PAGE'FOUJR TlE- CIIHIGA N , DAILY. FRIDAY, MARCh-21, 1941 __ _ _ v . -. - - -- - THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..,... Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTEa FOR NATIONAL ADVERTINa, BV National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOs ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO &ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Civil Services From Fingerprinting LATEST DEVELOPMENT in personal identification is the national civil fingerprinting program inaugurated by the Fed- eral Bureau of Investigation. Through the con- ception and establishment of the Personal Iden- tification Bureau, the FBI has rendered aid in countless amnesia cases and in the search for missing persons, in a program distinctly apart from its criminal identification. First attempt at a civil fingerprinting project among college students was the program initiated at the University of Washington last year. Im- mediate success there inspired a nationwide program by J. Edgar Hoover and when the FBI proposed such a project here, they sought an organization whose sole motive is service. Alpha Phi Omega, national service fraternity, is composed of students who have formerly been connected with the Scout movement. And their presence in the University has not altered their attitude toward service. ASSEMBLING college men in the fellowship of the Scout Oath and Law is the purpose of Alpha Phi Omega. Its program has been four-fold: service to the student body and fac- ulty, to youth and community, to members of the fraternity, and to the nation as participat- ing citizens. The execution of this program has gained much notice and codperation for the group. An impressive list of faculty members composes their faculty advisory committee. In collaboration with the FBI. Alpha Phi Omega will end their fingerprinting campaign today. Although the quota of 5,000 students and faculty records has not been wholly achieved, the project has certainly met with success and the organization promises many such services to come. - Richard Eyster I.- Editorial Staff Hervte Haufler Alvin Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman . . . . Managing Editor .; . . . Editorial Director . . . . . City Editor Associate Editor * . . . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor .Women's Editor Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause / NIGHT EDITOR: ALVIN DANN The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. AFLD Leaders And Personal Ambition .. THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR is once again illustrating its inability to provide a strong, vigilant organ- ization for the working man-an organization which is willing to subordinate the personal ambitions and desires of its leaders to the good of the American laborer. . At a time when any union worthy of the name should be concentrating upon a two-point program of furthering national defense and, at the same time, insisting that the defense effort must not be utilized by unscrupulous employers to undermine the rights of labor, the Federa- tion is devoting the majority of its time to mak- ing vicious attacks upon the younger, more alert CIO. One does not have to go far in search for illustrations of the AFL attitude. William Green, president of the organization, is leading the chorus of vindictive statements. Only recently he charged that strikes by CIO unions in defense industries were "wholeheartedly in line with Communist policy." (He neglected to add what AFL strikes would be in line with.) AND NOW, glaring evidence of the inadequacy and of the uncooperative spirit which has seemingly engulfed the Federation has turned up only eight miles east of Ann Arbor. The employes of the United Stove Company in Ypsilanti had for some time been represented by the UAW-AFL. This union, although it held a contract with the management, had not been looking after the welfare of the workers effect- ively enough. On January 8, therefore, the membership voted to transfer their affiliation, to the CIO, which they hoped would give them stronger backing. That it has done so would seem evident from the fact that, even after a rather prolonged strike, it is generally con- ceded that the latter union will be the choice of the employes in an NLRB election to be held soon. Regardless of this, and regardless of the fact that the C10 has been doing a better job of representation than the AFL ever did, that union has finally come to life and is spending is time calling the opposing leaders names. It is accus- ing the CIO of instigating "a program of terror- ism, intimidation and coercion of workers" which was "designed to . . . confuse the workers and throw the organization into a