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March 13, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-13

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THT~R~AI, ~i.Cic1, 1941



CTiing Events.

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Midhigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
tights of republication" of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions I during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.c
College Ptblisbers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Concha Puerto .... June T. Larson
Santita.........Lenora Grossman
Angela .........Carmelita Rosasco
Pilar .......... Antonietta Ferretti
Dieguilla....... Katherine Rasquin
Dona Belen ......,..Marjorie Teller
Juanita .......Norma Bennett
Una Muchacha .... Judith Perkins
Don Julian,.. .. :. David Gibson
Adolfo .............Claude Hulel
Cecilio.......Raymond Chambers
Pepe Lora .... Lawrence Aronsson
Guitarra ..........Robert Jantho
Sacristan.........,,Ernest McCarus
THIS is something of a new exper-
iment in that' this review is
written not by a professor of Spanish,
as in the past years, but by a student
who has learned most of his Span-
ish in the Romance Languages Build-
ing and who has never been south of
the Rio Grande.(
As a consequence, such an element!
as an actor's clarity of expression
will probably sway me unduly. Before
the final curtain fell, I had begun to
welcome a slow, clear speech like an
island in an ocean.
Perhaps the choice of the play had
something to do with it. Puebla de
las Mujeres has a modicum of ac-,
tion and relies almost entirely uponI
conversation to carry it along. If you[
do not follow the conversation close-
ly, the play, simple as it is, is apt to
go beyond you.



Editorial Staffj

Hervie Haufler . .
Alvin Sarasohn .
Paul M. Chandler .
Karl Kessler .
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman . . .
Laurence Mascott .
Donald Wirtchafter . . . .
EFther Osser . .
Helen Corman .
B1usines Staff
Business Manager
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager . .
Women's Advertising Manager

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. ACity Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. Sports Editor
.Women's Editor
Exchange Editor
Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
. Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.



Washington Merry-Go-Round

Mexico To Right.. .
TIONS which began with Mexico
last week again bring up the question cf where
goes the socialist-backed government of Rightist
Camacho and to what extent the United States
can influence its course. This question is vitally
related to Hemisphere cooperation.
Cardenas brought into abortive reality many
of the reforms dreamed of for decades by Mexi-
can liberals and sorely needed in the retarded
nation. Foremost among these was land dis-
tribution among the peoples who did all the farm
labor and received least in return. Next in
importance were raising wages and providing
better labor conditions in urban as well as rural
areas, and establishing a system of practical
education for the masses. Other desired reforms
included the incorporation of the Indians into
national life, limiting the political influence of
the Church, curbing the power of foreigners,
enlarging social security and placing more em-
phasis on national values. All these aims were in
Cardenas' campaign promises, and many formed
the salient features of his administration. But
like all reformers he was obsessed with the late-
ness of the start and the brevity of his oppor-
tunity; and, consequently, substituted legal revo-
lution for evolution. His methods jarred Mexico
and shocked the United States.
events stressed the necessity of Hemisphere solid-
arity, while Mexican relations with the United
States were at a low ebb of amicability. Shortly
before the summer elections, pressure from with-
in Mexico and without guided the government
into more conservative channels. Feeling thin
pressure, Cardenas and other Leftists sought to
salvage what policies they could by supporting
Camacho as the most liberal of the Rightist can-
didates. And so far Camacho has successfully
placed his government in the light of United
States benevolence by gradually dismantling
Cardenas' socialist reforms.-
The reconstruction program includes the reor-
ganization of certain socialized utilities such as
the railroads and the petroleum industry. Sup-
pression of Nazi activity has been reported, and
plans to open diplomatic relations with France
are under way. President Camacho has declared
that henceforth there shall be "law and order";
has received the blessing of the Archbishop of
Mexico City; has lodged a set of the old type
appeasers on his cabinet; has clamped down on
labor; and has reopened the oil controversy for
settlement more satisfactory to United States
interests. In fact, the whole conservative trend
is operating to woo United States capital, to
appease United States big business, and to show
that Mexico has the "right spirit" in fostering
Hemisphere defense.
But like all Latin Americans, Mexicans have
been deeply branded with the old style Yankee
imperialism, and the brass bands of Hemisphere
patriotism cannot drown out whispered warnings
of exploitation among the little men. Many
voted against Cardenas in the last election be-
cause his methods were too swift and his pro-

