SATVRDAY, MA1CII 15, 1 941 THE MICHIGAN DAILY" PAGE THREE Wolverines Battle To Retain Butler Relays Crown Today _..u. ____________v_ ___ _ . . .__.. .._.... Indiana Rated Team To Beat At Indianapolis Varsity Depends On Field, Running Events; Irish, Ohio State Enter Meet (Continued from Page 1) features, the four-mile, the medley and the two-mile. In the fourth Michigan's mile quartet has a-slight edge, for its Con- ference clocking of 3:20.3 is the best turned in throughout the nation all winter. The Wolverines' two-mile foi some will also be very strong, al- though one of Doherty's best half- milers, Jack Dobson, will be 'on the sidelines with a foot injury. Pole-vaulter Charlie Decker will pace Michigan's field event might with a first place in his specialty a strong probability. The Wolverine junior has cleared 13 feet 104 inches already in the current indoor cam- taign and is vaulting in the best form of his career. Canham's Leg Problem In the high jump Capt. Don an- ham, National Collegiate and Big Ten champion, will be favored only if he does not suffer a recurrence of a leg muscle injury which has bothered him all week. Big Bob Hook, who bettered 48 feet in the shot put for a third place berth in the Confer- ence, should pick up valuable points while teammate Tommy Lawton may also place in the same event. Michigan's sprint duo, Al Thomas and Al Piel, who placed third and fifth in the Conference, will face some stiff opposition from Pitt's twin torpedoes, Hap Stickel and Bill Car- ter. Sophomore Frank McCarthy add senior Jeff Hall will bear the hurdling burden for Michigan with double duty for both scheduled in the highs and lows. Frosh Matmen Await IBIissell Trophy Award By LYONS HOWLAND The Bissell Trophy, coming to be regarded as the most coveted honor for freshman wrestlers, will be awarded this year sometime soon after the National Junior AAU mat meets early in April, Wolverine fresh- man Coach Port Robertson said this week. Awarded along with numerals for 1940-41, the trophy consists of two attractive statuettes symbolic of the winner's sportsmanship and ability. Two boys will be chosen by their teammates as winners of the honor, one being named the most outstand- ing freshman wrestler of the year, and the other the most improved. Frank Bissell, creator of the tro- phy, is himself a former Michigan wrestler. Coming to the University as a freshman in 1934, Bissell soon proved his prowess on the mat, and rose to the position of Wolverine captain, and Big Ten 155-pound champion. Interested in boys and their love for clean sport. and want- ing to stimulate freshman interest in wrestling, Bissell brought a dream of his own origination true when he created the Bissell Trophy. Michigan wrestlers Bill Combs and Don Nichols won the honor in their freshman year. Outstanding possi- bilities for the award this year are: Dick Kopel, Detroit; Bob Cunning- ham, Detroit; Mike Horwitz, Bright- on; George McIntyre, Wellesley Hills, Mass.; Chip Warrick, Indianapolis, Ind.; Dick Wald, Cleveland Heights, Ohio; Tom Coffield, Grand Rapids; Bill Kuyper, Newtonville, Mass.; John Green, Pittsburgh, Pa., Dave Wood, La Grange, Ill. SPORT STAFF TRYOUTS All eligible second semester freshmen or first semester sopho- mores who have, or wish to sign up for the sports staff, should re- port at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Michigan Daily. Puckmen Face Illini, Swimmers To Meet Wayne Away In Action Tonight Four Seniors To End Careers AgainstPowerful Indian Squad By ART HILLT (Special to The Daily) CHAMPAIGN, Ill., March 14. - Michigan's oft-defeated hockey team will go into action for the last time this season here tomorrow night' meeting the powerful Illinois sextet which has already won three games from the Wolverines. Illinois may go into action minus the services of their two star defense- men, Amo Bessone and Chet Ziemba. Both boys missed Thursday's game which Illinois took by a 4-2 score, Bessone because of illness in his fam- ily which necessitated his returning to his home in Springfield, Mass., and Ziemba because of an ankle injury sustained in a basketball game Wed- nesday afternoon. Bessone May Play It is probable that Bessone will be able to fly back to Champaign in time for the game