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August 20, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-08-20

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Knock! Knock!

Washington Merry-Go-Round


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.6
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session,
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
tights of republication of all other matters herein, also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, LIc,
College Publishers Representative

Member, Associated Collegiate:

Press, 194041

Editorial Stafff

Hervie Haufler

Alvin Sarasohn .
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
L~aurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman

. . . . Managing Editor
* . . .Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
* . . Associate. Editor
* . . Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
. . . . .Women's Editor
. . . . Exchange Editor

Business Staff
Business Manager
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause

WASHINGTON-Wendell Willkie went all-out
for the President's lend-lease bill, but per-
sonally he doesn't like Mr. Roosevelt any better
than before. Willkie made this clear to friends
following his conference at the White House.
Winston Churchill, he indicated, had it all over
Roosevelt in ability and personality, was "much
simpler and more direct in manner."
"There isn't anyone in America quite like
Churchill," Willkie said. "He was the most con-
genial companion I've met in a very long time.
He has a gay bouyancy that is incomparable."
Willkie also told his friends that he had ab-
solutely no intention of taking a job under Roose-
"The President hasn't offered me anything,"
he said, "and I hope he doesn't because I'll turn
it down. One thing I don't want is an appointive
office. If war should come I will enlist in the
armed forces, but I am not taking a govern-
ment job."
Willkie is still undecided what he will do, but
is leaning toward a return to law. He has been of-
fered A number of lucrative positions, one carry-
ing a salary of $120,000 a year.
Peace Offering
For Willkie personally the most dramatic
part of his hectic day in Washington occurred at
the Union Station enroute to the midnight sleep-
He was wearied, tousled and alone, trudging
through the great domed waiting room, when
suddenly he came face to face . with General
Hugh Johnson, also outward bound.
During the election campaign Johnson was one
of Willkie's most rabid boosters. But this love
turned to vituperation when Willkie declared for
the lend-lease bill. Since then Gen. Johnson, in
his syndicated column, has been "scorching
the pants off" the man who only a few months
ago he acclaimed as a shining Sir Galahad.
So the other night both men looked at each
other in silence, then Willkie remarked pleasant-
ly, "Well, Hugh, nice to see you."
"Oh, hullo," replied Johnson. Again there was
a silence, which was broken by Willkie with an
inquiry about Johnson's destination.
"Oh, I'm just going fishing," and then, thaw-
ing a little, the General added that he had not
been able to attend the Senate committee hear-
ing because he had been busy with an article.
"That fellow Clark (isolationist Missouri Sen-
ator)," remarked Willkie conversationally, "is
one of the dullest persons I've met in a long
time. I don't see how he keeps in office."
"Well, I don't know . . . ," murmured the iso-
lationist General non-committally. By this time
they were at the track gates. Again there was
silence, this time broken by Johnson.
"Wendell," he said, "how about a bottle of beer
before we turn in?"
"Thanks, Hugh, but I don't think I'd better.
I'm very tired and I've got a busy day ahead.
Thanks just the same. Be seein' you."
Johnson nodded and the two men went their
ways, even farther apart.
Shipping Crisis
It has not leaked out yet, but to relieve the
shipping shortage the Maritime Commission was
on the verge of arranging a deal on all Danish
ships in American harbors - when New York
insurance men suddenly killed the plan.
The plan was for American shipping companies
to charter the Danish ships and use them only
in the Pan-American neutral zone. This would
have avoided their seizure by Germany, would
have given the Danish owners some revenue, and
a '-

