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March 13, 1941 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-13

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.,4 .

Dr. McDowell Religion In A W
Will 'DiscussTo Be Subj
Turkey s Role -R-Iigiou in a World at War"
be the subject of a symposium, to be
Auth'ority held at 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 18. in
ty ear EasI the Rackham Lecture Hall, under the
To Deal With Factors auspices of the National Conference
Affec gHer P . of Christians and Jews, and the Stu-
ectingHerPolicy dent Religious Association.
The National Conference of Chris-
Noted authority on .Near Easern tians and Jews, founded in 1928 "for
affairs, Dr. Robert H. McDowe , re-|justice, amity, understanding and co-
search associate i Mesopotamian operation among Protestants, Catho-
Archeology, wiUl deliver a public lee- lics and Jews" has invited one clergy-
ture on "Turkey's Part in the Present man from each of these religions to
Struggle" at 4 p.m. Sunday in the speak on the place of religion in the
lecture'hall of the Rackham Building. present crisis. Mid-West Chairman
His talk Sunday will deal primarily for the Conference is General Charles
with Dr. McDowell's opinion of the G. Dawes.
role Turkey will play in World War Representing Protestantism will be
'II during the next few months. Dr. Dr. T. Otto Nall, author of "'Youth's
McDowell plans to discuss the var- Work in the New World," 'New Occu-
ious factors which mad or may not pation for Youth," and "Moving Days
influence Turkey to enter the present for Youth." Dr. Nall is a graduate of
conflict and the part Turkey may Htmline University, received his B.D.
play after the completion of the war, degree at the University of Minnesota
Dr. McDowell's address is being and his D.D. degree at Garrett Bib-
sponsored by the Ann Arbor Chapter lical Institute.
of William Allen White's Committee He was ordained a minister in the
to Defend America by Aiding the Al- Methodist Church at the Minnesota
lies, under the direction of Prof. Conference of that c'hurch in 1924.
Bradley M. Davis of the botany de- In addition to his religious and liter-
partment. ary activities he has been interested
Intimately connected with the
archeological activities of the Uni- * *
versity since 1928 Di'. McDowell has Lalvi n 4Chor
traveled widely through the Near
East where he has spent many years Son y S
in research work, business, war re-
lief and military intelligence. His par- A Is A nn unced
ticular field of interest is the econ- h ye
omic history of both the ancient and
modern Near East.
In anticipation of passion week,
the nationally famous Latvian sing-'
Iers supported by two special choirs
will sing the Great Vespers March
27 in Hill Auditorium under the spon-
DIRECTOR Y sorship of the University fraternities
and sororities.
Dr. Palmer Christian will direct the
j :roup' in a program planned as a
REAL ESTATE worship service through the great
Orthodox music conceived by St.
BEAUTIFUL 20-acre building site, Basil and translated by Austris A.
4 miles out, $2000. Call evenings, Withol, leader of the Latvian Sing-
6196. . 305 ers.
TYPING' 18 "Few programs perform the unique
office which these Latvian Singers

orld At War'
ect Of Symposium

-" .1TURDAY, MARCH 13, 1941



(Continued from Page 4)


in journalism and was a member of
the Medill School of Journalism in
1923-24, served as assistant editor of
the Epworth Herald from 1922 to
1935 and acted as representative of
the Editorial Board at Cincinnati
from 1935 to 1939.,
Dr. Nall has been editor of the
Christian Advocate, northwesternr
and central divisions since 1936, and
has been managing editor for this.
Rabbi Louis Binstock and Father
George H. Dunne will give the Jewish
and Catholic viewpoints respectively.
Play Planned1I
For Next Week.