state of turmoil." This is the AFL definition of a strike for the legitimate demands of labor. STHILE the older union has been devoting most of its energy to blaring forth meaning- less accusations, the leaders of the CIO have been vigorously defending and protecting labor's rights. It is these men who are busy organ- izing the Ford Motor Company. The same men recently obtained important concessions from the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, At the same time, the CIO' officials have of- fered valuable contributions to the defense speed-up effort. Philip Murray came forth with his "industry joint councils plan." Walter Reu- ther, an officer of the UAW, offered the country his scheme for mass , production. That both contributions have, for some unknown reason, Cc AL> 1 The City Editor's £klatch pad N THE WINDOW of a room on the top floor of Betsy Barbour since last Saturday night has been hanging a flimsy armful of silk stock- ings, and other brevities which constitute the feminine wardrobe. At night when the lights are on (my roomate says) this sight is quite ugly. And furthermore, he insists, four days and nights is too long a time to dry any coed's washing. * ' * From the mailbox come the none too origi- nal suggestion that "Tom Harmon of Michi- gan," Mr. 98's future movie, be premiered in Ann Arbor. Which brings to mind the new organi- zation which has been seeking publicity. It calls itself the HTHOGP club . . . which in trans- lation is "Hate Harmon on General Principles Club." LETTERS T THE E DIT?9 Experimental Theatre To The Editor: Many people,-among them "G.M."---are against the "all-out" aid for :Britain, because they fear that a state of war in the United States would destroy Democracy forever. "G.M." writes that Democracy cannot be put in "cold storage." Against this statement I have to turn to the example of history. Almost everybody agrees that Britain, France and the U.S.,were demo- cracies between 1920 and 1939,-at least they were closer to the democratic ideal than almost any other country of the world. And France and Britain,-and also to a certain extent the United States,-were under the conditions of emergency, of war: of dictatorship during World War I. They were democracies before and after the War,-they were dictatorships during it. I guess this should be enough to prove that democracy can be stored. For the democratic ideas are not in the goV- ernilent: they are rooted in the people itself. Ideas, ways of thinking, deeply rooted in the peoples' minds, which cannot be obliterated by a few years of emergency--"dictatorship." Dic- tatorship can be lasting only where the peo- ' ple for generations,--have been indoctrined and have gotten used to it,--besides the nec- essity of an economic crisis. A Totalitarian vie- tory,-almost sure without an "all-out" aid to Britain, would create the crisis. Half-in-half-out aid does not make much sense: the United States is probably already on the German "Black List": a Democracy and an economic power to be beaten. It is a matter of strategy to send as much power as possible to the most needing spot and accelerate the production of these materials. The propagators of the doctrine that "Wartime emergency will turn the United States to Dictatorship" shouldn't fear: 2-5 years of government controlled econ- omy, press and radio cannot obliterate the tradi- tion of centuries. - .1. P. 'All-Out' Aid For Britain' To The Editor: THERE recentlyappeared in your paper a letter written by three students who advocated the building of an experimental theatre in Ann Arbor in which worthy plays written by stu- dents would be produced. I should like to re- affirm their view and state the reasons why I believe there is an acute need for such a the- atre, beside the fact that it would greatly aid in making Ann Arbor the center for work in the arts which it might well become. Every year some student at the University of Michigan wins a Hopwood Award for his play and yet, the majority of these plays are never produced. There are usually only ap- proximately fifteen serious productions on Broadway a year, and certainly this must be a very small percentage of the really good works that are submitted. With an experimental the- atre in Ann Arbor we could produce the Hop- wood plays, and other plays of great merit which otherwise would remain buried in the pile of dramas that Broadway rejects each year. By bringing these outstanding plays to the atten- tion of all those interested in the theatre and by providing an opportunity for people of talent in all lines of dramatic work to crystalize their efforts in some form or other without necessi- tating the dubious prospect of having a New York production, the new theatre would