The editorials published in The Michi-I
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Olympics .. .
THE NEW WORLD, after waiting pa-
tiently for the old to desist from war
long enough to play, has finally decided to hold
a western hemisphere "Olympics." Avery Brun-
dage, president of the American Olympics Asso-
ciation, announces plans for a great meet to be
held every four years between nations of the
two Americas.
.The first of these Pan-American Games will
be held in 1942, the four hundred and fiftieth
anniversary of the discovery of America by Co-
lumbus, and the site chosen is Buenos Aires, Ar-
gentina's capital.
For administrative purposes the nations of
the hemisphere have already been divided into
five groups: Group 1-Canada, Mexico and the
United States; group 2-Central America and
the Antilles; group 3-Argentina, Brazil, Uru-
guay, and Paraguay; group 4-Bolivia, Chile,
Ecuador, and Peru; group 5-Colombia, Panama
and Venezuela.
THE GAMES are purposely scheduled to fall on
alternate two-year periods from the quad-
gennial Olympics-which every sports follower
hopes will be restored when the present Euro-
pean hostilities end-and will give American
athletes something to point for between world
It is hardly necessary to say that America's
participation in the games receives the fervent
blessings of our State Department. The welding
together of closer relations between the hemis-
pheric nations, the opportunities for visiting, and
mutually appreciating each other, and the pro-
mgotion of friendship and close communities of
interest, are both obvious and healthy.
The decision of the Western Hemisphere to
go ahead by itself with international sport is
indicative of a new independence from the rest
of the world. It is calculated to promote friend-
ship, understanding, and good will that make
for peace instead of war.
-William Baker
Radio Vs.
Newspapers .:.
ing Trades Association has placed
itself in the ludicrous position of a clinging fly
trying to stop the hands of time. John B. Hag-
gerty, chairman of the association's board of
governors, has announced his group's plan to
sponsor a bill limiting the sale of commercial
radio time and placing heavy taxes on broad-
casting companies.
Mr. Haggerty laments, "In 1929, radio took
2 cents out of every advertising dollar. Today
it takes thirty-five cents due to the diversion of
advertising from the printed page to radio." He
also forsees even more dire straits for newspapers
and magazines after the introduction of fre-
quency modulation.
Mr. Haggerty's complaints are perfectly justi-
fiable. Businesses and advertising agencies
throughout the nation have found radio to be a
dramatic medium for praising products. To make
matters worse for Mr. Haggerty, the continued
growth of radio advertising has taken over 40
per cent of all broadcast time for commercial

So after many hours of secret debate, the Air-
craft Priorities Committee has sent a representa-
tive to the Pacific Coast to investigate. Upon
his recommendation will depend whether com-
mercial airlines get more planes- or not.
would have released other ships in American wa-
ters for the British.
But the New York underwriters refused to
insure the cargoes of the Danish ships. They
feared that the Danish crews, once they got on
the high seas, would sail for Germany instead
of South America. So the Maritime Commission
hopes to put American crews on the ships.
Note-The State Department refuses to per-
mit seizure of any Danish, Italian, or German
ships in American harbors.
Airplane Priorities
The big airplane manufacturing companies
are going to have to decide very soon whether
they continue building both commercial and
military planes or only the latter.
For months this debate has been raging in-
side the Defense Commission. With lagging plane
production, War Department chiefs are demand-
ing that the companies concentrate only on mili-
tary orders. But with civilian air transportation
more popular than ever, this would mean' a ser-
ious business loss to many commercial companies.
TheReply Churlish
THERE ARE DAYS when this job gets pretty
dull. It may be no more than the fact that I
am pretty dull, but sometimes I come here with
my chin hanging, and J think how nice it would
be to shuffle back to my room and sit reading in
the afternoon sun, and instead of that I type
the catchline at the top of the page and light up
a cigarette and listen to publicity men telling
the editors how to run the paper, and try to
think of something I can write without insult-
ing anybody to the extent of a libel suit.
Publicity men, especially the campus activities
type, are a species which together with smelly
pomade gets into the hair 'of newspaper men,
of the campus activities or any other type. Their
conception, at least professionally, of a news-
paper is a brash and proprietary one. A news-
paper, to such as these, is a place for announce-
ments, not paid for, of what kind of suit the
chairman of the newly formed committee for the
investigation of the ratio of rubber heels to
leather heels in Ann Arbor is wearing when he
makes his speech, "The heelplate triumphant, or
Clacks on the Sidewalk." A publicity man does
not like newspapers to print anything except
what he tells them, and his sense of the value
of news is a beaut. But the worst thing I can
say for our little friend, the Press Agent, is that
during the college stage, before he has learned
the lessons of a hard world, he patronizes peo-
ple, which he will find to be a flaw in his char-
acter if he ever tries to get free space from a
newspaper which doesn't have to embrace all
the activities of a large, very extra-curricular,
midwestern university. Well that's enough of
INCIDENTALLY, keep your eyes open for the
announcement of the Wyvern-Sphinx dance
coming up soon.
SOME DAY, when I have the power and posi-
tion, and am above having to swallow things
I know are wrong, but can't talk much about
because I am just a kid who can't play football
and hasn't got much money and practically no
political status, I shall go to work on what is
wrong with universities (please note, lower case,
to be taken as a generality). There are a great
many abuses prevalent in these centers of learn-
ing which would be considered intolerable in
almost any other walk of life. Students who are
expected to conduct themselves as men and
women of reason, mature individuals, are obliged
to swallow more crude, small bits of tyranny than
ever gets into thp mellow old reminiscences about
the alma mater. No, for the sake of the record,

