PAGE FOUR T E MIC IG AN D-AILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All 'ights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Agn Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI3tNG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publisbers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CNICAGO * BosToN + Los ANGELES . SAN FRANcSCO Member, Associated Collegiate Editorial Staff Press, 1940-41 Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman . Managing Editor Editorial Director S . .. A City Editor Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor ., . . . Associate Editor * . . Associate Editor ' .Sports Editor . . . . .Women's Editor Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT SPECKHARD The editorials published is The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Law-Enforcement The dilemma of wire-tapping must be solved only by going between the horns. And this is precisely the course recommended by Attorney- General Robert F. Jackson in his annual report for 1940. Realizing that the policing of telephone com- munications is extremely important in the in- vestigation of kidnapping and extortion crimes by the FBI, and in connection with foreign spy ring investigations, he advocates the intercep- tion of communications by Federal law officers, but in a limited sense. In order to avoid the possibility of abuse, the cases in which wire- tapping should be allowed must be confined to a narrow scope, he urges. So also the purposes for wire-tapping should be limited. Finally, additional safeguards should be afforded the individual, such as the requirement of authoriza- tion in each instance by some higher authority. T EGISLATION embodying these recommenda- tions by the Attorney-General has already passed the House of Representatives, in the form of House Joint Resolution 577. It is to be hoped that the bill becomes law-and soon. -Robert Mantho Organized Labor Assumes Its Place . . ORGANIZED LABOR is slowly but surely nearing its proper place in the state government of Michigan. The most recent gains have come as a result of actions on the part of Governor Murray D. Van Wagoner. The new governor apparently meant -what he said in his first message to the legislature. At that time he promised Michigan workers a great deal and made many progressive recommenda- tions to the legislators in regard to existing and proposed labor laws. He advised that the State Mediation Act be amended; that "a wages and hours act . . . should be made available to all Michigan workers"; and that "the scope of the 1937 Occupational Disease Law be extended." The governor also noticed that the benefits of the Unemployed Compensation Act should in- clude workers in smaller industries; and he saw the need "for raising the present standards of theMichigan Child Labor Law." ORGANIZED LABOR in the state heard these words with a great deal of satisfaction; but, after all, they were only words. Other men had been known to say similar things and then forget all about them. Would Van Wagoner also do this? Or would he follow his words with actions? Labor waited anxiously for the first sign which would prove what the governor really thought. And when the sign came the working men and women in the state had just cause to feel that Michigan's present leader is determined they shall be properly represented in the administra- tion of state affairs. For the first concrete evidence of Van Wagoner's sincerity was the appointments to the State Labor Commission which he submitted to the Senate for confirma- tion. Every one of the persons appointed is1 either endorsed by or actually represents labor. THE MEN on the original list to be approved were: John W. Gibson, Michigan CIO sec- retary, for chairman; Harold E. Bledsoe, former deputy commissioner under Murphy, and en- dorsed by the CIO; Joseph Rubin, associate in the law office of Maurice Sugar, who is an {attorney for the CIO; Frederick G. Palliaer, who belongs to the Detroit Bricklayers Union, AFL; David M. Martin, a former state senator who was the CIO primary candidate for lieuten- ant governor. This is the first time in the history of the commission that'a governor has had the courage to suggest it be put entirely under the control of labor. On the outgoing Republican board, for instance, there was but one bona fide repre- sentative of the unions. THE DUTIES of the Labor Commission are highly important and are of such a nature that the members of the commission must be sympathetic toward labor if the original intent of the legislature as regards them is to be car- ried through. Some of the commission's re- sponsibilities are to administer the workmen's compensation law, to investigate occupational diseases, to regular wages, hours and laboring conditions as the state laws direct, and to collect wage claims for the workers. In other words its duty is to protect and care for the welfare of the Michigan laborers. Such a duty cannot