkout at the com-! To Hungarian Student pany's Johnstown, Pa., mills if the ERP attempted to hold an election In Infirmary Sunday there. -- The Bethlehem clash marked the Funeral services for John L. Por, first day of a walk-out at the parent '41, who died in the Health Service plant of the Bethlehem Steel Com- Sunday, will be held at 10:30 a.m. Ipany, called by the CIO Steel Work- Sunday, es Organizing Committee. It oc- tomorrow at the St. Mary's Catholic curred in mid-afternoon just before Chapel. a new shift of workers was scheduled Friends desiring to see him may to go on duty. call at the Muehlig Funeral Chapel Seven policemen in two patrol cars cal t heMuhlg unraCapl- - ---- any time this afternoon and evening. j The Rosary will be recited at 8:30 Dfen ktrer 0 r() Ilve p.m. today.- were rushed by a shouting crowd of strikers as they arrived at one of the plant gates. In the turmoil which followed, the officers threw tear gas bombs, the strikers overturned the police cars, seized the remaining bombs and hurled them back at the retreating policemen. The strike was called in protest against a collective bargaining elec- tion by members of the Employes Representative Plan, termed a com- pany union by the strikers. CIO leaders said 18,000 of the plant's 21,- 000 employes eventually would go out. Bethlehem holds more than a billion dollars of defense contracts at its several plants. The Chicago violence was reported by Police Capt. John Steger, who said that "goon squads" beat up a num- ber of employes of the International Harvester Company's McCormick works when they sought to go to work through picket lines. The Harvester plant was opened Monday to employes who desired to return to work, whereupon leaders of the striking CIO union issued a call for a "mass mobilization" of CIO men at the plant gates yesterday. AFL workers marched into the plant in a body Monday, but yesterday entered singly and by twos and threes. The plant had been closed sincet Feb. 28. The CIO demanded wage increases, recognition and elimination of piece work. A nthr'ooloist From Chicago Will Give Talk Pri mitive Agriculturists Of Southwest To Form Subject Of Discussion Paul S. Martin, chief curator of the Department of Anthropology of the Field Museuni of Natural History at Chicago, will deliver an illustrated University lecture on "Archaeology of the Southwest" at 4:15 tomorrow in the Rackham Amphitheatre, under the auspices of the anthropology de- partment. Ccnducting an archaeology expe- dition in southwestern Colorado in' 1939, Mr. Martin directed the ex- cavation of two Basket Maker vil- lages which will form the topic of his talk here. The Basket Makers, who were the first agriculturalists of the South- west, possessed a crude culture that eventually influenced the great Pue- blo society of Chaco Canyon and the Cliff Dwellers of Mesa Verde. Por, whose home is Budapest, Hun- gary, died unexpectedly from pul- monary emboli following a brief ill- r renc 1 a I i o a. Prof. Marc Denkinger of the ro- p o a to g 1 g p p b v o e p fc to fu jst of ness. He was 19 years of age. Dr. Wil-mac lngge dprt ntwl haarc wsteinmnelagae deatentwl liam Brace was the physician in give the fourth in the series of French charge. lectures on "The Daring Life of the A geography major, Por had been Duke of Lauzan" at 4:15 p.m. today in the United States for two years. He attended Wayne Summer School in 1939. and entered the University in September of the same year. Por spent one semester in the College of Engineering and then transferred to the Literary College. Recently he was elected to Phi Kappa Phi, senior hon- orary society. ' under the auspices of Le Cercle Fran- cais in Room 103 of the Romance Language Building. Under the sponsorship of the French language group Professor Denkinger will describe the fascinat- ing incidents of the adventurous life of the French nobleman during the reign of Louis XIV. 150 Voices In Hill Auditorium: Complimentary Tickets Available For 'Great Vespers' Tomorrow IFC Ex-Officer Returns To Talk At Greek Week Alfred B. Connable, who was pres- ident of the Interfraternity Coun- cil 17 years ago when he was a Mich- igan senior, and is now an official of the Detroit Trust Company, will re- turn to the scene of his college days at 2 p.m. Friday when he will pre- sent the feature address of the IFC's Greek Week., He will speak on the topic, "Fra- ternities and Their Place in the Ed- ucational System." While at Michi- gan Mr. Connable was the president of Delta Kappa Epsilon, a Daily editor, President of the StudentI Council (Men's Judiciary Board) and a member of Sphinx and Michigauma honor societies. At present he is a candidate for the University Board of Regents. Four discussion panels-Rushing, Finance and House Management, Fraternity-University Relation and the Defense Problem-will begin im- mediately after Connable's address to the General Assembly. Highlighting Saturday's activities will be the address of Dean Frederick Stecker, of Ohio State, who will speak before 700 newly initiated fraternity men at the formal banquet in the Union. James Harrison, '41, president of the IFC, will be the toastmaster. Dean Joseph A. Bursley will present the scholarship cup to the pledge class with the highest scholastic av- erage, an award which went to the initiates of Kauna Nu last year. eonsisat~jv m ta u nf fvs Demonstration At N rominent seniors, and was only a There was a strong anti-Axis ne-night affair. It was given in Sar- 1 demonstration in Nis, one of the larg- h Caswell Angell Hall. est cities and home of Premier Drag- It wasn't until 1923 that the first isa Cvetkovic, who signed the Axis wo-night production began. This was pact. iven at the Whitney Theatre.' The In Vienna, Adolf Hitler officially i92e attw hit te.oTebrought Yugoslavia into modified 3 JGP was the first to be open membership in the German-Italian- o the public. Before this it had been Japanese military alliance today, and iven only for the senior women. Toe after the one-hour ceremony was over the Germans observed pointedly that Britain's Greek ally was thus "Tork Halted Twice left as "the only black spot on the Balkan map. In Ford Rouge Plant Yugoslavia got something that was given none of the four other junior DETROIT, March 15.