Continued Cold
lqqqmm pp,
Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication
Alien Problem
And Government . .«
French Food Ships!
To Pass Blockade;I
Labor Need Faced
University withdraws
Park Purchase Offer
Decision Not To Buy Felch Park Revealed
At Meeting Of City Council Yesterday
240,000 German
Sent To Greek rontier;
Bremen Reported Afire
White House Conferences
Result 1In Settlement
For Relief Of 'Shortage
Red Cross. ere
To Send Cargoes
WASHINGTON, .March 17.-()-
R4elief of the bread shortage in un-
occupied France was in sight tonight
through an arrangement for French
grain ships from the United States
to pass through the British block-
A virtual setlement of the contro-
versy which had led to French warn-
ings that convoys would be used, if
necessary, to get wheat and corn to
the unoccupied zone, was reached at
a series of White House and State De-
partment conferences.
After Gaston Henry-Haye, the
French Ambassador, had called at
the White House, it was announced
President Roosevelt had agreed for
French authorities to submit a pro-
posal to the American Red Cross for
two French ships now in New York
to take grain cargoes to unoccupied
Viscount Halifax, the British Am-
bassador, later went tothe State De-
partment and an informed British
source indicated the arrangement
would be acceptable to' the British
Supplies for the unoccupied zone
previously had been restricted by the
British authorities to milk and vita-
\min concentrates, medicines and chil-
dren's clothing.
The British source said, however,
grain supplies might now be,rmit-_
"fed under conditions assu~ing tey
would not aid Germany, directly or
'The State Department, in disclos-
ing the French plan, said it was "ob-
vious that the American Government
must assure itself that the final con-
sumption of all foods sent takes place
within the area of unoccupied
Defense Industries
Face Labor Shortage
WASHINGTON, March 17.-(A')-
Vital defense industries were report-
ed officially today to be facing a
rapidly dwindling supply of skilled
labor at the very moment the Gov-
ernment is preparing to give effect to
the British aid program by increasing
armament orders more than 60 per
To forestall an actual shortage of
capable workmen, management and
union representatives were urged by
high Administration officials to add.
a vast program of apprentice train-
ing to the routine of work-jammed
On the success of such an under-
taking, it was indicated, eventually
will depend the effectiveness of lease-
lend assistance to Britain, Greece and
China as well as the speedup in
preparation of America's own de-
Galaza Cites Nee
Attitude Towar
If North America does not change
its attitude toward Pan-American
cooperation, the South American peo-
ples will lose confidence in the United
States and will become more suscep-
tible to fascist penetration, Ernesto
Galarza, chief of the Division of La-
bor and Social Information of the
Pan-American Union, asserted in a
University lecture here yesterday.
"Long range planning to raise the
standard of living in the Latin Amer-
ican nations and to break down the
barriers between them and the Unit-
ed States is as vital to South Ameri-
cans as the immediate military de-
fense cooperation," Mr. Galarza stat-
"If the United States does not see
the need of planning ,for permanent
ennration with ,Snuth Amerinca the ;
. Submarine Scare
WASHINGTON, March 17.-(A)
-The United States has received
a tip, it was learned tonight, that
a Nazi submarine is being sent
across the Atlantic to operate in
waters close to American shores,
presumably off the Atlantic coast.
The purpose of the submarine
was not stated explicitly, but it
was assumed that if it actually
came to these waters it might
operate against British and other
foreign ships carrying supplies
from the United States to Britain.
There was no comment on the
report from the State Department,
the White House, the Navy or any
other department in the executive
branch of the government.
Senator Wheeler (Dem.-Mont.)
said, however, he had learned the
tip had been passed along to the
State Department by Lord Hali-
fax, British Ambassador.
Wheeler, a leading foe of the
lend-lease bill, minimized the tip
as an attempt to "frighten the
State Department."
Three Faiths
To Participate
In Discussiont
Dunne, Binsock And Nall
To Lead Symposium
On Reliion Today
"Religion in a World at War" will
be the topic of the symposium led
by a Catholic priest, a Protestant
minister, and a Jewish rabbi at 8 p.m.
today in the Rackham lecture hall.
