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March 16, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-16

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Jr i

Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


Mr. Hoover's
Relief Plan..









Thinclads Upset Indiana, Take Butler Relays



" - -- -

Swim TeamVictori1us
Over Wayne U', 45m39,,
As Relay Decides Meet

Hits Comeback Trail

Scott Elected President
Of Michigan Academy



er Dictatorship
Urged ByFDR

Ilhnois Downs Michigan
To Annex Hockey Title;
Priestly and Owen Star
Gillis Scores Lone.
Wolverine Tally
(Special to The Daily)
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., March 15.-
An inspired Michigan track team cap-
tured its eighth consecutive Butler
Relays cha'ipionship here tonight
with a smashing upset win over In-
diana's newly-crowned Big Ten
titlists. The Wolverines scored 35
points to 33 for the Hoosiers.
Michigan's victory came as a re-
sult of a carnival record-breaking
win in the University Mile Relay and
Charlie Decker's tie with two others
for secoid, third and fourth in the
pole vault, the last event on the pro-
The pole vault provided a drama-
tic close to the program. Michigan
had tied Indiana by its great run in
the University Mile Relay.
Decker was fighting for points in
the pole vault and Harold Hunt of
Nebraska was battling for a new Re-
lays record.
Decker got his tie at 13 feet, 8 in-
ches and then Hunt wenton to 13
f et, 9V2 inches unt tred three
times before hushed galleries to set
a new Relays mark of 14 feet, 1 inch,
but failed.
Michigan trailed all the way until
the last two events. Indiana jumped
out in front at the start when Camp-
bell Kane sparked the losers to a vic-
tory in the two-mile relay. Wright
led Ohio State into a tie at the
halfway mark and then Indiana went
back in front by winning the four-
mile relay.
Michigan never was headed in the
mile relay and finished with yards
to spare, althougheRoywCochran
made a great effort to make up a
50-yard deficit on the anchor leg.
In addition to Wright's record, Bill
Carter of Pittsburgh tied the world's
(Continued on Page 3)
Patten Beats Clark In 220
(Special to The Daily)
DETROIT, March 15.-The house
that Mann built was still intact to-
night after a furious two-hour as-
sault by a powerful band of Wayne
University swimmers who went "all-
out" in a vain attempt to stop the
Michigan Marauders.
After throwing everything they had
at Matt Mann's tankers, the Tar-
tars found themselves on the short
end of a 45-39 score, by far the
closest and best battle the Wolverines
have had all year.
And it wasn't until the final 400-
yard free style relay that the final
outcome was known. The score stood
37-35 with Wayne having a chance
for victory if they could take the re-
lay. But Tom Williams, Bob West,
Gus Sharemet and Charley Barker
swam the Tartar quartet into the
very bottom of the pool to win the{
race and the meet.
Levelling their heavy power in thec
sprints, Wayne gained valuablet
ground from the Wolverines with vic-
tories in both the 50- and 100-yard
races by the inimitable Bill Prew who
touched out Barker irn the short event
and led Sharemet by a few feet in4
the century.
Andy Clark, the other Big Bertha1
of the Tartar attack, came back after
losing to Michigan's Jack Patten in
the 220 to outclass the sensational
(Continued on Page 3) -
Illinois Wins, 41
(Special to The Daily)1
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., March 15.-Two
penalties and one beautiful goal pro-

School Aid Bill
Causes Revolt
In Leg islature
LANSING, March 15.-(IP)-Re-
volt threatened in the House of Rep-
resentatives today against what lead-
ers said was a prospect of the long-
est legislative session in Michigan's
Rep. Edson V. Root, chairman of
the committee on education, said
his committee had wearied of wait-
ing for the so-called "big cities"
school aid formula bill, and was de-
termined to write a bill of its own.
House leaders praised the Paw Paw
Republican's announcement, and de-
clared they favored early adoption
of budget bills, the school aid form-
ula and adjournment of the legis-
lature at a normal date or earlier.
Root said he was informed that
the school bill, proposed by Detroit
educators, already has been drafted
but that introduction has been with-
held lest it become an issue in the
April election campaign.
Recital Planned
Professor Of Music School
Will Play 'Fantasia'
Prof. Maude Okkelberg of the mu-
sic school will present a piano re-
cital at 7:30 p.m. today at the In-
ternational Center following the reg-
ular Sunday evening supper.
She will play "Fantasia" by Haydn,
"Rondo in B minor" by Bach, "Eight
Ecossaises," by Schubert and "Vienna
Carnival Scene" by Schumann. Her
program will also include "Ia Soiree
dans Grenade" by Debussey and
"Memento mori" by Castelnouvo-
The program is the fifth in the
second semester series of Sunday eve-
ning programs of music or lectures
presented by the Center.

