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March 12, 1941 - Image 18

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-12

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tIIEDNESE.AY, M tall 1P, 1941









Midnight BlueLad
ested Stye
For Summer When
Dark Coat, Flannels Proper buzzing
some a
During Warm Weather; makc th
Color Of Tie May Vary doff th
nated la
By G. 7ISHON ' Murgatr
With spring on the way and spring This s
formals a thing of the verybnear fu- lave loo
ture, iou fellows may be beginning requisite
to wonder whether or not that last they say
year's formal is still in style,.so here's bill perf
your information and it's strictly on wont tc
the level. uncomfoi
Those of you with limited budgets To ra
may be glad to hear that Luxedoes new dev
can be worn all the way up to the ligion to
middle of June (until school lets out) metallic
-unless it gets too warm. Tf you want ton and
to feel more springy though, yoU will be d
Will wear a white jacket, in wool, with the use
your tuxedo trousers.
Tuxedoes Out
For summer wear, tuxedoes are def- New
initely out, of course, and midnight
blue trousers are the thing. They can To
be worn with white dinner jackets
of light tropical material. A Palm There'
Beach suit is always correct, too, and spring c
the jacket of the suit may be worn ning fr
with the blue trousers. which lo
As for accessories, black shoes are ardine.
always worn, at any time of the year. mediate
They are perfectly proper when worn may wel
with the midnight blue trousers. With popular
the white dinner jacket either mid- Gabar
night blue or maroon bow-ties may to be res
be worn. To be the perfect Esquire cloth, it
you must also wear a soft pleated :lacks, r
shirt with a pain turned down collar flannel,
-no Duke of Kent collars, please- ingly fo
and no stiff bosom shirts. Ordinary these ja
white business shirts can also be swing me
worn in a pinch. / styling w
Mess Jackets Forbidden nounced
Now for .what the fashion moguls,
frown on: those cute little.mess jaick-Stocks
ets must be stor d away until orches-
tra players abandon that popular To
form of attire. Although they rare
still seen in military mircles for col- kMore
lege and town wear they are definite- stocks of
ly out. Also on .the- censored list are mers for
greyish-white jackets and those, beig- slacks or
ish jackets worn with brown trous- to learn
ers. Be conservative and you're bound they ma.
te rig t Beand tie
to~~~ bergtcountry.
To complete the picture, the typical Hoirsey
summer formal may be reversed for Hof neck
afternoon weddings in the summer. IfGnelk
Blue jackets with white flannel trous- cently
ers can be worn then without a types of
Take the hints, boys, and dress ac- } of arrive
cording to the rules and you'll never cover th
have to endure that horrible feeling maculate

is To Wear Rayon Shorts
For Summer's Supple Breeze

the birds begin hopping
in the trees and the bees
wherever bees buzz, there
time when every man must
e supreme sacrifice-he must
e venerable red flannels do-
ast Christmas by old Aunt
oyd, and turn to more com-
spring, too, fasiion designers
oked to comfort as the main
in men's underwear. Rayon,
y, is the thing th'at fits the
fecily, being cool and less
wrinkle and cause rather
ortable situations.
yon they've added a patented
vice designed to restore re-
o many a male. A patented
fastener that does not but-
absolutely will not come off
juite easy on the temper and.
of language often employed
Shade Range
Be Prominent
is a range of new shades this
alled Diamond Brown, run-
-om champagne to cognac,
oks particularly well in gab-
There is also a new inter-
shade of gabardine which
.1 replace the natural shade,
for so long.
dine, this spring, is not going
stricted to suits. With covert
is becoming a favorite for
eplacing the well-worn grey
and it is being used increas-
r sports jackets. Many of
ckets are made up in a bi-
odel, a military influence in
which may become more pro-
in ensuing months.
s Seen Returning
Vogue With Jackets
and more men are favoring
colored foulard silk or cash-
r wear with odd jackets and
'country suits. It is very easy
how to tie one of these and
ay be worn in place of collar
with neck-band shirt in the
men have favored this type
wear for many years, but re-
taste for stocks has been
y country gentlemen for all
ing at a dance only to dis-
at your clothes, though im-
e, are slightly out of date!

when donning one's under pants.
Still preferred by many are the
more brief jockey shorts, cool and
comfortable, not only for spring but
for all-year wear.
New colors this year are being fea-
tured in shorts, the newest idea being
to have your shirts, shorts and hand-
kerchiefs of the same pattern, though,
some may consider the advantages
here of a rather doubtful nature.

