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March 20, 1941 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-20

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T~aA Mi~?CH ~0. 1941.




'Its For You!'

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning 'except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
tights of republication of all other matters herein also
"Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during.the regular school year by
carrier $4:00; by mail, $4.50."
National Advertising Service, Inc.
,.College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Editoridl Staff

Hert'ie Haufler
Alvin Sarasohn
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther ,Osser
Helen Corman

. . Managing Editor
. Editorial Director
City Editor
. . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate "Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor .
. . . . . Sports Editor
. . . . .Women's Editor
. . . . Exchange Editor

Business Staff
Business Manager .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Fascism Begins
At Home ...
OUR LEGISLATURE has given its
stamp to a bill which bestows upon
the President amazing powers to extend Ameri-
can aid to Britain for the purpose of eradicating
a dictator country. We are being asked to con-
tribute toward the annihilation of this dictator
whose gospel is founded on the doctrine of race-
hatred, discrimination and inequality. And it
is possible that we will be asked to fight, to lay
down our lives presumably that this dictator, and
his policies, may be removed permanently from
the face of the earth.
And yet there are some who maintain that
even if this were a fight to eradicate Hitlerism
and Mussolinism, it would not be worth the tre-
mendous cost-in dollars, in lives-because we
would develop a fascism, American style, which
would be as bad as, if not worse than, the alien
There are indications that, even in our very
defense preparations for the task of stamping out
dictatorship, we are well on our way toward an
American brand of Hitlerism. Conscription, it
is argued, may be a necessary step in our de-
fense. That may be. But the forfeiting of labor's
right to strike, as capital continues to enjoy large
profits is an example of the Hitler-type of in-
equality being forced upon us in the name of
"national defense." A like example is the pro-
posal that Concentration Camps be constructed
to house "fifth columnists who can't (legally)
be deported." These points have been discussed
previously at length.
But there is in America a tendency, one of
the basic steps in the development of dictator-
ship, which has been increasing in leaps and
bounds since the beginning of serious "defense"
preparations. And that is Hitler's own favorite
method-that vicious scapegoat system of race
discrimination-the very system which made us
despise Hitler at the outset.
Look through the help-wanted section of any
city newspaper today. "Since the start of the
war, the number of "Christian Only" specifi-
cations in the want ads have increased tre-
mendously. Some go so far as to state "Anglo-
Saxon Only." Remember how we condemned
Hitler for these same policies a very few years
And this Hitlerian theory of race superiority
appears to be endorsed officially by the country
which is fighting to rid the world of Hitler and
to make it safe once more for democracy. The
Bitish Purchasing Commission, now engaged
in buying $10,000,000,000 worth of munitions in
the United States gives good official evidence of
this vicious policy. This Commission, on Jan-
uary 25, '1941, applied for three statistical typists
at an office of the New York State Employment
Service. This order could not be filled at the
branch office, so copies of the application were
sent to all offices of the Service.
The application could not be filled because
the Commission specified typists who were white,
Christian, of English, Scotch, Welsh, or Ulster
Irish descent. Ulster Irish, incidentally, excludes
several million Irish Catholics in this country.
This British policy of discrimination may be
tAnnima ,n l- n hoei thit thnerih other fmrn .

