Weather s i w f'lo les; not much ohanhge in tempetattsre. ig~t Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication Ap i3.att _... Editorial WInston Churchill Calfi Aerica... _ ti ! VOL. Li. No. 98 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Track Squad Primed For Meet With Pitt Pattee To Open Defense Issues Lecture Series v v -. G.;D. Kennedy Stresses Need For Detroit Expressway Fairbank, Moyer Address Highway Conference On Improved Roads, Increased Expenditures Annual Meeting To Close Session In an address before the Michigan Highway Conference yesterday, G. Donald Kennedy, state road comis- sioner, asserted that national defense projects would cause an over-load- ing of Michigan highways and ad- vocated the immediate construction of Detroit's proposed crosstown ex- pressway. Describing the cross-movement in Detroit as one of "lost motion, delays and stoppages of traffic," Kennedy declared that -failure to break the metropolitan log-jam there "will se- verely handicap the efficiency of the nation's major fabricating arsenal." "The crosstown expressway is more 1 than a purely local project," he said.' "It shouNd haVe the state's and na- tion's support as a priority defense project."' Kennedy's. talk was presented to the afternoon session of the Confer-t ence at which H. S. Fairbank, of thet U.S. Public Roads Administration, pointed out that the greater security of many moderately improved roads and disclaimed current reports of our road system. The annual meeting of the Michi- gan Association of Road Commission- ers and Engineers will comprise the final.. session of the Conference at 1 9:30 a.m. today in the Union Ball- r'oom. Following reports by various officers and committees, the dele- gates will discuss recent highway legislation. Michigan counties received 12 of the 36 awards presented last night by Better Roads magazine for outstand- ing county road organization. Wash-' tenaw county received the award given to the section with a popula- tion between 50,000 and 100,000. Prof. Ralph A. Moyer of Iowa (Continued on Page 2) 'Aladdin' Opens Today; Features Lewis And Mills, Sporting a cast of 75, headed by1 Robert Lewis, '42, of "Take A Num- ber" fame and Bill Mills, grad, of Play Production, the story of Allad- in modified into slightly musical and definitely comical form will begin its three performance run at 3:30 p.m. today in the Lydia ' Mendelssohn; Theatre.. Lewis, who will play the part of the comic magician who tries to out- wit Aladdin to obtain the magic lamp for himself, will also sing the course1 of the play "You're Only A Lad In A Gilded Cage," and other song num- bers. Mills will play the parts of the two genies of the ring and the lamp as well as the role of the sultan. Rounding out the cast will be Jim Bob Stephenson, '43, also of the Un- ion Opera in the title role; Marion Conde, '41, as Aladdin's mother; and Barbara Alcorn, '43, and Mary Ellen Wheeler, '41, as the two gossips. In addition 70 Ann Arbor children will play in the minor roles and sing and dance in the choruses. The play; adapted by director Richard McKelvey as the last in the series of four presented each year in the Children's Theatre of the League, will vary from the original Arabian Night's tale in the addition of the song and dance choruses and Ex-City Editor Leaves Florida To Enter Army University Group To Sponsor Discussion On Preparedness To Try For Record STAN SWINTON Stanley M. Swinton, .'40, today lent the strength of his body to America's national defense forces.( Stanley Mitchell was city editor of The Daily last year and since June has been employed in the Detroit bureau of the Associated Press. Thursday he began his year of duty in the service of Uncle Sam. Detroit newspapers gave Stan's in- duction no little publicity. The De- troit News published his picture and two paragraphs descriptive of the youthful newspaperman's life. The Detroit Times quoted Swinton as say- ing: "I favored the selective service politically, so why should I object to going myself?" Stan spent a week's vacation in Florida "fishing and night clubbing" (the Times says) before entering the gamed forces. He is the son of Prof. "nd Mrs. Roy S. Swinton of the en- gineering college. Professor Swinton s on a leave of absence in the Philip- pine Islands. Rumianiati Ar-i1m Calls ReserviSLs BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, Feb. 20 -(/P)--Rumania has called nearly a million army reservists ,to active ser- vice effective March 15, diplomats both here and in Bulgaria were in- formed today. presumably to relieve the large German forces now stand- ing at its frontier with :Russia. The long discussion of the new Turkish-Bulgarian nonaggression agreement continued during the day, the officially controlled Turkish press taking the line that it would impede rather than aid any German