We ather Conti nued Cloudy ig Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication xtt Editorial ?ascism Begins - At Home ... VOL. LI. No. 120 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Indiana Ace Wins Invitational Mile Burr J. French Named New Editor Of Technic Allied Armies Increase In AAU Relays Michigan's Al Thomas Ties Field House Low Hurdles Record Beating Tolmich; Mile Relav Team Shatters Old Mark By HAL WILSON Indiana's superb distance ace, long-legged Campbell Kane, marked him- self as a true champion last night as he fought off the combined challenge of three highly-rated track opponents in the annual Michigan AAU Relays at Yost Field house to cop the feature Invitational Mile Run crown. Churning around the cinder oval with smooth, powerful strides, the In, vincible Hoosier was clocked in the excellent time of 4'13.8, only six tenths of a second off the Field House record, and edged Max Benover, of Loyola, by a good four yard margin. But despite his fine performance, Kane was forced to share individual meet honors with Michigan's great sprinter-hurdler, Al Thomas, who copped two firsts, equaled a Field House ' record and ran the best leg of the Wolverine's crack mile relay quartet which beat Notre Dame's foursome to rack up a new Field House and meet mark. Other briliant performances which highlighted the gigantic 20-event carnival were Lilburn Williams' tre- mendous shot putting, Karl Wis- ner's winning two-mile, Bill Acker- man's mile victory and Warren Breid- enbach's easy triumph in the half- mile Kane Victorious Touted as the greatest collegiate middle distance runner in the Mid- west, Kane was all of that last night -and more. Facing a field that in- cluded Ralph Schwarzkopf, former Michigan mile and two-mile star; Lenover, ex-member of the Canadian Olympic team and Tommy Quinn, Michigan Normal's Central Collegi- ate champion; the confident Hoosier ran a near-perfect race. At the half Quinn, Lenover, Kane and Schwarzkopf were pacing flaw- lessly in that order with a 2:07 time for the first four laps. Order un- changed, they ate up three more laps with clock-like precision. Then Schwarzkopf made his bid,.sprinting in the straightaway to take the lead with but one more lap. to go. Kane matched Ralph stride for stride, un- til they rounded the first turn, then loosed the dynamite still left in his wiry legs, passed the faltering Schwarzkopf, and blazed to the tape ahead of Lenover's final lunge. ! Final Event! Final event of the evening, the Matched University Mile Relay, pit- ting the Wolverines against a strong Irish quartet, resulted in the night's sixth record-breaking performance. Leading off for Michigan, the ver- satile Thomas turned in a torrid 49.9 for his quarter to give teammate Bob Barnard a six-yard edge over his Rambler foe. But the little senior was unable to maintain this good margin against the fast-moving George Schiewe and handed Breiden- bach only a two-foot lead, which the smooth-striding senior promptly in- creased to four yards with an excel- lent 49.7 quarter. Anchorman Bob Ufer fought off a desperate chal- lenge by Notre Dame's Robert Roy halfway through their leg, then bul- leted, to the tape three yards ahead in 3:19.7 which chopped a tenth of a second off the old Field House mark and more than three seconds off the meet record. (Continued on Page 3) House Approves New Lease-Lend War Aid Measure WASHINGTON, March 19.-(AP)- By a vote of 336 to 55, the House ap- proved the $7,000,000,000 appropria- tion for help to England tonight and sent it on to the Senate where the leadership has hopefully arranged for its passage by next Tuesday. While the House was knocking down opposition amendments, lead- ing Senate Democrats had drawn up plans for shoving the measure through the Senate committee stage this week, anid bringing it to the floor on Monday. So far as could be seen, opposition of the type which would delay action on the bill by extensive Senate cnonY~c .A al hlf vhnaho 1i Inter-American' Relations Data Is Distributed; Ain Of Is To With Detailed Program Acquaint Students Defense Measures Work sheets and reading lists on "Inter-American Relations," the first subject to be discussed as a part of the general plan of the University Committee on Defense Issues, are be- ing distributed through fraternityI houses, independent groups and otherI campus organizations, Dean S. T.I Dana, of the forestry school and chairman of the Committee an- nounced yesterday. Organized to help students in an- alyzing the various issues of the na- tional defense program, the Commit- tee has sponsored .three University lectures by prominent officials in the several divisions of the Federal Gov- ernment's defense machinery, and has planned a detailed program for the rest of the semester. The work sheets which are being distributed among the faculty and students are an analytical treatment of Inter-American problems related to the meanings and operation of de- fense. The sheets state significant current issues and provide space for receivers to indicate their preferred policies in each case. As an indication of campus senti- ment and understanding of the num- erous questions of national defense, the sheets will show what aspects of Inter-American relations need more discussion