but whether he' will make it or not is still in doubt. The physician attending Ziemba is} of the opinion that the husky Illinois captain will be unable to play in his team's last game. A win tomorrow night will give the Illinois outfit the championship of the Western Conference for the first time in the school's hockey his- tory. Should they lose, however, they' will be forced to content themselves# with a half share of the title along with Minnesota whom they defeated twice this season. The home club has added incentive for victory since the university ath- letic board has intimated that hockey will be a major sport here if the local puckmen cop the crown. Four End Careers Four members of the Michigan squad will be playing their last game of collegiate hockey tomorrow. Capt. Charley Ross, Jim Lovett, Fred Hed- dle and Bert Stodden are finishing their careers ixl this class and, con- sequently are more than a little anxi- ious to come out on top, The Wol- verineshave wononly two games this year while tying one and drop- ping 13. Regular forwards' Starr Owen and Gil Priestley will probably fill the vacated defense posts for Illinois while Norbert Sterle, Howie Kopel, I Joe Ganton, Koe Lotzer and Tom Jaworek will handle the forward posi- tions. Jack Gillan will likely be in goal. replacing Ray Killen who did the net-minding Thursday., Michigan will line up with Hank Loud in the nets, Johnny Gillis and Bert Stodden on defense and Fred Heddle, Bob Collins and Jim Lovett on the forward line. Second line will include Charley Ross, Bob Fife and Paul Goldsmith. Max Bahrych will probably see service during the eve- ning as alternate for Lovett on the donwirtchater's DAIL Y DOUBLE Quizzically Speaking ... T HIS IS MIDSEMESTER time for the Daily Double, and all readers who don't pass will automatically be placed in Class 1B. Answer all questions by checking the answer that seems most correct. Mail the results at once to the} Double. All Entries must be post- marked before the Double's draft number comes up. SAMPLE QUESTION: Don Canham is at present a. home in bed X b. a. fish peddler c. a Wolverine high jumper Now we are ready to begin 1. The "Mad Russian" is a. the former czar b. Igor Ivan Strapavinsky c. Lou Novikoff 2. Ohio State's Mike Peepe is a. a chorus girl at Minsky's b. the Double's second cousin c. a very ugly guy 3. Michigan's great football star, Tom Harmon, will play opposite a. Minnie Mouse in the movies b. Zazu Pitts c. Peter the Rabbit BUD PIEL Gehringer Droppedc To Sixth In Batthk LAKELAND, Fla., March 14.-(A) --Manager Del Baker furnished a' mild surprise for the Det'oit Tigers training camp today by deciding to drop Charley Gehringer to No. 6 po- sition in the batting 'order for to- morrow's game against Cleveland. For Charley's old No. 3 place Baker chose the sensational sophomore of 1940, Barney McCloskey. Hank Greenberg, to be sure, is ticketed for the cleanup position and his slugging partner, Rudy York, for fifth. Whether the change for Gehringer means anything can't be said at this early date, and Baker's action is be- ing judged as strictly as an experi- ment. The pitching is to be handled by Al Benton, Dizzy Trout and Johnny Gorsica, probably on the usual spring piece-work basis of three innings each.I The pair of strange faces in this first lineup represent a Tiger farm, Beaumont of the Texas League. Tartars Count OnPrew,Clark In Close Duell, (Continued from Page 1) and Gus Sharemet tonight as these{ dynamiters who finished one-two in both the 50 and 100 yard races in the Conference meet set sail for young Bill Prew, the current sensa- tion of the nation along the swim-} ming trail. Jack Patten is another of the1 Mannmen who will have a battle on his hands when he comes face to} face with Capt. Andy Clark, one of the better distance men in collegiate circles. In their previous meeting, Patten finished ahead of the Wayne ace in the 220 and a fraction of a stroke behind in the quarter-mile. Tonight the two square off again without little Jir Welsh in the field to contend with. With Welsh on the sidelines, Blake Thaxter will take the quarter-mile race with Patten andI Dobson Burton the 220. John Sharemet; still recovering from a cold, will leave the breast- stroke chore to Jim