bNDYMaRCI W 1941 THE MICHIGAN D A ILY Junior Play's Short CoatsFor Campus Newman Club Miltary Ball To Patron . Li t S$prIng Dance Arid Prp Is Announced I o Be April 25 sByodEAier.. There's something about a soldier, President And Mrs. Ruthven Bill Sawyer's Band Will Plo" and there's something about a mili- To Head Those invited To See For Annual Ball; Ticket Sale tary ball too. It's that something that puts the glow of tradition aboutj Opening Of 'Jumping Jupiter To Be Open To General Public :he Ball given each year by the mem- bers of the Reserve Officers Train- Heading the list of patrons and pa- The annual Newman Club spring ing Corps. tronesses for the Junior Girls' pre- formal will be held from 10 p.m. to Twenty-three years ago the militar- sentation of "Jumping Jupiter" open- 1 a.m. Friday, April 25, in the Union ists first stepped out with their social ing Wednesday, March 26 at theevnthtscley seibste Ballroom. Bill Sawyer and his orches- event that so closely resembles the League will be President and Mrs. pomp and dignity of dances in the Ruthven, tra will furnish the music. The gen- regular army. With patriotism of Also invited to attend the perform- ral public is invited to attend. the present day being what it is, this ances are Vice-President and Mrs. S. Tickets for the dance will be one year's Ball, to be held May 9, should W. Smith, Vice-President artd Mrs. d seilywl nrtiigad Crec Yakm Rgn EshrDollar and seventy five cents a couple, doepcal eli eann n Clarence Yoakum, Regent Esther 'r further creating the customs of past Cram and Mr. L. V. Cram, Dean Alice and will be on sale at the Union, the Lloyd, Prof. and Mrs. Lewis Gram, ILeague,Ulrich's book store, Wahr's, yea Drill Team To Perform Prof. Carl G. Brandt, Dean and Mrs. St. Mary's Chapel, or from members Wells I. Bennett, Dr. and Mrs. Wil- Always a part of the affair is the liam W. Bishop, Dean and Mrs. Rus- of the central committee. drill team which performs on the sell W. Bunting, Dean and Mrs. James Albin Schinderle, '41, is general ballroom floor for the guests. New B. Edmonson and Dean and Mrs. E. + hairrman of the dance. Working with this year will be the presentation H. Kraus. xt f i of the drum and bugle corps. Another rsBy ahMi enethim will be Geraldine G anfield, '42. time-honored tradition is the grand Mrs. Byr Bacher, Miss Jeannette _:nusic chairman; James Landers, '43, march and saber arch formed by the Perry, Dean 'and Mrs. Walter Rea,neiitasofSbaradBle Dean and Mrs. Erich Walter, Regis- (Editor's Note: This week's column is nublicity chairman; Catherine Nor- new initiates of Scabbard and Blade trar and Mrs. Ira Smith, Prof. and ' illen by Grace Miller. and not the ton, '42, patrons chairman. Others for all the guests to walk through. Mite herself.) y Besides a distinguished group of Mrs. Edward Adams, Prof. and Mrs. rsn the committee are Sally Walsh, patrons, all the officers of the teach- Henry Adams, Prof. and Mrs. Robert Just mention "Fantasia" and you'll n charge of decorations, Dorothy ing staff will be present and in uni- C. Angell, Dr. Margaret Bell and get reactions, that guaranteed. You'll Dzuroux, Grad., program chairman, forms. Most of the members of the - get a disgusted rush of criticism from ROTC will be in uniform too The List Continues i some, and a "My dear, it was just Jorge Carulla, 41E, entertainment ROT will be i or too. ' chirmn; nd ohnMc~ughon, Just after the first World War, irt Prof. and Mrs. Orland Boston, Prof. too clever," from others who probably chairman; and John McNaughton, 1922, when many officers from other and Mrs. John Bradshaw, Prof. and are mimicking their favorite