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March 23, 1941 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-23

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caar,_mnAtrAt z, igi THE MICHIGAN DAILY


Police Detective Prophesies
Compulsory Fingerprinting

Paul S. Martin

Dick Thutrston, Poet With An Inspiration

Will Give Talk
HI- Th d "

Compulsory fingerprinting through-~
out the country within five years is
foreseen by Detective Harry Smith
of the Ann Arbor police force.
Smith, who is the fingerprint ex-
pert of the department bases his con-
clusion on the growing- realization
that an infallible method of identi-
fication is important to the ordinary
"At a time when a vigorous cam-
paign is being waged against sub-
versive activities in this co ntry it
is essential that every person-citi-
zen or non-citizen-haye the proper
identification. Birth certificates and
citizenship papers can be forged or
stolen and , thus "fifth columnists"
can assume the guise of genuine
Americans," he said.
Gives Instances
He also gave instances of cases in
normal times ,when figerprints have
helped in the identification of am-
nesia victims, and in the search for
missing persons.
Formerly most people considered
that it was a criminal stigma to be
fingerprinted, Out that feeling is fast
disappearing, he declared. "Civillai
prints must be kept in segregated
files, however," he insisted.
Illustrating the infallibility of this
technique he pointed out that the
chance of one fingerprint being exact-

' ly like that of another persons is one ere1 rs at II U
in sixty-four thousand million and
for all 10 fingers to be similar to
another 10 the chances are against it Curator Of Field Museum
by an infinite figure. To Discuss Archaeology
There is no way of changing one's
grints, he asserted. It has been tried In Lecture At Rackha
by crimtinals many times, but each
time the skin on the finger tips is Paul S. Martin. chief curator of
remxoved,the skin grows back exactly the Department of Anthropology of
the same way. ' the Field Museum of Natural History
Describes System at Chicago will deliver an illustratedj
Describing . the system briefly by University lecture on "Archaeology of
whiChI, prints are classified, he the' Southwest" at 4:15 p.m. Thurs-
.>plainled that there are nine basic cay in the Rackham Amphitheatre,
a'terns. These are subdivided by 'znder the auspices of the anthropol-
cu; ting the number of loops in ogy department.
certain patterns and tracing the Mr, Martin will describe his ex-
op. s in others. cavation of two Basket Maker vil-
Smith became interested in this lages which he excavated in 1939 in
work back in 1925 as a hobby and I southwestern Colorado. The Basket
',ow has become a recognized expert. Makers, who were the first agricul-
Ic was recently invited to join the turalists of the Southwest. possessed
rtqrnaticnal Association for Identi- a crude culture that eventually de-
ication. He is already a member of veloped into the great Pueblos society
!'c _i-chigan Association for Identi- of Chaco Canyon and the Cliff Dwell-
fication. HIe is a past trustee in that jrs of Mesa Verde.
crgazniation and is. now a member Before becoming chief curator of
of it > Inner Guard, a position cor Bfr eoigche uao f
o . i , ne ur, oiincr the Department of Archaeology at the!
.esponding to sergeant-at-arms. Field Museum, Mr. Martin served at
Members of Alpha Phi Omega, na-. the State Historical Museum of Colo-
tional service fraternity, recently had rado and the Carnegie Institution.
the opportunity of hearing him dis- He has made several archeological
cuss the subject in connection with Hehsmdsvraaceogil
ss t ufield trips to Yucatan, but his prin-
their campus fingerprinting drive. cipal interest has been in Southwest-
ern Colorado and in western New

iDick 'Thurston, newest 'Ensian "tryout," gets a few tips on how to
write poetry from Peggy Ross of the Gargoyle. A bit of a tempera-
mentalist, he asked her to leave him alone so he could "create."
Twelve-Year-Old Philosopher
Is Newest Garg Contributor
_______ A'

