PAGE 5M TrHE MICHIGAN DAILY Flig tTraiing Award ae Ry AChegwr Prof. Conlon Announces Six Vacancies In U.S. Civilian PilotProgram Alfonso Chegwin, '41E, of Barran- quilla, Colombia, was the University's only Latin American student to win a "Pan-American Phase" scholarship for study in the, U.S. Civilian Pilot Training Program, it was learned yesterday. Approximately 20 similar awards were made to the same number of representatives for other American nations as a part of the government's "Good Neighbor Policy." Prof. Emerson W. Conlon of the aeronautical engineering depart- rnent, local CAA director, announced -esterday that only 44 students had thus far been selected for flight trainingrthis semesterand that six vacancies would be available for qualified applicants. Students interested in applying for CAA work are urged to report to the offices of the Aeronautical Engineer- ing Department as soon as possible. Work on the "link trainer" will begin as soon as applicants pass the physi- cal examinations which will be given in the near future. Union Staff To Meet All sophomore members of ther Michigan Union student staff will meet at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the Stu-; dent Offices of the Union, it was an- nounced yesterday by Secretary I Charles Heinen, '41. President Doug- las Gould, '41, will outline the semes- 'Defense Expediter' !overnor Advises Road Men- ToGet Highway Plans In Order Student Group For Defense j THTJRfDAY IFEBELUABT 20, 1S41 OTC Seniors Henle Talks On New Logic Prof. Paul Henle of the philosophy M ay G Rank department related the development ay am a of a new type of logic employed in England in relation to research in a talk entitled "'Application of logic MJree Officers Selected to Biology" before the weekly meet For Army interview uing of Phi Sigma, national honorary biological research society, last night Don W. Ryker, '41E, Neal S. Se- - gaueco 3 . 2 i I' m rportant reasori for the trerimen- i i 4 ! 1 rV o. p dous numoer of traffic fatalities mnp ng i rtxe Roa'd" an11d ,a it 1)y Prof. Italph agricultural areas. A. Moyer of Iowa State College on Louis F. Levin, Chippewa county Students in Defense of Democracy,' "The Effect of Vehicle Operating road commission engineer, speaking a new organization affiliated in pol- Costs on the Selection of Road Sur- before the engineering session of the faces" will comprise the session at Conference, urged that the WPA reg- icy with existing student groups on 9 :30 today in the Ballroom. ulations should be made to conform over 200 campuses, is now making to present county laws. its bid for recognition here. Tfraff~ic Session Talkitbiforegninhr. btrpattessdonstet f "Authority and responsibility must Agnes Reynolds, '38, of Vassar Col- Habit patterns and consistent fac- _o hand in hand," he declared, "and lege, field representative now in Ann ulty attitudes embodied within some better results can be acomplished by Arbor, puts the purpose of the organ- of our bad drivers are extremely im- more responsibility being given to portant factors in causing many au- those in immediate contact with the-dettobrelysacmeinsbot-i k ,, dents to be really active in both aid tomobile accidents, Dr. Louis S. Sell- work. to Great Britain and in proving that ing, director of the psychopathic I ilemocracy can work in this coun- clinic of the Recorder's Court in De- Convention try."6 tr cit, stated yesterday in the traffic hIThe aims of the organizatipn as E "es isi'e illItts President Roosevelt has an- nounceC th e appointment of W. ss nonostated in its literature are jobs for Averell Harriman (above) as "de- Those people who are sane, who (Continued from Page 1) the unemployed, relief for the needy, ferse expediter". He will [;, as- are" not VE ebleminlded and who are not adequate low-cost housing, wide- signed to London to help in co- physically ill, yet get iAto accidents, as Van Wagoner was leaving, "we spread public health facilities, main- ordinating .the British aid program. are the serious violators of our traf- Republicans wish you Democrats n fgd fic laws," Dr. Selling continued, "be- were more careful about choosing atnon of racial and religious discrim- Sta dents To A itend cause they look upon driving in an your Convention date; you really abnormal fashion." can't be in two places at once, Pat." ination. In addition it advocates im- State Civil Rights "The treatment of these various Politics came to the forefront againm attitudes does n t lie alone in the as Republicans started discussing dountries resisting aggression-Brit- Conclave March I1 hands of