Dr. McDowell
To Talk Today
On Turk Stand

Present Role
Will Be
By Balkan

Of Turkey
S Specialist

"Turkey's Part in the Present
Struggle," will be the subject of an
address to be delivered by Dr. Robert
H. McDowell, research associate in
Mesopotamian Archaeology, at 4 p.m.
today in the lecture hall of the Rack-
ham Building.
His talk is expected to deal with
the role Turkey is expected to play
in the war during the coming weeks
with particular emphasis upon the
conditions under which the Turks
will enter the conflict. Dr. McDowell
will also consider the part which
Turkey may play during the post-
war period.
Born in the Near East, the son of
American missionaries to Persia, Dr.
McDowell has been connected with
the archaeological activities of the
University since 1928. Prior to that he
was engaged in business in the Near
East and Balkans for some six years.
After completing his education, Dr.

Science, Arts And Letters
Group Closes Two-ay
Exchange OfKnowledge
Prof. Irving D. Scott of the geology
department was yesterday elected
president of the Michigan Academy
of Science, Arts and Letters, as the
members completed their two-day ex-
change of recent intellectual contri-
butions to all major fields of knowl-
Other officers selected at the an-
New 'Technic'
To Go On Sale
Here fonday
Four articles and a series of regular
features will be included in the next
issue of the Michigan Technic, of-
ficial Engineering College Publica-
tion, which will make its sixth ap-
pearance of the school year tomor-
Highlighting the issue is an article
entitled "For Students Only" which
comprises a series of papers by one
professor and several students on the
different approved methods of study.
The papers were edited and compiled
by Burr J. French, '42E.
The other articles deal with aI
theory which has been developed
to explain sun spots, the University's
electron microscoge hichcan mag-
nify objects a0,000 times, and several ,
new methods of finishing gears.
The March editorial concerns the
Technic's opinions supporting the
Engineering Council's Open House
exhibition which will be held Sat-
urday, March 29.
In this month's "The Technic Pre-
sents" biographies are presented of
Prof. R. A. Dodge of the engineering
mechanics department; James V.
Winkler, '41E, a member of Tau Beta
Pi and Vulcans; and Harold E. Brit-
on, '41E, business manager of thet
rechnic and also a member of Tau
Beta Pi and Vulcans.
Official To Talk
War's Effect On America1
To Be Subject Of Speech
Ernesto Galarza, chief of the Di-
vision of Labor and Social Informa-
tion, of the Pan-American Union,
will deliver a University lecture on
'Economic and Social Effects of the
War on Inter-American Relations"
at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre, under the aus-
pices of the University Committee
in Defense Issues.
Tomorrow's lecture will be the
third sponsored by the University
Committee which, headed by Dean
S. T. Dana of the forestry school,
is organized to help students analyze
the many issues of the national de-
ense program.
As another part of the program,
work sheets are being prepared for
distribution for faculty and students,
and reading lists designed to be of
help to students of the American
defense problem will be issued. ;
Garss To IFe(Vgure
Scenes OfComedly
By Drama Group
Scenes from "Much Ado About
Nothing" will be shown in a photo-
feature in the March issue of Gar-
goyle, coming out Thursday, Allan
Axelrod, '43, issue editor, announced

The Shakespearean comedy, to be
presented by Play Production, will1
have its opening Wednesday, and two

