E FOr THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUND AY, MARCH 16, 1941 E MICHIGAN DAILY FIRE and WATER By MASCOTT I ' Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not' otherwise credited in this newpaper. All tights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. RE PRElEaNTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI3ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publisbers Rep resenta ive 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO " BosToN " Los ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Vember, Associated Collegiate Editorial Staff Press, 1940-41 Hervie Haufier _ Alvin Sarasohn . Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard' A. Goldman,. Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor S . . Associate Editor * Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor . . . -Women's Editor S . Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: EMILE GEL The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Mr. Hoover's Relief Plan W ILE SOME FACTIONS do not mind getting into war, they urge humani- tarian methods of dealing with the civilian S populations oppressed by wholesale destruction. Other groups do not like war under any circum- stances and seek to mitigate its inevitable ef- :fects; while still other factions think innocent peoples should not suffer during war or any other time. All these groups stand behind Her- bert Hoover's National Committee on Food for the Small Democracies. But a Big Democracy stood between Mr. Hoo- ver's committee and the Small Democracies this week with the announcement that Great Britain could not "permit the blockade to be weakened or undermined by the admission of supplies from overseas into any territory under enemy control." DECLARING that the import of food into oc- cupied territory would retard a speedy British victory and the release of Europe from enemy 'domination, Great Britain defined the blockade of Europe as a means of clogging the whole economic war machine of Germany. It is intended to force the Nazis into using in uneco- nomic ways goods they produce or possess, and to render as burdensome as possible distribution of supplies within occupied areas. Imports of food for any group would weaken the, effect of this policy, Britain says. Britain argues that Germany is attempting to organize the occupied territories to form an in- tegral part of its war machine; that their fac- tories and their agriculture are forced to work for the Nazis; and that their surplus products are employed by Germany for military pur- poses. Any plan, therefore, to aid controlled populations falls into the Nazi scheme. The British announcement states: "They (Germns) disclaim the obligation to make good any local deficiencies except those in Germany itself. Every arrival of foodstuffs into any one part of the occupied area thus constitutes a direct encouragement to the German technique of exploitation." BRITAIN CLAIMS the objection is not based on the question of whether any supplies admitted are consumed only by the subject peoples for whom they. are intended, but whe- ther the Gerlan economy is thereby relieved in another direction. If aid is not sent from the United States, Britain says, it is not likely that Germany will permit hunger to impair the effi- ciency or to increase the discontent of the sub- ject population which is essential to the opera- tion of the German war machine. In reply to the British objections, Mr. Hoover asserted that recent surveys have shown that the food situation in the occupied democracies is much worse than the British indicate, and that detailed agreements with Germany prevent use of the civilian supplies for Nazi war pur- poses. The Germans have not only agreed to ship certain grains into the occupied area for the civil population, but have asserted that there would be no interference with imports and no requisition or absorption of native food, that ships will be free of attack, and that a neutral commission will oversee relief to insure com- pliance with rules. '4R. HOOVER POINTS OUT that no food goes WHAT kind of a democracy is this anyway? In the year 1941 when millions of our youth have been forced to sacrifice a year and maybe more of their lives for "democracy and national defense," we seem to be faced with one of the most gigantic conspiracies against democ- racy since a certain man named Arnold "sold out" to the British many long years ago. IN THE PAST FEW WEEKS, for example, we've seen some of the most crude and vicious labor-baiting in the history of our country. Just glance at any of our major, big-time and small- time reactionary and conservative press, and you can't help noticing more biased, anti-labor scareheads and stories than in the heyday of first passage of the Wagner Act.. The varied news services (Associated Press, United Press, International News Service, etc.) send reams of copy over the wires telling of the latest strikes and "agitation" against plants "with valuable defense contracts." And the press, either by sheer ignorance or deliberate policy, has run these rarely true but always misleading stories. HERE are some facts on labor and national defense: 1) According to President Roosevelt, strikes have at no time affected more than one-fourth of one per cent of defense production. 