scheme of getting at Greece. The pact, sai dthe newspaper Va- kit, in fact was insurance against Bulgaria's entrance into the Rome- Berlin-Tokyo arrangement, Initiating broad activities of the newly formed University Committee on Defense Issues, Dr. Richard Pat- tee of the Division of Cultural Re- lations in the United States Depart- ment of State will speak on "Inter- American Relations as Affected by the War" at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Rackham Lecture Hall, thus op- ening the program to acquaint the University community with the many complicated issues involved in na- tional defense. Dr. Pattee, first of a group of Reich Planes. Hit Swansea, South Wales Eden, Pill Arrive In Cairo For Series Of Parleys On Middle East Situation (By The Associated Press) LONDON, Feb. 20.-For the second night in a. row German warplanes heavily attacked the coast of South Wales tonight. Flying by starlight the Germans roared over London and towns in West England, Southwest England and South Wales where the industrial port of Swansea bore the brunt of a Wednesday night raid. German planes, moreover, returned to London early today for the second time since midnight and the third ittack of the night. Anti-aircraft guns immediately went into action while the alarm sirens wailed, but early reports indicated the main ef- fec, of the bombing was to rob Lon- doners of their sleep. Meanwhile in Cairo, it was dis- closed tonight that Foreign Secre- tary Anthony Eden and General Sir John Dill, chief of the British Im- perial General Staff have arrived in Egypt for a series of momentous con- ferences involving the entire military and political situation in the Middle East. Simulatneously, the British an- nounced they had wrested from the Italians control of all Lower Juba- land by crossing the treacherous Juba River in Italian Somaliland. In Berlin, according to a compila- tion tonight of German reports, the High Commandiannounced that 15 merchant ships in the service of Bri- tain and a British destroyer have shuddered to the crash of torpedoes and bombs within the last 48 hours and 12 of the merchant ships are known or believed to have been lost. The 15 merchant ships totaled about 65,000 tons. While in Paris, friends of former Vice-Premier Pierre Laval said today a proposal for reaching a French- German understanding without re- storing Laval to power in the Vichy Government had been rejected by Otto Abetz. Adolf Hitler's ambassa- dor in Paris. speakers who are being invited to Ann Arbor to present expert opinion on defense problems, has taught at the University of Puerto Rico. He has traveled widely in Latin-American countries, and through his position in the State Department is active in the development of friendly relations between those countries and the United States. The State Department representa- tive's lecture and informal meetings with interested students and faculty members sets off a lengthy Univer- sity program designed to aid ithe clarification of the defense picture. The program has been started under the sponsorship of the defense is- sues committee which was set up re- cently by the Deans' Advisory Com- mittee on National Defense, subsid- iary of the Deans' Conference. Dana Heads Committee The defense issues committee. is headed by Dean S. T. Dana of the School of Forestry and Conservation and includes Prof W. W. Blume of the Law School, Prof. C. F. Remer of the economics department and Prof. M. H. Soule of the Medical School. The committee is working with the student heads of the 10 principle campus organizations in developing plans. First subject to be discussed as part 'f the general aim-to help students better to analyze the many issues of the national defense program-is "Inter-American Relations." Follow- ing Dr. Pattee here will be other authorities in the same field. As another part of the program, work sheets will be distributed shortly by he committee for faculty and student use. These will be analytical, dealing with Inter-American problems that have a bearing on defense and what defense means. The work-sheets will state many current issues and will ask receivers to indicate what they feel is the right policy for the United States to pursue in each case. Names of correspondents will not be asked for; what is wanted, according to Dean Dana, is an indication both of :ampus sentiment on the countless questions of national defense and al- so of what aspects of Inter-American relations on which additional infor- mation or discussion seems to be needed. An opportunity will be given for students who wish more informa- tion about national defense to indi- cate this. Reading Lists Prepared Reading lists designed to be of help to students of the American defense problem are being prepared by the Library and will shortly be available to students and faculty