Heavy' Men
Are Advised
On Fashions
If you're characterized by an over-
abundance of avorduopois, it's no rea-
:on to be discouraged, fellows.
For you may frequently be the
brunt of many an ill-aimed college
>rank, but if you know how to select
,our clothes the right way, you will
ind yourself returning to popularity
with that magnificent American spec-
'es, the Michigan coed.:
Select your clothes so as to elongate
and uibroaden your frame. To put it
--ruelly, if you're a little over-devel-
iped around 'the equator, don't, for
heaven's sakes, wear the blatantly
loud colors and definitepatterns that
your brother thin man does.
But you can still wear some plaids,
she smaller the" better. In fact, a
:laid jacket with matching vertically
4riped trousers is an excellent com-
bination for the obese individual.
And a few don'ts, too-avoid round-
ad shirt colors ,and 'bulky, tweedy
coats. For rough clothes stick to
cheviots and Saxonies--they are moreI
.lattering to the figger, boys.

Tobacco Pouch
Must Be Neat
Design Includes Gadgets
To Guarantee Moisture
Another essential for the well-
dressed man this spring is a tobac-
co pouch that not only keeps your
tobacco in the right condition, but
also looks fairly neat in appearance.
Latest innovation in this line is a
pouch made of a material similar to
}nylon, with a water proof rubberized
lining. On the outer layer there is a
little button-like apparatus, thiough
which a few drops 1of water are
equirted into the space between the
two layers of material. This water
keeps the tobacco moist and fresh.
Key And Watch Chains
Attract Varied Crests,
What men will wear on their key
or watch chains has become an im-
portant problem in men's fashions.
Aside from wearing a Phi Beta
Kappa key, if you can get one, or
showing how smart you were when
you were a freshman by sporting a
Phi Eta Sigma crest, there are count-
less charms one can wear on a chain.

The pouch comes' equipped with a zipper and a rubber lining. The two
tny dripper to put water into the ups come togeher when 'the zipper
pouch. is' closed, and the pouch is completely
Also fairly new is, the zippered air-tight, thus- preventing the tobac-
pouch With- rubber lips beneath the co from dryingout.
"Men's Wear of Quality for 46 Years!"
We mention below
some of the many nationally known itels
which you will find in our store.
*WINGS Shirts, $1.65
*JARMAN Shoes, $5.00
GLOVER Pajamas, $2.00
HICKOK Belts and Suspenders
ARROW Shirts, $2.00 and $2.25
BOTANY and ARROW Ties, $1.00
*STYLEPARK Hats, $3.50 and- $5.00
*GRIEFON Suits, $29.50 and $33.50
INTERWOVEN Hosiery, 3 for $1.00 and up
ARROW and B.V.D. Shirts zand Shorts,'50c and 65c
*PACE=SETTER 2-Trouser Suits, $25'and $30
(exclusive agents innAi1 Arlior)
Lin den'sehmittAfe1& o.
Phone 4914 209 S. Main t.
" '


Varied Colors
Even in belts the keynote is color
this spring.
Newest fad is in transparent plas-
tics which come in many brilliant
color, as well as in plain colors, which
take on the hue of the trousers you
wear. Of course, this gives the a'p-
pearance of not wearing any belt,
and if you've a new belt, you will
want to .how it off. So Daily fash-
ion experts recommend a little dash
of color around the midriff.
New braided belts are quite the
thing, especially in two-tone leather,
Brown and tai together, or brown
and white braid gives a very pleasing
For light-weight weanr, belts of
Palm Beach cloth, Bermuda cloth,
Congo cloth, and other tropical fab-
rics should be in order, in many pas-
tel hues for summer wear.
A combination belt-pouch is good
this year, serving the double func-
tion of belt and pouch.

NEN tno
t aN 1



, . I

No Matter how sterling your innate char-
acter may be, you will irievitably by un-
noticed and unappreciated by many people
unless your outward appearance 'oes you
justice. There is, however, this comforting
thought; you can dress better, and pay
less, in the long run,. by coming 'to Van
Boven for your clothes, and you can depend
upon them to speak up strongly in your


SZwing into


find the cream



Shetland Suits


of the new seasons styles

Flannel Suits
$40.00 to $75.0O


Smong our

wide selection-
Double-Byeasteds are back in
style again this spring along
with three - buttoned Single-
Breasteds. Full ,tailored tweeds
and worsteds are perfect for

lly-fronts with set-in sleeves are
the favorite', this season.
Stetson and LaSalle Hats
$5.005&$6.50. .$3'95


Camel Mair Coats
p55,00 to $135.00

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