-(MP)-Union partners-a written pledge that fficials said today -that two stop-='troops 'would not be moved across her hias occurred the Roue territory-but she was understood to lant of the Ford Motor Company, (have agreed to permit the transpor- ut reports of the number of men in- tation of war material, hospital sup- olved in the disputes conflicted. plies and wounded soldiers through the country. Michael F. Widman, Jr., director 'Answer To Roosevelt' f the CIO-United Automobile Work- Hungary, Rumania, Slovakia (a rs' campaign to unionize Ford em- part of the old and now dismembered loyes, said 15,000 men stopped work Czecho-Slovakia) and Bulgaria had or about an hour yesterday and re- signed previously. urned to their jobs when promised The induction of Yugoslavia was urther consideration of complaints. at once pictured by official Germany Dearborn police said only 30 men as "an answer to Churchill and topped work and 2,000 were temp- Roosevelt;" a defeat, as German rarily idle as a result Foreign Minister Joachim von Rib- bentrop put it, of "English and Ameri- can attempts to influence" the BeI- rm: grade government. Hitler himself did not attend the hool 1 usicians signing, but twice during the day he received the Yugoslav representatives,. * Premier Iragisa Cvetkovic and Foreign Bre For Festival Minister Alksander Cincar-Markovic. Young Bandsmen Will Perfo Michigan High Sc To Convene H A limited number of free tickets are available to students and faculty for the Great Vespers to be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium, the student committee in charge an- nounced. Tickets to witness the unusual pro- gram to be given by the Latvian Sing- ers, nationally-famous litany group, and two student choirs may be ob- tained at the desk of the Union and League, in dormitories, and at var- ious local churches. These tickets will be necessary to the program of sacred music charac- teristic of the Greek Orthodox church, the committee announced, Arranged and translated by Aus- tris Wihtol, the music will be sung by Latvian Singers who have partici- pated in the film, "Rasputin" accom- --nnr he h -_u -II cm hniq o the auspices of Interfraternity and Panhellenic as a program of worship. In the Vespers the parts usually taken by the priests and acolytes will be carried by the Latvian Singers. One of the student choirs will take the role of the worshipers while the other will sing the antiphonal chor- uses. The program will include Russian litanies dating back to the 4th cen- tury which will be given for the first time in English. "Prayer for the Peace! of the Soul," a new composition by Wihtol, will also be performed for the first time. The Vespers will open with the singing of the Lord's Prayer followed by the "Song of Praise" set to the music of Vinogradov. The student choruses will partici- pate in the presentation of "Nearer My God To Thee," "Ihe Hyni of the Musicians from all parts of the state will convene in Ann Arbor next month for the annual High School Music Festival, which will be present- ed as part of the Michigan School- masters' Club Conference on Friday and Saturday, April 25 and 26. Designed to promote education through music, the Festival is spon- sored every year by the University in cooperation with both the Michi- gan School Band and Orchestra As- sociation and the Michigan School Vocal Association. Vocal Groups Will Perform Among the features at the Festival will be the performances of some 25 to 30 vocal groups from the south- ern part of theustate who will wind up the convention with a joint con- the Modern Band" by Dr. Charles O'Neill, State Normal School, Pots- dam, N. Y. Morgan Will Speak Russell V. Morgan, directing sup- ervisor of music in Cleveland, will address a luncheon meeting Friday on "Vocal and Instrumental Music in Secondary Schools." Charles A. Sink, chairman of the Festival, will preside. Prof. William D. Revelli of the School of Music will conduct a re- cital by the University Concert Band at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Prof. Thor Johnson will conduct the University Symphony in Saturday's concert. Sink Is Sponsor Members of the committee spon- soring the conference include Presi- dent Sink; vice-chairmen Professor Graziani Resigns Office As Libyan Governor (By The Associated Press) ROME, March 25.-Gener 1 Italo Gariboldi replaced Marshal Rodolfo Graziani today as Governor of Libya and Commander of Italy's North African troops, who once marched into Egypt but were driven back into western Libya by a British counter- offensive. Gariboldi immediately left the War Ministry in Rome to take command in Libya from General Mario Roatta, who has been running the/'army for a month in the absence of Graziani. Roatta, a veteran of Italian cam- paign in Ethiopia and Spain, was 'given Graziani's third job, Army Chief of Staff. The long.-exnectedresiation canme