members, Dean Dana announced yesterday. He pointed out that the intention of the defense issues committee is not the advocacy of any particular point of view regarding the war, but rather to (Continued on Page 2) Harold Ingholt ,Will Give Talk On Archaeology Dr. Harold Ingholt, former Lec- turer on Archaeology at the Ameri- can University, Beirut, Syria, and Lecturer on Semitic Philology and Old Testament Literature, Univer- sity of Aarhus, Denmark, will deliver an illustrated University lecture on "The Danish Excavations at Hama, Syria" at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre. Distinguished in the study of Syria during the Hellenistic and Roman periods, Dr. Ingholt spent six years in Hama and worked in Palmyra, where he gathered information for a book on the bas reliefs of the period. His excavations in Hama went down to the Hittite level of civilization and exposed a cross section of Syrian history up through the Biblical, Greek, Roman and Mohammedan periods. Through use of pottery and CHARLIE DECKER Party Refuses To Aid ASU Hearing Pleaj Democrats Defeat Motion Urging Public Discussion On ReadmissionCases 4 In a meeting at Grand Rapids yes-1 terday, the Democratic convention re- fused by a record vote of 351 to 601 to demand from the Board of Re-; gents a public hearing for six stu- dents denied readmission last fall. The students, who were members of the American Student Union, laimed that their ouster was because of their political views, but Univer- Fity authorities claim that it was a disciplinary action.' Support for the student cause came from delegates of the Fourteenth Congressional District who asked the convention to reprimand the authori- ties. On motion of Judge Patrick H. O'Brien this was modified to a request for a public hearing. The convention then voted on the motion. Asked whether the episode would cause the Regents to change their at- titude, Regent Edmund C. Shields, who is Democratic National Commit- teeman, said, "It's a closed issue." Music School Graduate Plays in Military Band Paul J. Tompkins, a graduate of the University School of Music, and a former organist at the Michigan Theatre, is at present a membei of the Ft. McArthur Military Band in San Pedro, Calif., which is under the direction of Leopold Stokowski of the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra. 4 '44 Winners In Hopwoods Are Named' Annual Competition Firstf Places Awarded To Kivi, Grantham, Godoshian Winners of the 1941 freshman1 Avery and Julie Hopwood awards for creative writings were announcedt yesterday by Prof. Roy W. Cowden, director of the committe on Hopwood, awards.r Prizes in the three divisions of the essay, prose narrative, and poetry carried stipends of $50 for first prize,t $30 for second prize and $20 for third{ prize.- Louis Kivi of Ann Arbor was givenf the first prize in the essay contest,1 second and third prizes in that di- vision were given to Don E. Folkman,E Jr., of Warren, Pa., and Ruth L. Asness of Brooklyn, N.Y., respective- ly. Evelyn Grantham received the. first prize for her prose narrative work. Second prize in that division was given to Constance Anne Tabor of New York and third prize was given to William Kehoe of Spencer-1 port, N.Y. The poetry first prize was awarded to Archolose Godoshian of Pontiac, Mich. Sam Moon of Detroit took sec- ond prize and Marilyn Bell of Grosse Pointe, Michigan, received the third prize. Judges were Dr. Frank Robbins. assistant to the president, Prof. Ar- no L. Bader and Prof. Louis I. Bred- vold of the English department. 73 contestants submitted 83 man- uscripts. 24 entries were listed in the fiction class; 21 in the poetry division and 38 in the essay group. Prof. Price To Talk Today "A Modern Approach to Shake- speare," a talk by Prof. Hereward T. Price of the English department, will highlight the February meeting of the Layman's League of the Unitar- ian Church in the church library at 6:15 p.m. today. narked as the glorious opportunity to quare accounts, the Day of Reckon- ng for the Panthers. But it looms as a terrific job to ful- ill the task which the Dohertymen iave carved out for themselves. basting a full complement of indi- idual stars, Pittsburgh will unload ome of the nation's best cinder tal- nt for the edification of the local ans and the discomfiture of the Volverines. Under the onslaught of all these ce trackmen, at least three Field louse records are in jeopardy. Least ikely to weather the concerted as- ault is the seven year old pole vault nark of 13 feet 8%/4 inches. Others hat may be shattered before the lust and the outcome have been ;ettled are the high jump and the nile relay records. Featuring a pair of performers vho have both cleared 13 feet 6 in- hes already in the young indoor ;ampaign, the pole vault event pro- nises to produce the best leaping ver seen in