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March 18, 1941 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-18

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Patrick Named Patron Sait
Of AllEngieering Banquet
Slide-Rulers Select Irishman To Give A;sistance
In Carrying Out Feud With Barristers
Continuing their feud against the lawyers, Michigan's engineers named
St. Patrick yesterday as their "man behind the scenes" for the All-Engineer-I
ing Banquet on March 28, Open House on the 29th and the annual Slide
Mule Ball oan Aioril 4.
St. Patrick, the engineers claim, is the logical man to support their cause
for not only was he one of the leading engineers of all times but he was also
a man that "didn't exactly like the barristers."
And, continue the engineers, we have appointed a "man behind the
scenes" to help us in our struggle with the lawyers who have had the audacity
to claim that they, and not we, are most favored by the Michigan coeds.
Here are some comments by three of the leading students in the College
of Engineering on the appointment -

ieignAcademy Notes
Academy Members Discuss Caries, Insanity, And Trichinosis;
Resilts Of Recent Experiments Are Revealed

Government Bureau Publishes
Pamphlet On Defenseinances

I Prof.

Robert S. Ford Advocates Price Control,
Priorities To Check Inflitionary Process

Caries Is Dependent
On Hereditary Factors
Asserting that caries, the process
of tooth decay, has a marked depend-
ence on hereditary factors, Prof. H.
R. Hunt, of Michigan State, in a talk
before the zoology session of the
Michigan Academy, stressed the im-
portance of thisconclusion by ex-
perimentation with rats.
Prof. Woodhead presented a paper
on the giant kidney worm, which
revealed the complete life cycle of
this worm for the first time.
Another important contribution
was made by Prof. A. M. Chickering,
of Albion College, who announced
that a rare female spider belonged to
another known species.
Conservation To Serve
The Greatest Number,

Social Effect Of War
Is Morale Problem

of St. Patrick:
" Robert Morrison, '41E, president of
the Engineering Council and chair-
man of the All-Engineering Ban-
quet: St. Patrick was one of the best
engineers we ever had. By ridding
old Erin of its snakes he became the
inventor of the first worm drive, and
later decided to take the chosen few
under his protection. The lawyers
are worms, aren't they? Well, the
answer is yes and you may quote me
as saying that I'm in favor of a big-
ger and better worm drive here at
George.W. Weesner, '41E, editor of
the Technic and chairman of the'
Slide Rule Ball: "It's a downright
shame the way the religious educa-
tion of the engineering students has
been neglected during the past fewI
years,. Why, I believe that some of
the boys actually think of St. Patrick .

Technic Staff
To BeNamed
Publication To Announce
Editors At Banquet
The Michigan Technic, official
publication of the College of Engi-
neering, will hold its annual appoint-
ments- banquet at 6:15 p.m. tomor-
row in the Union, George Weesner,!
'41E, announced yesterday,
At that time the editor, managing
editor, editorial director, business'
manager, articles, features and pho-
tography editors and publications, il-

The impact of modern total war
upon the social structure of a nation
presents a problem toward which the
sociologist can contribute by a main-
tenance of morale, Dr. Werner S.
Landecker of the sociology depart-
ment declared in an address before
the sociology section of the Michi-
gan Academy.
Entitled "War and Some of its
Implications for Sociological Re-
search," Dr. Landecker's speech
pointed out that "only if we succeed
in demonstrating that a democracy
at war is not a dictatorship, only then
can we expect the man on the street
to keep his faith in democratic in-


Form A bstraction
Dominant In Infants
Results of an exploratory experi-
ment show that among children
between the ages of four and
seven form abstraction is dom-,
inant to a much larger extent
than is color abstraction, according
to Jean Belknap who addressed thel
psychology section of the Michigan
Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Establishment of price controls and priorities combined with a non-
inflationary fiscal policy to check an inflationary process, is advocated by
Prof. Robert S. Ford of the economics department and Director of the
Bureau of Government in a Bureau publication, "Financing National De-
fense," released yesterday.
In his discussion of financing defense Prof. Ford explains the back-
ground of the present situation, noting the differences in financial condia
tions now and prior to our entry into the last war. At the end of the fiscal
year on June 0, 1940, the federal government completed ten years of
deficit financing with an average anrnual deficit of about three billions.
Total annual (xpenditures have risen from four billions iri 1931 to nine'
---fillions in 1940. Before the World

