TITE MTCITICAN DAILY ight To Attend Festival Attracts Music Lovers! North Central ' From 80 (c7iie, I i 1Stctes .-_ .. .. .. ar. .. ... a.. .. ... i. .v. 4. i..A .t a+ ._. .. .. . r -.ra . . r _ y .a.V J..! Prc Il Iedgtie , eVatiGLn from mrea uan i / (:! in 10 etaiei .have been reei ved ofessors To Be Active by Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of the University Musical Society, for n Committee Work, Ann Arbor's annual four-day May idministrative Sessions Festival, scheduled to get under way on May 7. ASSOCIATED Eight members of the University will attend the annual meeting of thej North Central Association to be held tomorrow through Friday at the Stevens Hotel in Chicago. Dean Edward H. Kraus of the lit- erary college will meet with the Com- mission of Institutions of Higher Ed- ucation to consider problems of ac- crediting and curriculum. Dean Kraus will be accompanied by Prof. Warner G. Rice of the Eng- lish department and Prof. Arthur, Van Duren of the German dppart- ment, head of the academic coun- selors, will acompany them. Prof. George Carrothers, the direc- tor of the Bureau of Cooperation, as one of the vice-presidents of the organization, will head several meet- ings. Professor-Emeritus Calvin O. Dav- is of the School of Education will participate in the program in his capacity as editor of the North Cen- tral Quarterly during the past year. PRESS Already, Dr. Sink reported yester- day, two-thirds of the seating capa- city of Hill Auditorium has been taken up due largely to the fact that reservations from distant states havef been more abundant than in formerJ years. Music Lovers To Attend The largest number of reserva- tions, as might be expected, have been made by residents of Ann Arbor 1 while 50 have been received from De- troit, 33 from Ypsilanti, and 23 from Jackson. Music lovers from approx- imately 60 Michigan cities are ex- pected to attend the Festival. From out of state, groups in three Guest SpeakerI To Open Naval Lecure Series, time OliuO cities, two Wisconsin cities and two Indiana cities. Other reser- vations have been made from such places as Millbrook, N. Y., Winter Park, Fla., St. Louis, Md., and Nash- ville, Tenn. "Special interest this year," ac- cording to Dr. Sink, "seems to cen- ter about the distinguished perform- ers who will participate as well as the exceptionally well built programs which include four symphonies, sev- eral other important orchestra selec- tions and numerous instrumental works for violin, violoncello and Four Opera Stars Supplementing the contributions of a laige group of old favorites, the May Festival will enjoy the services of four major opera stars, all of whom are new to local audiences. One of thern, Jarmila Novotna, a Czechoslovakian soprano, was sur- passed this season in number of ap- pearances only by Kirsten Flagstad. Before coming to America she dis- tinguished herself at such places as LaScala and Covent Gardens in Lon- don and in opera houses in Prague, Budapest and Salzburg. Suzanne Sten, mezzo-soprano, is of Auistrian-Ilungarian background, Dean James B. Edmonson and Prof. receiving her principle successes at T. C. Koch of the education school Vienna, Budapest, and numerous w il also take part in the organiza- Commission Applicants German cities. She left Europe be- of high schools and secondary To Hear Opening Talk fore the war because of her attitude drools in 20 states, toward conditions there. On New Construction Two Americans Prof. Ed!-ar Johnston of the educa- 11The other two new faces are both '.on school will act as chairman of Capt. Lyal A. Davidson, U.S.N., will American, from widely separated the Michigan North Central delega- [inaugurate a series'of lectures to ac- parts of the country. Charles Kull- tion. I quaint applicants for a commission man, while preparing himself for a in the Naval Reserve with the cus- medical career at Yale University, toms and traditions of the service at participated in the Yale Glee Club ¢; A I F ) 7 p.m. tomorrow in Room 348, West and attracted so much attention that Engineering Building. he shifted his interest to music. Af- 3 e _I1Pt' Eleven lectures will be conducted ter winning recognition in the lead- ! Ia ) f y Captain Davidson in this series, ing European operas, and in a concert to be held every Monday in the West tour in the East, he was given leading Engineering Building. Included are roles at the Metropolitan. FOR SALE talks by four visiting speakers; two Fourth of the newcomers is Mack TAME BABY PARAKEETS make de- by officers of the Bureau of Ships, Harrell, a baritone from Texas whc TAMEu BABY PRAKEET met. Ado scheduled for March 27 and April 8, began his musical career on the canares, inexpensive pets. Also and two by officers of the Bureau of violin. Since winning first place in canaries, bird foods and cages. Aeronautics, on May 5 and May 19. the Metropolitan Opera Auditions 'of 5 o , e .The first of these guest speakers will the Air contest two years ago, he has FOR RENT 'a° Commdr. H. N. Wallin, U.S.N., led a busy life both at the "Met" and from the Bureau of Ships, who will in numerous concert tours. F F I G H T E R - Abe Simon, who backed Heavyweight King Joe Louis against the ropes with left jabs, lost the fight in the 13th round by a technical knock-out. AWAIT I N G F A V O R A B LE W E A T H E R -Before nosing into the Atlantic Ocean on a fish- ing cruise, the White House yacht, Potomac (background), with President Roosevelt aboard, was anchored at Port Everglades, Fla., directly astern of the German fr eighter Arauca (foreground). The Arauca escaped from a British warship and took refuge at Port Everg lades in December, 1939, remaining there ever since. FOR RENT-One large single quiet talk 'nex, rrhm-,,ian,,nd n n ror:, $4.00. Close to campus. 