Letter Relates
Travel Perils
in War Zone
Through 15 furious air raids; a
helter-skelter, 50-hour retreat on a
Greek ammunition train which was
attacked by enemy planes; seeing war
preparations in Turkey-these are
the amazing experiences related by
SProf. Harley L. Sensemann, former
University faculty member, in a re-
cent letter to his son, Wilfred Sense-
narn of the English department.
Professcr Sensemann was on the
aculty here from 1912-1925 as head
- the Alumni Catalog Office and
instructor of rhetoric and economics.
Since that time he has been connected
with the American University at Cai-
ro, Anatolia College in Thessalonika,
Greece, and is at present on the
teaching staff of Robert College in
Istanbul, Turkey,
His letter tells the thrilling story
of American civilians caught in the
swirling current of a war-torn nation.
Explaining that they were bombed
out of Thessaloniki, Sensemann says,
"4We saw our ground defense guns
make direct hits and enemy planes
burst into flames, and pilots and gun-
ners bail out. We saw one of our
Greek defense pilots, having run out
of ammunition, deliberately ram an
Italian plane, shear off a wing, and
then bring his own plane down safe-
In an attempt to leave the war
(zone, Professor Sensemann and his
wife left Turkey "under cover of
darkness on an armored train, sitting
about ten feet from the anti-aircraft
gun and gunners ready to go into
action. Our train was mostly an am-
munition train. One hit on that and
we'd all be blown to kingdom come."
And then came the dreaded air at-
tack by Italian planes which the
travelers had so hoped they would be
able to avoid. Professor Sensemann
vividly describes the scene.
"Men were running and' shouting
like scared chickens. Women were
screaming and falling down as they
ran, and babies were wailing. The
gunners were making it (the anti-
aircraft gun) point at us each time
it swung around."
At last, with the enemy finally
driven off, the Sensemanns arrived
safely in Turkey. The professor is
not certain, however, that they have
successfully evaded the war merely
by leaving Greece.
"We were told that Turkey would
soon be involved," he writes. "We are
having blackouts here now, and mob-
ilization and defense preparations are
going on rapidly."



_ _

FoIntaii 'Will Talk
On Labor In Wa-
Clayton Fountan, member of thej
executive council of the Michigan
Labor Non-Partisan League, will

{Twelve-year old Dick Thurston is
an inquisitive little boy who walks
into different campus buildings "just
to see what goes on inside."
And because he walked into the
Publications Building the other day,
Dick is the newest "tryout" for the
'Ensian and Gargoyle staffs.

phed YMCA publication, "The
'Catholic Boy."
Dropping into the 'Ensian office
during the deadline rush, Dick mo-
ncpoiizcs a typewriter and pecks out
little poems like this one about Peg-
gy Ross, Gargoyle tryout:

(Continued from Page 6)
Playreading Section will meet on
Tuesday afternoon. March 25, at 2:15
p.m., in the Mary. B. Henderson room
of the Michigan League.
Mr. Socrates will not hold classes
March 26 to 29. He will be at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre in "Jum-
ping Jupiter."
Disciples Guild (Christian Church):
10:00 a.m. Students' Bible Class, H.
L. Pickerill, leader.
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, Minister.
6:30 prm. Disciples Guild Sunday
Evening Hour. Mr. Leonard S.
Gregory of the School of Music will
speak on "The Musical Structure of
the Great Vespers." Phonograph
records will be used to illustrate the
lecture. Social hour and refresh-
ments will follow.
First Baptist Church: 10:30 a.n.
A unified service of worship, and
study. Sermon: "The GoenrRule."
10:30 a.m. A special program of
worship, study, and activity for chil-
dren of the Kindergarten and Pri-
mary groups.
6:30 p.m. The High School Young
People's Fellowship will meet in the
church. The pastor will lead a "Ques-
tion Box Session."
6:30 p.m. The Roger Williams Guild
will meet in the Guild House. Prof.
Mentor Williams wil speak on "Chris-
tian Patriotism."
Zion Lutheran Church will hold
regular services Sunday morning at
10:30. Mr. Roland Wiederanders will
deliver the sermon on the theme:
"The King Promised."
Trinity Lutheran Church will hold
regular services Sunday morning at
10:30. Rev. H. 0. Yoder will deliver
the sermon on the theme: "The King-
dom of God-the Unselfish Interest in
the Lost."
U.nitarian Church: 11:00 a.m.
"Who and What Is Man?" Human-
ist sermon to students, by Rev. Mar-
7:30 p.m. "Science and Society" by
Norman Bauer and Jerry Kissen, fol-
lowed by General Discussion period
md refreshments.
First Presbyterian Church: The
fourth in the Lenten series, "Inquire
Within" at 10:45 a.m. by Dr. W. P.
Lemon. Consecration Day.
, Westminster Student Guild-sup-
per at 6:00 and discussion at 7:00
p.m. The Guild continues its fourth
Lenten meeting on "The ,Life ,nd
Passion of Our Lord" in various realms
of human life. Sunday evening Pro-