and will not be darried out by persons who do not understand and sympathize with labor. Governor Van Wagoner has, therefore, chosen commissioners who are close to the labor move- ment and who realize what are the needs of the working men and women in the state. Labor may rest assured that it has a true friend in the governor's mansion at Lansing. He deserves a great deal of credit for his actions. It is to be hoped that he will not allow the uncooperative spirit of certain senators deter him from his determination to give labor the place it deserves in Michigan. - Homer Swander tI The Reply Churishf by TOUCHSTONE FOUND on Saturday morning that the presi- dent had beaten me to it, and haven't been gladder about anything this year. To have the head of the University speaking on behalf of the students eligible for the di'aft means some- thing very important, namely that there are still men in a position to be objective, who are able to see our side of the affair, and what is more, do something about it. Felt a little ashamed of my own emotional approach to the subject, in the light of President Ruthven's clear reasoning and calm logic, but in the midst of the shame there is also a brand-new sense of security, arising out of hearing sane words from the mouth of a respected man in a time when I was beginning to think all the prominent men of the country were personally anxious to see n and my likenesses doing squads right and shoul- der arms at some training camp. There have been times when I felt that per- haps the president and I were on opposite sides of the fence. These were chiefly times when I doubted that he had the real interests of the students at heart. Now I am not so sure al apology is not in order, for by this piece of per- sonal bravery, by saying something that had to be said, yet that was bound to bring down jingo- istic calumny on the head of whoever said it, President Ruthven has shown that he does act on his convictions, and that these convictions are based on what he thinks to be best for us. And to the president personally, may I say that the majority of several hundred thousand students in this country will remember him and honor him for that speech, and add him to the scanty list of men who have been able to see farther ahead than the bands and the trans- ports in times when myopia ran rampant among the prominent and uninvolved citizenry of the nation. On behalf of'myself and the rest of u who see so much of what we have worked for during the pre-draft years slipping away due to forces above our control, thank you, President Ruthven. :p M. n FROM OBERLIN, OHIO, received a letter call- ing my attention to an article in George Seldes' small newspaper, "In Fact." Incidentally, "In Fact" is a little-known publication, difficult to obtain, and crammed with facts concerning the hidden or camouflaged stories of national events. It has never, to my knowledge, been sued for libel, which is an interesting commen- tary. But as I say, a difficult newspaper to ob- tain. Here is the letter: "Thought you might be interested to know that the latest issue of 'In Fact' (George Seldes' publication) contains what looks like positive proof that F.D.R. doesn't intend to limit aid to Britain in sending guns, planes, tanks, etc. Following is the quotation from 'In Fact' - draw your own conclusions. ' 'Radio news broadcasts the evening of March 5 announced that President Grace making his annual report to Bethlehem Steel said its repair yards are now "convert- ing passenger liners into troop transports" for the U.S. government. This further proof that it is planned to ship American troops abroad was omitted in many newspapers. The N. Y. Times March c ran 1,000 words on Grace's report, but did not mention the troopships." And I get seasick so easily too. And Wire-Tapping . 0 0 A S FAR as the Department of Justice is concerned, the interception of communications dilemma is just one big head- ache. Wire-tapping constitutes a neat problem of adjustment between the rights of individuals on the one hand and the interests of society on the other. Unrestrained wire-tapping, even by law-enforcement officers, could not be tolerated in a democratic government such as we enjoy. Not only would uncontrolled eaves-dropping via the wires be liable to serious abuse, but it would be an unwarranted intrusion into the right of privacy. On the other hand, to prevent law- enforcement officers from intercepting mes- sages no matter the circumstance, is to defeat the purpose of good government; for so to bind the hands of the law would be the same as flash- ing the green light to spies and criminals, guar- anteeing to them safe use of the wire channels. It all began back in June, 1934, when Con- gress passed the Communications Act. Section 605 of this act provided that "no person not being authorized by the sender shall intercept any communication and divulge or publish the existence, contents, substance, purport, effect, or