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March 20, 1941 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-20

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Latvian Choir
Will Perform
Great Vespers
Austris Wihtol To Conduct
Greek Religious Service
Under Student Auspices
The Great Vespers to be held
March 27 at Hill Auditorium under
the auspices of the Interfraternity
Council and Panhellenic will repro-
duce the religious service of theI
Greek Orthodox Church.
The Latvian Singers, a group of
nationally-known litany choristers,
Will be assisted by two student choirs
in singing the religious music of more
than 154,000,000 worshippers in the
Baltic states and Russia.
The music they -will present has'
been translated and arranged by
Austris Wihtol. The Lord's Prayer
will be sung by the three groups in
complete darkness. The "Song of
Praise" is written to the music of
Vinogradov and arranged, by Wihtol.
The prayer music will be an ar-
rangement of traditional music sym-
bolizing the procession of the priests
into the audience. The practice
dates back to the days of early
Christian martyrdom when the priest
saw every worshipper face to face
before starting the service. This
was done to determine if spies were
"Prayer for the Nation," a new
litany written by Wihtol, will be given
its first performance. The student
choirs will sing "The Creed," and the
"Hallelujah" led by the solo group.
Poster Exhibit Is Open
The poster art of Germany, Eng-
land, France and the United States
is represented in "A History of the
Modern Poster," now being exhibit-
ed by the Ann Arbor Art Association
in Alumni Memorial Hall. The exhi-
bition, which is open daily from 2 p.m.
to 5 p.m. is showing the works of
such famous artists as Toulouse-La-
tree, Cassandre, and Kauffer. It will,
continue until March 24.
Engineers Attention
Slide Rule Ball Tickets On Sale
East Engineering Lobby Today.
Bring Your Engineering
Identification Cards.

Low-Cost Vacatio
Will Be Cond

Two inexpensive bus toursto points
f interest in the East and South are
being arranged by the International
Center . for students during Spring
Vacation, Prof. Raleigh Nelson, the
director of the Center,, announced
Under the auspices of the Travel
3ureau of the Center, located in Room
18. of the foreign student building,
the trips will be arranged by two
rpembers of the Center's staff, Robert
Klinger and Charles Ochs. One-half
of the students taking the trips will
'e foreign students of the University.
The trips ae planned to points of
scenic and historical interest. They
will provide an opportunity for stu-
deints of the United States and other
,ountries to become better acquainted
with each other and to learn first-
hand of American institutions and
historical events, the directors point-
-d out.
To See Washington
The itinerary of the first trip will
nclude Washington, D.C., with its
.overnment buildings, art galleries,
-nd scenic spots; Tidewater, Va.,
Civil War battlefields; Williamsburg,
redricksburg, the Shenandoah Na-
tional Park; the Skyline Trail; the
Cumberland Gap; and Monticello,
the home of Jefferson.
This nine-day trip will also in-
dlude Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Get-
tysburg. It is designed to be of spe-
;ial interest to architectural students,
history students and civil engineers.
Ihe group will leave Ann Arbor April
19 and return April 18.
The second trip is planned to in-
hock Is Bach-:
Which Means
Spring's Here
One sure sign that Spring has come,
even if snow is falling, is that bock
beer has made its reappearance at
the downtown taverns.
But there seems to be general dis-
agreement among students as to what
bock beer actually is. In general ap-
pearance it's a much darker, mahog-
any colored brew, with a foam of a
light amber color. It has a slightly
sweeter taste and demonstrates its
superiority over regular beer by hav-
ing that indescribable "something,"
which can only be detected after six
or seven glasses.
But how is bock beer made? A
:owntown beerhall proprietor, one
who should know, explains that bock
contains, or should contain, more
malt, more alcohol and should be
aged longer than ordinary beer. "A
good bock," he maintains, "should
be aged about eight months."
The strength of bock, as compared
to the strength of regular beer, is
responsible for its name, he con-
tinues. it was so named because the
brew is "so strong it could knock
down a bock." The word bock, he
claimed is derived from Ziegenbock,
which is the German word for male
goat, or billygoat. This also ex-
plains the famous goat trademark
for all brands of bock beer.
However, another authority states
that the term bock beer is a corrupt
version of enbecker bier named for
the town of Einbeck in Germany,
where it was' first brewed.
The driver of a beer truck, asked
about the modern manufacture of
bock, commented, "Dat stuff's de
bunk. Dey just put more m'lasses
in it."


