. # / } PAGE SIX T HE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNOAY, MARCH 1G, P941 -MMM Stowe Will Relate Inside Story Of German Marchito Norway A 40-year-old correspondent who the Germans had clinched their hold was told he was "too old to cover the on Oslo with the arrival of five war," Leland Stowe came back a transports carrying more than 20,000 short while later with the most sen- etroops. sational news story of the present filed anoter beatTourhis time rome European struggle and continued to Gothenburg, Sweden, giving the first write the best stories and scoop the eye-witness account of the German world while he was there. troops "pushing their field-gray col- Stowe will appear Thursday in Hill umns northward, eastward and Auditorium in the Oratorical Asso-stardmitcoftheNorwegianap- ciation Lecture Series and will tell ital" to face the British Expedition- some of the amazing inside stories of ai y Fo dce. Iitler's march into Norway, the Fin- It was Stowe who filed the disillu- nish War and other stories, as well sioning story of why, after only four as to discuss possible future develop- days of fighting, nearly half of the inents of the struggle. initial BEF contingent had been ei- ther killed, wounded or captured by In speaking of his fellow reporters j the Germans." on the continent, Stowe said, "I feel Commenting on this dispatch, certain that American correspondents Stowe said that. of all the stories he in Europe are trying to give news- had written about the war, that was paper readers the" most accurate plc- the "most satisfying to me. I knew ture of events that conditions over it would raise merry hell with the there will permit." Chamberlain government, which I "The men covering the Balkans are felt would be the most constructive having an increasingly tough time in thing that could happen in England." getting the news out to the rest of the world." Stowe pointed out that Nazi control of, key news sources on P .fi e tirs the Continent is spreading in the Balkans. Censorship is becoming more and more a daily problem, as UJO reek..lW ee one neutral news disseminating point' after another is subjugated under the Are A nnounced Nazi "blackout." The prematurely-gray correspond- ent achieved world-wide -fame with Panel discussion leaders and com- his 4,500-word story from Stock- mittee chairmen for the Interfrater- holm last April 15, revealing the in- nity Council's second annual Greek tiigue and treachery behind Nor- Week, March 28 and 29, were an- way's occupation by the Germans. nounced yesterday by James Har- Previously, on April 11, he succeeded rison, President of the Council. in cutting through German censor- ship at Oslo and filed 33 words that In charge of the program will be sl~i tOl n ie 3wrsta Paul Cosper, Sigma Chi, and Don scooped the world. He radioed that q 0 .. Binstock To Participate i Symposium Fingerprinting Project To Be Initiated Here Marking the initial project of civil fingerprinting on the campus, Alpha Phi Omega, national service frater- nity, will conduct a campaign for the voluntary fingerprinting of at least 5,000 students beginning tomorrow: Ratcliff Says Defense Program Will Result In Housing Shortage By ALVIN DANN There will be a definite housing shortage in this country as a result of the defense program, Dr. Richard U. Ratcliff of the business adminis- tration school declared at a session of the Michigan Academy of Sci- ence, Arts and Letters. Dr. Ratcliff has acted as an ad- are caused by the abnormal migra- tion of workers. He mentioned as a case in point the problem that Ypsi- lanti will have to face when the Ford bomber plant is constructed with the consequent need for housing 4- cilities for several thousand new resi- dent workers. Causes Listed r i Rabbi Louis Binsiock will return to Ann Arbor to participate in the first lecture program of the semester sponsored by the Student Religious Association. Last summer he spoke to the Summer Religious Confer- ence held here. Miniasters Tio Discus War and continuing througnh Friduay.- viser for the national defense hous- Among the causes for the present With headquarters in Room 4, Uni- ing agency, difficulties he mentioned was the versity Hall, and over the Engineer- ! He based his conclusion on the location of defense activities in ing Arch, the service organization fact that housing shortages are al-phe hotat lik will record fingerprints for the Per- ready being experienced in certain laces where shoragesrivate dust seclyoto occur. Alsotprivatetindustry sonal Identification Bureau of the .sectionsofwthecontrnAnotherfac- has refrained from expanding its un- FBI. tor cited was the slow start in plan- dertakings because the risks in de- .rning because the national defense fense construction, housing are high. Distinguished frm criminal fm- coordinator