N Weather Partly cloudy; little change in temperature. JYre .AL. 41P of -ILLIL t 47LI at Editorial Adjustments After The War . . . Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication VOL. LL No. 122 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1941 Z-323 s I PRICE FIVE CENTS German Air Raid Assails Draft Act Cooperation Of Higher Learning, Damages Convoy; Serbs Halt Tie-Up Deadly Attack. Blasts Two British Ships Off Crete; Matsuoko Visit Awaited Internal Disruption Stops Axis Alliance BERLIN, March 21.-()-The Ger- man air force reported tonight the destruction of two British ships, in- cluding a tanker, and probably a third, in a strongly-guarded British convoy plying the route of reinforce- ment to Greece. In the attack off the island of Crete, the report said a tanker of 10,000 tons was hit directly and set fiercely ablaze, afreighter of about 8,000 tons was blasted in two and left in "a sinking condition," and another freighter of about 6,000 tons was seen to be listing amid clouds of smoke. The Mediterranean attack was re- ported on the heels of a high com- mand claim that 69,000 tons of mer- chant shipping had been sunk by sub- marines in an attack on a British convoy off the west coast of Africa. At the same time Axis quarters connected the forthcoming visit of Japanese Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsouka with prospective moves in "blitz diplomacy." Usually reliable Japanese sources here said Matsuoka might visit Lon- don while in Europe. They were un- able to say whether he would be like- ly to visit the United States, too, on his way home. There was no discussion on the possibility in other quartersnhow- ever, (authoritative quarters in Lon- don said they had no knowledge of an impending visit by Matsuoka.) The attack on the England-bound convoy in African waters was made the subject of a "sonder meldung"- a special report-which is the cere- monial form of transmitting infor- mation which the High Command regards of great importance to the German people. The announcement caused great! elation here and was taken by Ger- mans as proof that the intensified submarine warfare which Hitler had proclaimed for March and April was well under way. Military observers said U-boatsI and planes were sinking Britain'sI ships at such a rate that shipbuilders of the world could not keep pace with{ it. The High Command announced the sinking of another freighter and the firing of a second in air attacks about England. The number of ships sunk from the! convoy was not given, however. j Interim d Disruption Prevents Alliance (3y The Associated Press) BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, March 22,. --Bitter Serb protests, bearing seeds of internal disruption, threatened tonight to prevent any immediate alliance with the Axis by this coun- try of variegated races, languages and religions. Premier Dragisa Cvetkovic and Foreign Minister Alksandar Cincar- Markovic were forced to hold in abey- ance their plans to leave' for Vienna tomorrow to sign an agreement with Germany on Sunday. The likelihood of delay-or of more than mere delay-was raised by the, angry objections of three Serb cab-; inet ministers who resigned today rather than approve an anti-British accord with Germany and its allies. The army rank and file, too, was angry. Prince Paul, head of the Yugoslav Regency, ordered the ministers to withdraw their resignations, but they refused, and Paul tonight reluctantly accepted their withdrawal from the Government. He instructed Cvetkovic and Vice- Premier Vladimir Macek to try to fill three vacancies quickly with com- pliant ministers. These two went into conferences late tonight in hope of cutting as short as possible a crisis which might rip Yugoslavia at its racial seams. Mobilized Serb soldiers singing, American and French World War songs paraded in the provinces last night while Yugoslav/ Government heads vainly sought to solve a crisis I. Pact Of Slavs Is Not Binding, Ehrmann Says By EDMUND GROSSBERG "It seems unlikely that the Ger- mans would refrain from crossing Yugoslavia if it should suit their pur- pose to use the important. Morava and Vardar river valleys in an in- vasion of Greece." This was the comment of Prof. Howard M. Ehrmann of the history department when interviewed yes- terday on the reported terms of Yu- goslavia's approaching pact with Germany. Referring to the clause which guar- antees the territorial integrity of Yugoslavia, Professor Ehrmann re- called that several of Germany's al- lies have aspirations against Yugo- slavia. He pointed out that Italy desires Dalmatia,Hungarywants Western Banat and parts of Croatia Slavonia, and Bulgaria has claims to Old Mace- donia. Yugoslavia is not in a position to resist German demands, he explained. It is a weak country militarily and not too wel solidified internally. If the Germans take Salonika, they (Continued on Page 6) Doherty Men, Leave Today ForChicago Seven Miehigan Tracksters To Invade Windy City For Annual - Relays By HAL. WILSON Seven of Coach KenNDoherty's Wolverine trackmen leave at 1:37 p.m. today to join the star-studded stream of cindermen from all over the nation heading for the Inter- national Amphitheatre where the an- nual Chicago Relays get under way tonight. Most lavish of all Midwestern track carnivals, the gigantic Windy City meet has attracted virtually every outstanding performer in the coun- try, including holders of some 20 World's track and field