meaning of such intercepted communication to any person." OBVIOUSLY, Congress enacted this measure with an intent to prevent unauthorized per- sons from intercepting telephone communica- tions and to punish telephone operators who may, disclose the contents of a message which goes through their hands. But the statute is couched in broad language, able to be interpreted in many ways; and herein lies its weakness. In the case of Nardone v. United States (De- cember, 1937) the Supreme Court held that evidence obtained by Treasury agents against the defendant through the tapping of telephone wires constituted a violation of Section 605 of the Communications Act. Thus we have for the first time an instance whereby an act which was designed to safeguard society is turned around to defeat the ends of justice, because legal wire- tapping by officers of the law represents a viola- tion of the right of an individual to privacy, as ruled by the Supreme Court. The Nardone case was limited to interstate telephone conversation. But it established the necessary precedent-and more was to come. TWO YEARS LATER, in the case of Weiss v. United States, the decision was extended t. include intrastate communications. In June, 1940, the Circuit Court of Appeals carried the principle one step further and applied it to a situation in which one of the parties to a tele- phone conversation mechanically recorded what passed- over the wires without the consent or knowledge of the other party. This was the case of United States v. Polakoff and marked the farthest point of deviation from the original intent of Section 605 of the Communications Act. Up to 1937, interception of telephone conver- sations in the investigation of crime was con- sidered by law-enforcement officers a legitimate method of sleuthing which differed no more in principles than any other form of eaves-dropping commonly employed to prevent crime. Many serious crimes were solved in this manner by L Pern~ Rc&ert SAfles WASHINGTON-That closed-door caucus of House Republicans which preceded passage of the $7,000,000,- 000 lend-lease appropriation devel- oped into the hottest debate since Representative Joe Martin has been party floor leader. FEELING ran so high that at one time two Midwestern isolation- ists, enraged by the pro-aid-Britain attitude of Republican leaders, loud- ly disavowed their party and asserted they would vote for Socialist Norman Thomas if an election were held to- day. The two were Representatives Har- old Knutson of Minnesota and Wil liam P. Lambertson of Kansas, both violent opponents of the lend-lease bill. They erupted when Representa- tive John Taber of New York, rank- ing GOP member of the Appropria- tions Committee, and a leading econ- omy advocate, came out flatly for the $7,000,000,000 appropriation. 1 XPLAINING his position, Taber contended that the lend-lease program was the "best insurance possible" against the United States getting into the war. "We need every cent of this seven billion dollars," Taber declared, "to produce the airplanes, tanks, guns and ammunition Britain needs to de- fend itself and the United States against the encroaching forces of to- talitarianism." BUT KNUTSON of Minnesota in- Btei'rupted him. "I'm surprised at the stand you of all people are tak- ing," he roared. "In the past you have always been a Treasury watchdog. I What prompted you to change your colors?" "I'm not reversing myself," hurled back Taber. "This appropriation is vital to the defense of the United States and I'm for defending the' United States up to the hilt. The die has been cast. It is the duty of Re- publicans and Democrats to give their united support to this program." "I can't agree with you," shouted Knutson. "The Republican Party is committing suicide. It has become a 'me too' party. If I had an oppor- tunity to recast my vote in the last election, I would vote for Norman Thomas." Kansan Gives Support Lambertson echoed Knutson, add- ing that he, too, would vote for the Socialist candidate if he had it to do over again. But only a handful of die-hard isolationists applauded the two dissenters. The great major- ity of Republicans, including Martin backed up Taber. MUARTIN jumped to his feet after Knutson's charge that the GO was a "me, too," party and challenge him to look at the record. "The gentleman cannot prove wha he says," snapped Martin, usuallya soft-spoken diplomat. "We have op posed many things sponsored by th Administration and will continue t do so in the future. But this is,. no a party matter. This is a nationa issue. That is why I asked for na tional unity after the lend-lease bi passed, and I urge it just as strongl now." Note-Next day in the Appropria tions Committee, Lambertson pro posed slashing the lend-lease bill t five billion, whereupon Representa tive Jack Houston, a Democrat an fellow-Kansan, moved that thesu be raised to ten billion. "I'm doi this," he said, looking Lambertson the eye, "to demonstrate