the phychiatrist. It might; Grand Rapids . . . said one engineer am, China, and Greece; and acom- be necessary in the future to give possible GOPers to run for Highway plete embargo on all goods to Japan. A some simple psychiatric training to Commissioner . . . more prominently At present, according to Miss A delegation of University students law enforcement officers and engin- mentioned were A. L. Burridge of Reynolds, a national drive is in prog- is planning to* attend the annual eers," he concluded. Cadillac, Otto Hess of Grand Rapids, ress against the poll tax and dis- state-wide conference on civil rights Driving upon rural county roads in Allen Williams of Ionia, and Carl crimination against Negroes in the sponsored by the Michigan, Civil Michigan is three times more dan- Bowen of Grand Rapids. Army, Navy, and Air Force. A na- Rights Federation, to be held March gerous than driving on city streets or* * tional publication to be called SOS on rural trunklines, Oscar M. Gun- Sole woman present was a Miss or Share Our Strength is also being derson, traffic engineer of the Michi- Garth (no one seemed to know her planned. Lansing. gan state police told yesterday's first name) who was referred to as In addition to organizing campus Rockwell" Kent, noted artist and engineering session, official referee of the Convention student groups, a symposium broad- president of the CIO unit of the Inattention on the part of motor- by President Ruthven . . . the Gover- cast of students of draft age has al- United American Artists, will be the ists and pedestrians when driving or nor declared that her presence was ready been held, while another be- featured speaker at the convention walking on lightly traveled roads was instrumental in preventing "off- tween British and American students banquet. cited by Mr. Gunderson as the most color" stories. is being planned. gert, '41, and Gordon A. Stumpf, '41E, were selected from , among senior ROTC officers to be interviewed Fri- day, by a visiting Army board for commissions in the regular army up- on graduation this June, the mili- tary science department announced yesterday. Selected } for scholastic honors in ROTC courses as well as a general 'high University rating, the three have the opportunity of obtaining regular Army ranks, instead of the usual! reserve Army commissions. Col. John T. Rhett, commanding ROTC officer for the sixth corps j area; Lieut.-Col. James R. McDowell! I of the medical corps, and Lieut.-Col. John W. Nicholson, representing in- fantry, will compose the interviewing board. Detroit Officer Joins CampusROTC Staff Capt. Bernard H. Vollrath, of De- troit, officer in the U.S. Army re- serve, has been called up by Army orders to join the University mili- tary science department, it was an- nounced yesterday. A graduate of Wisconsin in 1927, Capt. Vollrath held a public utilities position in Detroit until he received his orders last week to head signal corps training here. I Dollar Day SPECIALS THURSDAY ONLY 29c Cooper's Sox 5 pair . . .$1 35c Cooper's Shirts & Shorts 4 for $1 $1.39 Shirts . . $1 55c Ties, 3 for $1 All $1 Ties 3 for $2 Walk a Few Steps and Save Dollars KUOHN'S Clothes Shop 122 E. Liberty Phone 8020 On the corner next to P.Bell ter's work. CLASSIFIED DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN DIRECTORY (Continued from Page 4) March 5: "Far Eastern Reactions to canos" by Professor Keniston at 4:15 the Women's Athletic Building. MISCELLANEOUS-2 ---- ---- ------,estern Penetration." o.m., today in. Room 103 Romance If unable to attend this meet- THESIS Binding - Mimeographing. Gymnasium. Any women who did The public is cordially invited. Languages. ing, please contact Bill Ager (6847) Brumfield&Brumfield, 308 S State not complete the lecture series in.I (a previous year are urged to attend University Lecture: Dr. Georg Mimes meeting tonight at theorGertrude Inwood 2-4471). BEN THE TAILOR-More money for the lectures so that they may pass Steindorff, Professor Emeritus of Michigan Union, room number post- your clothes-good clothes for sale. the final examination, thereby com- Egyptology and former Director of ed on bulletin board. All members Choral EvensEnug at the First Meth- 122 E. Washington. .lc pleting the requirement. the Egyptological Collection, Uni- are urged to be present whether hon- odist Church on Sunday, Feb. 23, at Students should enroll for one of versity of ILeipzig, will lecture on the orary or active. 