and analyzing. Space for questions Is provided on the sheets. The bibliography on Inter-Ameri- can relations prepared by the Uni- versity Library Extension Service is intended to provide students of de- fense issues with a list of pertinent books which can be obtained at the Main Library. Prof. Sabine To Talk Here Prof. George H. Sabine, of the Sage School of Philosophy at Cornell Uni- veisity, will deliver a University lec- ture on "Objectivitym'and Social Studies" at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham Amphitheatre,rsponsored by the philosophy department. Professor Sabine, who is nationally known for his work in political philo- sophy, has written a book entitled "The History of Political Theory," and has translated "Modern Ideas of State" and "Cicero on the Common-j wealth." He has taught at Stanford, the Un- iversity of Missouri, and Ohio State University, and belongs to the Ameri- can Philosophical Association and the American Political Science Associa- tion. a g r1o Feature M hian's 't'an Gargoyle will definitely make its appearance Friday, despite the de- layed arrival of several of its Nation- Editorial Staff Is Headed By Burnham; Imboden Madle Business Manager Burr J. French '42E, of Fanwood, N.J. was named editor-in-chief of the 1941-42 Michigan Technic during an engineering banquet in the Union last night at which 26 members of the staff were awarded keys for out- standing service on the magazine. At the same time John S. Burn- ham, '42E, of Kansas City, Missouri, and Robert L. Imboden, '42E, of Cleveland, Ohio, were appointed to serve on the senior staff in the posi- tions of managing editor and busi- ness manager respectively. Principal speaker at the banquet was Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, stu- dent religious adviser, who praised the engineers for their ability in get- ting along with faculty members and the practical type of work which they perform. Declaring that their education here was not enough, Dr. Blakeman ad- vised them to "participate in com- munity activities, to have a deep- seated purpose in life, to have firm decisions, and to attain great insight and sensitivity." Others selected for Technic edi- torship were William W. Hutcherson, '43E, of Detroit, features editor; Car- ter Taylor, '43E, of Rochester, N.Y., publication editor, and DeMott Riley, '42E, of Ann Arbor, illustrations ed- itor. Harper H. Hull, '42E of Ann Ar- Starvation Day Drive Collects T'otal of $687 A total of $687.28 has been collect- ed to date in the Starvation Day drive to aid needy students in China and Europe, Jean Fairfax. '41, chairman of the drive, announced yesterday. A few campus organizatioins have' not yet reported their donations. The total will be over $700, she estimated. Donations may continue to be turned in throughout the year at the Stu- dent Religious Associ4tion where a special collection box will be kept. A group of students will continue to donate the price of their luncheon each Wednesday. The group meet- ing at the home of Reverend Picker- ill will carry out this project started last September. Among the projects organized for the Starvation day held last Friday were the donation of dinner and breakfast by all the residents of Helen Newberry, a starvation meal at Kath- erine Pickerill Cooperative House and an auction of books and clothing at the Rochdale Cooperative House. The campus drive for the price of one meal was a part of the national campaign to raise $100,000 for stu- dents stricken by the war throughout the world. The amount received from American colleges and universities will be divided between China and Europe, BURR J. FRENCH bor, Freeman Alexander, '43E, of Kansas City, Mo. and Thomas 9. Poyser, '43E, of Milwaukee, Wis.,, were appointed to assist Imboden as advertising, circulation and accounts managers. Four gold keys were awarded at the banquet to the retiring editors, George W. Weesner, '41E, editor-in- chief; Seymour A. Furbush, '41E, managing editor; Charles R. Tieman, '41E, editorial director, and Harold E. Britton, '41E, business manager. Recipients of the eight silver keys, annually. presented to juniors on the staff, were French, Burnham, Imbod- en, Arthur W. C. Dobson, Alex Wil- kie, George D. Gotscha11, Morris Mil- ler and Philip Mandel. Sophomores receiving bronze keys were Gordon Osterman, Keith Smith, Hutcherson, Richard Schoel, Taylor, Conrad Maxim, Kent Arnold, Riley, Hull .'Harry Altman, Joseph Parker,f Poyser, Alexander, and William G.' Collamore. Men's Varity Debate Squad' Is Announced1 Secord Chooses Biggins, Schroeder For Contest With Wayne, U. Of D. Teams for the eight debates of the spring schedule of the Men's Varsity Debate squad were announced yes- terday by Arthur Secord of the speech department, director of the activity. The two-man team of Chester Mys- licki, and William Halliday, '43, will argue the question of hemisphere un- ion with Birmingham Southern Col- lege at 4 p.m. Saturday in Room 1025 Angell Hall. Arthur Biggins, '41, and Joe Schroeder, '43, will comprise the team that will meet the University of Detroit and Wayne University, March 23, in Detroit. Biggins and Schroeder will meet Boston University March 28 while William Muehl, '41, and John Huston, fa W ec er U L sc in te it a U is tI h to of