n Tis Tours Prof. Mereado
ucted By Center To Talk Today
elude Lexington, Ky., the Blue Grass "The Latin-American Student in
region, Lamouth Cave, Lookout the United States" will be the sub-
Mon , Chattanooga and Knox- ject of a lecture by Prof. E. A. Mer-
inville. his group will also spendpa cado of the Romance Languages De-
of its time hiking and riding in the partment at 4:15 p.m. today in Room
103 of the Romance Languages Build-
Smokies and pay visits to one of the ing, under the auspices of La Socie-
TVA projects of the area, Norris Dam.daunethaspcsf'L ri-
The group will also tour the campuses dad Hispanica.
of Berea College and Ohio University. In the fifth of the Spanish group's
'1940-41. lecture series, Mercado will l
Eight Day Trip f consider the most desirable methods
This eight-day trip is planned for of showing the students from south
the special interest of hikers, photog- of the Rio Grande the better sides
raphers, engineers and sociologists, of American life. He will particular-
Arrangements for these trips may ly stress the part of the universities
be made with Mr. Ochs at the Inter- 1 of this nation in making lasting
national Travel Bureau, every day friends of the Latin-Americans. 1
but Monday in Room 18 of the Center Price of admittance will be 25 cents
from 4 to 6 p.m. and on Saturday except for holders of season tickets,
from 2 to 6 p.m. who will be admitted free of charge.
Students1rained For Industry
By Wood Utilization Laboratory
By ALVIN DANN try in the United States. Each year
Because it is housed in an obscure many thousands of feet of lumber
corner off the the beaten paths of are treated so that decay will be pre-
the campus, few people are aware that rented Po Kyoc eained.
such an important part of the Uni-.y


t _._

... . .........

VOL. LI. No. 120
Pubhlictilon In the Dally Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Vocational Guidance Talk on Edu-
cation: Dean J. B. Edmonson of the
School of Education will speak on
the preparation and qualifications
necessary for admission to the School
of Education, and various aspects
of the profession, today at 4:15 p.m.
in the University High School Audi-
torium. All students who expect to
f enter the School of Education and
all others interested in the profession
should attend the meeting.
Vocational Guidance Talk on Law:
Dean E. B. Stason of the Law School
will speak on the preparation and
qualifications necessary for admis-
sion to the School of Law, and various
aspects of the profession, today at
4:15 p.m. in the Small Ballroom of
the Michigan Union. All students

tween.3:00 and 5:00 p.m. on March
Bronson-Thomas and Kothe-Hild-
ner prize competitions will be held on
Thursday, -March 27, from 2-5 p.m. in
Room 293 U.H.
International Center Vacation Tours
Two inexpensive conducted bus tours
are being Y planned by the: Interna-
tional Center:
(1) To Mammoth Cave, the Lin-
coln Country, the Tennessee Valley
and the "Smokies." n,
(2) To Washington, Tidewater Vir-
ginia, and the Shenandoah.
For details inquire at the office of
( the International Center; phone 4121,1
extension 2131.
The -University of Michigan Bureau
of Appointments and Occupational
Information has received notice of an
open competitive examination to be
held soon for:
1. License as teacher of classes for
the deaf and hard of hearing in the
School for the Deaf (Manhattan.)
Salary range $2,040-$3,830.
2. Assistant Director of classes for
children with retarded mental de-
velopment. Requirements: equiva-
lent of Master's degree, thirty hours
of graduate work -in special edu-
cation of mentally handicapped chil-
dren, six years experience with men-
tally handicapped children. Salary
range $3,800 to $4.800. Applicants
will have until September .1, 1941, to
reet the eligibility requirements.
Further information may be secured
at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours: 9-12, 2-4.r
Summer Camps-New York: The
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information has
several calls for camp counsellors
in New York State. Information may
be obtained at the Bureau, 201 Mason
Hall, hours 9-12 and 2-4.

veisity as the Wood Utilization Labor-
atory exists.
This division of the School of For-
estry and Conservation is situated
alongside the railroad tracks behind
the Victor Vaughan dormitories on
Catherine Street and is an old power
plant. Under the direction of Prof.
William Kynock its apparatus is de-
voted to the highly practical purpose
of training men for the wood indus-
Unique Laboratory
"It is one of the few University
laboratories of its kind in the coun-
try," Dr. Kynock declared. It is
equipped with a small commercial
drying kiln. Students are taught
how to manipulate the instruments
which control the temperature, hu-
midity, and circulation of the kiln
atmosphere. The drying of wood is
an essential process in wood manu-
In another corner of the large
room which formerly contained the
University hospital's heating appara-
tus, is a miniature reproduction of a
pressure-wood preserving plant. This
mechanism is used both for wood
preserving and fire-retardant treat-
ment purposes.