Representing the views of the three
branches of religious faith, Father
George H. Dunne, Dr. Otto Nall, and
Rabbi Louis Binstock will discuss the
place of religion in the present crisis.
The symposium open to the public
is sponsored by the Student Religious
Association and the National Confer-
ence of Jews and Christians headed
in the Mid-West by General Charles
G. Dawes.
Speaking for the Protestant de-
nominations will be Dr. Nall, who
is known nationally as the author
of books on youth in the world order.
He is the editor of the Christian Ad-
vccate and has served on the edi-
torial boards of publications of the
Methodist Church.
A student of international affairs
at the University of Chicago, Father
Dunne was formerly a missionary at
the famous Chinese mission center at
Zikawei. For the past few years he
has been a participant of the Chi-
cago Roundtable.
The third speaker, Rabbi Louis
Binstock, is the leader of one of the
largest congregations in Chicago. As
vice-president of the Chicago Urban
League, he is active in civic affairs
and the directer of Jewish charities.
d For Changing
d South America
should be supplemented by a network
of roads laid out to facilitate trans-
portation between specific produc-
ing areas.
Observing the lack of certain nec-
essary agencies for promoting Hem-
isphere cooperation, Mr. Galarza not-
ed that there is no agency for the
cooperation of American labor, and
stated that "the views of labor can-
not continue to come through politi-
cal and commercial offices as now,
but can only be expressed adequately
by a labor organization."
Mr. Galarza said that the Euro-
pean war has caused a serious rise
in living costs, shortage of materials
and loss of markets in South Ameri-
can countries.
As an example of materials short-
age he cited the lull in Argentine con-
struction which has thrown 70 'per
The University's offer to purchase
Felch Park from the city was with-,
drawn at the City Council meeting
last night.
The University's action came as a
climax to a controversy which had
been raging among local citizens ever
since the offer was first made to pur-
chase the two and one-half acre site
of land opposite the Rackham Build-
ing on Fletcher Street last January
for the sum of $30,000.
a Many citizens had opposed the deal
on the grounds that the park should
'be kept by the city for the benefit of
nearby residents, and also it was
argued that the city was prohibited
from selling the property to the Uni-
versity under the terms which the
city had purchased the property about
50 years ago.
This view appears to have been
Housing Expert
To Tall Today
Contreras To Open Series
Of Public Lectures
Speaking on "Modern Architecture
and Housing in Mexico," Carlos Con-
treras, Mexican authority on housing
and city planning willopen a series of
three public lectures at 4:15 p.m.j
today in the Amphitheatre of thej
Rackham Building, under the spon-
sorship of the College of Architecture
and Design.
Mr. Contreras, architect and city'
planning consultant of Mexico City,
is a graduate of 'Columbia University,
and was lecturer here during the
summer session of 1939. He is a mem-
ber of the executive committee of the!
International Foundation for 'Hous-
ing and Town Planning, and is pres-
ident of the National Planning Asso-
ciation of Mexico.
The second lecture, on "Painting
and Sculpture in Mexico," will be
given at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Room
102, Architectural Building.
The series will be concluded with a
talk dealing with "City Planning in
Mexico," at 4:15 p.m. Thursday in
the Rackham Amphitheatre. All lec-
tures are open to the public.
Campus Yesterdays
To Appear In Garg'
substantiated by the University's
legal advisers. In a communication
to the council signed by President
Alexander Ruthven and Vice-Presi-
dentrShirley Smith it was stated that
"Our attorneys doubt the city can
transfer this property with a mer-
chantable title. The views are based
on the terms and conditions of the
deed under which the city acquired
the property."
When the land was purchased it
was understood it would be used for
the new public health school. In the
communication to the city the ad-
ministration explained that they were
giving up this purchase because of
"the necessity we are under of find-
ing a site at the earliest possible
moment for the proposed school of
public health building which was ten-
dered by the Rockefeller Foundation
(Continued on Page 2)
Drama Group
Announces Cast
'Much Ado About Nothing'
Players Are Named
Members of the cast for Play Pro-
duction's presentatidn of Shake-
speare's "Much Ado About Nothing"
were announced yesterday by Prof.
Valentine B. Windt, director of the
group. The play, which opens at 8:30
p.m. tomorrow, will run through Sat-
urday, including a matinee perfor-
mance the last day.