The findings corroborate in a
general way the theory that there is
an increasing trend toward domin-
ance of form abstraction in chil-
dren as their development progresses.,
Trichinosis Skin Test
Now Being Tested

M ;

.h1 -
as the guy that drove the snakes out Ilustrations, advertising, accounts and
of Ireland rather than as our Patron circulation managers will be named.
Saint. But we're going to put a stop The appointments will be made byI
to that this year. With our next I the Technic's advisory board con-
three events being held in his honor sisting of Prof. Henry W. Miller of
we're going to see that he gets the s
recognition he deserves. And we'll the engineering drawing department,
see to it that the lawyers get their chairman, Prof. Ferdinand N. Mene-
desserts too. fee of the engineering mechanics de-
Robert Bishop, '41E, co-chairman I partment, Prof. Robert D. Brackett
of the Engineering Open House: .1 h
Irish lore has it that the saint, Pat- cf the engineering English depart-
kment, and Prof. Melville B. Stout of
rick, had as his watchword "achieve-j
ment." Engineering and achievement the electrical engineering depart-
go hand-in-hand so the engineers' ment.
have made a deal with St. Pat and In conjunction with the Engineer-
we have become his chosen people. ing College Open House, the Tech-
That shows we are better than the nic will publish a special issue on

sh cstofon ervinThe field of propaganda research Declaring that the skin test for
Ssources has only one jurisdiction, and to combat the impact of war con- the detection of Trichina spiralis in-
that is to do the greatest good for tains vast opportunities for the so- fections or trichinosis is not com-
the greatest number for the longest etosrticnssisoto-
time, Prof. Shirley W. Allen of the colongist who ants tothmakear eafort mercially available at the present
forestry department told the forestry Dr. Landecker continued, and the time, Dr. D. R. Mathieson of Parke,
section of the Michigan Academy of promotion of successful propaganda Davis and Company, speaking at the
Arts and Sciences. I rests upon the scientific analysis , of Medical Science meeting of the Mich-
"These priceless resources offer the situationsby sociologists.
I greatest good. We must make them Iigan Academy, announced that the
available to the greatest. number, . precipitation reaction is being ex-
and perhaps even transport the great- Insanity Estimation perimented with now and is proving
est number to them. At the same ethod
time we must direct recreation use ex s Are Outlined successful in most mases. If the
so that the resource on which it de- Various methods whereby insanity stantiate this belief, the preparation
pends will not be distinguished," Pro- resulting from war can be estimated will be standardized ane made mar-
fessor Allen said. within specific groups were outlined kilbes
Professor Allen pointed out that by H. Warren Dunham, of Wayne ketable.
ithere was an encouraging and University, at a sociological group of tracted fron the consumption of in-
thoughtful trend in this direction. the Michigan Academy of Science, fected, and 'poorly-cooked pork was
Foresters will swing into this trend Art and Letters in the Rackham the subject of much comment here
and assume leadership or the de-,Building. last year when several students in the
velopment of recreational use will The speaker discussed several po University were inflicted with it after
be takenIout of their handscand putential causes of neurosis among sol- eating under-done hamburgers.
into others less well equipped but I diers. Those not suited to life's prob-1
with a healthful viewpoint, he con- lems satisfactorily in civilian set-
cluded. ting will find contentment in the Oon ftleValue
regimentation of army life whereas In Air-Conditioning
Need For Land Use young men with promising futures Asserting that ozone is of . little
might suffer mental disorder when
l- fnn1--- 1 . !value when used in air-conditio a'in

