Weather Cloudy, rising temperature. Jr Lit0i4au Oattij Editorial lapaiss Bluff Should Be Called .. . Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication VOL. LI. No. 119 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS House Argues Appropriation; St. Lawrence Plan Prepared Partisan Leaders Agree On Necessity For Bill To Aid Allied Powers In Defensive Efforts Roosevelt Favors Waterway Project WASHINGTON, March 18.-(AP)- With less than a quarter of the mem- bership present and passage a fore- gone conclusion, the House today heard the ranking Republican and Democratic members of its appro- priations committee urge prompt ap- proval of the nation's biggest peace- time appropriation bill-$7,000,000,- 000 for help to England, Greece and other nations which resist the Axis Powers. "This act will be a transfusion of new life to the beleaguered democra- cies of the world," said Representa- tive Woodrum (Dem.-Va.). "The world will se America with its un- conquerable spirit, its vast and limit- less resources turn on its great in- dustrial power in a 100 per cent capa- city effort to supply effective ma- terial aid to the defenders of free- dom in the world. With this all-out America effort there can and there will be only one result and that is the ultimate downfall of the dictators." Representative Taber (Rep.-N.Y.) who voted against the Lease-Lend Bill, said: "Regardless of what anyone's at- titude might have been as to embark- ng upon a program of aid to Great Britain, to my mind there can be no question but what we have embarked upon the program and that we must furnish enough aid to Great Britain to permit Great Britain to win. Other- wise, we are in trouble." The bill went to the House at noon from its appropriations committee, which after approving it, submitted a report saying that the United States must give full support in its British aid program or "become a faltering welcher" on its pledges. Roosevelt Advocates St. Lawrence Project WASHINGTON, March 18.-(/P)- Legislation for an immediate start on a portion of the controversial St. Lawrence Waterway project will go to Congress within a few days, Pres- dent 'Roosevelt disclosed today. Viewing the Waterway as a vital defense project, the President plans to seek Congressional sanction in the form of a bill, requiring only a bare majority in both houses, rather than in the form of a treaty, which would require Senate approval by a two- thirds vote. The Senate rejected such a treaty in 1934, voting 46 for and 42 against it. Mr. Roosevelt, discussing the mat- ter at his press conference declined to give details of his recommendation in advance of its submission to Con- gress butthere were two indications that it would involve a seaway as well as a power developmnt. A special report by the Commerce Department last month advocated the St. Lawrence development to open new ship-building facilities on the Great Lakes which it said would be needed for a "long period to come." Lansing Talks To Engineers Use Of Malleable - Iron Is SubjectOfDipcussion Using lantern slides to illustrate his talk, J. H. Lansing, consultant on shop practices for the Cleveland Malleable Foundry Association, ad- dresjsed student members of the American Society of \/echanical En- gineers on the subject "New Develop-, ments in Malleable Iron" at a meet- ing held last night. In the course of the talk Lansing outlined the manufacture, properties, and uses of malleable iron, as well as reviewing the history of its indus- trial use. Chief property of import- ance, he pointed out, is its high re- CfifranP to hnk m winh maae it Goldsmith To Captain) Hockey SquadNext Year By ART HILL Lanky Paul Goldsmith, center from Swampscott, Mass., was last night selected by his teammates to captain the 1941-42 edition of the Michigan hockey team. Goldsmith, a junior in th lit school, has played in every Varsity game since he reported to Coach Eddie Lowrey in the fall of 1939. The tall pivot man is the outstanding hockey stylist of the squad, an excellent skat- er and stick-handler and recently has been developing a hard, accurate shot. Marblehead, Mass., the home of football center Bob Ingalls, claims the honor of having been Goldy's birth-place some 23 years ago. He lived in Marblehead until two- years ago when his family moved to Swampscott, the town which also produced Joe Gannon, star wingman of the Illinois team, champions of the Western Conference. Goldy attended high school in Marblehead and went to prep school at St. Lawrence in Groton, Mass. In high school, he won letters in base- ball and basketball but] he never' played organized hockey until he en- (Continued on Page 3) Captain-Elect ritish Ships Sunk Off U.S., EnglishClaim Churchill Greets Winant With Report Of Activity Of Germans' U-Boats Atlantic Battle Is Called Momentous (By The Associated Press) LONDON, March 18, - German submarines and