800 p.m., by the Senior Choir of EXPERT HOSIERY and garment re- the following sections. Each section subject, "Masterpieces of Egyptian the Church under the direction of pair. Reasonable rates. Weave-Bac vill meet at the same hour and day Sculptors," under the auspices of K Prof. Hardin A. Van Deursen, and Sho-Upstairs in Nickels Arcadea1 ach week for seven weeks. the Institute of Fine Arts at 4:15 p.m.,. T assisted by the U. of M. Women's WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL- Section No. 1, Monday, 4:15-5:15. on Tuesday, February 25, in the p.m. This meeting will betsem- Glee Club and the Tappan Juor WAHDSN N RVL rushing dinner for the second sem- leCu n h apnJno Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Date of first meeting, February 24; Rackham Amphitheatre. The pub- ester. Final announcements con-I-gh School Studio Choir. The pub- Killins Gravel Company, Phone Room: Natural Science Aud. lic is cordially invited. ecerning the initiation banquet and lie is cordially invited. 71ac Section No. 2: Tuesday, 41-:5 7112.50 eeting:T ebay,4 5Urt.c e:---~ party on March 1 will be made. I SDate of fi.t meeting, February 25; 1University Lecture: Richard Pat- The Faculty Women's Club will give TAILORING & PRESSING-- 12 Room: Natural Science Aud. tee of the Division of Cultural Rela- Catholic Medical Students will a reception and dance, complimentary DRESSMAKING aud alterations. (These lectures are a graduation re- tions, United States Department ofm toi a ten to the club membes and their hus- DA G d er I quiremeat. State, vll leure on the subject'tea Room of the League. The Rev. bands, on Saturday night. February Coats reined. Also sewing of l Margaret Bell, M.D. ",Inter-American _R Nations as Af- , 22, at the Michigan League. The sub-i kinds. Call Mrs. Ream, 8653. 23c MagrtWmn 'ne-mrcnRltosa f T. Lincoln Bouscare will discuss "The I2a h ihgnLau.Tesb k Medical Adviser to Women fected by the War under the aus- Lthicof Bco Gestatinss i scription dinner at 7:00 p.m. is being LAUNDERING pices of the university Committee I Anyone wishing to attend should sponsored by the club in the dining Concerts on Defense Issues at 4:15 p.m. on call Joe Cahalan. 7282, or Frances room of the League before the recep- LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. I Wednesday, Feb. 26, in the Rackham Sullivan, 2-1566. tion, which is at 8:30 p.m. Reserva- Careful work at low price. 3c University Musical Society will pre- Lecture Hall.' The public is cordially _tions for the dinner will be taken by sent the Budapest String Quartet; invited. Religious Symbolism: Any studehts Mrs. Clark at her office at the League. STUDENT LAUNDRY-Speclal stu- Josef Roismann, First Violinist; Al- _ nred sty r emnn,.. ry I - 1 interested in studying and repro- -.11 CALENDVA - THAT GIVES ME TIME FOR A GLORNZ! !, PLC O UTIE' . lu i -rr~~A A 4P 3 AN For any occasion, GLO-RNZ is a by-word. For special occasions, GLO-RNZ is a necessity. College girls from the University of Maine to the University of California know that GLO-RNZ means lovelier hair, easier to wave. It cleans as it beautifies as it tints. Remember: For spark- ling, tangle-free hair, for springy waves and glowing colored highlights-for hair that is really clean, ask for GLO-RNZ! I i ® Write Today for Purse-size Booklet,"How to Have Lovely Heir" G fORNZY 1424 COURT PLACE L"- D E PT.V DENVER, COLORADO GLO-RNZ Service is Available in Beauty Shops Everywhere J. I dent rates. Moe Laundry, zzu South First St. Phone 3916. 10C STUDENT BUNDLES-3 shirts, 3 pairs of sox, 6 handkerchiefs fin- ished, 2 suits underwear, 2 bath towels, ,1"pajama suit fluffed--99c. Ace Hand Laundry, 1114 S. Uni- versity. 15( TYPING -18 e: ander Schneider, Second Violinist;_~ _______ t; U:iversity Lecture: Dr. Reinhold ducing the symbolism of the great Boris Kroyt, Violist, and Mischa ' Schneider, 'Cellist, in the Ninth Chor Schairer, formerly Lecturer in Coin- world religions are invited to meet al Union concert, tonight at 8:30 parative Education, London Univer- at Lane Hall tonight at 7:30. o'clock in Hill, Auditorium.he pr- sity, will lecture on the subject, "Re- ' knHAdrim. The pro- construction of Europe by Education" The Interior Decorating Group of gram will consist of compositions by under the auspices of the Depart- the Faculty Women's Club will meet Brahms, Schubert, Wolf and Bee- ment of German at 4:15 p.m. on at 3:00 p.m. today at the League. th__en._Thursday, February 27, in the Rack- Linens from the Gage Shop will be ham Lecture Hall. The public is cor- on display and Elizabeth Gage Smith Lectres dially invited. will talk on "Smart Linens." Badminton : The badminton courts in Barbour Gymnasium are open for mixed play on Monday and Friday , evenings from 7:30 to 9:00. TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, University Lecture: Dr. Harold ~ 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or Ingholt, formerly Lecturer on Arch- Events Today 2-1416. 