ai w 4 te at G al qt p( be in A W h v4 of 01 U so ti R M M M tv '4 01 H e R tc sY tc U-Boat Attacks In West Atlantic Can Lead To War, Preuss Says By EDMUND J. GROSSBERG convoy duty, he added. Any such ac- Extension of Nazi submarine war- tion depends on how successfl the are against the British into the present Nazi attack is in crippling Vestern Atlantic, which is report- British shipping. d but not confirmed, opens up sev- As long as only British ships and ral possibilities which may lead the not American vessels are attacked, nited States into open war, Prof. there would be no legal ground for awrence Preuss of the political objection, Professor Preuss observed. cience department, pointed out in an "In the past the United States has terview yesterday I h atteUie ttsfa always insisted on the right to car- If American ships engaged in in- ry on belligerent action on the high r-coastal trade should be torpedoed, seas which has been the basis of would be legal grounds for a declar- British, French and German refusal tion of war, he explained. Since the to recognize the Declaration of Pana- 'nited States is committed to a Brit- ma," he indicated. h victory, by the Lend-Lease Act, He explained that the Declaration he American ,merchant marine may of Panama demanded that waters ave to be used to carry supplies adjacent to the Americas be free o Britain. from belligerent action, and set the ,Such an act, although illegal under security zone 600 miles, east into the ur. present neutrality law, would Atlantic. mount to actual participation in Since its inception the Declaration ar as would the use of the navy for has been virtually a dead letter in this respect. This has been reflected .Nan e Seectsby several infractions by the bellig- Had~ce Selects erents which have resulted in nothing stronger than a note of protest from DT eamthe United States, he recalled. However, if German submarines ' o are counting on fueling from ships To IVicetA biw t n leaving American ports, Professor Preuss interjected, it is quite with- Jean Maxted, '41, and Janet Grace, in our legal power to prevent them. 2, will meet an Albion affirmative Any attempt by the Nazis to use bases in Laborador, Greenland, or am in a Varsity Women's Debate Iceland would probably meet with t Albion tomorrow, Prof. Kenneth action from the United States under . Hance 'of the speech department the rights declared in the Act of nnounced. .iavana, ne concluded. They will participate in a cross-- uestion debate on the proposition, Resolved: That the nations of the D ykstra H eads Vestern Hemisphere should form a ermanent union." June de Cordova, '41, and Eliza- New Defense eth Wyatt, Grad., will participate a roundtable discussion on Pan- Labor B oard merican relations at the Charlotte Vomen's Club at Charlotte tomorrow. The second varsity debate will be Roosevelt Names Eleven eld March 25 with two Wayne Uni- As Final Conciliators ersity teams here as Miss de Cord- va, and Miss Wyatt. represent the In War Work Strikes niversity on the affirmative of the ame proposition and Miss Grace and WASHINGTON, March' 19.-P)- liiss Maxted, the negative. An eleven-man board, headed by Dr. On the question of the control of Clarence Dykstra. was created by he press by a federal commission, President Roosevelt today -o serve osebud Scott, '42, debating with as a mediator in labor disputes which Hiss Grace on the affirmative and might threaten the progress of Na- dary Martha Taylor, '41, and Miss tional Defense Production. laxted on the negative will meet The group, to be known as the Na- wo Albion College teams. tional Defense Mediation Board, will Miss Taylor and Elizabeth Shaw, be called upon to actionly after the 1, will constitute a negative team regular conciliation services of the n the question of admission to lib- Labor Department have failed to ral arts 'colleges bring about settlements between la- bor and industry. Navy Ships Greyer Although the Board will have no WASHINGTON, March 19.-(RP)- power to end strikes or other labor ep. Mundt (Rep-SD) told the House controversies by compulsion, it may oday that the Navy was painting its recommend settlements and make hips a darker grey corresponding public its findings. This authority to o the color of British warships, turn the spotlight of publicity upon stalemated situations was viewed as a powerful weapon toward ending disputes in vital re-armament indus- E:,xperiences tries.-'''''- , The Board will be composed of four representatives of industry, four of i re labor and three "disinterested per- t re oday sons" representing the public. Dyk- stra, who is president of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin and director of et both sides of the conflict and Selective Service, is one of the public ave many real facts to guide them," representatives. towe remarked in an interview re- President Roosevelt's executive ently. "Here in America, we can order establishing the board seci- ead between the lines and keep fled that it should act whenever the airly well posted. The correspondents Secretary of Labor certified that any broad are doing their level best to controversy had arisen which threat- eep America abreast of new devel- ened to "burden or obstruct" the pments. " production or transportation of es- Stowe