serve the twofold purpose of enabling the average person to see as a drawing place for Broadway. FEEL CERTAIN that prominent people in the theatre are constantly searching for new material. I feel that just as certain that in Ann Arbor it would be an easy task to find large audiences for our productions. The great in- terest that has already been shown in dramatic productions and the fact that people are al- ways enthusiastic about taking part in some new discovery convinces me of that. Then, too, if we could establish a center for dramatic art in Michigan here in Ann Arbor just as we already have done in the field of music, we would broad- en the possibility for an even greater public, for interest in our work would naturally be height- ened. The need for an experimental theatre has been created by the already existing great interest and the time has come-we must have one! - Florence Levi Arnerican Teachers' Federatiorn When the American Federation of Teachers finds "a perfect uninterrupted parallel" between the policies of Local 5 of New York and the offi- cial policy of the Communist Party, it raises one question which must have been puzzling a good many people. Why do the Communist Party chief tains, here or in Moscow, insist on one hundred per cent conformity from their fellow travelers and their fronts? The Com- munists are supposed to be masters of camou- flage. One would think that to makea disguise per- fect, Communist strategy would permit its vari- ous fronts and belts a certain amount of insu- bordination, in fact, make it compulsory. A' teachers' union would receive instructions to go ten per cent heretic. A students' organization would be ordered to differ sharply with official Communist policy once every two months. A dose of Stalin's congenital inability to endure 7 jr S!)pring Styles? l/ I7Nr yid. A to" i/ - ' , ~ /S § LF DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ,. i IF A CERTAIN PHI DELT who admits in public the truth of fictious claims made about him in Gargoyle, he will face the full Scratch Pad henceforth. Which is plays tennis any of those this month's fury of the plenty. -Poem, to those who are being solicited by my roommate: "Will Sapp sold no ties To the Shrewd Sigma Phis." e RobettS.Atei NYTHING CAN HAPPEN in the tempestuous Balkans, but it seems certain that Roosevelt diplomacy and the lease-lend bill were respon- sible for delaying the Nazi attack on Greece for at least ten days. The big thing which the lend-lease bill did for the British was to permit tanks, anti-tank guns, and anti-aircraft guns to be landed at Sa- lonika immediately. The British had only limited supplies of these, and had to keep some in reserve for use around Suez and other vital Mediter- ranean areas. However, with the passage of the lend-lease bill, they knew they could get reserves later from the United States, therefore threw all their pres- ent reserves onto the Greek front. THIS TYPE OF MUNITIONS is what the Jug- oslav army and the Turks have especially needed. They have plenty of rifles, machine guns anti-tank or anti-aircraft guns to stop the ad- anti-tank or anti-aircraft guns t ostop the ad- vance of modern mechanized forces. The hurried shipment of these British sup- plies, therefore, worked wonders in weaning Jugoslavia away from the Axis. Simultaneously, Roosevelt had been in con- sultation with the Jugoslav Minister in Washing- ton, and just one day after the lease-lend bill was signed, gave him categoric promises of American munitions. This also had its effect on Belgrade. FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1941 VOL. LI. No. 121 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University._ Notices Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The five-week freshman reports will be due March 22 in the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. Arthur Van Duren Chairman, Academic Counselors Bronson-Thomas and Kothe-Hild- ner prize competitions will be held on Thursday, March 27, from 2-5 p.m. in Room 203 U.H. Orientation Advisers: All men stu- dents interested in serving as ori- entation advisers next fall, report to room 304 of the Union between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. today. Aeronautical Engineering Students: There will be available in the De-j partment of Aeronautical Engineer-1 ing two Frank P. Sheehan Scholar- ships and probably three assistant-1 ships, for the year 1941-42. TheseI scholarships and assistantships are, in general, restricted to upperclass- men and graduate students, and the selection is made very largely on the basis of scholastic standing. Appli- cations for these positions will be re- ceived up to April 1, 1941. Students wishing to make application should address them to Professor E. A. Stalk- er, B-47 East Engineering Building, and should give a brief statement of their qualifications and experience in regard to both their scholastic work and any outside experience they may have had. A statement should also be made giving their plans for fur- ther study in Aeronautical Engineer- ing. Applications may be made for both the scholarships and the assist- antships. The University Bureau of Apiomit.