14c aeology at the American University, y VIOA SEIN- Eperencd lgalBeirut, Syria, and Lecturer on Semi- Varsity 'Glee Club: Rehearsal to-I VIOLA STEIN ---Experienced legal BiuSra n etrro ei night. 7:00-8:00, because of Choral typist, also mimeographing. Notary tic Philology and Old Testament Lit- nin t. ecause o Cho-a public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland. erature, University of Aarhus, Den- y Union concert. Rehearsal oneSun- mark, will lecture on the subject, "The i day at 4:30 p.m. sharp. Concert LOST and FOUND Danish Excavations at Hama, Syria," in Owosso is on Thursday, February ----------(illustrated with slides), at 4:15 p.m. 27. LOST-Needlepoint with green back- on Friday, February 21, in the Rack- ~ ground. Last Thurs., Jan. 30, be- 'ham Amphitheatre. The public is A.I.E.E. Meeting: Mr. V. E. Legg of' tween Union and Morris Hall. Call cordially invited. the Bell Telephone Laboratories will 6706. 277 _speak on "Magnetic Materials," to- KAPPA KEY-Lost Saturday night University Lectures: The Honorable night at 8:00 in the Michigan Union. between 8 and 11 at Bell or Intra- Edwin Lowe Neville, recently Ameri- 'Business: a nominating committee mural-Reward. Do Gilliam-Call can Minister to Thailand, will give to be selected. 2-5618.280 the following lectures under the au- Ski Club Meeting tonight at 7:30 spices of the Political Science De- at the Union, room 321. All mem- PHI ETA SIGMA key lost between partment at 4:15 p.m. in the Rack- bers and those interested in joining Maynard St. and East Quad., or on ham Amphitheatre: the club are invited. Arrangements campus Feb. 13. Reward. Phone February 24: "The Far Eastern for a ski trip to Cadillac will be 2-4591. Room 318, Greene Douse. Background." made. 282 February 26: "Frontiers in East}I -- !--Asia." La Sociedad Hispanica will present FOR RENT March 3: "The Consolidation of the third of its 1940-41 series of lee- each riJapan." tres, "Algunos Poetas Latino-Ameri- Ut -$2.75 for one, $2.25 each for ------_-_-_- "two. Good location, 904 S. State. I Coming Events Far Eastern Art (Present and for- mer students): Space still available on trip to Toledo for Exhibition of Chinese Bronzes and Jewelry, Mon- day, Feb. 24, 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. Ap- ply immediately to Mr. Plumer or'a Room A, Alumni Memorial Hall. No applications accepted after 4:00 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 21. (Car permission from home advisable.) Winter Sports Weekend at Patter- son Lake will be held Saturday Vtnd Sunday. Feb. 22 and 23, weather per- mitting. An organization meeting will be held at 4:30 p.m. today in Fountain Pens Recreational Swimming: The Vnion Pool is open for women students for recreational swimming on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 8:30 to 10:00. As Seen to I'1 * :j ~~jW ~i7 3 1 . V~j~(~/'II HANG ON to .something good I Phone 4685. 276 CLEAN, light, warm, single room and suite. First house off State. 615I Monroe St. 278 LARGE single room for rent. $3 per week. Well lighted, 737 Packard. Ph. 2-2231. 283 GRADUATE WOMEN-Lovely rooms for spring. Cross-draft ventilation, shower, very quiet. Phone 6152. 264 FOR RENT-$35-Couple to sublet furnished house through June. Two bedrooms. Bus line. Nice yard. Ph. 8846. NICELY FURNISHES double room. for dollar day only i i 'i , } 1 i and Brok I Pencils PARKER, WATERMAN, EVERSHARP, and others Priced $1.00 and up. Here's how the "Magic Purse" works: Unsnap the purse, lift out the unique "Fiaplock," and presto, you have i smart, amazingly roomy coin purse. Reverse these motions, and your "magic purse" is locked in again securely. Simple- but mighty convenient. LIPSTKK RED.s NAVY @ GREEN CHOCOLATEe BLACK 0 WHITE BURGUNDY ® BLACK and RED Here's the New "Fla lc"that Inees all the difference An Ingenious leather flap tucks into the purse, letting the snap button come through, swhen you press down the cap the purse is double-locked into your billfold-safe and trim until you choose to re- move It. See the "MAGIC PURSE" in our store today. E1 ukZS. w * 8ft ft,1, . Renew Your Subscription to the MICHIGAN DAILY NOW! F The Michigan :Daily ..® _ All Spring dresses reduced.. Slips $1.29 and $1.50 Special (one lot) jewelry. Blouses $1.50. . Extra Special 50c wool anklets $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 k