German battle cruis- ers operating on "the American side of the Atlantic" already have sunk unconvoyed British ships within 1,- 500 miles of New York, Winston Churchill declared publicly today. The Prime Minister did not specify just how many merchantment had gone down, nor the size of the Nazi raiding force, but the term he used for thesurface raiders could apply to warships as large as the 26,000-ton Scharnhorst, to which he had re- ferred in the past as a "battle cruis- er." Speaks At ,pilgrims Club IHe made his disclosure before the Pilgrims Club in formally welcoming the new United States Ambassador, John G. Winant, in a speech that was at once a symbolic handclasping and a report on the Battle of the Atlantic - "one of the most momentous ever fought in all the annals of war." Only yesterday, he said, he was informed of "the certain destruction" Track Stars Will Attempt Assault On Records Here In Michigan AAU Relays 1loosier Miler Looks Over Track Campbell Kane, Tolmich To Head Performers II Meet At Field House Former Wolverine CaptainTo Appear By HAL WILSON In the greatest mass assault against time and distance'ever staged in spa- cious Yost Field House a galaxy of more than 10 outstanding track stars will level a concerted blast on the record books in the annual Michigan AAU Indoor Relays at 7:30 p.m. to- day. Featuring some of the nation's fin- est performers, the colorful cinder carnival will throw into action such top-notch spikemen as Campbell Kane, Western Conference mile and half-mile indoor titleholder, Ralph Schwarzkopf, distance ace and for- mer Wolverine captain, Al Tolmich, holder of the world's redord in the Admission to tonight's AAU meet will be 40 cents. The Michi- gan Varsity Band will attend, and 'the flag-raising ceremony will be held a half-hour after the first event, at 8 p.m. PAUL GOLDSMITH Writer Sees British Coastline As German Concentration Point By KIRKE L. SIMPSON (Associated Press Staff Writer) Sporadic U-boat raiding in the Western Atlantic is not only possible but probable; yet it is on England's vulnerable sea bottlenecks at home that Berlin must concentrate if she has any hope of achieving the 1941 victory Hitler has repeatedly prom- ised his people. Whatever the source or accuracy of reported orders to long range Nazi submarines to prowl off American coasts and ports in search of victims, the obvious fact is that Berlin cannot well spare important units of the un- der-sea fleet for that purpose. They could probably achieve greater results per ship in waters off the coasts of Ireland. Prime Minister Churchill's disclos- ure that both German submarines Drama Group To 'pen Play Here Toniht 'Much Ado About Nothing' To Begin Four Day Run At LydiaMendelssohn "Much Ado About Nothing," pre-j sented by Play Production and the Department of Speech, will open a four-day run, at 8:30 p.m. today, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Performances will include a matinee at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. The popular Shakespearean com- edy concerns the two love stories of Hero and Claudio, Beatrice andBen- edick. Claudio is persuaded by the scheming Don John that Hero has been unfaithful and jilts her at the altar. After Hero's relatives arouse Claudio's remorse by pretending that the girl has died, the lovers are re- united. Shakespeare has used an old plot for the comedy, but has changed the story by building more attention around Beatrice and Benedick. They are two clever people who constantly pass sharp remarks at each other's expense. The reigning prince, Don Pedro, decides that it would be enter- taining to convince them that each is in love with the other. The results are surprising even to him, since the two actually do fall in love. Previous productions by the drama group this year include "Three Men on a Horse, " "Margin for Error," "The Bat," and. "Trelawney of the Wells." Tickets may be purchased at the Lydia Mendelssohn box office for 75, 50 and 35 cents. Railroad Mixu *Delays Garg Publication Date It took a freight mix-up to do it, but the Gargoyle will be missing a A-- l, -. -, f--,afi. f. +h c on and heavy cruiser- have already of three Nazi U-boats-the first "de- struck "on the American side of the lectable tidings" of such a triple Ger- man disaster since last October, And Atlantic" does not change the situa- he went on: tion. He located the western-most "The Bathe of the Atlantic must sea incident as on the 42nd meridian be won in decisive mn It must be of longitude. That is 1,500 miles or won beyond all doubt if the declared so east of New York. It is 1,200 miles wo beyon all doubrfte declared outside the 300-mile wide Pan-Ameri- policies of the government and peo- can neutrality belt fringing the West-pie of the United States are not to be ern Hemisphere from the mouth of forcibly frustrated. the St. Lawrence to Cape Horn. Nazi Cruisers