to the con mittee that my colleogue does n speak for Kansas in opposing aid t L Britain." When Lambertson's amend ment was smothered 27 to 3, Housto grinned, withdrew his amendment. Pan American Airways The most scathing castigation c an air-mail contract since the day i 1934 when Jim Farley canceled a of, them, was delivered against Pa. American Airways last week by coup sel for the Civil Aeronautics Boar( SAM GATES of the CAB not, on urged that the present mail sut sidies be canceled, but demanded th: Pan American be made to refund tt amounts paid it by the Governmel during the past three years. "The rates of compensation no being received by Pan American Ai: s ways, Inc.," Gates proclaimed, "a: excessive and are neither fair n( reasonable." ,He made this statement after r( turning from a complete tour of Lai in America, flying over most of ti Pan American Airways routes, whet he found that Pan Am did not ha: a single hard-surfaced runway n( I radio range station in Brazil. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Chief Curator of the Department of Anthropology of the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, will lec- ture on the subject, "Archeology of the Southwest" (illus.) under the auspices of the Department of An- thropology on Thursday, March 27, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. The public is cordially in- vited. French Lecture: Professor Marc Denkinger will give the fourth lecture on the Cercle Francais program; "La vie audacieuse du Duc. de Lauzan sous Louis XIV," on Wednesday, March 26, at 4:15 p.m., room 103, Romance Language Building. Tickets may be procured at the door. Lecture: "Techniques for Securing a Position," to be given by Mrs. Roxie A. Firth, Assistant to the Director in Teacher Placement, University Bu- reau of Appointments and Occupa- tional Information, at the Michigan League tonight at 7:30. Sponsored by Pi Lambda Theta, and open to the public. Events Today The Romance Languages Journal Club will meet this afternoon at 4:15 in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Bldg. Mr. James C. O'Neill will read a paper entitled "Albert Thibaudet; the Relationship of Philosophy to Literary Criticism." Dr. Francis W. Gravit will describe the contents of an eighteenth cen- tury periodical. An especially cordial invitation is a extended to graduate students and to interested members of other departments. Botanical Journal Club will meet tonight at 7:30 in Room NS. 1139. Reports by George Culp: "Papers on the influence of structure upon the rate of transpiration." Solon Gordon: "Papers on the breaking of dormancy in certain seeds." Byron Janes : "Papers on photo- synthesis in water plants, as -in- fluenced by depth and turbidity of the water." Robert Muir: "Studies on photo- synthesis with the aid of the long life carbon isotype." All students attending for credit are asked to remain after the meet- ing adjourns. La Sociedad Hispanica will hold a meeting in the Michigan League to- night at 7:30. There will be a short program of entertainment followed by conversa- tion groups. Music Seminar: Mr. Leonard S Gregory will discuss the religiou music of Haydn and Mozart at Lan Hall today at 4:15 p.m. Varsity Glee Club: Make-up re r hearsal this afternoon, 4:00-5:00 Full rehearsal tonight at 8:00. Al dmen are expected to attend. Con cert committee chairmen will hav reports prepared. The last call fo a second semester eligibility cards wil a be made tonight. o Sigma Rho Tau will meet tonigh t at 7:30 in the Union. Plans will b l discussed pertaining to the Engineer ing Open House and the forthcomin 1 national convention. All membe yare requested to be present.ThoE ywho volunteered for guide and i formation booth duty should atten - this session. I- _____________ o Harris Hall: A tea will be held th d afternoon from 4:00 to 5:30. Episc d pal Students and their friends a g cordially invited. Great Vespers: Professor Palm o Clristian will meet those who aret o sing in the "'Great Vespers," planne - for March 27, at Hill Auditoriun no today at 4:15 p.m. It is necessary that all person. named by the fraternities and sorori- ties be present at this meeting. Frosh Project Decoration Com- mittee will meet today at 5:15 p.m. in the League. Room number will be on bulletin board. All interested should attend. The Polonia Society will hold a meeting at the Union at 7:30 tonight. Members are urged to be present as well as other Polish students inter- ested. Graduate Students and others in- terested are invited to listen to a program of recorded music in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Bldg. tonight at 8:00. "Tschaikowsky's Third Symphony" will be played. Oriental Religious Seminar: 'Hin- duism, its Current Beliefs and Prac- tices", will be discussed by Mrs. 7rancesca Thivy at Lane Hall to- aight at'7:30. All those interested in boarding 'his semester, at one of the student °o-operative houses should apply at 7:30 tonight