Y ET THE AUDIENCE seemed gen-
erally to understand and enjoy
the play. The Spanish professors
prompted laughs from the students
and Prompter Early Thomas helped!
the hero along so that the comedy
went off with sufficient ease.
It, is a farcial study of the power of
gossip. Young Adolfo, played rather{
anemically by Claude Hulet, is a
handsome stranger in a small town.
There he becomes entangled in the
intrigues of an assortment of gos-
sips led by Concha Puerto-very cap-
ably enacted by June Larson, whose
clear diction was a blessing. Despite
his declarations of innocence, Adolfo
finds himself rumored to be in love
with the village's flower, Juanita,
played coyly but acceptably by Nor-
ma Bennet. Struggle as he will, the
hero is finally wo over by the charms
of Juanita and the strategems of
Concha, and the curtain falls with
the agreement that Adolfo shall come
to her window and whisper amor-
ously-a sure sign in Spain.
It is a play full of good character
parts, and the cast took excellent
advantage of them. Among the men
David Gibson, as the not-too-pious
priest, and Raymond Chambers, as
the woman-hating Doctor Cecilio,
carry off the honors, with Robert
Mantho's portrayal of Guitarra draw-
ing appreciative laughs. Lenora
Grossman, as the deaf and querulous
Santita, and Carmelita Rosasco, in
the role of Angela, contribute good


VOL. LI. No. 114
Publication In the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
memlher of the University.
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, School of Music, and School
of Education: Students who received
marks of I or X at the close of their
last term of attendance (viz., semes-
ter of summer session) will receive a
grade of E in the course unless this
work is made up by March 17. Stu-
dents wishing an extension of time
beyond this date should file a peti-
tion addressed to the appropriate
official in their school with Room
14 U.H., where it will be transmitted.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
The Alumnae Council is again
offering the Lucy Elliott Fellowship
to women who wish to continue their
wtudies in the graduate field. Any
woman with an A.B. degree from a
recognized College or University is
eligible to apply. A graduate from
the University of Michigan may use
the award on any campus of her
choice, but a graduate of any other
College or University must continue
her work at Michigan. Applications
are available at the office of the Dean
of Women. and must be returned by
March 15. Appointment will be made
April 15. 'the award carries a ati-
pend of $300.00.
Vocational Guidance Talk on Medi-
cine: All students who expect to enter
the School of Medicine, and all others
interested in the profession, should
meet Dean A. C. Furstenberg of the
School of Medicine, in Room 319
of the Michigan Union today at 4:15
p.m. Dean Furstenberg will speak
on the preparation and qualifications
necessary for admission to the School
of Medicine and various .aspects of
the profession.
There will be two vocational guid-
ance talks on Thursday, March 20.
Dean J. B. Edmonson will speak on
"Education" at 4:15 p.m. in tile Uni-
versity High School. Dean E. B. Sta-
son will speak on "Law" in the Small
Ballroom of the Michigan Union.
Certificates of Eligibility: Partici-
pants in public activities are remind-
ed that first semester eligibility cer-
tificates are good only until March 1.
Second semester eligibility certificates
should be secured before March 15.
Public Health Nursing Certificate
Candidates for June 1941 must make
application at the office of the School
of Education, 1437 U.E.S., if they
have not already done so.
Aeronautical Engineering Seniors:
Positions in the government program
of combined research work at Wright
Field and graduate cooperative fel-
lowships at the University of Cin-
cinnati will be available in June for
students in Aeronautical Engineer-
ing graduating this year. These en-
gineers work in the Experimental En-
gineering Division of the Field for 30
weeks and attend the University for
21 weeks of the year.. At all times
they are actual Junior Engineers of
Wright Field with leave for graduate
study at the University, where they
are classified as graduate 'students
working toward their Master and Doc-
tor of Science degrees. Students in-
terested may consult the letter posted
on the Aeronautical Engineering Bul-
letin Board.
Senior and Graduate Students in
I Aeronautical Engineering: Announce-
ment is made of a Civil Service Ex-
amination for Junior Engineers. Stu-
dents interested should file applica-
tions with the Civil Service Commis-
sion immediately. Please examine the
announcement concerning this posi-
tion, which is posted on the Aero-

nautical Engineering Bulletin Board.
All women working in League activ-
ities must have their eligibility cards
signed between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. in
the Undergraduate Office of the