has written a series of art- sential defense equipment. les, beginning with the Greek re- stance, telling what he found on Vocationial Talks he war fronts and what the war- s ie sees it-means to the 'United , tates. "We have all the information T e need," he said, "to reach the con- usion that it is not likely or possi- Dean of the Law School, Blythe le for the United States demociatic E. Stason, and Education School ystem to remain free if Britain falls." Dean James B. Edmonson will speak ,atoday in the fourth of a series of "The record is plain. If we don't Union-sponsored vocational guidance ee it, I feel that it will be just too lectures. ad for us. But I didn't come home . .. ForcesIn, For Battl Prep e Of - aration Balkans 500,000 Greek Soldiers Will Reinforce Border Against German Attack Bulgars Seek Outlet On Aegean Seacoast BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, March 19. -(RP)-Lines for the threatening Bat- tle of the Balkans drew taut tonight with word that Britain is flying American-made warplanes to Greece and that both Greece' and Germany are massing more troops along Bul- garian frontier zones. A well-informed Greek source said that, of a total army strength of 800,000, the Greeks would'leave 300,- 000 men to fight the Italians in Al- bania and would throw 500,000 onto the northern front, where the British have brought, up supplies to equip every reservist. Fi'gures Large (Neutral observers were inclined to consider these figures for the Greek Army somewhat too large,' since the entire population of Greece is less than 7,000,000.) y At the same time, the Germans were said to be building up a strik- ing. force of 600,000 to 700,000 in Bul- garia, and various Balkan sources have reported that 100,000 of a plan- ned British force of 300,000 already are in Greece. From Bucharest, capitai of Nazi- dominated Rumania, came reports that' many towns-in Moldavia have been ordered to receive German troops soon. This squared with opin- ion of neutral illitary observers .that Germany plans to build up an army of 28 divisions in Rumania. Sofia Reports ,Diplomatic reports from Sofia, Bulgaria, said Nazi forces speeding from Germany via Rumania were rapidly augmenting these 16 divis- ons (about' 240,000 men) who were forming a wall along the Bulgarian- Greek frontier. The controlled Bulgarian press, ex- plaining to its public for the first time why Germans are there, said: "With the aid of Nazi troops we will. regain what is most precious to us -an outlet to the Aegean Sea." Yugoslavia's position remained un- ertain, although German circlesin 3elgrade circulated reports that this 3ountry would sign up with the Axis March 26. These German reports followed up- zn a 90-minute conference between 'oreign Minister Alksander Cincar- Niarkovic and German Minister Vik- or Von Heeren. To Witness Signing German sources said the signing could be witnessed by Japan's For- 2ign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka, now ,n route to Berlin and Rome for con- ferences. In Berlin, Matsuoka was ex- )ected tq arrive March 27. Another fact which did not appear - to be in harmony with Axis member- ship for Yugoslavia was the expul- :ion of former Premier Milan Stoya- jinovic, who has been accused of trying to regain power so he could align this country with Germany and Italy. It was learned tonight that he had been sent across the border in- to Greece. City Architect To Talk Today Contreras To Give Address On Mexican Planning Speaking on. "CitS Planning in Mexico," Carlos Contreras, architect and city planning consultant in Mex- ico City, will deliver the last of a series of three public lectures under the sponsorship of the College of Architecture and Design at 4:15 p.m. today in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. A graduate of Columbia tUniver- sity, Mr. Contreras is at the present time a member of the executive corn- mift.p of then +Hnimnn a1 T'nfla . One hal1 of the funds contributed '41, meet the University of Maine the will go to Chinese students who are same day. endeavoring to acquire knowledgle! Ervin Bowers, '41, and Huston will and training to repulse Japanese oppose a Williams College team March and carry forward reconstruction of 31 and Matthew Zipple, '42Ed, and China as well as to purchase sorely Phillip Levy, '43, will oppose a Morris needed food and medical supplies. Brown College team April 1. Leland Stowe To Relate I Of European War In Lec Home for the first time since 193.9, Leland S towe, w( il dl-famed corre ,- pondlent who was first, to write the amazing story oft Ihe bloodless Nazi conquest of Norway, will relate some of his experiences while covering the European wars at 8:15 p.m today in Hill Auditorium, Prof. James K. Pol- lock of the political science depart- Mont will iltrodlic St~owe. Patrons of the Oratorical Associ- ation are requested to use the or- iginal Leland Stowe lecture tick- ets. The box office at Hill Audi- torium will be open all day today for single admission tickets. As a foreign correspondent for the Chicago Daily News Syndicate, Stowe not only covered the Norwegian "war," but continued to scoop the World with his stories from Finland, _., ,: . 1 ., ,. ' ;-, ;.L T - - F E ge ho S re fa at k or ic Si th as S w el sb se ba I UMV, I