PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, FFBF.UAItY 24, 1941 ?AGE ~WO THtTUSDAY, FEBRUAI~Y ~O, 1941 Engine School, Italian Naval Prisoners Leave Flaming Libyan..City Annual Exhibit Date Announced I Congress Calls Eligible Frosh For Tryouts Positions Will Be Opened To Unaffiliated Men At Meeting Tomorrow Open House Will Be Held On March 29; Displays %M Work To Be Given Exhibits of more than 150 engineer- ing industries, University depart- I ments and student technical societies will be demonstrated at the Engineer- ing Council's annual Open House Saurday, March 29, in both the East and West Engineering Buildings. Approximately 6,000 graduates of the College of Engineering now re- siding in the vicinity of Detroit will be invited to attend a luncheon on the same date which will be given in conjunction with the regular pro- gram. Robert Summerhays, '42E, and Rob- ert Bishop, '41E, have been appointed to serve as co-chairmen of the exhibi-' ion. Summerhays is a member of Trangles, junior honorary society, former editor of the Arch and a member of Chi, Psi fraternity while Bishop is a member of Triangle fra- ternity. During the past three years, Open House has been sponsored mainly to give the campus at larger-an idea of the various types of organizational anid research work which is being done at the College of Engineering and a picture of some of the nation's .rpost modern engineering develop- ments. Palmer Is Selected Lient.- Comman der P By Naval Board Lieut. Robie Ellis Palmer, assistant *professor of Naval Science and Tac- tics'in the local Naval Reserve Offi- cers Training Corps, was selected last week as a lieutenant commander w in the U.S. Navy by the Naval Selec- tion Board. The promotion will not go into ef- fect, however, until either a sufficient number of senior officers resign from the service or a sufficient number of . ensigns are awarded commissions. It is expected that Lieutenant Palmer will receive his new rank in approxi- £ mately a month. A graduate of the United States Naval Academy in 1927, Lieutenant Palmer attended Postgraduate School at Annapolis in 1934 and 1935 and later the Submarine School at New London, Conn. From 1937 until his assignment here, he was commander of the submarine S-29 which played a part in the raising of the Squalus. DAILY at 2-4-7-9 P.M. NOW PLAYING! SO took 139 famed stars . .. and the thrill- treasures of 51 mighty Holly- wood producers to bring it to you! Adventure! Drama! Romance! One mighty enter- tainment . .. never } equalled on the screen! Soored 6b; Motion Picture ( Producers and ' Diributors a!f'i America, Inc .F Released by r _ GOLDWYN I MAYE R (1(11 0. D;MILL[ 3 UL -1 Italian naval prisoners, sonie with baggage over their shoulders, march out of Tobruk (background), as the town is in flames. The Libyan city was captured by the British Empire forces in their westward drive in Northern Africa. Ex-Governor Comstock Urges Youth To become Alert Citizens By BARBARA JENSWOLD "Youth's problem today lies in how many individual rights should be given up voluntarily to those who govern, to assure the best society." declared former Governor William A. Comstock at a meeting of the Michi- gan Party yesterday evening in the Union. Mr. Comstock continued with'a dis- cussion of the possibilities of student government at the University. He traced the growth of society from.its fundamental inception as a protec- tive institutioin for the individual through its various stages of devel- opment., Should Strong Survive? "Today, when the doctrine that on- ly the strong should survive has come again to the fore, we must decide whether the weak'are to be protect- ed. If we all could bring to practice in the University the bill of rights and add to it, on the religious side, the Ten Commandments, we would have all we need on whch to base our society," he said. Mr.Comstock was a student of the University 1895-99, and he served n the Board of Regents 1913-14. From this experience in these two ca- pacities and from his later observa- tions, he said, he has noticed a change in education policy. "The problem now is with mass production, in all fields. In the University there is mass production of degree recipients; it has even been extended to the higher degrees. And with this trend there has been lost much of the old incen- tive for individual work-along the lines of research and expression. Individuals Regimented "Individuals have been regimented into acting on the will of others. Thus, it isup to them to draw a line and decide how much of the original rights they are going to possess and how much they are going to allow to be transferred to others." Mr. Comstock stated that it was part of the duty of the Michigan PolicePrepare I Party and such organizations to arouse student thought on this issue. They have been so long deprived of tudent government since it was out- lawed from the University some years ago that they have become lethargic and submissive, he concluded, and only