nual business meeting were Prof. Ed-
ward C. Prophet of Michigan State
College, vice-president; Prof. Harry
W. Hann of the zoology department,
secretary; Prof. Mischa Titiev of the
anthropology department, treasurer;
Prof. W. C. Steere of the botany de-
partment, editor; and Prof. W. W.
Bishop of the University Library,
In yesterday's meeting of the lan-
guage and literature section of the
Academy the discussion centered on
four well-known authors - Ralph
I Waldo Emerson, Henry B. Fuller, Al-
fred Nupet and Pio Baroja.
Prof. Ralph Nye of Michigan State
College suggested to the audience the
influence contacts with the mid-west
may have had upon the larger as-
pects of Emerson's thought. He said
that these experiences probably
strengthened those qualities of optim-
ism, self-reliance and individualism
which permeated the author's phil-
In answering the question of Henry
Fuller's contribution to American
realism, Prof. Elwood P. Lawrence,
also of Michigan State, declared that
the author had made none directly.
"He found the realistic tradition un-
congenial from the beginning," Law-
rence explained, "and its evolution
in the 20th century caused him in-
creasing discomfort. He must go
(Continued on Page 2)
Colored Films
On Northwest'
To Be Shown
Yale's Talk Is Sponsored
By International Center
OpeningWeekly Series
William S. Yale, official photogra-
pher of the Great Northern Railroad,
will present a lecture illustrated with
colored moving pictures on "Our
Great Northwest" in the Ballroom
of the Union.
Mr. Yale is presented under the
auspices of the camera club and trav-
el bureau of the International Center.
This is the first of the weekly pro-
grams to be offered to the public
on various vacation spots in the
United States.
Yale will confer with camera en-
thusiasts and display the latest de-
velopments in color photography. He
will describe in detail a trip through
Glacier National Park.
The series of lectures is designed
to acquaint students with trips that
may be taken during spring and
summer vacation. The project is an
outgrowth of more than three years
work at the International Center.
With the added facilities of the Cen-
ter a travel bureau has been estab-
lished with information of travel
in any one of the states.

'Sacrifice, Inconvenience'
Lie Ahead For Nation,
Chief Executive Warns
President Requests
Labor-Capital Unity
WASHINGTON, March 15.-(/P)-
Warning that sacrifice and incon-
venience lie ahead for all, President
Roosevelt tonight made a "total vic-
tory" over the dictators the objective
of an American "total effort," un-'
flaggingly sustained, to place the
implements of warfare in the hands
of nations resisting aggression.
"You will feel the impact of this
gigantic effort in your daily lives,"
he said in an address before the
White House Correspondents Associa-
tion. "You will feel it in a way that
will cause you many inconveniences."
The nation must be prepared for
lower profits and longer hours of
labor, he said. The arms program
must not be obstructed by "unnec-
essary strikes." The idea of "normal-
cy" and "business as usual" must be
abandoned. There must be "no war
Lauds Lease Bill
And, he hailed the passage of the'
lease-lend bill by Congress as a de-
cision ending "any attempts at ap-
peasement in our land; the end of
urging us to get along with the dic-
tators; the end of compromise with
tyranny and the forces of oppression."
The address was one of the Presi-
dent's most vigorous utterances, a
speech bristling with determination
to eliminate Nazism as a world force,
and dedicating the material and in-
dustrial resources of the country
anew to that purpose. It had been
expected and awaited for days.
As a sort of "studio audience" for
his grim remarks, the Chief Execu-
tive chose the annual dinner of the
Correspondents Association, a gay
affair, which the President always
attended but never before has ad-
dressed. From the ballroom of the
Willard Hotel, his words went out,
not only to the people of this coun-
try by way of all the big networks,
but by short wave in 14 languages,
including those of all tie German-
occupied nations.
National Unity Stressed
Repeatedly he stressed the import-
ance of national unity, and as often
said it had been achieved. With
national unity and a "will to sac-
rifice thrown into the drive for
a maximum output of war ma-
terials, he said there had already
been a reversal in Nazi thinking
that democracy could not rise united-
ly and face a crisis.
"Upon the national will to sacri-
fice and to work depends the sur-
vival of the vital bridge across the
ocean," he said.