Skinner and Bruce Allen, erstwhile sprinter. Skin- ner is hotter than a steaming grid- dle right now and should have little trouble taking first place. With the absence of Franny Heydt, who is going to the National Junior AAU meet in Cleveland providing he can shake a bad cold, Allen will also take over the breaststroke leg on the opening medley relay. . Messrs. Barker and Sharemet will ! find Messrs. Guy Lumsden and Prew I as competition in the 50 and 100 with Bill Holmes helping Barker and Tom- my Williams sharing the century race with Gus. The backstroke will be all Mich- igan as Capt. Bill Beebe, Dick Reidl and Ted Horlenko are planning on a monopoly of that race, while in the diving event a grudge battle that stands one-up will find its comple- tion as Jack Wolin and Bob Gard- ner match twists and turns off the rickety Northwestern low board. Ielloise Is Stopped jIn First RoundI AP Baseball Briefs. TAMPA, Fla, March 14-(/P)-The' New York Yankees inflated their ego today with a 5 to 0 shutout of the world champion Cincinnati Reds as three rookies combined in a two-hit hurling exhibition. ST. PETERSBURG, Fla, March 14. -(IP)- Cecil Travis, George Case and George Archie each hit home runs today for the Washing- ton Senatorsas the American Leag- uers defeated the St. Louis Card- inals, 6 to 3. FT. MEYERS, Fla., March 14.--(p) -The Cleveland Indians defeated the Kansas ,City Blues 2 to 1 in an exhibition game today as pitchers Don Pulford, Joe Krakauskas and Millard H'owell held the American As- sociation club to three hits. MIAMI, Fla., March 14.-(A')- The New York Giants annihilated the 'Philadelphia Phillies 13 to ;6 today with a 15-hit fusilade that included three successive home runs in the sixth inning. VT --- czz 4. Detroit's baseball club will a. In first place b. in Class IB c. late in September finish 5. Hank Greenberg has a. bad breath b. third degree murder c. second degree pes planus 6. Fritz Crisler is Iirst line. a. b. c. an optimist a famous violin player keeper of the Ann Arbor zoo THE ILLINOIS Gillan Owen Priestley Sterle Gannon Kopel LINEUPS G D D C w w MICHIGAN Loud Gillis Stodden Heddle Collins Lovett '7. Jim Tobin is well known for his a. home-baked pastries b. Major problems c. art needlecraft work 8. Illinois' hockey team a. drinks scotch highballs before each game b plays on ice t I f JIM LOVETT : i By T ami Mauriell o Pitching Problem Turns New Light On Baseball Title Hopes For better times FOR MORE IN JOYABLE SOCIAL GATHERINGS- By GENE GRIBBROEK Michigan was rated one of the top contenders for the 1941 Conference baseball crown when the season end- ed last spring, but since then Coach Ray Fisher has acquired a pitching headache that may put a different light on things. The veteran squad that was to re- turn this year is back, with ofe ex- ception, working out at the Field House every day. But that one excep- tion carries more than its share of importance. Lyle Bond, who was to work as number one moundsman for the Wolverines, is at home recuperat- ing from a serious operation, and his absence leaves the Michigan chuck- ing brigade in a shaky condition. And shaky pitching can ruin a good team's chances. Stoddard A Starter Only two of the hurlers at Fish- ers' disposal can claim veteran status. Mickey Stoddard, who is at present working under the strain of worry over an imminent addition to his family, will graduatefroma starring role as relief man last year to a starter's job if he gives indications of being able to handle it. The other veteran is Les Veigel, who looked better in the nets yes- terday than he has thus far. "We've both been waiting for' three years," says Fisher, "and this may be the year for Les to find himself and get going.' Among the other candidates you can mark gridder Cliff Wise, sopho- more, as the top prospect. Fisher has high hopes of making a starter out the ex-Kiski boy, and more than one observer predicts the number one spot for him. The other holdovers from last year's squad include Tommy Nether- ton and left-handers Mase Gould and Neil Muir. Netherton has not shown much yet, and Gould, while he has improved greatly, still needs a little more to make him a starter. Muir has looked good in practice, but has disappointed when pitching to the