2) Bureau of Labor Statistics reports- Year Strikes 1917..............-. - . 4,450 1918..........-.... ,353 1937 ...................... 4,740 1940 ...................... 2,450 Yet, continually, repeated over and over on the radio, reprinted again and again in the news- paper, the term "national defense contract" becomes the shibboleth of U.S. reaction-a magic phrase which justifies terrific profits for the defense producer and plants for him built by the government and means the same standards of living, in some cases pitiably low for labor, pos- sibly on the assumption that a worker on na- tional defense can, ipso facto, subsist on a lower standard of living. I TNDOUBTEDLY, there are today two groups that are high "in the saddle" in Washing- ton: Big Business (which produces the heavy industrial equipment vital to national defense) and the Army. Some of the leadership of both groups we find pretty hard to stomach. Big Business' attitude is particularly undemocratic when it demands sacrifices from the rest of so- ciety without an equal sacrifice on its own part Fashion Trends For Warfare .. . A RECENT CONTRIBUTOR to the Infantry Journal asks: "Must we always watch from the sidelines to see what kind of an army the winner has and then run ourselves out of breath and our subor- dinates out of patience in frenzied efforts to build one like it? Is originality completely lost? Must we always copy? We have already bor- rowed more military patterns from Europe than our imitator fashion centers have borrowed models for clothes. Can't we create something bigger and better than merely an approximate facsimile of a panzer division? Where in the devil is our American imaginative creation?" THIS is a particularly pertinent query in the midst of the current clamor for an army "equal to Hitler's." American army men have long regretted the stabilized warfare of the World War, which we accepted in imitation of the English and French. We have always advocated open warfare and the elastic defense, the very tactics which the present European war are showing to be the latest thing. We may well recall the develop- ment of the Cossack post in our Revolutionary War and the use 'of cavalry in the War Between the States; all in our tradition of open warfare. THE TIME for research and experiment is now, before the expenditure of the huge sums planned for our new army. To those who laugh at an attempt to best the Continental warlords at their own game: we have an eager inquisitiveness and healthy skepticism which the totalitarian robots can never equal. -- William MacLeod (and thus necessarily the unemployed) and to children." But the one British argument Mr. Hoover does not adequately answer is: "The exist- ence of local shortages in certain districts of the occupied territories is not an admissible argu- ment; for it was not to be expected that the enemy would make good his depredations or restore the supplies he has looted, while he is still hopeful that supplementary supplies from overseas may be forthcoming." While neither Germans nor Americans nor British doubt the lofty purpose of Mr. Hoover's Humanitarian Committee, certain aspects of the question are not clear. For instance, when has Germany became so benevolent toward its con- quered territories that it will encourage outside aid for their benefit while the German. peoples themselves are cut down to the barest margin of existence? Second, can Britain be seeking re- venge on the small democracies for their sur- render by starving them under the guise of war strategy, or can Britain lack the facts on food conditions available to Mr. Hoover's committee? MR. HOOVER'S PROJECT could do much to Cc 1 , j 1 (that is, the yielding of some of its profits or the sharing of some of the tremendous profits with its labor.) Big Business' attitude becomes especially obnoxious to one who has any concept of democracy when it (B.B.) begins to consider itself above the law. Eugene C. Grace (Bethle- hem Steel Co.) and Henry Ford are two obvious examples. And we mean the Wagner Act. NOT ONLY,,however, does Big Business use "national defense" as a means toward "cracking down" on labor in heavy industry, but the opportunity is taken to smear all labor in all industries. Here we refer particularly to the many anti-strike measures appearing in our legislatures as labor attempts, arid justly so, to increase its wages as prices rise, profits boom and the nation nears full employment of re- sources. We quote the 1936 Senate Munitions Commit- tee report: "Patriotism is something to talk about to the public, as the president of Beth- lehem Steel (Eugene Grace) did fully, early in 1917. To the War Department, in private they talk prices and