Ada McFarland, '42, will play Be-
atrice, Hugh Norton, Grad., Bene-
dick; Adeline Gittlen, '42. Hero; Dav-
id Rich, '42, Claudio; Dorothy Hay-
del, '41Ed, Margaret; Dorothy Morris,
'43A, Ursula; Norman Oxhandler, '41,
Leonato; and Willian Altman, '42,
Don Pedro.
The clowns, Dogbei'ry and Verges 1
will be played by Robert Lewis, '42,
and John Sinclair, '42, respectively.
Other parts will be taken by Jack
Mitchell, '42, Don John; William Kin-
zer, '42, Borachio; Neil Smith, '4lEd,
Conrade; Marvin Levey, '43, Anton-
io; and James George, '41, Balthasar.
Francis Warner, '41, Messenger;
Sheldon Finklestein, '42, Sexton;
Marion Chown, '42, Boy; Donald Dia-
mond, '42; Dean Burdick, '42. George
Shepard, '41, Watch; Elaine Alpert,
'41, Ollirae Bilby, '41, Neva Dilley,
'41Ed, Bruce Forbes, '42, Joseph
Gornbein, '41 ,and Merle Webb, '42,
as Dancers complete the cast.
The direction of this play was done
by Professor Windt and Prof. William
Halstead, of the Speech department,
while dances were composed by Miss
Ruth Bloomer, of the physical edu-
cation department.
All eligible second semester
freshmen are invited to come out
for the Michigan Daily business
staff Wednesday or Monday , at
5 p.m., ]brad Williams, '42, an-
nounced today.
Allies, Axis Gird For Balkan Scrap
.. © '8
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SALONIKA .. ......
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arryed.-Lo:h Bu'e DArDeANEEsil
ith eTEE. Cm t Te a
oprtedly landed one third of a 300,000 man expedition (1) on Greciani
oi, In Albania (2) Mussolini's spring offensive was reported beaten
with 15,000 Italians kilied in five days. Yugoslavia still held out against
German pressure to join the Axis. Meanwhile the Turkish press re-
iterated that Turkey (5) will stand by "our allies" and disclosed plans
for Turkish parachute troop maneuvers.
Summer Daily
Editors Named
Made City Editor;
Positions Filled
Phojgraphs of campus yesterdays,
and campus tomorrows as seen in a
cartoonist's imagination will be feat-
ured in four pages of the March
Gargoyle, on sale Thursday, Allan
Axelrod, '43, issue editor, announced
Included in the spread will be pic-
tures of the "new" Mason Hall, the
downtown building where J-Hops of
the day were held and a shot of State
Street-even before it was paved.
Highlighted, too, will be a 'shot of
the Diagonal of 1841.
Harry M. Kelsey, '41, of Grosse
Pointe Park, was named city editor
of the 1941 Summer Michigan Daily
in a staff announcement made last
night by Karl G. Kessler, '41, man-
aging editor. h ,
Others selected for Daily posts were
Barbara Jenswold, '43, of Duluth,
Minn., and Albert P. Blaustein, '42,,,of
Brooklyn, N.Y., who will serve as
women's and sports editors respec-
tively, and William Baker, '43, of
Welborn, Kans., and Eugene Mande-
berg, '43, of Detroit, who will hold
the posts of associate editors.
Former secretary-treasurer of Sig-
ma Delta Chi, professional journa-
lism fraternity, Kelsey was a member
of the Daily's junior editorial staff
last year and was associate editor,
of the 1939 and 1940 Summer Daily.
Blaustein ,a member of SDX and
associate editor of last summer's
Daily, is at present a night editor
and activities director of Congress.
Independent Men's Association.
Leland Stowe
To Speak Here-
Foreign Correspondent
To TalkThursday
Not only does a war correspondent
have to keep his eyes and ears open
for news, but he has to keep in good
physical condition as well, testified
Leland Stowe recently after return-
ing from the various European war
Stowe, who will speak Thursday
night in Hill Auditorium in the Ora-
torical Lecture Series, explained that
transportation at the fronts was one
of the biggest problems confronting
the correspondents.