'New Construction." Phone 7385. 312 The lectuwes, without academic BOta1y J ourna TAILORING & PRESSING-12 credit, are designed to familiarize students who are candidates for com- C lb T TAILORED suits and coats, custom missions in the United States Naval| Club o M eet made. Day time, evening gowns Reserve with the Naval Code and made and remodeled. Phone 3468. with Navy Regulations and customs. , I Gustafson Is Chairman- 24c _ Four To Read Papers £TOCKWELL residents-Skilled al- terations promptly done. Just Photosynthesis, transpiration and a cross the street. Phone 2-2678. ,P v .,c. htosnhsstasirto n a.ros Gr es e278.the dormancy of plants and seeds will A. Graves. 28c I e considerd at the ninth miieeting TYPI NG -- 1$__of the year of the Botanical Journal TYPING-~18 Club at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in Room TYPING- -Experienced. Miss Allen, 1139, Natural Science Building. 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or Dr. Felix G. Gustafson, associate 2-141F 14c It's always interesting to find out professor of the botany department, TYPIST. Experienced. L. M. Hey- what people who've won Hopwood: has been selected to act as chairman wood, 414 Maynard St. Phone 5689. prizes in the past are writing these of the meeting. 27c days. Here are some bits about a few Papers on photosynthesis in water of them: plants, as influenced by depth and %TIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal Frances Jennings Stillman, who turbidity of the water will be read typist, also mimeographing. Notary von a major award in poetry in 1931, by Byron Janes. Grad. Robert M. publc. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland. Muir, Grad., will present a review of publc. Pone 327.706tnd her husband, Clark Stillman, studies completed on photosynthesis MISCELLANEOUS-20 appear in the March and April num- te i ofete on caron '3er of "Poet-Lore" with their awn with the aid of the long life carbon rHESIS BINDING-Mimeographing. translations from modern Belgian isotype. George R. Culp will present ,rumfield & Brumfield, 308 S lt. to the group a number of papers on State. 1 &DBrumfyeTdr,08:nner poetry.aot the influence of structure upon the awa DrtiyTyltrninner32ofhaaorrate of transpiration, and the final WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL- award in fiction in 1932, has a short oup of papers, on the breaking of Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. story in the first number of "Queen's dormancy in certain seeds, will be Killins Gravel Company, phone Quarterly" for 1941 dealt with by Solon Gordon, Grad. 7112. 5 Harold Courlander, winner of a Amajor award in the 1932 contest, has TRANSPORTATION -- 21 taken up lecturing. He spoke Friday H. B. GODFREY _ in the Detroit Institute of Arts on' Amo M ING - STORAGE - PACKING the "Mysterious Haiti-Land of Voo- Loca Iand LOng Distance Moving doo." Courlander has written suchE 508 1 William St. Al c{l N An i stn g books as "Haiti Singin. "-formerly '±iu N. r~iI il tVC. none"i " I R I S H C O A C H-Disdan- ing snow which drifted across the practice field, Frank Leahy (above), new Notre Dame foot- ball coach, began spring drill at South Bend. Leahy came to the Irish with a winning record at Boston College.. } 'SKELETONS' READY FOR A S S E M B L Y-Gas mask faces, like these ranged in ordered rows awaiting assembly in the plant of the Eureka Vacuum Cleaner company in Detroit, are called "skeletons." All attachments necessary to complete the masks for use by army trainees are made on these faces. Gas masks for civilians also will be produced in the plant. I 6 41U A. Four th Ave. Phone 6297 29c LAUNDERING LAUNDRY-2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 3c , The University Music Shop xllero," "Swamp Mud and others. .Music of ALL Publishers Sheet music for instruments, (L EToctavo, classics, popular. Phonograph Records U BR;A. R Y Victor - Columbia - Decca LATE5T BOOKS ETUTHAccessories 3 PER a Nfor all your musical needs Phone 6363 322 SO. STATE ST' STUDENT LAUNDRY--Special dent rates. Moe Laundry, South First St. Phone 3916. stu- 226 loc K 1:t; N T L Y APP OI 1 N T E D-_Newest member and secre- tary of the Michigan State Democratic Central Committee, George Coe nell is shown here on the left. Other central committee members, all reelected at the convention in Grand.Rapids are, left to right: Wil- hiam L. Walz, Ann Arbor, treasurer; Mrs. Elizabeth L. Belen, Lansing, vice-chirman, and Charles S. Porritt, East Lansing, chairman. - --_______-________----_--_____ __ --- - - - --- -- ---.---- - -_ _ _-- WEAVING F ORk W A R S H I P S--Hands ofJake Turose (left) and Valentine Kruk that once wove baby bassinets now build bumpers for U. S. warships-fenders woven of rattan with a forging iron as a center piece. The bumpers, dangled over ship- side, prevent damage from piers or other vessels. Turosc and Kruk learned their trade as youngsters in Poland. Continuation of. . I O SALE Reference Books .. . Assorted Fiction and Non-Fiction. New Titles Being Added to Tables Daily from 9c up DON'T MISS THESE VALUES! t:: t:"::4M Lp :: v: ;vL :tin P..n .+'G. : r}. ".. , \:;,:.}.,., : :i":;Y::;L:'rY :: i'}T' ?'"$ 'vt!.v. r. r.".. .5....:.W. .fL'. t.. r.. :?'.'... ._ L.'_._ .. _. i. Cwr_?....5.'Z :_. {..... ..:: :";..w::.i:ti ..: .-:i .......: . ......... ... ti i.:... nv... :h ._.._............. .. X..; ;...... }+;; h;.; z{;, ., ..v:{;: KC,°,: ?;"A.,.;.. '4y,. e.: } :: "r";ii:;: }:.... ?. .. 4 A1 t".v .