records, and no less than five World and 11 meet marks are expected to topple before the onslaught of this supercharged army of spikemen. Michigan's contenders for meet honors and the diamond medals that go with them are Capt. Don Canham, Bud Piel, Al Thomas, and a crack two-mile relay team, comprising Bob Ufer, Warren Breindenbach, Dave Matthews, and Johnny Kautz. In a special matched relay race, Michigan's quartet will bid for a triumph over Indiana's powerful foursome and Notre Dame's strong (Continued on Page 3) Revelli Goes To Pitt Prof. William D. Revelli, Directoir of the University Bands, is in Pitts- burgh this week-end, where he is con- ducting the Pennsylvania state high school band clinic. PRESIDENT RUTHVEN NLRB Serves Ford Company With Complaint Unfair Labor Practices Is Charge Made; Hearing rTo Be Held April 14 DETROIT, March 21.-(/P--On the heels of a federal mediator's report of progress in efforts to make peace between the Ford Motor Company and the CIO's United Auto Workers, the regional office of the National Labor Relations Board late today is- sued a complaint of unfair labor practices against the company. The formal complaint, embodying charges of the CIO's auto union, cov- ers alleged company anti-union ac- tions from 1935 to 1940 and accuses the company of having operated "an extensive espionage system" among employes. and maintained "gangs of strong-arm men" to coerce workers. Frank H. Bowen, Board regional director in Detroit, announced a hearing on the complaint before a board trial examiner would be con- ducted April 14. The complaint, Bow- en said, was served on the company this afternoon. It was the ninth labor board complaint issued against the company for alleged wui-union ac- tivities in its plants throughout the counury. The strike notice affected the Rouge, Lincoln and Highland Park Ford plants, which together employ nearly 100,000 men in the Detroit area. rmy I Military Education Hailed As True Contribution To Defense Before Michigan Grads Important Speech Quotations Listed "The ills which afflict civilization cannot be eradicated immediately . but good judgment indicates that they must be treated to relieve distress, and common sense dictates that the treatment we employ should reflect our best knowledge and recog- nize that there are. dangers to our security within as well as without the body politic." "Even in a crisis it is important to examine proposals and measures for defense as they relate to and involve institutions of higher learn- ing and the services which these agencies are capable of rendering." Under the program of our present selective service act "the stream of skilled men flowing into society will be checked at the source, to the loss of important arms of the military service and, of the civilians who must support the armed forces." - * "All in all, our schools are not being allowed to give their best to the country." "Michigan will suggest that it would be far wiser to work out a plan involving extensive use of sum- mer encampments and stepped-up winter training in the R.O.T.C. pro- grams, and will insist that coopera- tion between educati-nal institutions and the military forces will produce better citizens both for peace and wor than an isolated year of in- struction in military science." * * * "An efficient military organi- zation cannot be democratic, and to attempt to give to a war machine the appearance of being so by methods of conscription which real- ly rob it of the men and services it needs to operate successfully is merely trying to fool the pub- lie at great cost." "Students see an enormous stand- ing army in the process of construc- tion and want to know where it is to be used, especially since the country is not at war." Here is the text of President Ruthven's address before the Univer- sity-of Michigan Club of New York, entitled "The University of Michigan and National Defense." "_qY PRINCIPAL MISSION on this occasion is to discuss the position Michigan is taking in what is called 'the "national emergency." The present situation calls for clear thinking and wise and courageous action if educators and educational institutions are to avoid the mistakes they made in the last war and properly serve the nation in a time of need. You, as alumni, are entitled to know the problems, general and specific, before the institutions of higher education and the attitude of Michigan in regard to them. "General Conditions" "The situation in which the United States finds herself today cannot correctly be called an emergency, in the sense of "an unforeseen combination on circumstances," although it demands immediate action. Present conditions have been in the making for many years, and regard- less of the outcome of the conflicts now raging they will continue to exist in greater or less intensity until man learns to curb effectively his sel- fishness and greed and to know his neighbors as friends rather than as customers to be exploited or competitors to be destroyed, "The ills which afflict civilization cannot be eradicated immediately, humans being what they are, but they are too painful and dangerous to be endured. Good judgment indicates that they must be treated to relieve distress, and common sense dictates that the treatment we em- ploy should reflect our best knowledge and recognize that there are dangers to our security within as well as without the body politic. "No one can predict with assurance the outcome of the