profits, and say, in effect 'take it or leave it,' knowing that they have the govern- ment at their mercy." A NOTHER REVEALING QUOTATION is that of Ernest Bevin, British Minister of Labor: "I think it is true to say that the feeling of the people of this country . . . is that the system based on monopoly and big business has failed to deliver the goods in the hours of trial." But more about this in another column. The City Editor's cla tch 1?ad. Letters To The Editor Proportion . . . grad). "Tammany Hall Makes It Fel- a democracy before we extend aid. ony to Join Any Other Political Par- That completely misses the boat, for To The Editor: ty" (actual mono-party system in England is in a damned-if-she-does I would like to congratulate El Se- Russia, Germany and Italy). "Thirty and damned-if-she-doesn't spot. To reno quite sincerely on his reply to Thousand Philadelphians Bombed win the war and defeat Hitler on the ny letter. It is not only much su- After City Surrenders" (Rotterdam). continent England must push through perior in argument and tone to his "El Sereno and Slosson Shot by Fir- those social reconstructions which first letter, but it raises a very im- ing Squad for 'Provocative Utter- would make this a truly People's portant point: how much are we liv- ances' "-which would just about War and give new courage to the peo- ing up to our own liberties? Obvious- close the chapter! ples of Europe and persuade them ly, every time we tolerate the barring No difference worth bothering that Britain's cause is their cause. of a Communist ticket from the bal- about-eh? As Tom Wintringham put it (New lot we invade our freedom of elec- - Preston Slosson Ways of War, Penguin Books), such a tions; every time we tolerate lynch- democratic development is necessary ings or "third degree" police methods from "a simple and one-sided view we weaken our legal liberties; every The First Must . .. of politics that derives from military time we permit Mayor Hague to To The Editor: needs, the needs of victory." So, too, break up orderly meetings or let In a letter to The Michigan Daily Harold Laski points out (Where Do Mayor Bill Thompson ban heretical some months back (November 14, We Go From Here, Viking .Press) histories from the schools we injure 1940), I stated that aid to Britain was that a far-reaching program is nec- freedom of criticism. El Sereno will an imperative corollary to progres- essary to defeat Hitler in the 'Battle admit that I have always opposed and sive reform in the United States, i for Britain. never condoned violations of civil "that domestic reconstruction in But there are difficulties in the way liberties in this country. America has become inextricably of such a development. England is bound up with domestic reconstruc- at the mercy of her allies-her em- B' . . . ! Are we to have no sense tion in the world." It appears even pire and the United States. The vest- of proportion? Because we have more evident today that a progressive ed corporate interests of this coun- Al Capone gangsters that kidnap, in- foreign policy demands that we stop try are going to yield to the re- timidate and murder, are we in the Fascism wherever it threatens and, quirements of the times no more same category as nations that are therefore, as Americans who have a quickly or willingly than their Tory' governed by gangsters that kidnap, democratic America as our goal, we counterparts in Britain. As long as intimidate and murder? Because we must do everything we, can to help the one remains strong, the other will have lynchings by private lawless in- England defeat Nazism. be reinforced. dividuals are we like countries whose governments conduct "blood purges?" ad. herp to England musthtotalS O IT APPEARS that if England If there were even the remotest re- needs. which we hrcan spaeverythings does not go through with social semblance between our own evils and nareconstruction, she will be beaten by those of the totalitarian countries we planes, armaments and credits. If our the Fascist army of Germany; if she could look for the following items: aid is not conditional and faulty, does push through, she stands in "Roosevelt Urges Execution of Glass, credits must be extended-even be- danger of being starved by the Fas- fore England's own resources are ex cist-minded gentry of the rest of the Byrd, mih,(Ccx, aable Otoe hausted-because England must con- cs-me etyo h eto h 'Old Democrats' " (comparable to tinue the war on an all-out basis. world. In the face of this, the pro- the wholesale execution of the "old gram for democratic America seems Bolsheviks" under Stalin). "MemberA policy of caution and penny-pinch- clear. Our sitting around and waiting of Cabinet Says There Will Be No i Ming now would be fatal. But to con- will prevent her from making those Peace in America till All Negroes Are surances that there will be more mon- changes which we seek. Now is the Put to Death" (comparable to state- hese has extime to press for aid to England. Ev- ments by Streicher