the Field House. Doyle Rhodes is the Smoky ,City lad who vill wage the tight duel with Michi- an's Charlie Decker. An addition- al Panther ace in this event is jun- .or Red Jessup, while Doherty will hrow another trio of vaulters into action, all of whom have cleared 12 eet 7 inches at least. once, Bob Se- ula, Jack McMaster and Wilbert Wedenoja. Most of Pitt's strength is concen- rated in the shorter races, with Bul- let Bill Carter and Blazing Hap Stic- kel, a pair of Eastern sprint kings, bearing a large share of the burden. Stickel, whose versatility extends over four events, staged a great exhibition (Continued on Pae 3) State Legislators To I ns pect Cain pus Buildings Today Ten members of the House Ways and Means Committee of the state legislature will inspect the University campus today. The delegation arrived in Ann Arbor last night, and this morning they will be shown Univer- sity Hall and its two wings, the chem- istry and pharmacy buildings and the Neuropsychiatric Institute. Members of the committee are John P. Epsie, chairman, Eagle; Ar- thur U. Odell, Allegan; Frank J. Calvert, Highland Park; Joseph E. Warner, Ypsilanti; Ellis E. Faulkner, Delton; Audley Rawson, Cass City; C. Dodge Williams, Charlotte; Mar- tin A. Kronk, Detroit; Byron Court- er, Imlay City; James I. Post, Hills- dale; Victor A. Knox, Sault Ste. Marie; Charles . Sundstrom, Mich- igamme and Adam W. Sumeracki, Wayne County. -BULLETIN- TOKYO, Feb. 21-(10--Foreign Minister Yosuke Matusoka called a special press conference late last night to deny he had made a re- puted special offer to Britain to mediate.the war in Europe. HANOI, French Indo-China, Feb. 20-(:)-Reliable sources reported tonight a serious dispute had arisen 'between the Japanese and French authorities over Japanese demands for $10,000,000 worth of American and Chinese-owned goods stored in Haiphong warehouses. Trackmen Depend On Balanced Team Michigan's Charlie Decker Will Stage Duel With Doyle Rhodes In Pole Vault By HAL WILSON Staking team balance against Pittsburgh's individual brilliance, Michi- gan's track squad is primed to throw its full vengeful might against a, powerful crew of Panthers in their dual meet at 8 p.m. today in Yost Field House. And it will take every point the Wolverine trackmen can possibly muster to turn back the Pittmen, who rank as the best cinder aggregation in the East. Last May virtually the same outfit invaded Ann Arbor and snatched a slim three-point 67-64 victory from the Maize and Blue, snapping a prized winning streak that had extended to 23 consecutive dual meets. That loss still stands painfully clear in the memories of Coach Ken Do- herty's lads--and for nine long months this return encounter has been ear- 'Edge Of The World' To Open At Lydia Mendelssohn Today - - --__ l Townsend To Lead All-Stars In. Benefit Basketball Game "The Edge of The World," first presentation of the Art Cinema League for the new semester, will be- gin a two-day run at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre in the League. Acclaimed by critics since its first presentation in England the film has received wide comment in America for its dramrati depiction of the struggles of a group of people inhab- iting a small, economically exhausted island off the coast of England. The film was first released in Eng- land in 1938 after its camera crew had returned from a prolonged loca- tion shooting on the island of Foula. According to reports from the var- ious members of the cast, the con- l By GENE GRIBBROEKa Jlake Townsend, who made Michi- gan basketball history here before completing his career in 1938, will re- turn toYost Field House next Fri- day night when lie leads a team ofk recent Wolverine cage stars againstE the famed New York Renaissancet quintet. qui . Arrangements by Don Wirtchafter, Daily sports editor, completed last, night, will pit theTownsendAl Stars against the crack colored five for the benefit of the Women's Ath letic Swimming Pool Fund. The pro- gram, will include, in addition, a va- riety of other attractions. Townsend's reappearance on the local basketball scene will bring with it a chance for local fans to see a American gridder Tom Harmon. An attempt is being made to secure the services of other Michigan greats for the-game. The All-Stars opposition has long been recognized as the game's great- est drawing card. The Rens boast the best record of any team that has ever hit the pro trail, and have beat- en every top aggregation in the land, including the Detroit Eagles, the Ak- ron Firestones and Oshkosh Stars, to mention a few of their more recent victims. The New Yorkers combine a fast, intricate-passing game With a good sense of showmanship that has made them a favorite of fans in every city where they have performed. In the seventeen years since Coach Bob Douglas organized the Rens, they