Plan To Attack Nazi Army
In Bulgarian Territory;
Land In Five Harbors
Dominions Send
Forces To Front
(By The Associated Press)
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, March 15.
-Britain, rapidly preparing to take
the offensive against Germany's ar-
ny in southeast Europe, is rushing
300,000 men to Greece and already
has disembarked almost 100,000, it
was learned tonight on excellent au-
The British plan, a high military
source said, is to ready its forces as
quickly as possible and then attack
the Nazi Balkan army on Bulgarian
soil if it remains behind that German-
occupied country's frontiers with
Greece and Turkey.
Troops Landed
The troops already landed in
Greece, according to these advices,
are part of a steadily-growing force
.equipped with hundreds of tanks and
flame-throwers pouring into five
ports on the Greek mainland.
Eye-witnesses described the Brit-
ish troops moving northward through
Greece as Canadians, New Zealand-
ers, Australians and Englishmen-
many of them fresh from their home-
lands and some who are veterans of
Britain's Western Front and North
Afrlca vpgS
Observers who said they saw the
landingsrreported most of the vast
2onvoy of ships now plying back
and forth in the Mediterranean
bringing up additional thousands of
,eserves, sailed from the harbors of
Haifa, Palestine, and Alexandria,
Equipment Available
The landing of troops was said by
a reliable diplomatic source not to
have begun until most of the equip-
ment-shiploads of tanks, trucks,
anti-air and anti-tank guns, other
artillery and mechanized equipment
-had reached Greece.
It was feared, this informant said,
that a premature landing would have
provoked a German attack.
High Axis sources said the first
landings of combatant troops here
were made 48 hours ago.
Several others said there have been
no disembarkations at the Greek port
of Salonika because the British felt
that sending troop-ships into that
Aegean Sea harbor would have in-
vited German attack before the Brit-
ish position were consolidated.
Salonika Nearest Port
(Salonika, in eastern Greece, is at
the head of the Aegean Sea and is
the nearest large Greek portto Nazi
forces massed near the Bulgarian
frontier less than 100 miles to the
Military experts added, however,
that this does not mean Salonika
will not be defended.
An indication the reports of strong
British landings have had a stiffen-
ing effect on Yugoslavia in this Bal-
kan kingdom's negotiations with Ber-
lin is seen in an editorial in the Sun-
day edition of Vreme, the Govern-
ment's mouthpiece newspaper.
It emphasized that Yugoslavia,
which so far has avoided alignment
with its neighbors in the Axis, stands
firmly "on an unalterable basis of
territorialmintegrity, independence
and freedom."
The newspaper added that neutral
Yugoslavia would not consider any
relationship with any great power on
any other basis.
Margaret Campbell
Margaret Campbell, '42, former
secretary of the American Student

Un.ion, of St. Louis, Mo., who lost a
University alumni scholarship last
fall after the American Student Un-

The program is open to foreign McDowell returned to the Near East
students and their friends, Prof. Ral- during the World War for war relief
eigh Nelson, director of the Inter- service in Iran, the Caucasus and
national Center announced. Students Turkey and later interrupted this
and faculty are also invited to attend work for enlistment in the British
the informal dinner served at the Military intelligence Service with
Center before the recital duty in these same areas.
Rival British, Nazi Submarine
Claims Examined B Simpson

33 Crou, Compete In Contests
Michigan High School Bands
Participate In Annual Festival

(Asscia ted Press Staff Writer)
German and British official ac-
counts of sea and air casualties have
touched a new high for irreconcila-
oility in recent days. Yet there are
certain aspects of those rival war-
oookkeeping entries worth noting.
Among them is the fact the Brit-
ish in this war as in the World War
seem more jealous of revealing in any
detail their success in destruction of
Nazi submarines than their own
The explanation is that the Briit-
ish found silence on that score a
golden policy in the other war. It
preyed on the minds of German sub-
marine personnel. They only knew
that comrades who went out maraud-
ing from Kiel or other German U-
boat bases did not came back, but
never what had happened to them.
It should be recalled that the
crackup in Germany in 1918 began

of the conflict. It is substantially
a new undersea fleet and new crews
uapon which Beirlin is now counting
to win the war by blocking American
aid for Britain.
There is a wide difference in esti-
mates of the size of the Nazi 1941
U-boat armada. London has passed
reports that there might be a total
of 600 such craft available for the
great Nazi spring offensive at sea,
most of them small ships. That com-
pares with an estimate of 200 Ger-
man submarines at the maximum
in the World War when the U-boat
menace for England reached its peak.
The trem eindous' advantage the
German undmrca craft now have as
compared to those of World War
days must not be overlooked. Op-
erating from bases on the Belgian,
Dutch, Norwegian and French coasts
they are perilously closer to vital
British Atlantic ship lanes. Their

The Eighth Annual Band and Or-
chestra Festival presented by the
Southeastern Michigan Band and Or-
chestra Association closed yesterday
with 33 senior high school and junior
high school units participating in an
all-day program at Hill Auditorium.
Although ratings were made, they,
were not released because the con-
trolling officials wished to de-em-
phasize the competitive element. Ac-
cording to President A. W. Berndt,
the main purpose of the festival
was to provide the young musicians
with the comments of a disinterest-
ed expert.
The participating orchestras andj
bands were judged both in the divis-
ions of concert presentations and in

him from being influenced either by
the size or uniforms of the band.
Units rated in the first and second
divisions will represent Southeastern
junior ,and senior high schools at
the State Festival April 18 and 19.
All the schools were divided into the
divisions A, B, and C used in other
fields of junior high and senior high
school activity.
The University High School music
organization under the direction \of
Clyde Vroman and the Ann Arbor
High School Band and Orchestra
under the direction of William R.
Champion, played in the Festival.
Recordings were made by a profes-
sional studio and will be available for
The festival was sponsored by the

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