May Festival Tickets: Subscribers
of record to Patrons' Tickets ($12.00
seats) for the current Choral Union
Concert Series, to whom special or-
der blanks were mailed under date
of February 8, are respectfully re-
minded that the "deadline" for re-
taining the same seat locations for
the May Festival expires Saturday,
March 15, at noon. Unless orders
are received not later than that date,
the particular seat locations cannot
be guaranteed. Orders from all other
ticket purchasers are filed in se-
quence and in due course tickets will
be selected accordingly and will be
mailed out about the middle of April
by ordinary mail at purchasers' risks,
unless fee of 18 cents is included for
registration. Please address com-
munications to, or leave orders at the
offices of, the University Musical
Society, Burton Memorial Tower.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice that Mr. C. S.
Phillips, Personnel Director, from the
Revere Copper and Brass Incorporat-
ed, Rome, N.Y., will be in the office
to interview senior Mechanical,
Chemical, Metallurgical, and Indus-
trial Engineers for manufacturing,
sales, and research, today, Thursday,
March 13. Please call Extension,371
for appointment and come to 201
Mason Hall for application blanks
which should be filled out before-
Academic Notices
Psychology 40: This classWill meet
in robm 3126 N.S. instead of the regu-
lar room on Friday, March 14.
History 38 will not meet Friday,
March 14.
History 116 will not meet Fiday,
March 14.
Professor Dunham will not keep his
consultation hours Friday, March 14.
Preliminary Eaminations for the
Doctorate in English will be given at
9 a.m.'in Room3217 A.H. on the
following schedtile:
American Literature with Contin-
ental Backgrounds, April 23.
English Literature, 1700-1900, April
English Literature, 1550-1700, April
English Literature, Beginnings to
1500, May 3.
All those intending to take the ex-
aminations should have informed- me
by April 10.
N. E Nelson
Faculty Concert: A miscellaneous
program of chamber music will be
presented at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by mem-
bers of the faculty of the School of
Music, assisted by members of the
University of Michigan Little Sym-
phony. Those participating in the
concert, which will be open to the
general public, include: Wassiy Be-
sekirsky, Violinist; Thelma Lewis,
Soprano; Mabel Rhead, Pianist; Wil-
liam Stubbins, Clarinetist; Grace
Wilson, Grad.,SM, Accompanist; and
from the Little Symphony, Italo Fra-
jola, SpecGradSM Violin; Vladimer
Lukashuk, '42SM, Violin; Edward Or-
mond, '42SM, Viola; William Golz,
'4E, Violoncello; and Joseph White,
Grad.SM, French Horn.
Exhibitions: Ceramics and Bronzes
from Siam. The Neville Collection.
March 5-21, 2-5 p.m., Rackham
Stelae from Kom Abu Bilu. From
the University's excavation in Egypt.
March 5-21, 2-5 p.m., Rackham

Ancient Chinese Bronze Mirrors.
March 5-21, 2-5 p.m., Rackham
Modern Posters in Alumni Memori-
al Hall afternoons, 2:00-5:00, through
(Continued on Page 6)

WASHINGTON - Behind the scenes, Henry
Wallace played quite a part in the Mexican-
U.S. agreement to work out joint plans for na-
tional defense.
It was Henry's job, during his trip to Mexico as
Vice-President-elect, to put across some quiet
diplomacy with ° new President Avila Camacho
aimed to smooth out all U.S.-Mexican problems.
This he did, and became completely "simpatico"
with high Mexican officials.
However, Henry also brought back a very wor-
risome picture of Nazi activity in Mexico.
Being a farm boy from Iowa, and skeptical
about the Zimmermann affair during World War
I when the German Foreign Office invited Mex-
ico into an alliance against the United States,
Henry went down to Mexico as an unbeliever as
far as Nazi propaganda was concerned. But he
came back, his skepticism gone.
The great mass of the Mexican people and the
Mexican Government are sincere believers in
friendship with the United States, Henry found.
But a small minority, plentifully supplied with
Nazi-Fascist cash, has been doing its best to
poison friendly relations.
In fact, there were some indications that the
Nazis might even go to such lengths as outright
a. i