was not given sufficient He pointed out that the FHA has gerprinting, the civil program offers authority until recently, he said. also been unwilling to assure these a means of personal identification. Last WAr Was Worse prospects because of the risk factor. Over 200,000 amnesia cases last year On the more optimistic side, how- Legislation has been proposed to lib- .o- ever, he pointed out that we are eralize FHA regulations in this field, warrant a civil fingerprinting pro- better able to meet at least the ma- Ratclif explained. Another reason gram, J. Edgar Hoover, head of the jority of needs than was the case in Nor the limitations of private building FBI, pointed out in correspondence the last war. activity he cited were the limited with the group. He expects no serious shortages of building facilities in communities Dean Joseph A. Bursley commend- labor and material. There will be no where the need is great. ed the program as a means of iden- shortage in the first because most Government Must Act tification. In case of injury or ill- j building workers are too old to be! The policy of the government, he ness when away from home, personal subject to the draft, he explained, pointed out, has been to adopt public identification service offers protec- His optimism in regard to material housing programs only where pri- tion and security, he explained. was based on the consideration that vate industry has been inadequate. the important construction commod- A strong motivating factor for the ity, lumber, will not be used for much government's entrance into the field Service Grou I defense work after the army building is the necessity for this construction program is completed. to be achieved in the shortest time Difficulties in the housing field possible for national defense needs. OC 0Co A seven-man installation drill team from the local chapter of Alpha Phi Omega, national service fraternity, will journey to Kalamazoo today tov install the Western State Teachers'.be College chapter into national mem- o' bership. haSpring is coming, it's true, but March H. Roe Bartle, internationally pro- u.and April are "tricky" months. Why not minent youth leader, national presi- p be prepared for a sudden shower, a windy dent of Alpha Phi Omega for the ' day,-or perhaps even some more snow, past 10 years, will be the featured ufwith a huge, colorful headkerchief. White speaker at the initiation banquet at ° backgrounds with bright prints are new 6 p.m. -~and smart. AND when you come Richard FGSchoel,'43E presi ent; in, look at our beautiful handkerchiefs too! '42E; John H. Hoglund, '42; Leo "Always reasonably priced" Jachkowski, '41; Marvin Radom, '41; and Walter MacPeek, local Scout .£"1 1[N FN 'CH O P executive and an adviser of the local chapter will compose the traveling 10 NICKELs ARCADE installation team. o >o<==>o<:>o ;>o o<==>o a l Examinations To Be Given Mexican Scholarship Tests Scheduled For April 25 oevenson, iet . ne a. rl oger Kelley, Chi Psi, will contact speakers and Aron Kahn, Zeta Beta Tau, is to handle publicity. A new discussion group this year will be the panel, Fraternities and Defense Issues, to be headed by Douglas Gould, Sigma Phi Epsilon. Jack Cory, Sigma Chi, will lead the panel, Fraternity-University Rela- tions; Edwa'rd Barrett of Beta Theta Pi will head the discussion on Fra- Examinations for the two $50 ternity Finance and House Manage- scholarships to the University of ment, while Jim Tobin, Phi Delta Mexico 1941 Summer Session, spon- Theta, will be in charge of Fraternity sored by La Sociedad Hispanica, are Rushing. scheduled to be given from 3 to The Great Vespers, a songfest fea- 5 p.m., April 25, in Room 103 Ro- turing the famed Latvian Singers, mance Languages Building, it was an- will be held at Hill Auditorium March nounced yesterday. 27 as a prelude to Greek Week. The Consisting of two parts, the ex- Men's Glee Club and fraternity and amination will be an attempt to eval- sorority singers will form a back- uate the student's general Hispanic ground of voices for the singing. background, along with his ability All recently initiated fraternity to speak and understand the Span- men will be feted at a special ban- ish language. ? quet in the Union Ball room, Satur- The first, or written section is to day night. March 29. Rabbi Louis Binstock of one of the largest Jewish congregations in Chi- cago will be one of the leaders of the symposium on "Religion in a World at War" at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Sponsored by the Student Religious Association, the panel on religion in the present crisis will also be led by Father George Dunne giving the Catholic viewpoint and Dr. Otto Nall presenting the Protestant approach. The panel constitutes the second semester lecture feature of the Stu- dent Religious Association. The