concerted action can relieve this situation, he declared. L. A. Kniskern To Speak Here IRiecord Of Ship Bureau Scheduled As Topic Lieut. Commdr. Leslie A. Kniskern of the Navy Department's Bureau of Ships will present the sixth in a series of lectures on the history, de- velopment, organization and purposes' of the navy at 4 p.m. today in Room 348 of the West Engineering Build- ing. Entitled "Navy Architecture in the Navy," the talk will trace the activi- ties of the Bureau of Ships from de- sign plans to the final launching of combat craft. His talk will attempt to explain the application of naval architecture to combatant ship de- sign. A member of the hull division of the Bureau of Ships where he special-' izes in ship design work, Commander Kniskern has played an active part in the building of many Naval vessels and is considered an expert in his field. Shetzer To Speak Here Simon Shetzer, president of the Detroit Jewish Council, will discuss "Trends in the American Jewish' Community" before a meeting of Avukah, student Zionist organzation, at 8 p.m. Sunday in the Hillel Foun- dation. Plans For School National Debate Tryst Attracts EightStudents Eight University students will par- ticipate in the 11th annual Manches- ter-Huntington College Debate Tourney to be held tomorrow and Saturday in North Manchester and Huntington, Ind., Arthur Biggins, '42, and Joe Schroeder, '43, are members of the first affirmative team, and George Eves, '41, and Erwin Bowers, '41, will comprisenthe second affirmative ag- gregation. Those who will go on the negative teams include John Huston, '41, William Muehl, '41, Chester My- slicki, '42, and William Halliday, '43. More than 750 representatives from 64 other colleges and universities will discuss the proposition, "Resolved that the nations of the western hem- isphere should form a permanent union." The Manchester Tourney, the orig- inal nonelimination type of debate tourney, was designed with the speci- fic purpose of giving the greatest pos- ible opportunity for each team to participate in actual debating ex- parience without determining a championship team. Arthur Secord and Paul Beal of the1 speech department will accompany the Michigan delegation to the tour- ney. Co-ops Accepting Board Applications Applications foi board at student cooperative houses are being received by Harold Osterweil, '41, president of the Intercooperative Personnel Com- mittee at the Brandeis Co-op, 7350. Those wishing to apply should call Osterweil who will make arrange- ments for interviews after which stu- dents will be assigned to the various houses for final approval. Unaffiliated eligible second semes- ter freshmen wishing to tryout for -emnimittee posts in Congress, Inde- u.-ndent Men's Association, are asked to attend a tryouts' meeting at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the Congress office,, Room 306 in the Union. Positions on the activities, publici- ty, social, student welfare, personnel and organization committees are all a'ailable to tryouts. William H. Rockwell, '41, president, ad several of the committee chair- men will be present at the meeting to discuss the work of Congress in encral and to help tryouts find the jype ef extracurricular work which '.hcy are most interested in. Congress, a service organization for Independent men, is the largest ;vup on campus with a total mem- -:r hip of more than 6,000 students. During the next few weeks the or- anization is planning a large ban- ,iuet, several open meetings, speeches social events and an all-campus box- ing show. Executive committee members who will cooperate with Rockwell in advis- ing tryouts are Richard L. Shuey, '42E, organization chairman, and Gor- don Andrew, '42, personnel chairman. Negro Contest opieChosen Awards Will Be Presented For Three Best Essays "The Negro and National Defense" has been selected as the subject for the Second Annual Negro History Essay Contest, sponsored by the De- troit branch of the National Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Col- ored People. State awards of $25.00, $15.00 and $10.00, respectively, will be given to the three major winners of the con- test. Contestants must submit their essays before February 28 to the state office at 446 E. Warren Ave., De- troit. All persons living in Michigan, who are not over 25 years of age, are eli- gible to enter the contest, and those who submit entries must limit their essays to 2,500 words, typewritten or legibly written in ink on one side of the paper only. Contestants are requested to place their name. address, telephone num- ber, age and education status in sealed envelopes and attach them to the essay manuscript. The decision of the judges, which will be an- nounced in June, will be considered final. Bouscaren Will Address Catholic Medical Students 'Pan-A mercan Poets~' Is Topic Of TalkToday "Some Latin American Poets" will be the subject of a lecture to be given by Prof. Hayward Keniston, chair- man of the Department of