I have not lately been involved in such an af-
fair. There is a tendency among certain of the
teaching gentry which causes. me to insert this
aside. One sarcastic old gent wrote in after my
column on staying up all night, and scornfully
pitied "poor Touchstone, who didn't do his work
when he should have." Which not only can be re-
futed by my grades card and record before finals,
but completely and quite typically missed the
boat on the point if any of the particular column,
in which I was neither pro nor con staying up
all night, but trying what most of these writers
of letters to newspapers never thing of, namely
just to be human.
This disease, arising from an overdose of text-
books and self-righteousness, is probably at the
bottom of part of the trouble, but it is not by
any means the sole cause of complaint. I just
thought I would tick off one gnat in passing.
O RETURN to my necessarily vague gripe,
there are too many illbred boors making the
getting of an education a personal thing, a thing
depending upon flattery of overstuffed egos, upon
unquestioning acceptance of flimsy dogma or
personal opinion and bias. Bolstered by a disci-
pline of red tape and impersonality, these se-
cure, smug Educated Men are able to get away
with the rankest sort of injustice with no fear of
ever being called up for it.,.Students are offered
the alternatives of staying in the universities and
taking it, or of leaving, and because there are

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City Editor's
!0;0c atch

VOL. LI. No. 97
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
To all those using Parking Space
at the Rear of Mason Hall: A light
has been placed at the North Univer-
sity and Thayer Street entrance to
the Campus, which, when burning,
indicates that the parking space at
the rear of Mason Hall is completely
occupied. The University Council's
Committee on Parking requests your
cooperation with the hope that this
signal will be of assistance to all
those' who ordinarily use this parking
Herbert G. Watkins
To All Staff Members: Will the
party whose car, bearing University
parking tags, struck Miss Ruth Vo-
gel at the corner of North University
and Thayer Street at approximately
1:30 p.m. on Monday, February 17,
please communicate with the Univer-
sity Business Office or phone Mrs.
Vogel at 6574.
Library Hours On Washington's
Birthday: On Saturday, February
22, the Service Departments of the
General Library will be open the
usual hours, 7:45 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
The Study Halls outside of the build-
ing and the Departmental Libraries
will be closed.
Wm. W. Bishop,
Choral Union Members: Courtesy
tickets for the Budlapest String Quar-
tet concert, will be given out to Chor-
al Union members in good standing,,
who call in person, between 9 and 12
and 1 and 4 today at the offices of
the University Musical Society, Bur-
ton Memorial Tower.
History and Social Studies: Teach-
er's Certificate candidates of the Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts and particularly prospective
candidates who have still to complete
admission to candidacy for the certi-
ficate, are advised to complete all
pending business with the Teacher's
Certificate Counsellor, Prof. B. W.
Wheeler, during this first week of the
semester. Mr. Wheeler is on leave
during the present semester but will
keep office hours today, 8-10 a.m. and
2-4 p.m. and Friday 8-12 a.m., 316
Haven Hall.
Certificates of Eligibility: Please
bring first semester report of grades
to the Office of the Dean of Students
when applying for a certificate of
eligibility for the second semester.
Freshman Eligibility: A freshman,
during his second semester of resi-

tion of New York City has announced7
a vacancy for a director of art. Sal-r
ary: $6,500. Qualifications: age, 30:
to 40 years, Bachelor's Degree plus 30c
semester hours graduate work includ-e
ing 24 hours professional courses, 8
of which are in supervision and ad-
ministration or organization, 48 hours
related subjects, 8 years teaching ex-
perience. Further details may bel
secured at the University Bureau ofb
Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. 3
All persons registered with the Bu-'
reau of Appointments for either aI
business or teaching position are re-'
quested to fill out a schedule of their>
second semester classes including a]
list of their courses and credit hours.
Blanks for this purpose may be se-t
cured at the Bureau of Appointments,r
201 Mason Hall.
Summer Employment: All students
who wish to register with the Bureau
of Appointments and Occupational
Information for summer jobs are.
notified that registration forms mayt
be obtained at the Bureau, 201 Mason
Hall, office hours 9-12, 2-4. Several
calls foricamp counsellors have al-
ready been received and we will
recommend candidates as soon as
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examinations. Last
date for filing application is noted
in each case.
United States Civil Service:
Radio Inspector, Salary $2600,
March 6, 1941.
Assistant Radio Inspector, Salary
$2000, March 6, 1941.
Staff Dietitian, Salary $1800, Until
further notice.