Glue Factory who expect to enter the School of
In addition there is a glue labora- Law and all others interested in the
profession should attend the meet-
tory and a number of devices for i-.
testing the strength of various woods. ___-

In all cases, applicants must have
legal residence in Detroit and be not
less than 20 years of age.
Further information on file at the
Bureau, 201 Mason Hall, hours 9-12,
Academic Notices
Speech 32, Section 3, will not meet
Economics 52: There will be no lec-
ture today.
Shorey Peterson
Business Administration 4, Tabu-
(Continued on Page 4)
Employment Survey
committee To Meet'
The Survey of Student Employ-
ment, established by the Student
Senate to investigate the working
condtions of students employed in
Ann Arbor, will meet at 3 p.m. today
in the League.
All organizations wishing to co-
operate in this survey are invited to
send a representative to the meeting,
and any students who would like to
work on the project are welcome.
Engineers Attention
S SideRule Ball Tickets On Sale
East Engineering Lobby Today.
Bring Your Engineering
ldentification Cards.
(Saturday matince)
"Much AdO
Ab out
4y William Shakespeare
35c, 50c, 75c
8:30 P.M. Phone 6300
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre

Naturally in a laboratory of this
kind there are several research proj-
ects being conducted by graduate
students. Dr. Kynock himself com-
pleted an important investigation
into the properties of tropical woods
which has been since utilized in thej
wood-working industries.
One of the present research proj-
ects is a study of the possibility of
making laminated wood beams which
would enable the construction indus-
try to have wood beams many times
stronger per unit weight than any
which are used at the present.
1I Quota Is Set
W. Ager Places Final Goal
At 5,000 Civil Records
Running results of their civil fin-

Mentor Reports: Reports on stand-
ings of all Engineering freshmen will
be expected from faculty members
during the sixth and again during
the eleventh weeks of the semester.
These two reports will be due about
March 28 and May 2. Report blanks
will be furnished by campus mail.
Please refer routine questions to
Sophie Buda, Office of the Dean,
(Extension 575), who will handle the
reports; otherwise, call A. D. Moore,
Head Mentor, Extension 2136.
Engineering College Faculty and
Students: By action of the Executive
Committee, classes and laboratory
sections in the college, excepting those
which are being used for demonstra-


-any towns

- " gerprinting program this week were
Wood preserving is a large indus- the chief topic for discussion at the
weekly meeting of Alpha Phi Omega,
N.nROTC Appia t national service fraternity, last night
.p in the Union.
Will Be Examined Setting their quota at 5,000 civil
fingerprinting records, William Ager,
'43, chairman of the project, an-
Applicants for commissions in the nounced that the campaign head-
Naval Reserve who have not yet l quarters at Room 4, University Hall,
received their physicals will be ex-F and over the Engineering Arch would
amined by a board of navy ihysi- doeteEgern h0o
amind b a oardof avypis be opened at 8 a.m. today and tomor-
cians today in North Hall. row. Friday is the final day in which
The board, which began its exam- students may record their finger-
ination yesterday, is examining med- prints.
ical, dental, and engineering appli- The fingerprint records are placed
cants. !on file by the FBI in the Personal
Captain Lyal A. Davidson, Coin- Identification Bureau in Washington,
mandant of the local NROTC unit, D.C., as distinguished from the Crim-
announced yesterday that successful inal Identification Bureau. Frater-
completion of the physical examina- nity officials stressed that the prints
tion would not necessarily mean that are not used for crime detection pur-
the applicant would receive a com- poses and are beneficial in the many
mission, as only 1,000 students were I cases of amnesia victims and missing
being commissioned. persons,

tion purposes, will be dismissed for The University Bureau of Appoint-
Saturday, March 29, in order to facili- ments and Occupational Information
tate the operation of the 1941 Open has received notice of two fellowships
House. of $600 each being offered -by Rad-1
____cliffe College for the year 1941-42 to
Faculty of the College of Literature, women desiring to prepare themselves
Science, and the Arts: The five-week for- positions in personnel administra-
freshman reports will be due March tion.
Further information on file at the
22 in the Office of the Academic Bureau of Appointments and Occu-
ounselors,ason . pational Information, 201 Mason Hall.
Arthur Van Duren Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
Chairman, Academic Counselors Detroit Civil Service Examinations:
The University Bureau of Appoint-
Orientation Advisers: All men stu- ments and Occupationaljnformation
dents interested in serving as ori- has received notice of the following
entation advisers next fall, report to examnatlions to be given by the De-
room 304 of the Union any time be- troit Civil Service Commission.
-- Student Social Worker, salary
Julia Conlin To Sneak $1,320.00 a year. Last filing date,
April 4, 1941. Date of examination,
"Fashion Trends in Home Fur- April 11th.
nishings" will be the topic of a Junior Recreation Instructor, sal-
speech to be given by Miss Julia ary $5.25 per day, closing date April
Conlin, from the "Howard T. Rat- 14, 1941, examination April 19, 1941.
cliffe Co." of Toledo, O., at a meeting Playleader (male) (female), salary
of the Interior Decorating Group of $5.00 per day. For summer. employ-
the Faculty Women's Club at 3:00 ment. Closing date, April 14, 1941.
p.m. today in the League. Examination April 19, 1941.

DAILY 2-4-7-9 P.M







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