- ments and Occupational Information has received a notice from the Philco Corporation at Philadelphia, Pa., that they are interested in employing ev- eral electrical, mechanical, and indus- trial engineers from this year's grad- uating class. These men will be placed in laboratories for training for engineering or supervisory posi- tions in the organization. Application blanks on file at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Adult Music Camp: Camp Wood- wind in Peekskill, N.Y., the adult va- cation camp of the Studios of Music Education in New York City, offers to a limited number of college stu- dents, the ,opportunity to pay part nf their eamn fee in eounsellin :;erv- be obtained at the Bureau, 201 MasonI Hall, hours 9-12 and 2-4. Detroit Civil Service Examinations: The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following examinations to be given by the De- troit Civil Service Commission. Student Social Worker, salary $1,320.00 a year. Last filing date, April 4, 1941. Date of examination, April 11th. Junior Recreation Instructor, sal- ary $5.25 per day, closing date April 14, 1941, examination April 19, 1941.1 Playleader (male) (female), salary $5.00 per day. For summer employ- ment. Closing date, April 14, 1941. Examination April 19, 1941. In all cases, applicants must have legal residence in Detroit and be not less than 20 years of age, Further information on file at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall, hours 9-12, 2-4. Table Tennis Tournament-Wo- men Students: Rounds 1 and 2 must be completed by Wednesday, March . 26. All matches not finished will be given a default. A cademic Notices Bacteriology Seminar on Monday, March 24, at 8:00 p.m. in Room 1564 East Medical Building. The subject will be "Allergy and Immunity in Tuberculosis." All interested are in- vited. Master's Candidates in History: The language examination will be given at 4:00 p.m., Friday, March 28, Room B, Haven Hall. Students must bring their own dictionaries. Copies of old examinations are on file in the basement study hall of he General Library. The examination is written and lasts one hour. Students may sign up for the examination in the History Department Office,.119 Hav- en Hall, before Monday, March 24. Concerts May Festival: Six concerts will be given by distinguished artists and organizations as follows: Wednesday Evening, May 7. Thursday Evening, ,May 8. Friday Afternoon, May 9. Friday Evening, May 9.y ' Saturday Afternoon, Mlay 10. Saturday Evening, May 10. Orders for tickets, either for the entire Festival or for individual con- certs, should be left at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. Tickets will be selected in the sequence of receipt of order, and will be mailed out abo4t April 20 by ordinary mail at pur- chasers' risks unless additional fee for registered mail is included. Exhibitions Exhibitions: The following exhibi- tions will be open at the hours stated below in the Rackham Building: Ceramics and Bronzes from Siam. The Neville Collection. Stelae from Kom Abu Billu. From the University's excavation in Egypt. Ancient Chinese Bronze Mirrors. March 17-21, 2-5 and 7-10 p.m. March 22, 2-5 p.m. 'Modern Posters in Alumni Memorial Hall afternoons, 2-5, through March (Continued on Page 6) RADIO SPOTLIGHT WR WeW 030CKLW WXYZo lu 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - MuttKal 1241KC-NBC Blus Friday Evening .6:09 tevr!son News Ty Tyson Rollin' Bud Shaver 6:15 Tdda Hopper Newscast; Music 101.s The Factfinder 6:30 IIsIde of Sports 13111 Elliott Conga Day In Review 6:45 Melody Marvels Lowell Thomas Time Baseball Extra 7.00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring Happy Joe To be Announced 7:15 Lanny Ross Revue; Melodies Val Clare Rhumba Rhythms 7:30 Al Pearce's Heritage Carson Robison The Lone 7:45 Variety Show of Freedom Dream Awhile Ranger 8:00 Kate Smith Cities Service Gilbert And Friday Nighi 8:15 Program; Concert Sullivan Army Show 8:30 Guest Stars Information, Light Death Valley 8:45 News at 8:55 Please Opera Days 9:00 Johnny Waltz Sen. Ludington Gang 9:15 Presents Time Interlude; News Busters 9:30 Campbell Playhse Everyman's I want John B. Kennedy 9:45 Campbell Playhse Theatre A Divorce Your Happy B'thd'y 0:00 Public Affairs wings National News Raymond G. Swing