ASME Group
To Meet Toda
Linsing Will Deliver Tal
On Malleable Iron
"New Developments in Malleab
Iron" will be the title of the talk
be made before members of tl
student chapter of the American S
ciety of Mechanical Engineers1
J. H. Lansing, consultant on sh
practices for the Cleveland Malleab
Foundry Association, at 7:30 p.m. t
day in the Rackham Amnhitheatr
At the. business portion of t
meeting plans will be laid for a vis
to the Hoover Ball Bearing Con
pany's shops, to be made the fir
Wednesday before spring vacatio
Paul A. Johnson, Jr., '41E, preside
of the ASME, announced yesterda
It is also planned' to discuss tl
nomination of candidates for ASM
officers, as the election is tentative
scheduled for the first meeting aft
spring vacation, Johnson said.
As this will be the last regu
meeting before the Engineering Ope
House, final plans for that even
will be made. The ASME will be i
charge of the entire mechanical eng
neering department. Present play
include having all laboratory m
chinery in operation while the Ope
House program is going on.
HlillelFoundation To Hol
Student Council Electio
Hillel Foundation's elections fc
next year's student council will k
held Friday, March 28 at Lane Ha
and at the Foundation.
To the slate of nominees draw
up by the present council willt
added the names of any studer
wishing to run who has handed
a petition signed by 50 people.

War federal expenditures passed the
one billion mark in only two years,
1865 and 1914.
r/ The major problems in financing
the defense program center ;around
taxation, borrowing and the infla-
1k tionary aspects of borrowing. Prof.
Ford emphasizes, however, that be-
fore trying to determine the relative
merits of either it should always be
1le remembered that they are comple-
to mentary
he At the beginning of a large arma-
o- ments program funds will have to be
by obtained through borrowing, but as
op time progresses the part raised by
)le taxation should increase. Govern-
o- ment borrowing from commercial
re. banks has certain inflationary ten-
he dencies, but in the early stages of
sit war when there are idle resources it
- s probably desirable.
'st Another element that must be con-
n, sidered, Dr. Ford points out, is whe-
nt ther borrowing will transfer the war
y. costs to future generations. When
he (the bonds are held entirely by people
iE n the borrowing nation, the cost
1y will not be shifted to future genera-
ly tions. Taxation, by its lessening of
funds for consumption, will burden
the present generation.
an Reviewing specific proposals for
nt financing the defense program, Dr.
Ford comes to the conclusion that
in the selection of new taxes or an in-
ns crease in old taxes should be deter-
a- mined with references - to economic
n effects and the rapidity with which
we. are approaching full employment.
Full employment in an industrial
system takes a long time to attain
and England is just approaching it
after a year and a half of war.
In a period when military produc-
or ticn is expanding rapidly the spiral
be of rising costs and prices may be-
ll come operative before full employ-
ment, however. It is most essen-
n tial, therefore, according to Prof.
be Ford, that a non-inflationary fiscal
nt policy be adopted before, rather than
in after, the attainment of full utiiiza-
tion of labor, resources, machinery.