pro- gram is also under the auspices of the National Conference of Chris- tians and Jews founded in 1928 for justice, amity, and underdtanding and cooperation among the members of the Protestant, Catholic and Jew- ish faiths. Dr. Binstock has been active in community affairs as vice-president of the Chicago Urban City League and the director of Jewish charities in Chicago. During the last few years Rabbi Binstock has visited all European countries and traveled in the Near East. He is well-acquainted with in- ternal developments in Russia, Ger- many and the Scandinavian nations. Dr. Binstock is a graduate of the" University of Tennesee, the Univer- sity of Cincinnati and the Hebrew College of Cincinnati. For 10 years he served as a rabbi in New Orleans and for the past five years he has been in Chicago. The other speakers on the program are students of international affairs and prominent authors in the field of religion. The program is open to the public. The three speakers will appear at two assemblies at Ann Arbor High School and at a reception given in their hon- or at Lane Hall following the sym-, posium. Finch To Lecture On Racing Events At Union Monday Nationally known as one of Ameri- ca's foremost racing sailors and pho- tographers, Vice-Commodore How- ard A. Finch of the Interlake Yacht Racing Association will speak at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in Rooms 318-20 in the Union to bring the University's sailing enthusiasts both color and black and .white iovies of the North Temperate Zone's most famous rac- ing events. Accompanying films featuring Ber- muda, Havana and Nassau scenes as well as 8-Meter and Q-Boat races is the Vice-Commodore's running commentary for which he has won much approbation. notei /Aom ithe BUDGET SHOP be a very general test on history, lit- erature and geography of Spain and Latin America. An answer in Spanish will be required for one the questions. The oral part of the examination will consist of an interview with the committee in charge of the schol- arships, composed of Prof. Jose Al- baladejo, Prof. Nelson W. Eddy and Prof. Joseph N. Lincoln. In the course of the interview the committee will try to determine the relative needs, abilities and deservedness of the in- dividual students. All students interested should see Professor Lincoln in Room 100 of the Romance Languages Building be- fore the date of the examination. Ford May Be Draftee DETROIT, March 15.-(JP)--Ben-, son Ford, youngest son of the Ford Motor Company's president, may be called for army service this spring if a draft board physician finds him physically fit, Selective Service of-' ficials said today. Students' Original Hitch-Hiking Ideas Give Good Results Original ideas for hitch-hiking are rampant on campus, particularly since the recent mass exodus to State by love-lorn lawyers and dentists. The most favored innovation con- sists of small signs on the sandwich- board order, to which paper maize and blue M's are pasted, and which also indicate the hiker's destination. To Herbert S. Heavenrich, '44E, be- longs the credit for originating this idea. IIt all began when Heavenrich de- cided that his thumb was getting too much exercise. He rigged up a cardboard thumb, with a sign read- ing, "Toledo, Please," beneath and took to the highways. He got to To- ledo and back with ease, and because of his success, the idea spread. OUR BUDGET SHOP is chock full of darling Spring dresses intended to fit the slimmest of budgets. It's just the place for all you co-eds to find the pepper-uppers you need for your new wardrobe. ^ : : . .. M ^ Z b q :' 3 4 0 $. r ' j\j 5 ,Y: i i. - .. ,: k ,;:. < .. _ fi: -' ' N lUESS Scoop! '.. r . ' <: i. 4: . :: .. :;: '< .,, } -"<" S -a . r a. , _ ! "winter hands" T HE EL IZ A BE TH A R D E N ombat the drying effects of steam heat and old weather ... and keep your "gentlewoman' s" ands. Every time you wash them, and before }ing out, apply Miss .Arden's luxurious non-sticky AND LOTION. Every night, soothe with emollient AND CREAM (if possible, leave on overnight, rotected by soft NIGHT GLOVES). AND LOTION, 1.00 AND 1.75 HAND CREAM, 1.00 IGHT GLOVES, 2.00 ARDENA HAND SOAP, 1.00; BOX OF 3, 2.50 _ NAUTICAL NAVIES FLORAL PRINTS FROSjrED BLACKS .PASTLS Just a mite of a price, but the DRESSES are really tremendous. New colors, new styles, new treat- ments. FROM $7.95 Sizes 9-17, 12-44. tea. .s f r.: k A }N q 'e> r :< xU C C H H p NI Bright "Touches" Handbags Gloves Jewelry Hosiery BRIGHT FLOWERY PRINTS will n always be the surest sign of Spring. Gay colors in sparkling different com- binations and patterns, are typical of our selection, or you can follow the general trend into navy with white or colored accents. Suit your pocket- sbook as well as your fashion desires. Neckwear Belts Blouses from $1 and $1.95 I I I