Crossing German raiders penetrating that "Not only German U-boats but Gr- eran raders petatingy ha man battle cruisers have crossed to belt are subject to spotting by Ameri-the American side of the Atlantic and can air and sea patrols. Word of have already sunk Mome of' our in- their location would be almost cer- dependently rounted ships not sailing tain to reach British ears and set Bri-nThehashi tish sea-hunters on their trail. Yet n convoy. T havensun ips if they stay outside the patrol area far west as the 42nd meridian of and far at sea, their chances of in- longitude (some 1,500 miles east of tercepting more than an occasional New York.) England-bound cargo craft would be The promise was supported, almost small. coincidentally, by W. Averill Harri- Had Berlin strategists deemed it man, President Roosevelt's special possible to sway American action on representative, who reported that he the Aid-for-Britain program, the had "already given special attention time for sending U-boats to lurk off to the questions of shipping and food" New York or other American ports for Britain since his arrival last Sat- would have been while the aid bill urday. was before Congress, not after it has Churchill did not connect his re- been enacted. If sea attack on Bri- port on the presence of German war tish shipping does come, as it may, vessels on the far side of the Atlantic in American waters, its main purpose with an announcement in Washing- Mould be for German home consump- ton yesterday that the United States tion. It would be intended to back Government had been informed of a up Hitler's assertign that American German submarine heading for the help could not save England. Western Atlantic. Indiana's Campbell Kane was a bit puzzled by the wet track yester- day when he dropped down to the Yost Field House to look over the track on which he will attempt to better Ralph Schwarzkopf's 4:14.2 Field House record for the mile run in today's Michigan AAU track meet. Patterson Cites Labor Shortage (By The Associated Press) A nation beset for years by the problem of unemployment heard from Government officials yesterday that a serious shortage of skilled workers exists and that there is a threatened scarcity of farm hands. Discussing the skilled worker situ- ation, Robert P. Patterson, Under- secretary of War, told a Washington Mohammedan Grad Lauds President From Tahore, India Scarcely 12 hours after President Roosevelt deliver ed his talk on the war against the dictators, Prof. Joseph Hayden, chairman of the political science department, received a telegram saying "Congratulations Roosevelt's Speech," signed "Munir" and post-marked from Tahore, India. The telegram from half way around the world was the first word Professor Hayden had heard from Shiek Mahammed Munir in five years. Munir, a Mohammedan from northwest India, received his AM degree from the University in 1922 and returned to his native province as a teacher. For a long time after his return, Professor Hayden explained, Munir was suspected by the British of agitation because he had gone to an American university instead of a British. His terse message is signifi- carat of the extent and importance of the President's address, Professor Hayden observed. 'Defend Our _Religif1ous Difrne, Clergyvmen Propose In Symposium conference on labor problems that the shortage was delaying a vast ex- pansion of defense production: He advised manufacturers to undertake immediately a program of training less experienced men for more re- sponsible jobs than they now hold. Paul V. McNutt, Federal Security Administrator, said in a statement in Washington that thousands of work-, ers formerly engaged in agricultural pursuits had migrated to the cities, to take jobs in defense factories. He expressed the view, however, that "no serious difficulty" would be encount- ered in gathering this year's crops. if farmers workers and state unem- ployment offices cooperated closely. Strikes continued to slow up pro-' duction in some defense industries. President Roosevelt told his press con- ference that a new Federal mediation board, with authority to seek adjust- ments of defense labor disputes, prob- ably would be created by tomorrow. The War Department evidenced particular concern over a tie-up of construction at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, where the Army Air Corps is developing a wind tunnel for the test- ing of, 2,000 to 2,500 horsepower air-. craft )engines. Expert To Talk On Mexican Art In the second of a series of three public lectures sponsored by the Col- lege of Architecture and Design, Carlos Contreras, Mexican authority on housing and city planning, will speak on "Painting and Sculpture in Mexico" at 4:15 p.m. today in Room 102, Architecture Building. A member of the executive com- mittee of the International Founda- tion for Housing and Town Plan- ning, Mr. Contreras is a graduate of Columbia University. He is at the present time architect and city plan- ning consultant in Mexico City, and l_ . _. . _. 