shameful struggles now going on. Of some things, however, we may be sure. The United States will bear the financial costs of the conflicts, irrespective of who wins or loses them, and our children must be prepared to pay the enormous debt. Again, at, or even befre, the conclusion of the present wars, our country will find herself in competition, if not in war, with the winner. or with some combination of nations if there should perchance be a stalemate. Finally, whether she goes to war or only goes as far as to build a strong military defense, this nation will find intellectual, moral, and social values in great danger of being seriously impaired. There are few bright spots in the picture now spread before us. Must Guard Our Lives "Self-preservation is such a strong instinct that in a warring world we will certainly make preparations to guard our lives when aggression seems to threaten, even though we know that killing people is no ade- quate remedy for political rows and social maladjustments. We are, therefore, now arming to the teeth, or at least attempting to do so. It is doubtful, however, if we appreciate what an efficient defense program should be. It will not suffice in these times, to build a strong army and navy and at the same time lower the intellectual, cultural,. and health standards of our nation. Solidarity will easily be jeopardized by discon- tent in the process of increasing armed forces.. "War today is total war, whether it consists of shooting battles, economic struggles, or ideological conflicts. It aims at the destruction of the spirit as well as the bodies of men. It is not limited to activities of troops but is nationwide in scope. Its most effective operations are directed against the moral stamina, intellectual integrity, constructive faith, and bodily and mental health of civilian popultions. Large, well- trained, highly mechanized, well-armed forces are necessary, but an intelligent, confident. loyal, well-cared-for citizenry is also essential to a thorough-going defense organization. In other words, total war calls for total defense. and even in a serious conflict it is as important to pro- mote the comfort and security of the humblest citizen as it is to provide for the welfare of the soldier. "A WELL-ORDERED PLAN of protection for a democracy will not fail to use properly the facilities of the colleges and universities. These institutions can contribute to the solution of technical problems. They are, in a number of fields, the chief or only source of experts. They supply leadership in many phases' of communal living, and they assist in raising the intellectual level and in preserving the ideals of our citi- zenry. These are essential services in a changing world. Unless they are (Continued on Page 4 Prof. Stalker Make s Advance In Destroing Smoke Nuisance Prof. Sherlock Collaborates In Redesigning Stacks With Nozzle Tip To Reduce Inconvenience By MORTON MINTZ A significant advance in America's effort to destroy the industrial smoke nuisance, costing millions each year, has been made by Prof. Edward A. Stalker of the aeronautical engineering department and Prof. Robert H. Sherlock of the civil engineering department. Re-designing industrial smokestacks to make them narrower, with a nozzle-like tip, the men found, resulted in squirting the rising smoke through _,the "tornadoes" or eddies, which tend Uniyersity President Gives Speech Before Meeting Of New York Alumni Selective Draft Program Indicted "The University of Michigan will insist that cooperation between' edu- cational institutions and the military forces will produce better citizens both for peace and war than an iso- lated year of instruction in milita~y science," President Alexander G. Ruthven declared in a speech last night before the Michigan Club of New York in which he described the present military training program at 'the college level as inadequate and "unnecessarily expensive.' Explains University Position Explaining that the general posi- tion of the University would be that the "safety of the nation in war as in peace requires that the schools as well as industries be kept -at peak production," thepresident specifical- ly suggested that' it would be "far wiser to work out a plan involving extensive use of summer encamp- ments and stepped-up winter train- ing in the R.O.T.C. programs" than continue the present policy. He laid four charges at the door of the present selective service act in its application to college students: 1. "It checks the stream of skilled men-doctors, engineers, chemists, dentists-at the source to the loss of important arms of the military service and of the civilians who must support the armed forces." 2. "It further aggravates the dearth of trained men in the several pro- fessions which guard the health of the army and nation as a whole." Drive Short-Sighted 3. The present drive to have stu- dents shorten or forego college train- ing defense work is short-sighted in "sacrificing the supply of trained men to secure a limited number of unskilled workers." 