at Room 306 of the Union. The Personnel Committee of the inter-Cooperative Cohncil will meet it 7:00 tonight in Room 306 of the Union. Lenten Organ Music today at 4:15 >.m. in the First Presbyterian Church y the church organist, William N. Barnard. I 1 a The Ann Arbor Library Club will fneet tonight at 7:45 in Charles Mc- Kenny Hall, Ypsilanti. Miss Ruth .. Barnes, author of "I Hear Ameri- ;a Singing" will be the speaker. Christian Science Organization will neet tonight at 8:15 in the Chapel >f the Michigan League. The Faculty Women's Club: The ?layreading Section will meet this afternoon at 2:15 in the Mary B. Hienderson room of the Michigan League. Michigan Dames will meet tonight it 8:00 in 'the Women's Lounge of ;he Rackham Building. Drama Group will be in charge of the meet- ng. Prof. R. D. T. Hollister will read a play. inn Arbor Independents: The skat- ng party planned for today is post- >oned until Monday, March 31. All nembers urged to come. Meet at she League at 7:00 p.m. Coming Events Graduate Speech Students: The Graduate Study Club of the Speech Department will meet Wednesday, March 26, at 4:00 p.m., in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Papers to be presented are: "Prolegomena to Argumenta- tion," by Paul Beall; "Some Elemen- tary Contributions of Aesthetics to interpretative Speech," by Hugh Norton; "The More Serious Types of Speech Handicaps with Presentation of a Case," by Courtney Osborn; "Practical Problems in Research in Rhetorical Theory and Criticism," by Glen Mills. AI.Ch.E.-A.I.M.E.: A joint meeting will be held on Thursday, March 27, at 7:30 p.m. in room 1042 E. Engr. Bldg. Dr. C. C. Dewitt, Chairman of the Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering at Michi- gan State College, will speak on "The Separation of Materials." Refresh- ments. All engineers are welcome. Varsity Glee Club: Please be pres- ent at 12:50 p.m. on Wednesday, r March 26, at the University High o School Auditorium. d_ Harris Hall: Holy Communion will be celebrated Wednesday morning at is (Continued on Page 6) A Reader" So long until soon. You and me both, brother,. r ttw- Co"N T'he City Editor's cpatch pod I ' YOUNG JIMMY FUNK on the University of was an honor student Michigan campus last semester. Since then he has gone to Miami, sailed away in a stolen yacht, and run afoul of the law. Blond-haired Jimmy can blame his Phi Kappa Psi fraternity pin for some of the trouble; that's how the police caught him. Here's the story of this collegiate Jim Hawk- ins, who is also the son of a Champion Spark Plug executive: LNE MOONLIGHT NIGHT Funk took a yacht belonging to somebody else from its moor- ings and headed on the high seas for adventure. About 70 miles southward the yacht was found abandoned, and detectives began their quest and finally. the Michigan man was caught Jimmy told the cops he anchored the boat when it ran out of gas, fashioned a raft from seat cushions and swam ashore. The detectives said Funk made the mistake of leaving his fraternity pin on a shirt he aban- doned. His name was on the back of the jewel- ry. The lad said he had left the Universityto answer the call of the sea. He admitted hi methods were wrong. And in that latter statement he spoke a large truth. It seems his father had al- ready agreed to buy him a boat, but the youth "couldn't wait." H-arry James is demonstrating the internationa l1 RECORDS I After hearing one song from "Lady In The Dark," this listener is firmly convinced that the long lines in front of the New York show's box- office know exactly what they're doing. The one song is "Jenny," a music-hall saga in six parts of a wilful woman who makes up her mind con- tinually and shouldn't. The Ira Gershwin-Kurt Weill version of the six ages of one woman is not so universally reminiscent as Shakespeare's treatment of the seven ages of every man, but here its very unconventionality is its delicious- n-c Prnplvth+na needs mthe suggetionn RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC-N.C Blue Tuesday Evening 6:00 News Ty Tyson Rollin' Bud Shaver 6:15 Liberty's Story Newscast Home Rhumba Band 6:30 Inside of Sports Frazier Hunt Conga Day In Review 6:45 Musical Lowell Thomas Time Waltz Program 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring Happy Joe .Easy Aces 7:15 Lanny Ross Evening Melodies Val Clare Mr. Keen-Tracer 7:30 Gus Haenschen Exc'rs'n in Science Musicale Ned Jordan 7:45 Orchestra Dick Himber Orch, Doc Sunshine - Secret Agent 8:00 Court of Johnny Gratiot Avenue Ben Bernie 8:15 Missing Heirs Presents Baptist Church Orchestra 8:30 First Horace Heidt's Your Job Uncle Jim's 8:45 Nighter; News Treasure Chest Interlude; News Question Bee 9:00 We, Battle of Montreal Grand Central 9:15 the People the Sexes Symphony Station 9:30 Professor Fibber McGee Orchestra John B. Kennedy 9:45 Quiz And Molly Hour To be Announced 10:00 Glenn Miller Bob Hope's National News Wythe Williams 10:15 Second Program Dinner of News, Unemploym't