Play Production presents william Shakespeare's
Much Ado About Nothing, at the Mendelssohn The-
atre, March 19-22. The Cast: "Beatrice," Ada Mc-
Farland; "Hero," Adeline Gittlen; "Margaret," Dor-
othy Haydel; "Leonato," Norman Oxhandler; "Don
Pedro," William Altman; "Benedick," Hugh Norton;
"Claudio," David Rich; "Don John," Jack Mitchell;
"Borachio," William Kinzer; "Antonio," brother to
Leonato, Marvin Levey; "Dogberry," Robert Lewis;
"verges," John Sinclair.
WITH ALL due credit to the ladies, and indeed
they have ever their spot in our hearts and
on our stages, it was still Hugh Norton at the
post, on every turn, and in the stretch by a good
daylight length in last night's production of
Mach Ado About Nothing. Norton waltzed all
through the first half of the play, went slightly
ham in the second part (due to no fault of his
own, but rather to a shortcoming of Mr. Shake-
speare's), and then walked onto the stage during
a crowd scene, bungled a line, and held the show
up for a good two minutes by the clock while he
sent the dowagers rolling down the aisles at the
bandit-like, strictly solo recovery he made. I'll
lay five to one he does it again tonight, and
every night through the run of the play, and if
he doesn't, it isn't Hugh Norton but a plater
wearing Mr. Norton's wig.
Every time Norton had the stage to himself,
and most of the time when somebody wandered
in, on business or just window-shopping, the un-
scrupulous and talented Benedick bent his knee,
or picked his nose, and it was hard to remember
sometimes just who that was who walked off a
second ago, you know, the one in the green dress.
Norton not only insinuates himself into every-
one's scene though, he bolsters and plays up to
the other members of the cast in such a way
that his professional savoir faire sets a pace for
the play as a whole, and lends the venerated
lines of William Shakespeare that quality of
familiarity and good theatre which is so often
lacking in the respectful interpretations of young
and old amateurs alike.
AS TO BEATRICE, played by Nan McFarland,
she was right on Norton's heels through the
show, and certainly deserves high praise for
playing her part sharply and charmingly enough
not to bog down below Benedick. McFarland held
her own, and certainly deserves co-starring again
as she did in Trelawney of the Wells. I am sorry
that the other ladies of the cast, with the excep-
tion of Dorothy Haydel as Margaret, did not
exhibit the splendid stage presence of McFar-
"Personal Description," "W* X*," meaning White
Christian. The asterisks mean "absolutely." One
application blank actually used by the New York
State Employment Service contains the follow-
ing initials: "SMW - WNO - CPJ," meaning-
Single, Married, Widower; White, Negro, Ori-
ental; Catholic, Protestant. Jew. Since religion
or color or race of the applicant has nothing to
do with his efficiency as. say, a stenographer.
there is no reason for even asking these questions,
unless it is pure racial discrimination.
The number of defense industries which dis-
criminate in this manner is suprising. These
applications are issued through state employ-
ment offices-some of them from the British
Government, presumedly fighting for democracy
and freedom everywhere. The difference in pre-
judice here and in Naziland seems not to be
in type, but in degree.
That's the way it started in Germany, and,
carried to its logical conclusion, it can happen
here. With every "defense" step taken, our
country seems to be approaching more closely
a variety of Hitlerism.
The most important part of our national de-
fense should be defense of institutions-our
liberties, our freedoms, our equalities. Without
these, no democracy remains to be defended.
If we neglect the growing fascism within our
country in an attempt to pursue fascism abroad,
the idea of a "war for democracy" becomes pure
mockery. What would be the use of our enter-
ing this war, if, instead of destroying Hitler-
ism, we have a new variety over here?
-David Lachenbruch
Plans Expansion.

THE RENEWAL of plans for the launching of
the Mortimer E. Cooley Foundation should
prove in the near future of great significance
to every student in the University as well as to
the University itself.
By means of the Foundation it is hoped that
the College of Engineering plant will be ex-
panded, that graduate science work will be
further encouraged, that additional equipment
would be provided for research and that the
high'standards which have been maintained by
the College would be continued.
THE FOUNDATION committee, which has been
formed under the direction of Prof. A. E.
White, director of the engineering -research de-
partment, has sent booklets concerning the
Foundation to more than 17,00 alumni. The ob-
ject of these booklets is as follows:
" . ..an appeal to the alumni to get in touch
with the College; to learn its problems and ob-
jectives; and to join loyally with its officers
in an attempt to increase its usefulness by secur-
ing the active interest of business men, engineers,
manufacturers and citizens who desire to endow
worthwhile efforts."
THE PLANS of the Cooley Foundation are cer-
tainly worthwhile and certainly more than
worthv of the comnlte cooneratinn nf everv shi-