Romance Languages, before a meeting of La Sceledad Hispanica at 4:15 p.m. to- day in Room 103 of the Romance Languages Building. In the third lecture of the soci- ety's 1940-41 series Professor Kenis- ton will read several poems by Ruben Dario and other contemporary Latin American poets. He will discuss and analyze the poems as he reads them, in an attempt to discover the writer's purpose. This is Professor Keniston's first year at the University. Coming here last fall from the University of Chica- go where he was professor of Spanish, he immediately became chairman of the Romance Languages Department. He is the author of numerous books on both the Spanish and Italian languages. EVE RY T E LEGRA M'S A R USH T EL EGR AM AT 0CHARGES FOR TELEGRAMS ELEONED IN APEAR ON YOUR i IF II i ---'-----'- ----._._ ._ 'NEWMAN CL UB I~te~ep~ft jahce from 9:00 until 12:00 at the WOMEN'S ATHLETIC BUILDING Lahti Joins University Aare T. Lahti has joined the staff of the College of Architecture and Design as instructor in decorative design. Born in Finland, Lahti stud- ied at the Chicago Art Institute and received a traveling fellowship there. He has had experience in painting and crafts projects in charge of a PWA group in Ishpeming. IETD r -4 Easy Terms... Low Prices CORONA ... RMF0N4GTON ROYAL.. . UNDERWOOD Also all makes of OFFICE MODEL TYPEWRITERS Rent may apply if purchased. One of the largest and best stocks in the State. O D. 314 S. State St., The Typewriter & Stationery Store 4 Since 1908 Phone 6615 Admittance Public .. . $1.00 S t Newman Club Members 50c - New Members FREE Catholic medical students will hold a dinner and discussion at 6 p.m. today in the Russian Tea Room of s the League. The main speaker will I be Rev. T Lincoln Bouscaren. S. J.. - I. _ -" ' -U : -. V .. U1i V . 7 LOCI l , 1.. ., Co-op board rates range from one L1B, S.T.D., who will speak on "Ec- dollar a week to three dollars a week topic Gestation." in the 12 houses now on campus andtI The Rev. Bouscaren is author of work hours are approximately 25 a book on ectopic gestation and it is hours a month. The Married Couples partly through his work and writings Cooperative has a vacancy for both that the Catholic position on this room and board. subject has been established. Preparations are now being made for the police school to be held be- ginning March 1, Patrolman Robert Mayfield has announced. Each man in the Ann Arbor police force will receive four hours of in- struction a week over a period of two months. In preparing material for the course, Mayfield has visited the State Police school in Lansing and in the future he expects to visit police schools in Kalamazoo, Jackson and Detroit. The school will also have the benefit of the background ac- quired by Chief Norman A. Cook who has spent several months at the Fed- oral Bureau of Investigation acad- emy in Washington. At the present time the men in the department are being trained in ex- pert pistol shooting under the direc- tion of Sgt. Casper Enkemann. The younger men in the department also keep physically fit by working outj during the week at the Waterman Gym. A preliminary school for the de- partment's recruits was completed last week. It covered a three week period. The nine recruits received instruction in procedure and departmental regu- lations. Attention Ann Arbr!!0 WE ARE PRESENTING a picture that comes to Ann Arbor little known and unheralded. In New York crowds sat stun- ned and electrified for 91 minutes as suspense crowded on suspense! They lived every scene . . Breathless and tense with ex- citement. Nerve-tingling thrills piled on thrills mounting to a startling climax. , It is called "NIGHT TRAIN" antI stars Margaret Lock- wood and Rex Harrison. They give a brilliant performance supported by a perfect cast - each one of whom was especially selected for his or her part. Already acclaimed by thousands, "NIGHT TRAIN" is Sure to be One of the, Top Pictures of 1941! - T ' T T ' " T ' " " " T T T T TY 0%0000 goes with any suit! White Y OU'LL HE DRESSED for any occasion with a white shirt; well-dressed if it's an Arrow shirt. Here are 3 from the top-each has the famous Mitoga cut; each is Sanforized-Shrunk (fabric shrinkage less than 1%). GORDON, an oxford with plain or button-down collar. NEW TRUMP, with long-wearing soft collar. HITT, with wilt-proof Aroset collar ................ Each $2 t Homer Flunked Out! No wonder . . . he never had time to do his lessons. His domestic duties kept him too busy! Homer's chief trouble was buttons . . . unfaithful little perforated disks that kept coming off his shirts (which weren't Arrows). While other guys were out dating on weekends, you could always find Homer nimbly thimbling a needle. Why didn't someone tell him about Arrow Shirts with anchored P buttons? They never come off! They're as permanent as the fine style and fit of all Arrow shirts. Arrow whites are all-time favor- EXTRA - On the Stage - In Person TABLE TENNIS CHAMPIONS WE'fl ..E fi hAVI fl I