Cc Vw

City Editor's

sabotage or damage to the United States in such
a way that Mexico would get the blame, thereby
stirring up animosity between the countries.
Note:-Last year $2,000,000 in U.S. greenbacks
was taken to Mexico from New Orleans by Count
Roberti of the Italian legation, presumably for
propaganda purposes. Count Roberti is the son-
in-law of Ogden Hammond, ex-Ambassador to
Spain and a leader of the move to cooperate
with Spanish Dictator Franco.
Guarding The Capital
If you visit the United States Capitol in the
near future don't carry an isolationist banner or
anything more explosive than a cigarette lighter,
or you may wind up in the brig. Tightest police
restrictions since World War days soon will be
put into effect at the Capitol building.
Under a plan devised by Speaker Sam Ray-
burn, Senator Harry F. Byrd, chairman of the
Senate Rules Committee, and Arthur E. Cook of
the Capitol Police Board, all visitors will be re-
quired to check packages before entering the
Several thousand numbered checks were or-
dered last week from the Government Printing
Office, to be used at special booths at every
entrance to the building. Furthermore, strange
visitors will be asked to remove their overcoats,
just in case they are concealing something of
interest to the police.
Meantime, the safety of members of Congress
as well as the protection of the historic building
itself isbeing entrusted more and more to experi-
enced hands, and less to tenderfoot college stu-
dents who double in brass as Capitol policemen.
Veteran bluecoats from the District of Columbid
force and FBI agents now handle more obstrep-
erous troublemakers during the day, and guard
the building exclusively from midnight until
8 a.m.
Two things hastened the decision to tighten
police regulations at the seat of our government.
First were the recent disturbances by demon-
strators against the lend-lease bill. Second, was
the fact that a member of the regular Capitol
cop force was found asleep late at night at the
only entrance to the building. Another was
caught dozing at the Capitol's power plant.
A Labor OPM
What the President has in mind to cure strikes
in national defense industries is a labor board
under the OPM.
It will consist of nine or eleven members (exact
number still undecided), made up of a panel of
three or four representatives of management,
another panel of the same number from labor,
and three representatives of the "public." The
last group will be its real works.
This new labor board will be independent of
the OPM but will work in close conjunction with
it. Object is to relieve the OPM of grappling'
with labor disputes, so that it can concentrate on
expediting production.
The board will have no compulsory arbitration
powers-vehemently opposed by both AFL and
CIO. Its authority will rest chiefly on the force

The Reply

in Ann Arbor this weekend is the Michigan
Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters. It is a big
affair where the professors spray scholarship at
you like shrapnel. One paper we hesitate to
recommend for general consumption, however, ist
titled "The Effect of the Histamine Antagonist,
Thymoxyethyldiethymaline (929F) on Gastric
We haven't mentioned this before but our
old roommpate (referred to occasionally last
semester) is now giving a news jlrogram once
a week over WCAR, Pontiac. Sunday, at
1:15 p.m.
POEM: Harmon gets 13 grand,
Frutig goes to Uncle Sam.
to use the traditional Mexican means of reliev-
ing oppression.
radical reforms with demands for democratic
Hemisphere cooperation, the United States may
be doing her a good deed. On the other hand
the United States may be turning back the clock

AND just when we got so we
thought it was going to be spring.
Haven't got my weather calendar
here handy, so can't tell you what it
will be today, but following the prece-
den~t set by Mark Twain for New
England weather, I predict something
like this: Varying southwest to
northeast winds, gentle to strong,
possible dead calm also possibly hur-
ricanes, typhoons, cyclones. Snow,
followed by thaw, followed. by rain
followed by hot sun followed by
extreme cold followed by hail and
thunder storms followed by that
tired logy feeling and take you know
what (like I say I haven't got the
calendar here so I'm not sure' which
one you take).
One of the boys went over to Ypsi
on a modern novel bookhunt, in
search of a copy of George Meredith's
The Egoist, which seems not to be
around here. Entered student book-
store, asked for copy of the book.
"I'm sorry," the nice old lady said.
"We don't stock current best-sellers."
ON'T KNOW what this means,
but on letterhead of University
chemistry department, I received the
following query regarding a letter
which the people over there are
"Address on a letter received by
the Chemistry Department:
To The
Young lady who went to Vene-
zuela on the S.S. Caracus in
the summer of 1937.
Who is it? We don't know.'
And so in my role of general anc
abused servant to the Ann Arbol
public, if the young lady who went
to Venezuela on the'S.S. Caracas (for


750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC-NBC Blue
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6:00 News Ty Tyson Rollin' Bud Shaver
6:15 Liberty's Story Newscast; Tune Home Rhumba Rhythms
6:30 Inside of Sports Frazier Hunt Conga Day in Review
6:45 Musical Lowell Thomas Time Waltz Serenade
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring Happy Joe Easy Aces
7:15 Lanny Ross Royal Review Val Clare Mr. Keen-Tracer,
7:30 Vox Pop Xavier Cugat Mixture Melodies Intermezzo
7:45 Vox Pop Presents Interlude Met. Opera Guild
8:00 Ask-it Basket Coffee Peter Horace Heidt's
8:15 Ask-it Basket Time Quill Pot O' Gold
8:30 City The Aldribh In Chicago Tommy Dorsey
Desk Family Tonight - Orchestra
9:00 Major Bowes Kraft Music Hal Echoes Gabriel Heatter
9:15 Major Bowes - Bing Crosby, Of Heaven Jas. Bourbonnaise
9:30 Major Bowes Bob Burns, News John B. Kennedy
9:45 Major Bowes Trotter Orch. Sinfonietta Let's Dance
10:00 Glenn Miller Rudy Vallee National News Wythe Williams

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