fessor C. D. Thorpe of the English
Department will talk on poetry.
The Sunday .Evening Club will meetj
at 8:00 p.m. Riobert Nieset, a gradu-
ate student, will talk on Catholicism.
Lenten Organ Music Tuesday,
March 25, at 4:15 p.m. at the church
by the Organist, William N. Barnard.
First Congregational Church: 10:00 .
a.m. Professor Bennett Weaver will
give the fourth talk in the Lenten
symposium on "Religion and Life,"
entitled, "Religion As Viewed by the
10:45 a.m. Services of public wor-
ship Dr. L. A. Parr, following his
Lenten theme, Vital Questions," will
preach on the subject, "Is It 'Christ or
3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs.
Duane Edson, 1604 Shadford Road,
are having a group of Congregational
students for tea.
5:30 p.m. Ariston League High
School group will meet for supper,
followed by a program and social,
7:00 p.m. Student Fellowship with
Dr. Robert C. Angell leading a dis-
cussion on "One in a Million," an
analysis of the process of integra-
tion of American society, and the
place of the individual in that pro-
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion
(Corporate Communion for members
of this year's Confirmation Class);1
8:45 a.m. Breakfast, Harris Hall (for
students and members of Confirma-
tion class); 9:30 a.m. High &hool'
Class, Harris Hall; 11:00 a.m. Morn-i
ing Prayer and Sermon by the Rev.

speak on "Labor's Stake in thie war A tow-headed youth who likes to POEM: A GIRL WHOT GOES
at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the North i write poetry about the different peo- TO COLLEGE
Lounge of the Union in a lecture ple he meets around The Daily, Dick Pegey is a girl whot goes to college
sponsored by the American Student says he is the editor of a mimeo- She just came to school to get
Defense League. -- ---------- marry
The defense group will held a her boy friend is named dick
business meeting preceding the talk. AV"J( II } d'oMp I am dick '
~ - ~ ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -D i c k s a y s h e k n o w s h o w t o s p e l l
Henry Lewis; 11:00 a.m. Junior To H ear Adler better than that, but the typewriters
Church; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten,
Harris Hall; 7:00 p.m. College Work here aren't like the one at home.
Program, Harris Hall (7-7:30, The ya , F Th F For Allan Axelrod, issue editor of
Chaplain's Hour; 7:30-8, Business this month's Gargoyle, he turns out
Meeting after which the group will To Be Lecture TOpic copy about "pickled pickles in a pot"
attend the lecture at the church); and "realistic" versions of Jack and
7:30 p.m. Organ Recital by George Rabbi Morris Adler, an associate in Jill. Axelirod romises to print them
Faxon; 8:15 p.m. Lecture on "The the ministry of Congregation Shaarey in the next Garig.
Episcopal Church Before the Ameri- Zedek, Detroit, will speak on a "Pro- h x
can Revolution" by the Rev. Henry gram for the Future" to a meeting of Befriended by the publications
Lewis. Avukah, student Zionist organization, workers who buy him candy and
4-- at 8 p.m. today in the Grand Rapids cokes, Dick sits in business meetings
First Methodist Church and Wesley Room of the League, Evelyn Sislin, and bull sessions and tells how he
Foundation: Student class with Prof. '41, president of Avukah, announced started to write one day a couple of
George E. Carrothers at 9:30 a.m. f'festerday. yEars ago when he was fishing. "No
Morning Worship Service at 10:40 A graduate of Jewish Theological bites, so I began to write."
a.m. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach Seminary, Rabbi Adler was formerly A detrmined boy, Dick won't write
)n "He Prayed." Wesleyan Guild rabbi of Temple Emanu El, Buffalo, about soldiers because he doesn't be-
meeting beginning with supper at 6:00 and is now a member of the Ameri- lieve in war and won't date girls
p.m. Discussion groups on "The can Academy for Jewish Research "because they cost too much . . . but
World in Conflict," "Community and president of the Zionist District, he admits that he is "partial" to-1
Conflicts," "Social Correction," and Detroit. wards Gargoyle's Peggy Ross.
"Marital Relations." Lenten Wor- A reception will follow the talk. He's a fifth grade student at St.
ship service at 8:00 p.m. ---------Thomas school, gets "A's" in English,
'1ousing Exhibit To Opeln jdoesn't know if he wants to go to'
Grace Bible Fellowship (Undenom- ! college. "but if I do, I'm going to
inational): Rev. Harold De Vries, ! An exhibit depicting various phases work on the Gargoyle and write poe-
Pastor. of Defense Housing will open at 9 try for Axelrod," is his promise. He
10:00 a.m. Bible School. a.m.. March 25, in the third floor ex- lives with his parents at 724 N. Fifth.
11:00 a.m. Morning Service. hibition room of the Architecture -
7:30 p.m. Evening Service. Building, The exhibit is arranged by
All services are held at the Mason - the Central Housing Commission,
ic Temple. Washington, D.C. I
O oW


,ra diiateOuting Club Will Meet Today
The Graduate Outing Club will hold I the Coliseum. Following the hik
a regular weekly meeting at 2:30 p.m. an informal supper will be serve
today in the Outing Club Room of at Rackham. Any members who fin
the Rackham Building, it impossible to come at 2:30 bL
The program will be a hike in the would like to join the group for sur
vicinity of Ann Arbor and other out- per, should notify one of the office
door activities as well as skating at in advance.


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