hitters in the cages. Hockey Stars Report Two members of the hockey squad, ending its season at Champaign, Ill., tonight, may provide an answer. Sen- ior Charley Ross has worked out a few times, and shows promise in spite of a tendency toward wildness. Big Paul Goldsmith also is a possibil- ity, if an arm injury he received on the ice last winter has cleared up, but he has not reported yet. Other hurlers on the s uad are junior Bruce Hartwick, who is just starting to 'come back after a bad, cut on his throwing hand, and year- ling Bob Robinson. And, just in case he still lacks moundsmen when he weeds these boys out, Fisher has had Capt. Bill Steppon, who is slated to cover second base, outfielder Don Holman and catcher Dick Wakefield throwiri them up. "They all love to throw," says Fisher, "and Wakefield is awfully fast, but he's not sure, where they'll end up." N. j/.'O V41 i' c. loses consistently to Michigan ...haw. NEW YORK, March 14--(/')--Tami hMauriello, who was rated the bright- 9. Ray Fisher, Michigan's baseball est young prospect in the middle- coach, has weight division until he was beaten a. a million good pitchers by Billy Soose, regained that rating b. the mumps tonight when he knocked out Steve c. a shiny new red scooter Belloise in 2:58 of the first round 10. The winner of the 1941 Ken- of their "Battle of the Bronx" at tucky Derby will been Madison Square Garden. a. tired when it finishes - Springing into action at the open- b. different from last year's ing bell, Mauriello floored his Bronx . winnerle hr s rival three times with right-hand c.aeal live horse shots to the head The crowd of about 14,000 which 11. Wolverine Charley Ross is had come to make noise about the a. husband of Betsy Ross neighborhood brawl hardly had start- b. a real live horse ted yelling when Tami slipped over c. a member of the Young Co~m- the first right to the jaw and floored munist League Belloise for a' nine count. Steve, a 12. Michigan's football team strong favorite, didn't seem badly a. sends roses home every hurt that time, but when Mauriello Mother's Day repeated on his next rush across the b. had an All-A average in ring, he tried to hang on. school last semester That didn't work either. Mauriello c. will hold its annual ping came tearing across the ring with his pong tournament tomorrow ! right hand cocked, caught Steve in Accuracy and neatness counts hhis own corner, sent him down for is exam. We will glady mail your a third count of nine. He was barely sults upon request to other Uni- able to get up at the count of nine rsities to which you intend to trans- and was standing, almost helpless r or to prospective employees. You along the ropes, when Tami rushed at tn obtain your grades at the office him with his right lifted, slammed it the Dean of your school. against Steve's jaw and turned away, Belloise slid backward through the Fropes and was unable to pull him- FAE'SHMEN !!! self to his feet, D o you w ant to ke n.lnr t c ...._ ..._ --___ ___- _.____- CALL US FOR BEER SPECIAL DELIVERY SERVICE, TOO! tDal. 820 TJhe DOBSON BURTON Rti iion TIo Get $15,000 For 'ilare on Of Michigan' NEW YORK, March 14/-(P)--Tom Harmon, All-America halfback from the University of Michigan, signed a '15,000 contract to star in a single picture for Columbia Pictures-"Har- mon of Michigan." Jack Cohn, Columbia vice-presi- dent, said the picture, featuring foot- ball, would be built around the gen- eral activities of the star himself. th re fe ca of BEER VAULT 303 North lifthi Ave. 0' ~ "v vuw t , iv e a spar plug for your school? Come to the freshman cheerleading tryouts meeting at 5 p.m. today in Room 305 of the Michigan Union. R. C. Keetch, Head Cheerleader C I' 11 __-_ _. .___ _ ,_._.. _..__._m ._... ___.____ _.______ i __._ .. _ __- . ._ . . ___. THE RLLENEL HOTEL 0i, ,a (ipt e ,t /Se/vtce We specialize in accommodations for private parties. BANK BY MAIL Ann Arbor Savings & Commercial bank is of- fCring a bank by mail service to its patrons. If you find frequent trips to thc ban incon- Vemient, come in today and let us explain this remarkable serVice, Member Federal Reserve System and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Private Dining' Rooms Excellent Room Service .I.- *f- -91Z It- I II 1 i II! i