and other promi- eraprent s he le-easeery boatload of supplies we send nent Nazi leaders on Jews). "Entire ct recognizedthisypreicae and gives her more courage to proceed. Faculty of Michigan Sent to Con- encouraged American manufacturers It becomes more urgent, as well, centration Camps" (compare Cra- to accept British orders as well as for us to push through to democracy cow). "Million 'Okies' Deported from enabling us to direct British expen- in this country, for only a progressive California to Northern Alaska" (com- ditures for our "surplus" items which America will be willing and able to pare deportations of Kulaks, Poles, she actually needs. support a progressive England. A so- Jews, etc.). "Four Million Farmers ciety under monopolistic and appease- Starve to Death in Dustbowl" (Volga MORE IMPORTANT that the eco- ment control will not aid a democrat- Basin famine, 1920; estimates for nomic basis for aiding England ic England. Only as we push through later famine in early 'thirties). "Fam- is the political one. A far-reaching to a significant social reconstruc- ilies of Reds to be Shot as Hostages program of social reconstruction is tion will England do likewise. Wheth- for Escapes" (a technique used in the only possible answer for the Brit- er we put a democratic world as our all totalitarian countries). "Ameri- ish people to the production and mo- first goal or a democratic America, can Army Seizes Ontario; Too Near rale problems raised by the need for the first "Must" on the agenda is Detroit for Safety, Say Experts" (the total defense. Many Americans argue democratic ~social reform here and actual justification used for Russia's that we should wait until England now. attack on Finland-too near Lenin- makes good on her promise to become -- Martin B. Dworkis AILY OFFICIAL BULLET-IN 1I ALTHOUGH the campus doesn't know it, Mar- garet Campbell, executive secretary of the now-on-probation ASU, has been given a schol- arship by the University to replace the one she lost last fall. University officials said last fall that the alumni scholarship had been taken away because she had changed her residence from Saginaw (where she was given the award upon graduating from high school) to St. Louis, Mo., outside the state. But Dean Yoakum promised to do his best to dig up some funds to help a girl who had an ex- cellent scholastic record and needed the money. liOMInie Says Does a new level of usefulness seem to be possible as we look toward a transition swiftly to a Defense statue? Can we, while we are driven by necessity to many changes, abruptly remake our social attitudes and personal reac- tions? I believe we can speed up improvement at least. Not every community can do so, but a university can. While we of staff and teaching status can boast of no monopoly on emotional maturity nor claim any superior wisdom beyond our several specialities, yet among our faculties are the very men who understand social techniques, personal- ity measurement, motivation, the directing of energies, the growth of attitudes, and the form- ing of behavior patterns. Can these leaders with their insights be mobilized and their wisdom focused upon the problems of student transition? Students should know the Bureau of Educa- tional Investigation, the Bureau of Vocational Information, the Psychological Clinic, the Insti- tute of Human Adjustment, the Psychiatrists at the Health Service, as well as various men and women who devote their energies to definite personality purpose. What use of these agencies is made voluntarily by the students? Which fraternity, struggling with a pledge class, desperately hoping to initiate all the boys, has even invited any one of the agencies to teach them how to understand those pledges? What honor society has ever thought it part of their function to discover the emotion tensions of its members or to enlist any one of these agencies in such an effort? What Congress or Assembly committee has ever used any one of these agen- cies to help increase the happiness, the effi- ciency, the culture or the inner enrichment of those students who are unstable, often depressed, disposed to fits of temper, or habitually "go on a bender?" Yet it is far easier for any counselor, or doctor or teacher or clinician to make use of his experience when the person concerned and some group in which such a person is in fellow- ship asks aid, than when no one invited help. In fact, these counselors can act only when the person, himself a capable free agent and in nor- mal status, calls for conference or enters into a partnership on personal problems. Would such an effort become formal? Will not such an effort rattle, or squeak, or be artificial? Not when the students initiate it. To be certain' if we who are deans, or counselors, or clinicians, institute such a campus-wide therapy, it would SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1941 VOL. LI. No. 117 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Faculty, School of Education: The March meeting of