House announces one vacancy for a
married couple for room and board,
and several board vacancies for stu-
dents in any scholastic group. For
applications, call 2-3870.
Academic Notices
Mathematics 348, Seminar in Ap-
plied Math: Preliminary meeting to
arrange hours today at 3:00 p.m. in
319 West Engineering Bldg.
To the Students enrolled in the
Series of Lectures on Naval Subjects:
The sixth Lecture on Naval Subjects
will be delivered by Commander L. A.
Kniskern, U.S.N. of the Navy Depart-
:ment, subject, "Naval Architecture in
the Navy," today at 4:00 p.m. in
room 348 W. Engineering. Seniors
who have made preliminary applica-
tion for commission as Ensign E-V
(S) should; attend if practicable.
Political Science 2, section 2 (MWF
+9) will meet in room 209 A.H. instead
of 35 A.H.
Political Science 52, section 1 (MWP
9) will meet in room 35 A.H. instead
of 209 A.H.
H. M. Dorr,
L. Preuss
M. E. 33, 38: Students electing
these courses will.nieet today at 4:00
p.m. in Room 207 Engineering An-
nex. Schedules and all semester ar-
rangements will be made at this
Stidents in C175, The Psychology
of Child Development, may obtain,
introductory material and the initial
assignment from the secretary in
Room 2509, University Elementary

There's some kind of petition being circulated
on the campus these days, testifying to the sign-
ers' "loyalty to the University of Michigan." Ac-
cording to the sponsors, the signed blanks will
be presented to President Ruthven and the Board
of Regents this week.
The matter is shrouded in more or less vague
language; probably no one has any idea of
the petition's significance, if any. Prof. Ben-
nett Weaver is said to be near the source of
the move. Campus leaders are being asked to
Prof. Preuss says lend-lease is contrary to in-
ternational law; the bill itself says no other do-
mestic laws are to stand in the way. That should
make it unanimous.
Business manager Irv Guttman has discov-
ered that annual student consumption of beer
in Ann Arbor would float a 1300 ton destroy-
er. In other words, several million tons of
exam papers.
vertisers. The increasing nearness of the satura-
tion point in broadcast blurbs should also ease
Mr. Haggerty's fears.
Mr. Haggerty has certainly not aided the in-
dustry he represents by his proposal. He has ad-
mitt9cl the failure of the press in open competi-
tion with the broadcasting networks. Widely
publicized statements of this sort will not have a


dies Code
that you

Willard C. Olson
Majo rswith a Social Stu-
Minor: It is very important
see your adviser immedi-
W. P. Halstead

Institution Cosmetic Therapist CI,
Salary $95 a mo., Feb. 21, 1941.
SAnatorium Attendant C, Salary
$80 a mo., March 5, 1941.,
Motorcycle Repairman A, Salary
$130 a mo.,' Feb. 21, 1941.
Park Ranger C, Salary $80 a mo.,
Feb. 28, 1941.
Game Farmhand C, Salary $80 a
mo., March 5, 1941.
Child- Welfare Worker AI, Salaryx
$140, Feb. 28, 1941.
Child Welfare Worker I, Salary
$150, Feb. 28, 1941.
Child Welfare Administrator II,
Salary $200, Feb., 28, 1941.
Industrial Hygiene Engineer I, Sal-
ary $150, March 5, 1941.
Supervisor of Printing, Salary
$4020,Feb. 21, 1941.

gisychology 38, 138: All laboratory
students in these courses are expect-
ed to attend a preliminary lecture
today at 5:00 p.m. in Room 3126. Fi-
nal arrangement of laboratory sec-
tionswill be made at this time.
Discgtssion sections in these courses
wi,91 meet this week.
Laboratory sections will have their
first meetings next week.
German Make-up Examination. All
students must bring written permis-
sion from their instructors and reg-
ister in the office 204 U.H. before
Friday, February 21, to be eligible
to take the make-up examinations
in German I, 11, 31, and 32 to be
announced later.
Required Hygiene Lectures for Wo-

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