March 24, uder the auspices of the
Ann Arbor Art Association and the
Institute of Fine Arts.
University Lecture: Dr. Edgar
Allen, Professor of Anatomy at Yale
University School of Medicine, will
lecture on the subject, "The Ovayies
end Their Hormones," under the
auspices of the Department of Ana-
tomy of the Medical School at 4:15
p.m. on Friday, March 14, in the
Rackham Lecture Hall. The lecture
is open to the public and members
of the Michigan Academy of Science
are especially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. George D.
Birkhoff, Perkins Professor of Mathe-
matics, Harvard University, will lec-
ture on the subject of "Aesthetic
Measure" under the auspices of the
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts,
and Letters at 4:15 p.m. on Friday,
March 14, in the Natural Science
Auditorium. The public is cordially
University Lecture: Ernesto Galar-
za, Chief of the Division of Labor
and Social Information, Pan-Ameri-
can Union, will lecture on the sub-
ject of "Economic and Social Effects
of the War on Inter-American Re-
lations" under the auspices of the
University Committee on Defense
Issues at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, March
17, in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Paul S. Martin,
Chief Curator of the Department of
Anthropology of the Field Museum
of Natural History, Chicago, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Archeology of
the Southwest" (illus.) on Thursday,
March 27, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. The public is
cordially invited.

"Uniform Rectilinear Drawing," un-
der the auspices of the Michigan ec-
tion of the Mathematical Association
of America and Mathematics Sec-
tion of the Michigan Academy of
Science, Arts and Letters, at 2:15
p.m. on Saturday, March 15, in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ing. The public is invited.
Public Lecture: Ben East, Outdoor
Editor of The Ann Arbor News and
Booth Publications, will lecture on
the subject, "Islands of the Inland'
Seas" (illustrated) under the auspices
of the Department of Geography at
8:15 p.m. on Thursday, March 13,
in the Hill Auditorium. The public
is cordially invited.
Events Today
The Graduate History Club's info-
mal reception for the faculty of the
History Department and their wives
will be held in the Assembly Hall of
the Rackham Building tonight, 8:00-
10:00. All-graduate students in his-
tory and their wives are invited.
Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal to-
night at 7:30 sharp in the Glee Clup
room of the Union. All members are
expected to attend. Bring eligibility
Great Vespers: Profe'ssor Palmer.
Christian will meet those who are
to sing in the Great Vespers, planned
for March 27, at the School of Music
auditorium today at 4:15 p.m.
It is necessary that all pevsons
named by the fraternities and sororri-
ties be present at this meeting. We
thank you.
Pi Lambda Theta will have a gu-st
tea from 4 to 5:30 in the Rackharn
Building today.

"She Stoops to Conquer": This
afternoon from 3:00 to 4:30, in room
302 Mason Hall, the class in th
Oral Interpretation of Modern Dra-.
ma (Speech 164) will give an in-
formal platform reading of the prin-
cipal scenes from Goldsmith's "She
Stoops to Conquer." Students of
Speech and others interested are in-
vited to attend this class meeting.
Ancient Chinese Bronze Mirrors:
Gallery talk at the Exhibit in the
'Mezzanine Galleries, Rackham Build-
ing, by Mr. Plumer today at 4:00 p.m.
Seminar in Religious Art: Mr.
James Plumer, lecturer on Far East-
ern Art, will speak on "Oriental Re-
ligious Art" at the seminar spon-
sored by the Student Religious Asso-
ciation tonight at 7:30. The place of
meeting has been changed to Room
3014 in the Rackham Building where
an exhibit is arranged.
J.G.P. Publicity Committee will
meet today at 4:30 p.m. in the League.
Room notice will be posted on the
bulletin board. All those who are un-
able to attend must call Betty Bailie.
2-4314, or be dropped from the com-
J.G.P. Central Committee will meet
tonight at 7:00 in the Council Room
of the League.
J.G.P. Ushers Committee will meet
today at 5:00 p.m. in the League.
Room posted on bulletin board.
The Garden Section of the Facultyj
Women's Club will meet at 2:30 p.m.
today in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building. Mr. F. Alton
Collins will show color slides of the
four seasons in the garden.
Music 'Section of Faculty Women's
Club meets at the home of Dr. Rollo
McCotter, Park Avenue, tonight at