amateur Grad., financial chairman. countries were studying here at the lrs. Edward Bragg, Prof. and Mrs. musical enthusiast. Any member of the club wishing University, the pageantry of uni- Palmer Christian, Dr. and Mrs. Ver- Obviously the only way to ap- to work on the dance may do so by forms was especially brilliant, for ner Crane and Prof. and Mrs. Joseph proach a new quantity like this at- contacting Schinderle or the head there were representatives from Ser- Hayden, Prof. and Mrs. Louis C. Kar- tempt of Disney's to set cartoons to of the committee on which he would bia, France, Roumania, Canada and pinski, Prof. and Mrs. David Mattern, great music, is from a personal angle, like to serve. England who came in official dress. Prof. and Mrs. Kenneth McMurry, even if it has to be somewhat bellig- Decorations for the dance will have and flags from these countries lined Prof. and Mrs. George R. Moore and erent to hold its own. Treat the a spring theme and will be definitely the wall. Prof. Howard M. Ehrmann. production as a whim of Disney's, announced at a later date. It was at this year's ball that music Prof. and M rs. W alter B. Pills- and you'll take it in the spirit offered. '-Da d s-----L--------c bury, Dr. and Mrs. T. Luther Purdom, Let it influence your entire concept Prof. and Mrs. A. Franklin Sholll4 Looking GLAMOROUS a feeling GLORIOUS, you impress your family when step off the train this vacat in a new hat. The pre-Ea special at the POLHEMUS H SHOP offers loads of hats t will make you a new wom inside and out-$4.95 and $5 i /u LIf ery -es 0o i wy0 0u er fits VSo ill rns. nt Fo wi, .95 be0 got ake0 trly0 ne 0S nei Of into yet 'or 0 ,re er- :ERj vith j TH Lig. Indf will you Lion% ster iAT 'hat ian, .95.j J 0 Lfl / yl how dn't 0 I .. A two-p shepard black. middy i shining new pl changea on-the-c GOWNS that look like for- mals, lovely and flattering. They come in Bemberg Sheer in lovely floral print with blue, peach and white back- grounds. You'll love their full skirts and trim waists. Sizes 34 and 36. Others 32 to 40. tion of the faculty women's club will cluding jump'n'jives, riff tunes, and meet at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the plain hot stuff. Michigan Union. Number of meeting Coed Likes Slower Rhythm room will be posted on the bulletin The pendulum swings the other board. way, however, when it concentrates piece middy blouse dress -checked wool . . . navy A separate long-stemm n navy or black jersey. sharkskin blouse with unging neckline. Three about at will in your Sprii ampus wardrobe. anIelles" Dress . . . 14.95 Middy Blouse 6.50 Shirt . . . 5.00 b MIWII ''_A I a _. __ __...w_. _.._ ___ ' "Here's the' SPECTATOR BROWN and WHITE 95 BLUE and WHITE PATENT and WHITE With a foot-shortening .:ng "BOOMPS TOE" and elasti- cized to really fit! Snowy BUCK with smooth CALF! The spectator you'll "live in for months to come! seen in Vogue, Esquire, Mademoiselle = ::<< f } s ; is ; ;1 ii::<} 3 i f f ": ;:= _7 .ss : 'X: 5 r OurD N4 . G -- / " i.'. 3 Campa.3 .§'cart (c For Spring or reii -up ear ;. s _,; , s: < 'BY Our new series of youthful shoes for feet that go places. Full of flattery, with their rounded toes and slanting peg-top heels that make your feet so Cinderella-like. 1. Navy or black gabardine with patent. 2. Navy or brown gabardine with saddle calf; black with grey snake. 3. Natural brown alligator-calf. 4. Navy or black gabardine with patent; brown with snake. 5. Navy or black gabardine with grey snake. 9 O ,.P' ( I If you were at the style sl Thursday night, you coul I ii 11 I I i I I .Ooftb a 'wo'.m .o"W' sm"f- mw= ow &OWAFS& AVONV& 3 -A