land, but suffice it to say that Adeline Gittlen
struggled gamely with the rotten-role of Hero,
and did not, I feel, come out the winner. It is
not a woman's play anyhow.
Robert Lewis as Dogberry, and John Sinclair
as Verges did very swell burlesque jobs, and had
the play (with the gentlemen of the watch of
course) to themselves just after intermission.
Lewis shows great promise in his work in these
parts. As Claudio, as rotten a part on the writing
end as Hero; David Rich, I blush to admit, was a
good David Rich. His trouble, swords, romance,
and general youthfulness onstage. Sorry, David,
and don't let me scare you. A fine play, well
done, beautifully costumed, with orchestral ac-
companiment as of tonight. Don't miss it, and I
am not in the hire of nobody.
-ay McCormick
A rare opportunity to see several fine examples
of Javanese Batiks and Balinese textiles is offer-
ed by the College of Architecture and Design
in an exhibition being shown in the main floor
display cases of the Architecture Building. The
exhibit is borrowed from the collection of Prof.
and Mrs. Everett Brown, who collected the
pieces while travelling in the two islands.
The whole collection offers a striking variety
of color and pattern, more than one might ex-
pect from two cultures ordinarily considered
very similar.
The sarongs from Java are notable for their
rich intricate patterns, carried out in subdued
color harmonies. The fabric of the pieces is a
finely woven cotton muslin, which is processed
by alternate baths in oil and lye, and then buried
in the earth to age for some time. The material
thus achieves the softness and texture of silk,
but is much more resistant to deterioration.
After this process, the fabric is dyed, and the
traditional and symbolic designs are worked out
by the women. Garments of this type are fre-
quently handed down from one generation to
another, lasting for a considerable period even
if worn every day.
Also displayed in the exhibit are the instru-
ments (tjanting) with which the wax is applied,
and photographs showing how the garments
are worn.
In direct contrast to the subdued colors and
intricate patterns of the Javanese Batiks are
the brilliantly-hued Balinese textiles. They are
also made as sarongs, but have a pattern only
in a narrow vertical band which is worn behind.
The fabric is of heavy silk, the patterns being
achieved by tying the silk threads in exactly
the right way and dying them with different
colors so that when they are threaded on the
loom, the patterns automatically appear in the
process of weaving.
The most unique part of the exhibit contains
two Balinese calendars illustrating propitious
and unlucky days, which are religiously adhered
to by the Balinese in their everyday life. The
calendars are painted with a tempera medium
on thin muslin in soft delicate colors.
All in all, the exhibition offers an unusual
opportunity to get a cross-section of the art
and culture of two islands little known except
as romantic vacation-lands. There is a fresh-
ness and beauty in color and design, satisfying
to the eye. But more than that, the exhibit
dissolves some of the mystery which naturally
surrounds the virtually-unknown Far East






There are many students-I am one of them-
who like to study at night with a soft background
of music, especially of the light cassical variety.
For these students I have a list of late evening
light classical and symphonic music for every
weekday night-music which can be listened to
for enjoyment, or played softly on the radio
while you are studying. Some of the stations are
remote but can be heard on any fairly good radio.
A note first, about the Wednesday, night World's
Best Music concert over WOSU. It is a broad-
cast from 10 to 11 p.m. over the Ohio State Uni-
versity station and consists of symphonic record-
ings from the collections of OSU's Dean-Emeri-
tus Alfred Vivian. A card to WOSU will bring
their programs for the next six months. The
nightly Music After Midnight series from KMOX
composed of the very light classics together with
light opera numbers-no vocals-and the music
is especially intended to be read by. I have
also listed some of the good symphonic broad-

(Continued from Page 2)
lating Machine 2: Will the following
get in touch with me at the earliest
opportunity: Adams, Walter Joseph;
Balay, Kenneth A.; Christen, Eliza-
beth Helen; Voelker, Henry George;
Braun, Allen Edward; Morrow, Rob-
ert Edgar.
A. D. Meacham
Exhibitions: The following exhibi-
tions will be open at the hours stated
below in the Rackham Building:
Ceramics and Bronzes from Siam.
The Neville Collection.
Stelae from Kom Abu Billu. From
the University's excavation in Egypt.
Ancient Chinese Bronze Mirrors.
March 17-21, 2-5 and 7-10 p.m.
March 22, 2-5 p.m.
Modern Posters in Alumni Memorial
Hall afternoons, 2-5, through March
24, under the auspices of the Ann,
Arbor Art Association and the Insti-
tute of Fine Arts.
Javanese and Balinese textiles from]
the collection of Professor and Mrs.'
Everett S. Brown are on exhibition
in the display cases, main floor cor-
ridor, Architecture Building, March
Exhibit: Defense Housing, arranged
by the Central Housing Commission,
Washington, D.C.; third floor Ex-
hibition Room, Architecture Building,
March 25-29, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
University Lecture: George H. Sa-
bine, Professor of Philosophy, The
Sage School of Philosophy, Cornell
University, will lecture on the subject
of "Objectivity and Social Studies"
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Philosophy at 4:15 p.m. on
Priday, March 21, in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. The public is cordially
Lectures: There will be lectures,
consultation and criticism by Senor
Carlos . Contreras, City Planning
Consultant, Mexico City and Federal
District, as follows:
Today: 9:00 a.m. Address Land-
scape Architectural Students, "School
and Playgrounds in Mexico.',
4:15 p.m. Public Lecture, Rackham
Amphitheatre, "City Planning in
Leland Stowe, noted foreign cor-
respondent, will be presented by the
Oratorical Association tonight at 8:15
in the Hill Auditorium. Tickets are