pine KleidosCope." Reservations for
dinner will be taken at 7735 or 8613.
Coming Epents
The Research Club will meet in the
Rackham Amphitheatre Wednesday,
March 19, at 8:00 p.m. The papers
to be read are: "Some Ancient Let-
ters" by Professor John G. Winter,
and "Volume and Refraction of Light
as Tools in Atomic Research" by Pro-
fessor Kasimir Fajans.
Classical Students: The next meet-
ing of Phi Tau Alpha, Thursday,
March 20, will be the annual "Infor-
mation Please" program. Please leave
questions immediately in Graduate,
Reading Room 1 of the Library or in
2030 Angell Hall. Members are urged
to submit as many questions as pos-
sible before Saturday, March 15.
Red Cross Senior Life Savers, Ex-
aminers, and Water Safety Instruc-
tors (male, students only) interested
in Water Safety Instructor's Course
.pril 6 to 10, inclusive, should meet
Vaurice Reizen at the Michigan Union
at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 14.
The International Center Saturday
Round Table discussion will be omit-
ted this week in order to allow the
members to attend the meetings of
the Michigan Academy of Science.
The Mandarin Class, to be held in
the International Center, Room 18,
will be divided into two sections:
Section 1: for more advanced per-
sons, 8:00-9:00 p.m. each Monday.
Instructor: Miss Esther Li Tang.
Section 2: for beginners, 8:00-9:00
p.m. each Tuesday. Instructor (two
each period): Miss Isabelle Chao,
Miss Chao-lan Kao, Miss Ging-mei
Kang, Mr. Kai-chen Lu.
There are six vacancies in Section
1 and five in Section 2. Those who
wish to join should leave their names
in the office of the International
All those interested in boarding or
rooming this semester in one of the
12 campus cooperative houses should
apply for an interview at 1:30 p.m.
on Saturday, March 15, at Room 30
of the Union.
Personnel Committee of the Inter-
Cooperative Council will meet at 1:15
p.m. on Saturday, March 15, in Room
306 of the Unipn.


The Senior Ball Committea w II St. Andrew's Episcopal Church to-
meet tonight at 8 o'clock in Room day: 12:15 p.m. Intercessions in the
305 of the Michigan Union. church; 6:00 p.m,Parish Night Din-
ner, Harris Hall. Program: Motion
Sailing Club: Those individuals de- picture of the 1940 General Conven-
siring to serve on the publicity com- tion of the Protestant Episcopal
mittee of the Michigan Sailing Club Church held in Kansas City followed
are urged to attend the committee by a talk by ,the Reverend Arthur H.
organizational meeting at. 7:30 p.m. Richardson, Headmaster of Brent
tonight in Room 116, in the Union. School, Baguio, P.I. on "The Philip-


TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-141F 1,c
TYPIST. Experienced. L. M. Hey-
wood, 414 Maynard St. Phone 5689.
WANTED t Experienced student'
waiter. Apply at the Kenmore, 3001
S. State.

have undertaken," said Professor
Earl B. Moore, director of the School
of Music and one of the sponsors of
project. "Mr. Withol proposes to
awaken the colleges and universities
to the deep pathos of these litanies
and to convey something of the lofty
spiritual aspiration of the Orthodox
The emphasis of the Orthodox lit-
any lies in the adoration of the Deity,
in the habit of listening to the read-
ing of the scriptures and recital of
the creed and in meditation said
Dr. Edward Blakeman, counselor in