lawyers because it seems that they I Friday, March 28. The magazine [ A gUr5&i'Ut'S ".ccA/they are forced to enter training, he Dr.nng'N. Witheridge of the De-
could never get any saint to hook upI will contain a list of all the exhibits The fact that city planners have said. Dr. W. N. Witheride of the De-
his name with their outfit. at the Open House, a list of the linked the lack of proper recreation- He stated that any analysis of troit Department of Health discount-
committee in charge and biographies al facilities with rising crime per- rate increases or decreases in war or ed the claims made in its behalf by
of its chairmen and an exclusive in- centage in the slum areas illustrates post-war years should be made ac- promoters and manufacturers.
terview with Gov. Murray D. Van the need for .land use planning cording to groups as the effects Agents may try to sell garage-own-
UE/SSIF4E4 Wagoner by Charles R. Tieman, '41E throughout the nation, Mark D. would depend largely upon the indi-- ers on the use of ozone in air-con-
Sweitzer of the Manistee National vidual's contact with the war. ditioning to prevent the dangers of
Forest, told the forestry section ofcarbon monoxide poisoning, he con-
Foet tl h frsrrtyExhibiteonintinesd of t 'inued, but this notion is faulty for the
SE i C e s the Michigan Academy of Arts and New P uun nia Drug amounts of ozone which can be used
L dsn rdnIn Second Week Here Sciences. s n Proves E it with safety in the air, four or five
TYPING -18 parts ozone to 100 parts air, are not
A History of the Modern Poster," formulated for the proper use of the The use of sulfathiazole in the of sufficient concentration to react
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, ; an exhibition sponsored by the Ann earth's surface in order to serve more treatment of pneumonia is just as with the carbon monoxide to form
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or Arbor Art Association, will be opened human needs in a practical way, prompt as the use of sulfapyridine i harmless carbon dioxide.
2-1410 14c today in Alumni Memorial Hall for Mr. Sweitzer explained. Planning be- and definitely preferable to it, de- In further discrediting the claims
TYP __T.___ - the second week of its two-week sche- cause of world condition has caused dared Dr. G. B. Meyers of Wayne of promoters of ozone to memaers
TYPIST. Experienced. L. M. Hey- .iuled showing, a new appraisal of democracy and University in an address before the of the medical science session, Dr,
wood, 414 MaynardSt, Phone 56B9. The exhibition, which will continue has asked whether democracy can session, i Witheridge charged that the state-
_ _ _ __ ____ until March 24, features posters by be applied in a practical way and I He emphasized that through his ment that ozone as it is used in air-
dIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal such well known artists as Toulouse- still insure our traditional individual- experiments he had discovered that conditioning destroys odors and
typist, also mimeographing. Notary L trec, Kauffer, and Cassandre. It ism, the new drug is more effective in chemicals in the air and may be used
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland. is sn international collection of poster ------------ treatment, fors it has a positive effect as a sterilizing agent is entirely false,
._ - Ma.----- a t, and includes works from Ger- Menal De on high temperatures, causing them for the percentage permissible for
TYPING and duplicating service. many, England, France, the United to drop to normal within 48 hours that use is so small that it is inef-
Dorothy Testa, M.A., 625 East Lib- I States and other countries. Resemble Those Younger{afteri
erty (at State), Rm. 1. 2-1835. Re- - A distinct resemblance between the - ---------------- -ALL----- - ---
ports, theses, dissertations, briefs. ild-Life fab itat I mentally deficient child and the nor-
I ing Made2imal child of a younger mental age
TAILORING & PRESSING--12 T h w fwas suggested in a paper presented
Through the work of the Forest by Dr. Ruth T. Mecher and Mary
PRESSMAKING and alterations. Service, Western Michigan waste- Leightner, M-A., of the Wayne Coun-
Coats relined. Also sewing of all lends are being transformed into a ty Training School.
kinds. Call Mrs. Ream, 8653. 23c itable wild-life habitat, Mr. A. G. A comparison was mad of the
~f e~~ Horn told the forestry section of the spontaneous paintings of both the
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts mentally deficient children and the
and screwballs. Found in Jumpin' Letters. normal ones.
Jupiter, March 26th thru 29th. 25c


THESIS BINDING-Mimeographing.
Brumfield & Brumfield, 308 S.
State. 19c
BEN THE TAILOR ---More money for
your clothes- good clothes for sale,
122 E. Washington. 1c
EXPERT HOSIERY and garment re-
pair. Reasonable rates. Weave-Bac
Shop-Upstairs in Nickels Arcade.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
- Killins Gravel Company. phone
7112. - 5
special. Regular $6 Eugene Super
Permanents, $2.50. Phone 2-2813.
Open evenings. 309
Local and Long Distance Moving.
410 N. Fourth Ave. Phone 6297
LAUNDRY--2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 3c
STUDENT LAUNDRY---Special stu-
dent rates. Moe Laundry, 226
South First St. Phone 3916. 10c
pairs of sox, 6 handkerchiefs fin-
ished, 2 suits underwear, 2 bath
towels, 1 pajama suit fluffed--99c.


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