and with Intravitam Stains." Tea
will be served in Room 3502, 4:00-
4:30 p.m. All interested are invited.
A.I.E.E. meeting at the Union to-
night k at* 8!00. Prof. J. S. Gault
will speak on "The Induction Motor
and Rotorbar Currents." Since this
is the last meeting before the engin-
eering "Open House," it is imperative
that every member attend.
La Soeiedad Hispanica presents'
Prof. E. A. Mercado who will lecture
on "El Estudiante Latinoamericano
en Yanquilandia," today at 4:15 p.m.
in 103 R.L.
Men's Physical Education Club will
meet tonight at the Union. Mr. Har-
old Brown will speak on his physical
education experiences in China.
Mimes Meeting tonight at 7:30 in
the Interfraternity Council room of
the Union.
! Classical Students: The meeting of
Phi Tau Alpha, announced for to-
day has been postponed, on account
of the Leland Stowe lecture, until
Thursday, March 27. Please continue
to submit questions until Tuesday,
March 25. The meeting will not
change as to time or place.
Phi Delta Kappa Coffee Hour, 4:15
p.m. today, in the West Conference
Room, Rdckham Building; Prof
Arthur B. Moehlman will act as dis-
cussion starter.
Seminar in Religious Art: Professor
Ralph Hammett, Associate Professor
of Architecture, will give an illustrat-
ed lecture on "Christian Architecture'
at Lane Hall this evening at 7:30

The seminar is open to the public.
Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal to-
night from 7:30 to 9:30 in room 365
of the Union. Eligibility cards mltist
be turned in by Sunday.
J.G.P. Make-up Committee Meet-
ing today at 5:30 p.m. in the League.
The League House Group will meet -
today at 4:30 p.m. in the League.
Election of officers for next semes-
ter will take place. Each House
should be represented.
Ann Arbor Independents will meet
today at 4:45 p.m. in the League. All
members urged td attend as elections
for the coming year will take place.
The Interior Decorating Group of
the Faculty Women's Club will meet
at the League today at 3:00 p.m.
Miss Julia Conlin from "Howard T'
Ratcliffe Co.," Toledo, will talk about
"Fashion Trends in Home Furnish-
ings." The meeting will be open to
all members of the Faculty Women's
The Scroll-Michigamua Reception,
which was formerly planned for this
evening, has been postponed indef-
Comin Events
Disciples Guild will have an Inter-
national Progressive Dinner Party
Friday evening, March 21, at 6:30.
First course at 1224 White Ct. Small
charge. The menu, decorations and
entertainment will be characteristic
Df the four countries to be visited.
Call 5838 before tonight for reserva-


.1-11:45. .WXYZ-Music You Want
[2:12:30. KMOX (1100 kc.)-Masterworks of
1:10-2 KMOX-Music After Midnight
9-10 CKLW-Montreal Symphony
11-11:45.,WXYZ-Music You Want
12-12:30 KMOX-Masterworks of Music
1:10-2 KMOX-Music After Midnight
0-11 WOSU (550 kc.)-World's Hest Music

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC-NBC Blue
Thursday Evening
6:00 News- Ty Tyson Rollin' Bud Shaver
6:15 Liberty's Story Newscast; Tune Home RhumsbaRhythms
6:30 Inside of Sports Frazier Hunt Conga Day in Review
6:45 Musical Lowell Thomas Time Waltz Serenade
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring Happy Joe Easy Aces
7:15 Lanny Ross Revue; Melodies val Clare Mr. Keen-Tracer
7:30 Vox Pop Xavier Cugat Mixture Melodies Intermezzo
7:45 Vox Pop Presents Interlude; News Jas. Bourbonnaise
8:00 Ask-it Basket Coffee Peter Horace Aeidt's
8:15 Ask-it Basket Time Quill Pot 0' Gold
8:30 City Desk The Aldrich In Chicago Tommy Dorsey
8:45 News at 8:55 Family Tonight Orchestra
9:00 Major Bowes Kraft Music Hall Echoes Eastman School
9:15 Major Bowes -Bing Crosby, Of Heaven of Music
9:30 Major Bowes Bob Burns, News; Wallenstein's John B. Kennedy
9:45 Major Bowes Trotter Orch. Sinfonietta Let's Dance

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