) blic

STEIN--Experienced legal
also mimeographing. Notary
Phon 6327. 706 Oakland

p- religious education.
TYPING and duplicating service. Traditionally the service begins in
Dorothy Testa, M.A., 625 East Lib- complete darkness. Finally the voices

erty (at State), Rm. 1. 2-1835. Re-
ports, theses, dissertations, briefs.
DRESSMAKING and alterations.
Coats relined, Also sewing of all
kinds. Call Mrs. Ream, 8653. 23c
BARGAINS-If you hurry. Plenty of
superior quality goods at minimum
prices. J.G.P. tickets today! 25c
1935 FORD COUPE for sale. New
piston rings, bright black finish,
28,000 honest miles, good tires. Full
price for cash $150. Call Paul
Chandler or write Michigan Daily,
Box 12. 306
LAUNDRY--2-1044. Sox darned,
Careful work at low price. 3c
dent rates. Moe Laundry, 226
South First St. Phone 3916. loci
pairs of sox, 6 handkerchiefs fin-
ished, 2 suits underwear, 2 bath
towels, 1 pajama suit fluffed-99c.
Ace Hand /Laundrv, 1114 S. Uni-
versity. 15c
THESIS BINDING-Mimeographing.
Brumfield & Brumfield, 308 S.
,State. 19c
BEN THE TAILOR-More money for
your clothes-good clothes for sale.
122 E. Washington. le
EXPERT HOSIERY and garment re-
pair. Reasonable rates. Weave-Bac
Shop-Upstairs in Nickels Arcade.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles,
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 5c

are heard and then the candles are
carried up to the altar to be lighted
by the priest wh6 conducts the ser-
Since the service here will be one
of worship and not a concert, the
singing will be without accompani-
Garg Will Reveal
Michigarn's Most
So ught-.A fter Man
Most attractive man on campus?
The Gargoyle, going on sale next
Thursday, will reveal which student
was deemed this superlative by a
board comprising the most ,popular
girl from each sorority, Allan Axel-
rod, '43, issue editor, announced yes-{
The man was chosen on the basis
of personality, pleasantness, sex ap-
peal, intelligence-not necessarily in
that order-and other qualities th.at
make up a "good date," for the ques-
tion the girls voted on was "With
which man on this campus would'
you most like to have a date?"
A picture of this "oh-so-attractive"
man will be run ip the photo section
of Thursday's edition of Gargoyle,
and, says Axelrod, "Don't get the
idea that he is a weak representa-
tive of Michigan masculine charms.
I wouldn't want Mr. X to think that
we're deriding him-he's one of Mich-
igan's best athletes."

"Much Ado About Nothing," to be IMathematical Association Lecture:
offered by Play Production of the Dr. George D. Birkhoff, Perkins Pro-
Department of Speech Wednesday fessor of Mathematics, Harvard Uni-
through Saturday, March 19 to 22, versity, will lecture on the subject,
has a background of illustrious per-
formances to give confidence to its
cast on opening night.
According to Prof. Hereward T.
Price, of the English department,
"every great Shakespearean actor
has played in this comedy since its
first appearance about 1600-and I
have also seen the play done by stu-
dents, each time successfully."
"The play is especially good ma- I
terial for students," Professor Price
added, "since we have no reason to
believe that any of its characters
are above 30, except Hero's father."
Also, Professor Price credits Play
Production with being able to fill a
"play with fun more than any con-
pany I have seen, and Much Ado'
depends for its entertainment to a
great extent on the humor of Dog-
berry and other clowns."
What many students consider to
be weaknesses in the story are un-
noticed when the play is acted, Pro-
fessor Price declared, since the play
is fast moving, and its humor is over-
whelming. We can't criticize Shakes-
peare for unacceptable situations, he
said, since he wrote according to con-
ventions popular in Elizabethan days.
Presentation of this comedy con-
tinues Play Production's policy of giv-
ing a Shakespearean play each sea-
son. Those given during the last ten
years include "Julius Caesar," "Two
Gentlemen of Verona," "Henry VIII," x
"Othello," "Twelfth Night," "Mid-
summer Night's Dream," "All's Well
That Ends Well," "Taming of the
Shrew," and "Romeo and Juliet."
"Much Ado" will be directed by Profs.
Valentine B. Windt and William P.o
Halstead of the speech department. A .co
I h_______________ ________ - I .. 4 g

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