4. "Skilled teachers are being called into the service either as reserve of- ficers or for other reasons, to the great detriment of instruction." "The University expects criticism for its stand," the president' said, prefacing a defense of the Univer- sity's position from anticipated charges that "college deferment is undemocratic," that it is 'tminimiz- ing the dangers to the nation," and that those who ask for deferment are "lacking in loyalty." Answers First Charge In answer to the first charge he maintained that "efficient military organization cannot be democratic, and to attempt to give a war ma- chine the appearance of being so by methods of conscription which really rob it of the,men and services it needs to operate successfully is merely trying to -fool the public at great cost." In refutation of the second charge the president said it must be made clear "that the army cannot stop the production and at the same time have the needed number of trained men," and emphasizes that the "civilian population must not be neglected in such times if we are to preserve the American way of life." The president termed the third charge as the "unkindest cut of all" and saidthat students who ask for deferment to continue their college education are "only trying to do what every good citizen should aspire to do-get themselves prepared to give the best they have for their country." Questions Program Apart from the more obvious in- terferences to education entailed in the present service act, the president questioned whether a program that interferes sc, seriously with the lives of the men engaged in the social sciences and other studies will pro- duce social patterns that the country desires. Student attitudes cannot be safely ; Preferable Training, RuthvenSays To Isolated Funeral Services For Marie Douglas To Be Held Today I I' Private funeral services for Miss Debate Team Marie Louise Douglas, prominent Ann Arbor resident and daughter of a: former faculty member, will be held today at the Douglas home. Despite the fact that she was 81 Hemisphere Alliance Plant years old, Miss Douglas took an ac- Will Be Propositioin tive part in many civic projects un- til she was taken ill last Thanks- Chester Myslicki, '42, and William giving. She was especially interested H sye4 wll r nt th in historical research and frequent- Halliday, '43, will represent the Uni- ly cooperated with University officials versity against Birmingham Southern in work of this nature. College two-man team in the Varsity Miss Douglas was the daughter of men's Debate to be held at 4 p.m. to- Dr. Silas H. Douglas, who played a day in Room 1205, Angell Hall. large part in the establishment of T-ey will argue the national inter- the University's department of medi- Teyite areposi tion Renled: cine. A member of the faculty for collegiate proposition, "Resolved: 33 years, he was dean of the medical That the nations of the Western school, head of the chemical labor- Hemisphere should form a permanent atory and professor of a variety of alliance." subjects. ' -4cm A r ihp diar.fi , f i T t f Fair Judgment Is In Realizinga One's Premises, Sabine Says By R. SAMUEL MANTHO "The surest road to impartiality of judgment lies not through the sup- pressing of one's convictions but through making oneself fully aware of what they are," Prof. George H.' Sabine, of the Sage School of Philos- ophy at Cornell University, declared in a University lecture yesterday. "There is nothing illogical in the process of valuation. What is illogi- cal is the unavowed premise and con- clusion reached by innuendo," he ex- plained. The analytical solution is the only escape from the dilemma of social which makes value independent of human concern is suspect, he said. ' Considering the pragmatic line of thought, Professor Sabine termed the theory "more radical" than the ethi- cal realism concept in that it devi- ates from formal logic. The prag- matic dogma as introduced by Dewey defines logic as the theory of in- quiring and proceeds by beginning with a problemnatic situation, he ex- plained. But every inquiry is an inference and every study must include valua-. tion, he argued. The objection to pragmatism is that it uses terms that essentially involve Arthur Secord of the speech depart- ment will meet its second opponent of the spring schedule. Joe Schroeder, '43, and Arthur Biggins, '41, will meet the teams representing the University ofDe- troit and Wayne University in 'two debates on the same question in De- troit Monday. The next home debate will be held with Boston College March 28. Big- gins and Schroeder. will again repre- sent the University. Karp iski's Help Asked By Detroit Prof. Louis C. Karpinski, of the mathematics department, said today that he had been employed by Detroit FDR's Cruise To Be Delayed ABOARD USS BENTON, Port Ev- erglades, Fla., March 21.-(P)-Presi,- dent Roosevelt rode salt water to- night, but he was not getting far on a fishing trip. The White House yacht, Potomac, lay at anchor behind the harbor breakwaters here, still waiting favor- able weather before nosing into the open Atlantic. Speculation began to develop whe- ther adverse weather was the only factor delaying the start of the cruise and whether the President might have to drag the gases down into the smooth upper air layers where they diffuse normally. The eddies, above and on the side of the stacks, are generated by the building and the stcks themselves. Two horizontal tornado-like eddies point downstream from the top of the stack and many vertical ones are shed from the stack sides. Both types suck the smoke down in much the same manner as a natural tornado sucks up dust or a water spout draws up water, Research in the University wind tunnel with a scale model of a Chi- cago plant that was concerned with this problem demonstrated to Profes- sors Stalker' and Sherlock that the