"Sometimes we had to hike many
miles and it is quite a battle to get
anyplace. It is a matter of keeping
in fairly good physical condition,",the
well-known reporter pointed out, "but
a correspondent can't keep doing this
sort of thing indefinitely. He has to
get back from the front and rest if
he is going to keep alert as a corres-
And that's what Leland Stowe, who
is back in the U.S.A. for the first
time since 1939, wants to do-get a
rest. He plans to remain in the United
States until April. Meanwhile, in-
stead of restings, he is speaking be-
fore many audiences and trying to
write a book on his war experiences.
Stowe also hopes to find time to get
acquainted with his family.
Sixteen German Divisions
Are To Counterbalance
British Forces Landed
Bulgarians Move
To Prevent Spying
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia. March 17.
(1P)--Germany has moved 16 divisions
-perhaps 240,000 fighters-up to or
within striking distance of Bulgaria's
Greek frontier, a military expert re-
ported tonight, as Bulgaria itself pre-
pared for possible Balkan battles be-
tween Nazis and British.
The 16 divisions were part of long
columns of Nazi troops which this
expert said were continuing to pour
toward Greece through Hungary and
Rumania to counterbalance the land-
ing of a British expeditionary force
in Greece. Near a third of a British
force of 300,000 was, reported Satur-
day to have been landed in Greece,
with convoys still on the way.
The Bulgarian governient ordered
all direct contact with German troops
in Bulgaria suspended .to eliminate
possible spying on Nazi military con-
tingents. The decree applied to any
trader, private persons, society or
organization was issued in connec-
tion with a new plan for feeding the
Nazi army through the Bulgarian
food ministry out of surpluses which
have been accumulating for months
to Germany's credit,
Bulgaria, with Rumania, also adop-
ted new rules to reduce non-military
traveling except on specific tele-
graphed instructions from the Buch-
arest and Sofia foreign offices.
Then I li' xiii cidi 'visio ;thienMill-
tary expert said, are in addition to
the 12 in Rumania. Roughly de-
scribed as in these locations: two still
actually instructing the Rumanian
army or defending strategic points;
four on the Russian frontier or mov-
ing in that direction; two near
Yugoslavia; and four scattered along
the supply line ready to be thrown in
any direction they may be needed.
Liner Blazes
In Home Port
(By The Associated Press)
BERLIN, March 17-A big fire
raged today aboard the $20,000,000
German liner Bremen, idle pride of
Germany's merchant fleet and one-
time holder of the blue ribbon for
speed in Atlantic crossings.
The whereabouts of the 51,731-ton
liner were not disclosed in so- many
words and the cause of the flames
was undetermined, but a DNB, Ger-
man official news agency, account of
the, first was carried here under a
Bremen dateline. The finer, complet-
ed a spectacular hide-and-seek dash
across the Atlantic to a home port
soon after the war began.
Late today, authorities said, the
fire was "big" and was "still con-
tinuing." They declined to give fur-
ther details.
* * *
The British Broadcasting Corpora-
tion hinted the Bremen was the vic-
tim of a British air raid. The announ-
cer said in a broadcast heard in New
York by CBS:
President Ruthven Opens Fingerprint Drive
McDowell Stresses Position
Of 'Turkey 1In Present Crisis
Stressing Turkey's key position for
both offensive and defensive pur-
poses, Dr. Robert H. McDowell, re-
search associate in Mesopotamian
Archaeology and an authority on the
Near East, declared Sunday in a lec-
ture at the Rackham Building that
"Turkey will become a belligerent the
moment British and Turkish staffs
decide belligerency will, be useful in
terms of long term operations."
"The key position of Turkey stems
from the fact that the greater part
of the country lies in Asia, separated
from Europe by the Straits. Thus a
successful invasion of Turkey would
continent or adjacent to the conti-
nent to use as offensive bases; if she
had an adequate reservoir of man
power; and if she had an adequate
reservoir of material.
Of these, Britain lacks the mater-
ial, he said. The British war aims
at present, Dr. McDowell continued,
are to preserve the largest possible
reservoir of man power in the Bal-
kans in preparation for the day she
can take offensive and to attempt
the establishment of bases there.
"The German aims in the Balkans
are threefold. First, Germany intends
to exploit the Balkans in order to
gain the maximum of food supplies
which are absolutely vital to her: