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March 15, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-15

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Picture Of Man Ready To Bite Dog

Edited and managed by students of the university of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
tights of republication of'all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Pubdlishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Editorial Staff

Hervie Haufler
Alvin Sarasohn
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther -Osser
Helen Corman

. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . Sports Editor
. . . . .Women's Editor
., . . . Exchange Editor

Business Staff

Business Manager
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager


Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
The Academy And
The county Fair .. .
the thought one has as he visits the
many and varied sessions of the 46th meeting of
the Michigan Academy of Arts, Sciences and
Letters now in progress on the campus.
And so it is, a big fair, refined and much more
inclusive than the gatherings back home con-
ducted each fall in surroundings of ferris wheels,
barkers and the stench of cattle barns, but still
a fair indeed. The same atmosphere of cheery
geniality, the same bearing of quickened interest
alert for the new and unusual, and the same
motivation is characteristic of the Academy and
the county fair.
To the fair come farmers, merchants, house-
wives, factory workers, grandmaw, grandpaw and
the kids to exchange their handicraft, wares and
conversation. In their own little way each does
his part in contributing to the cultural life of
the community. In the cattle barn stands the
proud farmer, owner of a blue-ribbon sow anx-
ious (remember the late Will Rogers in "State
Fair"?) to tell his fellows how he did it. Mom is
in the foodstuffs building exchanging notes on
sour pickles.
And so it is at the Academy. Teachers and
scholars with news of their latest accomplish-
ments and a hearty hand-shake for the colleague
they haven't met since the last Academy; anxious
young instructors and students with the results
of their first research project; and many others,
not yet ready to present papers, but just eager
to learn. The atmosphere is the simple and
genially serious one of a bull session. Gone is
classroom decorum; they are all there to ex-
change their wares and conversation-to add to
the culture of the community.
That is the significance of the Academy. The
community of the Academy is larger and more
sophisticated than that of the county fair-but
the principle is the same.- Robert Speckhard
Air Bases
In South America .. .
ANNOUNCEMENTS by the State De-
partment that the Republic of Pan-
ama has granted to the United States the rights
to new air bases, anti-aircraft positions, and
warping stations, coming right after the agree-
ment for mutual defense with Mexico, "repre-
sents an important and timely step.
Emphasis is given to the necessity for addi-
tional safeguards to Panama by two new devel-
opments-the Dies disclosures of new reports of
Nazi German activities among the Latin Ameri-
can countries and in the United States as well
and the new book by Major-General H. H. Arn-
old, chief of the army air corps, and Col. Ira C.
Baker, entitled "Winged Warfare."
The Arnold-Baker book is a study of the pos-
sibility of air attack on the United States. It
suggests the possibility of Brazil as a great thea-
tre of air operations, through the flying of great
fleets of bombers to air fields already prepared
by the millions of German residents in that
rHERE IS, of course, no purpose to be gained

FOR MY COLLECTION of This Town Ain't
Big Enough for Me And-notes: The grub-
by looking young lady who wormed past me
while I was still taking notes in modern novel
yesterday, and left one (1) dainty saddle-shoe
print on my poor, worn old topcoat. Young lady
if you do that again, I'll trip you or speak to
your housemother. Such things, coming as they
always do, on a yellow and lovely spring morn-
ing, are what make or makes me as the case may
be a misogynist. 'Refer the preceding question of
usage to Messrs. Anning and Wells. As for the
young lady, I hope I won't have to mention it
again. Nice to have a column and get rid of
these thoughts, peeves, and headaches for cash
money every month.
All in all a good day though. Got eight
glasses of water and eight pats of butter at
local eatery because of crossed lines in the
waiting department, and so did have three
pats of butter on my waffles which in itself
is considerable of a feat. There were three
others with me-don't think me a pig sit-
ting and sipping dog-in-the-manger-like at
eight great glasses of water. Water gives me
hives. Enough. Give off that.
YESTERDAY amongst other things was Star-
vation Day. The restaurants did not look as
though they were suffering. I wonder how many
big hearted guys and gals gave up a square for
the sake of somebody they'll never see to get
thanked by. A mistake to call it by as ugly a
name as Starvation Day, because the genus
Michiganensius applies the title to itself because
it gives up one meal, rather than to the starvees
abroad where the game is played for a little
higher stakes than League points or steaks or
whatever the hell it is people around here play
for. Well, I hope it went well anyhow, and may-
be as they sit picking their teeth after the meals
Michigan almost didn't eat, those kids, kind
hearted like all us kids, will have a stray human-
istic thought about the golden rule, or do I sound
as if I'm preaching? If I'm wrong about the takej
for the day, I promise to apologize to genus
Michiganensius, but on a basis of observation I
don't expect to have to crawfish.
at this time it is a time honored Daily cus-
tom to remind you that some day maybe you
might get around to changing some rules. This
isn't me, Hopwood Committee, because thanks to
God I made it without any red grades, but hon-
est, when every other activity on campus asks
only a 'C' average, and you persist in enforcing
the rule eliminating anyone who has just one
grade below 'C' regardless of his other marks,
it appears to me and to a great many of us that
you are guilty of a slightly bleary emphasis, for
it must be plain that under the present system
a set of rather mediocre grades which don't miss
the good old safe 'C' will beat the rap, while
someone who received several 'A' grades and one
D' is left out in the cold. Then too, if you allow
the slightest bit of temperament to the college
writer, he ought to be allowed to follow his in-
RobertS.Atles '
WASHINGTON-American aircraft companies
have now been supplying pursuit and
bomber planes to Britain for two years. Yet
it remains an unpalatable and not generally
known fact that not one American pursuit plane
has been used against the Nazis without first
undergoing substantial overhauling in British
In fact, few of them have been used at all.
"We have shipped some of them around to the
Mediterranean, where they are plenty good
enough against the Italians," explained one high

British air ace. "And we are now preparing one
squadron of your pursuit planes for action over
England, hoping they will prove satisfactory."
And this after months, in fact years of delay.
It has not leaked out yet, but the performance
of American fighter plane engines has been so
disappointing that the British have proposed to
lend us the "Sabre," their best engine for fighter
or pursuit planes, together with engineers to
supervise its production in American plants.
So far William Knudsen, Defense production
mogul, has opposed this. He/ claims that Ameri-
can models already are in production and it
would be uneconomical to break steps and intro-
duce a new model. The British, not feeling free
to go over Knudsen's head, have hesitated about
opening negotiations direct with an American
company, though Chrysler is reported to be
anxious to start production of the Sabre.
Guns, Armor, Motors
The defects of American planes boil down to
guns, armor protection, and motors.
American pursuit planes, when first delivered
to England, were unarmored, and had machine
guns in the cockpit, firing through the pro-
peller. British engineers say that even before
the war started they tried to persuade American
airmen that guns should be mounted in the

The Real Intellectuals
To the Editor:
"'War for Democracy -Retreat of the
American Intellectual," is too reasonable and
too carefully-wrought a challenge to the "intel-
lectual interventionist" to go unanswered. Space
limitations, however, will allow only two con-
siderations: first, whether these intellectual
interventionists are defectionists from the tradi-
tional tenets of intellectual liberalism; and, sec-
ond, a commentary on the cosmopolitanism of
the interventionist group.
In his editorial, Mr. Speckhard says that
American intellectuals have usually cried for
peace, and that war is irrational. He says that
the Munich agreement "blasted the intellectuals'
life-line of League interventionalism and moral-
ity to bits. The American intellectuals were lost
and confused, prophets without a message, lead-
ers without a following." So they jumped on the
war bandwagon,
Nothing could be farther from the truth. The
traditions of real liberalism are not so superficial
as a cry for peace at any cost. Those traditions
are, instead, a belief in humanism, in freedom of
scholarship and research, in freedom of the
press, of speech and public assembly, a belief in
government for all the people with the consent
of all the governed. These are the fundamental
tenets, and their cultivation and amplification
was ruthlessly uprooted by fascism.
never been committed to a peace-at-any-
cost policy is substantiated by the long and dis-
tinguished editorial crusades of The New Repub-
lic and of The Nation in their opposition to
fascism (by force, if need be). Mr. Lerner's
"It Is Later Than You Think," and sometime-
held opinions (but only qiite recently avowed)
like those of Lewis Mumford and Waldo Frank
are further evidence. Even Professor Bertrand
Russell, in a letter in The New York Times, Feb-
ruary 16, says that he "has never been one of
those who condemn all war." Lord Russell is
convinced that the present war is a justifiable
one, and supports the United States' aid-to-
Britain program. The intellectuals' support of
the war is based on moral and ethical values far
more fundamental than the absolutists' cry-
their "usual cry"-for peace. Perhaps Mr.
Speckhard thought all intellectuals were abso-
lutists or perfectionists of the Robert Maynard
Hutchins brand. That is not so.
The logical conclusion would seem to be that
the intellectual non-interventionists are the de-
fectionists; not the interventionists.
Now for some curtly-put and oft-stated dec-
larations about the intellectual's position in gen-
eral. First, none of them has declared that the
United States has all at once become "a full-
fledged democracy ready to fight to insure the
triumph of democratic ideals throughout the
world." They realize, as well as Mr. Speckhard,
that the United States-and even more definitely
Great Britain-is still a very imperfect democ-
racy. But, not being absolutists or perfection-
ists, they are able to spot the greater of two evils
(the imminent fascist danger abroad compared
with the imperfections of domestic democracy).
And they have not sold out the program for
domestic social reform.
'RECAUSE the interventionist movement is
such a cosmopolitan one, there is a common
and dangerous tendency to class the intellec-
tuals with the almost inevitable imperialists and
militaristic jingoists. The real liberal wants to
put his liberalism to work, and he is not afraid
(especially in a threatening situation like this
one) to associate with these other groups in a
co-operative effort, trying where he can to im-
plement the program with liberalism. Abso-
lutists, quite naturally, have too inflexible a
program to allow for such co-operation, and they
persist in their traditional negativism: to oppose.
Finally, the charge that the intellectual has

terests, assuming that he doesn't come into a
conflict with the rules for eligibility generally
enforced by the University.
Nothing has ever been done about this rule,
gentlemen, though many of you individually will
admit that perhaps it could be amended. It
seems to be one of those things that just goes
on and on, bogged down by its own inertia, and
perhaps to you, unimportance, but believe mr,
there are a lot of pretty good writers being kept
out of the Contest because of it, and if you are
really interested in° encouraging writing here, a
not too radical modification seems to be in
order. Again, I realize it's a little late to start
talking about this now, unless something in thy
line of a retroactive change could be rushed
through, but there is still next year, and the
year after that, and perhaps several years after
that, and I know it's your business, but how
about it?
On reading over the above, I see that quite by
accident I have put myself eating a meal in too
close juxtaposition to my squib on Starvation
Day. And so, just to take the Tartuffe out of
that, let's say that I kicked in with supper
money, and so long until soon.

Ix \


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------l--------*-- - -,

ENOUGH people have commented
to us on what they consider to be
a lack of balance shown in the choice
of Choral Union concerts to make us
feel that a column in answer was
The complainants seem to be split


VOL. LI. No. 116
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Faculty, School of Education: The
March meeting of the Faculty will be
held on Monday, March 17, at 4:15
p.m. in the School of Education

Gettemy of East Lansing. The holder
must be a graduate of Northwestern
High School, preferably a man, and
one who is specializing in English or
Speech; he must have a scholarship
average of at least B. Letters of ap-
plication should be sent to B. J. Riv-
ett, Principal, Northwestern High
1School, Detroit, with a transcript of
the applicant's University record to
date, before April 15.

up into groups, each of which wishes
particular emphasis laid on the typeT
of music it most enjoys. We believeI
a short perusal of the concerts thatX
have already gone by this year willI
suffice to still the objections. Let us
take them up.
and recitals shows that we have
had presented to us singers, both as
solo artists, and as choral groups,
soloists in the fields ofrviolin and
piano, three symphony orchestras, ae
single chamber music recital by at
string ensemble, and a series of thet
same (the Musical Art Quartet). All{
this in addition .to a wide range of
concerts given by the music faculty.,
Let's point next to the concerts
scheduled for the May Festival. We
shall hear Lawrence Tibbett, Jarmila
Novotna, Norman Cordon, Suzanne
Sten, Dorothy Maynor, Enid Szan-
tho. Charles Kullman, Mack Harrell,
as well as the Children's Chorus and
University Choral Union in the field
of voice, Gregor Piatigorsky, Jose
Iturbi, and Jascha Heifet , in the
respective rolesofcellist, pianist-con-
ductor, and violinist, and at each of
the concerts, participation of the
Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra.
THE AIM of the series is education-
al as well as recreational, and
it strives to bring as diversified a
group of programs as possible in order
that it may satisfy the musical tastes
of the many, instead of the few. We
feel that the selection as shown in this
column is sufficient proof of a well-
rounded choice which does a reason-
ably good job in its representations.
This next should, we suppose, come
to the eyes of the reader in the form
of a letter to the editor, but as long
as we are writing, we shall take this
space to voice an objection to an
A recent complaint to The Daily
columns has been against that part
of the audiences at Hill Auditorium
which leaves before the informal
part of the concert has been deliv-
ered, thus annoying those remaining.
The objection works both ways. It is
true that there are large numbers of
people in Ann Arbor who are sincere
music lovers, but it must be remem-
bered that many of those were the
ones who left the concerts before
the entire program was run, and they
were often justified. Most of those
who remained behind were often mis-
taking quantity for quality; some,
perhaps, were staying on in the hope
of getting a better deal at the end
than had been presented to them

a May Festival Tickets: Subscribers
of record to Patrons' Tickets ($12.00
The Alumnae Council is again seats) for the current Choral Union
offering the Lucy Elliott Fellowship Concert Series, to whom special or-
to women who wish to continue their der blanks were mailed under date
studies in the graduate field. Any of February 8, are respectfully re-
woman with an A.B. degree from a minded that the "deadline" for re-
recognized College or University is taining the same seat locations for
eligible to apply. A graduate from the May Festival expires Saturday,
the University of Michigan may use March 15, at noon. Unless orders
the award on any campus of her are received not later than that date,
choice, but a graduate of any other the particular seat locations cannot
College or University must continue be guaranteed. Orders from all other
tier work at Michigan. Applications ticket purchasers are filed in se-
are available at the office of the Dean quence and in due course tickets will
of Women, and must be returned by' be selected accordingly and will be
March 15. Appointment will be made mailed out about the middle of April
April 15. The award carries a sti- by ordinary mail at purchasers' risks,
Pend of $300.00. unless fee of 18 cents is included for
registratidh. Please address com-
Interviews with Katharine Gibbs inunications to, or leave orders at the
School Director: Miss Eelen Shell, offices of, the University Musical
Director of Katharine Gibbs School, Society, Burton Memorial Tower.

will be on the campus Saturday morn-
ing and Monday. Any women inter-
ested in a secretarial course at the
Katharine Gibbs School may inter-
view Miss Shell by making an ap-]
pointment in the office of the Dean!
of Women.
Detroit Northwestern High School
Graduates: A one-year tuition schol-
arship in this University, in honor of
Miss Julia E. Gettemy, B.L. '98, for)
many years teacher of public speak-
ing and dramatics at the Northwest-
ern High School, Detroit, is being
offered by her sister, Miss Winifred

Academic Notices
Zoology 32 (Heredity): First exam-
ination will be held Thursday, March
Exhibitions: The following exhibi-
tions will be open at the hours stated
below in the Rackham Building:
Ceramics and Bronzes from Siam.
The Neville Collection.
Stelae from Kom Abu Billu. From
(Continued on Page 6)

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 .KC-NBC Blue
Saturday Evening
6:00 Stevenson News Ty Tyson British Sketchbook Day In review
6:15 Musical S. L. A. Marshall NHL Hockey Players Sandlotters
6:30 Inside of Sports Frazier Hunt Jim Parsons Vass Family
6:45 Worldi Today Music Canada Calls New World News
7:00 People's Platf'rm American News-Val Clare Town Talk
7:15 People's Platf'rm Defense Dance Orchestra News Ace
7:30 News To Life World Of Sons of Little Ol'
7:45 News to Life Music the Saddle Hollywood
8:00 Marriage Club Knickerbocker N.H.L. Hockey The Green
8:15 Marriage Club Playhouse Game: Hornet
8:30 Duffy's Tavern Truth or Chicago Bishop and
8:45 News at 8:55 Consequences vs. Toronto the Gargoyle
9:00 Your Hit Parade National Barn NHL Hockey: Gabriel Heatter
9:15 Your Hit Parade Dance with at Toronto National Defense
9:30 Your Hit Parade a Corny Contact News; NBC
9:45 Sat. Serenade Cast -Musical Symphony,-

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