1. . . _9- l.. _ L . . . . « « .. 45-yard low hurdles, Lilburn Wil- lians, former National AAU outdoor shotput champion, and the Michigan and Notre - Dame mile relay teams. Heading the list of 22 events are the feature invitational University mile run with the lanky Kane pitted against Schwarzkopf, Michigan Nor- mal's Tommy Quinn and Loyola's Max Lenover, and the special matched mile relay which sends a crack Wol- verine foursome against Notre Dame's Central Collegiate champions. In the invitational mile Kane, who has swept to impressive victories in half-mile, 800-meter and 1,000 yard races in the Millrose, Boston A.A.' Knights of Columbus and Seton Hall Games, will be rated as the favorite to cop the event despite the high class calibre of opposition he will face. Definitely imperiled by the smooth, powerful strides of the six foot, three inch Hoosier express, the present Field House mark of 4:14.2, held by Schwarzkopf, may go the way of all records. The slight ex-Wolverine captain, who ran Finland's Taisto Maki into the cinder in last year's AAU Relays, has rounded into the top form of his career after being set back last spring by a severe strepto- coccid throat infection. A former mfmber of the. Canadian Olympic team, Lenover has run the mile in 4:16 already, while Quinn copped the Central Collegiates with a clocking of 4:16.5. Both ai e cap-r (Continued on Page 3) Women Plan. Cancer Drt~re .For Campus Special efforts will be made this year to bring the message of cancer control to students, Mrs. H. Marvin Pollard, vice-commander of this dis- trict for the Women's Field Army for the control of cancer, announced yesterday. The annual drive of the Army will be held some time in April. "College students should be given a clear understanding of cancer," Mrs. Pollard said. "This disease is nothing more than a} disorderly, dis- organized growth of the cells. We are particularly anxious to reach- students since they have an open mind, without bias or fear. When they have studied the subject they will understand once and f or all that there is nothing shameful about hav- ing cancer." "They will realize, also, the im- portance of alertness against this dis- ease,"' she added, "and the necessity for prompt action should any symp- toms appear. Thousands of lives can be saved each year by early diagnosis and treatment of cancer." Part of the plans for work with cliiintn+ ineiiiriC te d iietrihnftin nfx i C f .... ._« =m. . .._. _. ...._.m..._.. _... . ._. ..........._. ._..._ .. By ROSEBUD SCOTT Defend America, democracy and re-t ligion by defending our differences was the policy proposed by a rabbi, a Catholic priest and a Protestant minister who sat down together last night at the symposium'on "1eligion in a World at War" at the Rackham Building. Rabbi Louis Binstock of Chicago, Father George Dunne of the Univer- sity of Chicago and Dr. T. Otto Nall, the editor of the Christian Advocate pointed to the necessity of recogniz- ing the spiritual nature of man, his dignity and the common fatherhood of God as a common ground among the three faiths.- Father Dunne insisted, however, that national unity does not require a compromise of our beliefs but an appreciation of the significance of ligion, Rabbi Binstock said, since to- talitariarism represents the negation of all religious faiths and beliefs. Since the very basis of religion is threatened, democracy which defendsI spiritual dignity of man in the fields of politics, society and economics is also in jeopardy. Thus, the existence of religion and democracy is at- tacked by the same forces, he ana- lyzed. Agreeing in part with this ap- proach, Father Dunne maintained that the other freedoms of speech, assembly and press have their roots in the freedom of religious con- science. But the majority of people are unconcerned about the preserva- tion of religious tolerance. A positivist philosophy of abstract right also leads to the justification of totali- tarianism as well as that of democra- cy. world and that it should condemn war as opposed to its own highest re- ligious aims. The individual must be allowed to determine the extent of his partici- pation in war by his own conscience. If he should decide to participate in war, the church should still, however, minister to him. If he were a con- scientious objector, on the other hand, the church should also back his stand. The churches are being attacked in Europe and Asia today, Rabbi Binstock said in answer to the same question. The church should be pre- pared, therefore, to defend its very existence, he maintained. The Catholic Church has differen- tiated between just and unjust war. Modern Catholic theologians, Father Dunne pointed out, believe that no modern offensiev war cann the ust al