the Faculty will be held on Monday, March 17, at 4:15 p.m. in the School of Education Library. Chairmen of Activities: Your at- tention is called to the fact that first semester eligibility cards may not be used after March 1. Any one who has not presented to you an eligibil- ity certificate for the second semester should be excluded from activities until such a certificate has been pre- sented. The chairmen of the following ac- tivities have not yet filed Eligibil- ity Lists for the second semester with the Dean of Students. These lists should be submitted on forms pro- vided by the Office of the Dean of Students BY MARCH 20. Arch. Council Assembly Captialists Ball Congress Crease Dance Debate Engineering Council French Play Frosh Project German Play Girls Glee Club Hillel Foundation Interfraternity Council Jr. Girls Play Men's Council Michigan League Michigan Union Military Ball Odonto Ball Pan-Hellenic Perspectives Senior Ball Senate Student Religious Ass'n Technic W.A.A. College of Literature, Science and the Arts, School of Music, and School of Education: Students who received marks of I or X at the close of their last term of attendance (viz., semes- ter of summer session) will receive a grade of E in the course unless this versity Women Fellowship, in honor' of May Preston Slosson, is to be awarded for 1941-42. Open to women for graduate study. Application blanks may be obtained at the Gradu- ate School Office, and must be re- turned to that Office, together with letters of recommendations, before March 24, 1941. To residents of the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area: Through the gen- erosity of the University of Michigan Club of Pittsburgh, there is avail- able for the year 1941-42 one schol- arship providing free tuition in the School of Business Administration for a resident of the Pittsburgh area who meets the qualifications for ad- mission to the School. These qual- ifications include either a bachelor's degree (bachelor of arts or bachelor of science) from a recognized insti- tution and satisfactory preparation in the principles of economics, or satisfaction of requirements for ad- mission under the Combined Curricu- lum in Letters or Engineering and Business Administration. An application should consist of a letter from the candidate, offering at least two references accompanied by an official transcript of the col- lege record of the applicant. Ap- plications should be directed to the Dean of the School of Business Ad- ministration, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. They will be received up to June 1, and the award will be made by June 10. IAcademic Notices Bacteriology Seminar on Monday, March 17, at 8:00 p.m. in Room 1564 East Medical Building. Subject: "Pathogenesis of Pneumonia." All interested are invited. Biological Chemistry Seminar will be held Tuesday, March 18, at 7:30 p.m. in, Room 319, West Medical Building. Subject: "The Biochem- istry of Sulfanilamide and Related Compounds." All interested are invit- ed. Doctoral Examination for Mr. Mar- shall Burton Standing, Chemical En- gineering, Thesis: "Vapor - Liquid Equilibria of Natural Gas-Crude Oil Systems;" Monday, March 17; at 2:00 p.m., in Room 3201 East Engineering Building. Chairman, D. L. Katz. ination will be held Thursday, March 20. Concerts Organ Recital: Wassily Besekir- sky, Violinist, will assist Palmer Christian, University Orangist, in an Organ Recital at 4:15 p.m. Wednes- day, March 19, in Hill Auditorium. The program will be open to the general public and will be based on the works of English composers. Exhibitions Exhibitions: The following exhibi- tions will be open at the hours stated below in the Rackham Building: Ceramics and Bronzes from Siam. The Neville Collection. Stelae from Kom Abu Billu. From the University's excavation in Egypt. Ancient Chinese Bronze Mirrors. March 16, 2-5 p.m. March 17-21, 2-5 and 7-10 p.m. March 22, 2-5 p.m. Modern Posters in Alumni Memorial Hall afternoons, 2-5, through March 24, under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association and the Insti- tute of Fine Arts. Javanese and Balinese textiles from the collection of Professor and Mrs. Everett S. Brown are on exhibition in the display cases, main floor cor- ridor, Architecture Building, March 10-27. Lectures University Lecture: Ernesto Galar- za, Chief of the Division of Labor and Social Information, Pan-Ameri- can Union, will lecture on the sub- ject of "Economic and Social Effects of- the War on Inter-American Re- lations" under the auspices of the University Committee on Defense Issues at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, March 17, in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: George H. Sa- bine, Professor of Philosophy, The Sage School of Philosophy, Cornell University, will lecture on the subject of "Objectivity and Social Studies" under the auspices of the Depart- ment of Philosophy at 4:15 p.m. on 'riday, March 21, in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited.