r'0U R T.. H R 111i-.iCi k IIIGAUDAILY T e DN-F 9 kJiT, FTIB? UARY .i9i I941_ FOUR WEnNt~BAT Ft~ftPAftY 19 1941 TBIE MICHIGAN DAILY Washington Merry-Go-Round DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN * I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Sumner Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or ,not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All tights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mal matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI3ING 8V National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * Los ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Editorial Staff Press, 1940-41 Hervie Haufler . Alvin Sarasohn . Paul M. Chandler . . Karl Kessler . Milton Orshefsky . . Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter. Esther Osser . Helen Corman . Business Business Manager . . Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager / . Managing Editor . Editorial Director . . City Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor . Associate Editor Sports Editor .h.Women's Editor * Exchange Editor WASHINGTON-The most important amend- ment to the Lease-Lend Bill was introduced in the House by Republican Representative Charles Dewey of Chicago, who was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under Coolidge. Spurned by the Administration, it is now being taken up by wiser Democratic leaders in the Senate. By the Dewey amendment, Britain would turn over to the U.S.A. for safe-keeping all of her stocks and bonds invested in South American railroads, meat-plants, docks, electric light com- panies, street railways, etc. British investments in this area are tremen- dous. It was the British who developed Argen- tina and still own a large part of it. And should Britain be defeated, nothing would give Hitler an easier and quicker excuse to flaunt the Mon- roe Doctrine than taking over these vast interests from the British. Then he would have an Amer- ican-made excuse for landing the marines. Important fact is that South Americans dread such a possibility and are the strongest rooters for the Dewey amendment. However, the State Department has done nothing. Stock Market Jitters Almost every day recently the stock market has dipped one dollar, two dollars lower. Mean- while industrial production is enjoying the big- gest boom since 1917. Insiders give two reasons for this: 1. The large number of British stocks which the traders know must be liquidated. As long as they hang over the market, prices are bound to be low. 2. The imminence of the concerted Hitler attack and doubt as to what is ahead for the British Empire. The experts have no doubt-and this view is widely held in Wall Street-that if the British Empire falls, all Europe and Africa will be in the hands of Hitler; with all Asia and possibly Aus- tralia in the hands of Japan. Senator George Of Georgia ADMINISRATION LEADERS are handing or- chids to Senator George of Georgia for the fair and efficient manner in which he piloted the Lease-Lend Bill through the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. A skilled lawyer, George let the opposition put on their best witness (Lind- bergh) first, and saved his best witness (Willkie) until last. It was largely due to his efforts that the committee vote was 15 to 8 instead of 13 to 10, as expected. Most surprising vote in the committee, was h.i that of ebullient Senator Bob Reynolds of North Carolina. All during the committee hearings Reynolds' cross-questioning of witnesses followed an anti-British vein. But when Senator George called the roll Rey- nolds responded: "For the bill - with reservations." "Are you voting yes or no?" asked Chairman George. "Yes ---- with reservations," replied Reynolds. "Yes or no?" insisted the Senator from Geor- gia. "Yes," replied the Senator from North Caro- lina. Defense Grapes Of Wrath California no longer has a copyright on the "Grapes of Wrath." Its drama is being re-enact- ed the country over as a great foot loose army of migrant workers moves on defense centers in quest of jobs. It is one of the most serious problems faced by Defense executives. Yet they have done rela- tively little about it. Over 3,000,000 destitutes, mainly from rural sections, have hit the road in the last six months looking for defense jobs. Seven cities alone-Charlestown, Ind., Corpus Christi and Orange, Texas; Radford, Va.; De- troit; Boston, and the Norfolk-Newport News, Va., area-have attracted more than 250,000. Only a fraction find steady employment. The rest eke out a half-starved, hand-to-mouth exis- tence, depending largely on odd jobs and private charity. Many states have "settlement laws" which bar migrants from relief until they have lived a certain length of time in the state. An example of what footloose job-hunters are up against is the Lockheed aircraft plant at Burbank, Calif., where the average weekly num- ber of job applicants is 2,050, of which 1,450 are turned down for lack of training. Lockheed of- ficials estimate 75 per cent of those rejected are from outside the state. The unemployment crisis is so acute in- some Texas towns, where cantonment construction is under way, that migrants assemble each day inr "bull pens" (vacant lots) to be hired. A "bull pen" in Brownwood, Texas, site of a National Guard camp, averages from 500 to 1,000 jobless a day. Living conditions of the tent-town wayfarers are unbelievably bad and, due to housing short- ages, are not much better for those lucky enough to find work. (Continued from Page 2) Discussion sections in these courses will meet this week. Laboratory sections will have their first meetings next week. English 232, Studies in Elizabethan Literature: Students electing Eng- lish 232 will meet to decide on class hours in 2211 A.H. at 4:00 p.m. today. English 284 and 212b will meet at 4:00 p.m. today in 2215 A.H. John R. Reinhard English 190, Junior Honors: The first meeting of the class will be to- day from 4:36 to 5:30 p.m., in 2225 A.H. Friday, February 21, to be eligible to take the make-up examinations in German I, I, 31, and 32 to be announced later. Required Hygiene Lectures for Wo- men, 1941: All first and second sem- ester freshmen women are required to take the hygiene lectures, which are to be given the second semester. Upperclass women who have not com- pleted the hygiene lectures, or their equivalent Hygiene 101, should also enroll for these lectures, at the time of regular classification at Waterman Gymnasium. Any women who did not complete the lecture series in a previous year are urged to atten'd the lectures so that they may pass the final examination, thereby com- pleting the requirement. To all seniors and juniors, College te ngs eoeon of Engineering: A board of naval Ithe following sections. Each section medical examiners will conduct ex- Fili meet at the same hour and day aminations of all candidates for corn-{ ach week for seven weeks. aminsions i h aaddRtesefrve om- Section No. 1, Monday, 4:15-5:15. missions in the Naval Reserve on Dt ffrtmeig eray2 Tuesday, February 25, at Naval Date of first meeting, February 24; R.O.T.C. Headquarters North Hall.I Room: Natural Science Aud. P.o.T.C.6Herd397rtorsapoitmHant.Section No. 2: Tuesday, 4:15-5:15. Phone 396 or 397 for appointment Date of firt metig Februry25; to insure consideration and to avoid Boom: Natural Science Aud.ary2; congestion. om:Ntra*ceneAd tio. L. A. Davidson These lectures are a graduation re- quirement. To the Students enrolled in the Margaret Bell, M.D. Series of Lectures on Naval Subjects: Medical. Adviser to Women The sixth Lecture on Naval Subjects will be delivered by Commander L. A. Concerts Kniskern, U.S.N. of the Navy Depart- ment, subject Naval Architecture in University Musical Society will pre- theNa onc TN urayr Ftebury insent the Budapest String Quartet; th a 4:00pm. m urso 348 W.En- Josef Roismann, First Violinist; Al- 20thanaer4:00upem.ein roomn348 W. ,En- i C 'i IIT I I t 3 T t 1 I i l 1 1 t : 1 Staff I Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: GERALD E. BURNS The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Daily Californian's Fosition Defended . WAY OVER on the sunny shores of Caifornia the alumni of a large university have been aroused for some time over the "noisy radicals" who are, alleged to dominate the student news- paper. The school is the University of Califor- nia and the paper The Daily Californian. Perhaps there is no analogy between the Uni- versity of Michigan and the University of California. Certainly the western institution is not troubled with "dissatisfied minorities from the East." Nonetheless the trend of events there mnakes interesting reading even in Ann Arbor. For one thing, it lends evidence to the view that there is nothing much new in the world. It also shows that even in the land of sun-kissed beaches and beauty queens, youth is distrustful of adult attitudes, and vice-versa. A portion of the California feuding has oc- curred in the alumni magazine. One of the mem- bers of the class of 1912 penned his charges against the paper. Just recently the reply came from the Daily Californian's editor, a girl named Sarita Henderson. Miss Henderson's words have a familiar, and close-to-home ring. We offer her sentiments to Daily readers because the parallel seems to be so striking. SHE STATES: "Allegations have been made that The Daily Californian has fallen into the control of noisy radical malcontents. "These charges are not new, neither are they true. They have, however, been given credence and official weight by the president of Calif- ornia's Alumni Association, Charles S. Wheeler, Jr. "Evidence for these charges which would re- quire a defense has not been forthcoming. Never- theless, to avoid a misconception in the minds of alumni, those of us who know the paper best would like to present the facts as we know them. "In all consideration of the paper it should be kept in mind that The Californian is a practical laboratory where students may learn the basic mechanics of journalistic vocations-learn them the hard way through individual experience, individual thinking, and competition with other students. It is first of all a newspaper with an obligation to present all campus news to the students . "T HE CALIFORNIAN is open to any of the 11,000 university students who meet the re- quirements for participation in activities. The paper is edited by a 10-man editorial board whose personnel. changes -annually. Within my three and one-half years on the paper, the ma- jority of these boards have been what Mr. Wheeler would term "conservative". No slate of appointees has been railroaded into the top positions by a minority group, because the se- lection is based on merit, not on political in- clination. Seldom has an editor been appointed without the unanimous vote of the preceding editorial board, an evidence of agreement on qualifications which has never extended to politics. "Based on the premise that a minority group holds the reins on the Californian, Mr. Wheeler states, 'Its editorial staff has no right to use the gineering. Seniors' who- have made preliminary application for commis- sion as Ensign E-V (S) should attend if practicable. Political Science 52, Sec. 1 (MWF 9) will meet in room 209 Angell Hall instead of 212 A.H. - L. Preuss Speech Majors with a Social Stu- dies Code Minor: It is very important that you see your adviser immedi- exander schineider, Second violinist;, Boris Kroyt, Violist, and Mischa Schneider, 'Cellist, in the Ninth. Chor- al union concert, Thursday, February 20, at 8:30 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. The program will consist of com- position by Brahms, Schubert, Wolf and Beethoven. George Faxont guest artist on the Organ Recital Series, will present a concert at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Although the program will be complimentary to the general ately. i I I W. P. Halstead public, small children cannot be ad- mitted. for obvious reasons. / , Y The City Editor's !Lpc~atch POW IF YOU'RE IN THE MOOD, shed a tear for the Union's winter carnival. Planned several weeks ago, the festival hinged on the favors of the weather man. His cooperation was not forthcoming until this week, and then the plans had to be rushed before the cold spell ceased. Uncle Sammy has just hired a new host- ess up at Fort Custer, Battle Creek. Her name is Marion Phillips, but don't get ex- cited. This M. P. is no relation of Michigan's "I Hate Men", and she is 47 years old. NDIANA visited town Monday with a wrestling team. It is probably the roughest bunch of self-defense artists in the Big Ten. And the biggest, strongest, most villainous appearing creature of them all was a Hoosier named Tremble. Most entitled to sing the blues this -week: Coach Cliff Keen who was stripped of five potential first team grapplers because of scholastic difficulties. - ---------- - desire to masquerade as the voice of the stu- dents, and this has been shown in the han- dling of the editorial page. Prominently displayed in the 'editorial column is a boxed notation which reads: 'Editorials and fea- tures in The Californian reflect the opinions of the writer. They make no claim to repre- sent student or University opinion. All un- signed editorials are by the editor.' While it is true that the editor's opinions have been reprinted in other papers as representing the students as a whole, the error lies in the reprint, and not through the intention of the writer. The Californian should not be called to fault for a misconception to which it has not contributed in any way, and which indeed it has tried repeatedly to correct in the public mind ... "THE CALIFORNIAN has done what it could to allow every member of the university space to express his sentiments. Just as there is no monopoly of political opinion on the/edi- torial board, there is no monopoly of space on the editorial page. Contributions are always welcome. Indeed when a distinct point of view has not been expressed in the columns of the paper by our own staff members, we have ac- tively solicited it from those who could forcibly champion it. FIRE & WATERI by moscott A LONG TIME AGO just before finals began and The Daily ceased publication, in fact, it seems like ages ago, we entered into a con- troversy with a gentleman by the name of Frank Ryder. The controversy was ended for the time with the publication of his letter in the last first semester issue of The Daily. We, however, are resuming the discussion at this time because (1) we love a good argument and (2) we believe that in his last letters this gentleman made some rather vicious statements that should be refuted. But before we enter the fray, we'll list a few of the tenets of our position as of February 18,; 1941: (1) we favor limited aid to Britain but op- pose that aid when it seems probable that it will involve us in actual war (and please gentlemen, let's have no quibbling about our already being in the war as we believe you. understand what we mean when we say "entrance in the war"; (2) we believe that all those who favor all-out aid to England should realize the logical and pro- bable consequences of such aid, and if they favor all aid even to the extent of going to war, should say so; and (3) we believe that all those who consider the present struggle between Britain and 3ermany is the Armageddon, is the great and de- cisive struggle for democracy and the defense of the United States, should enlist immediately in some part of the Canadian armed forces or if such action is impossible, sacrifice their stan- dard of living and give as much of their income to Bundles for Britain or foreign exchange to King George. TO MR. FRANK RYDER and this is in defense of the Michigan forum: (1) the managers of the Michigan Forum did not release the re- sults of the poll taken after the debate on the lease-lend bill in deference, first, to your feel- ings and, secondly, because the group present was, we believe, too small to be a reliable stand- ard for polling. When we sent a letter to the Edi- tor finally revealing the results, we were not attempting to "let the cat out of the bag" as you claim, but rather in admitting that our poll was unreliably attempting to show that a poll of 30 students was likewise unreliable. (2) We resent quite strongly your inference that the Michigan Forum ongthe lease-lend bill was "packed" to favor a negative vote on House Bill No. 1776. We thought you, Frank, were more fair than to make such an inference. If the door witl 'Yes" above it was less accesible, it was your responsibility to point that out to the speaker. If you lacked supporters for your posi- tion at the discussion, Frank, you surely can't charge that the meeting was "packed." All meet- ings of the Michigan Forum are completely open to the public and everyone is permitted to speak if he so desires. It seems that the supporters of your position, however, were too apathetic even to attend such a discussion which could lead the public to the conclusion that those who favor all-out aid to England are afraid to air their German Make-up Examination. All students must bring written permis- sion from their instructors and reg- ister in the office 204 U.H. before RECORDS Glenn Miller is nothing if not am- bitious: no realm of geography, no source of musical material is too far afield for special treatment. The re-I sult is a trip, on Victor's time, one week to Italy for the "Anvil Chorus," on week to Russia for the Song of the Volga Boatmen. But as Glenn sees the familiar struggle of men and a river, it has as much Lenox Avenue as Nishni-Novgorod, and even a bit of startling fugue, does not seem out of place. Quite brazenly, Glenn's men enter into the spirit of the thing with appropriate groans and rhythmical murmurs, so that what finally emer- ges is, for this observer, a much more skillful and imaginative job than the earlier "Anvil Chorus." On the "B" side, there is a reversion to type with a conventional ballad, Chapel in the Valley. You will probably know the words before Ray Eberle gets them out. Meanwhile, Benny Goodman, in. the Columbia fold has been pursuing a policy of featuring the various mem- bers of his organization on the Jazz Masterworks records. Thus, a 12-inch medium-slow-drag interpretation of More Than You Know is given over mostly to Helen Forrest to do with what she will, while, on the other side, Cootie Williams exihibits a ver- satile trumpet in a weird song label- led 'Superman.' Again, in Somebody Stole My Girl and I'm Always Chas- ing Rainbows top spot goes to Saxo- phonist George Auld, although Benny encroaches somewhat, The first ar- rangement seems often labored; the second is smoothly effective. Final- ly, Benny's sextet indulges in inci- dental work in two fine quiet, little numbers: Benny's Bugle and As Long As I Live. Both are foot-tapping af- fairs featuring Count Basie's simple "boogie-woogie" piano, Williams' searching trumpet, and some amaz- ing transitions by Benny and Charlie Christian on the guitar. FOR THE RECORD: In his own right, Count Basic has done, for Co- lumbia, It's the Same Old South, a swinging tune from Broadway's "Mee the People" with some wry lyrics, anc Love Jumped Out, a smoothly orch- estrated fox trot . .. Victor has re- leased what appears to be the firs recordings of the Golden Gate Quar tet, a Negro group that Mrs. Roose velt reportedly had something to d( with. The numbers: Jonah and th Whale and Timber. The first drag a bit, but is the better side . . . Thi month Columbia also released its tri bute to the late Hal Kemp. Its al bum (eight records) contains only nn n>>mar hot Victor includled ii Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Harold Ingholt, formerly Lecturer on Arch- acology at the American University, Beirut, Syria, and Lecturer on Semi- tic Philology and Old Testament Lit- erature, University of Aarhus, Den- mark, will lecture on the subject, "The Danish Excavations at Hama, Syria," (illustrated with slides), at 4:15 p.m. on Friday. February 21, in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited. University Lectures: The Honorable Edwin Lowe Neville, recently Ameri- can Minister to Thailand, will give the following lectures under the au- spices of the Political Science De- partment at 4:15 p.m. in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre: February 24: "The Far Eastern Background."~ February 26: "Frontiers in East Asia." March 3: "The Consolidation of Japan." March 5: "Far Eastern Reactions to Western Penetration." The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Georg Steindorff, Professor Emeritus of Egyptologyand former' Director of the Egyptological Collection, Uni- versity of Leipzig, will lecture on the subject, "Masterpieces of Egyptian Sculptors," under the auspices of the Institute of Fine Arts at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, February 25, in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The pub- lic is cordially invited. University Lecture: Charles E. Kel- iogg, Chief of Soil Survey Division, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. and member of Association of American Geographers, will lecture on the subject, "The Sci- entist and Agricultural Policy in a Democratic State" under the au- spices of the Department of Geogra- phy at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, Febru- ary 27, in the Rackham Amphithe- atre. The public is cordially invited. Dr. Hobart R. Coffey, University of Michigan Law Librarian, wil speak on the topic, "The Librarian as a Citizen," at the next meeting 01 the Progressive Librarians' Counci. docal chapter, tonight in the West I Lecture Room of the Rackham Build. - ing, Mezzanine floor. a Everyone interested is welcome. t A discussion and question period d will follow Dr. Coffey's talk. Events Today t - The Research Club will meet in th - Rackham Amphitheatre tonight atk o o'clock. Two papers will be read a e follows: s "Function Word and Word Zrde s in the Grammar of Modern Englisl, - by Professor Charles C. Fries, an - "The Heredity of Convulsive Type y of Behavior" in Mice of the Genu n Peromyscus." by Professor Lee R Alpha Phi Omega will meet tonight at 8:00 in the Michigan Union. The room number will be posted on the bulletin board. All members attend. Slavic Club will meet in Room 18, International Center tonight at 8 o'clock. All Slavic students are urged to be present. Phi Sigma meeting will be held tonight in the Outing Club Room at the Graduate School at 8:00. Dr. Paul Henle, of the Philosophy Depart- ment, will speak on "Application of Logic to Biology." Refreshments. Senior Education Student and Fac- ulty Relations Committee will meet today at 8:00 p.m. in Room 325 in the Michigan Union. Zeta Phi Eta will meet today in Room 4208 Angell Hall. Attendance is compulsory. All Students who are interested in participating in the. University Sec- ond Band are invited to attend the rehearsals held every Wednesday and Friday from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. in Mor- ris Hall. The Michigan Party Executive Committee and Party Council will meet tonight at 7:15 in the Michigan Union. A meeting of the entire party will follow at 7:30. The room num- ber will be posted on the bulletin board. Women's Debate: There will be a meeting of the women's varsity de- bate squad, 5:00-5:30 p.m. today in room 4003, Angell Hall. Women's Glee Club: Rehearsal to- night at 7:15 in the Kalamazoo Room of the League. Freshmen who wish to join second semester are ask to re- port at 7:00 p.m. Theology Seminar will meet today at Lane Hall at 4:15 p.m. The Michigan Anti-War Commit- tee will meet tonight in the Michigan Union at 8:00. Modern Dance Club: First meet- ing of second semester will be held tonight at 7:30, Barbour Gymnasium. Theater Arts Make-up Committee meeting at' the League at 5:00 p.m. today. If you can't come, please call Veitch Purdom. Wesley Foundation: Student Tea and Open House, 4:00-5:30 p.m., to- day in the First Methodist Church. All Methodist students and their friends are cordially invited. Michigan Dames: Drama Group will meet at the League tonight at 8:00. Prof. Wm. F. Halstead, of the Department of Speech will speak on "The Current Season on Broadway.' Michigan Dames: Bridge Group will meet at the League tonight at 8:00. Coming Events A.I.E.E. Meeting: Mr. V. E. Legg of the Bell Telephone Laboratories will speak on "Magnetic Materials," on Thursday, Feb. 20, at 8:00 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Business: a nomin- ating committee to be selected. La Sociedad Hispanica will present the third of its 1940-41 series of lec- tures, "Alguns Poetas Latino-Ameri- canos" by Professor Keniston at 4:15 p.m., on Thursday, February 20, in Room 103 Romance Languages. International Center:. The pro- gram of activities at the Internation- al Center for the second semester has just come from -the press and will be fmailed this week. Anyone interested in having one who does not receive it by mail may call at the office of the Center or phone Miss/Gwinner (4121, extension 2131). The regular schedule will be re- sumed this week: the special classes in English for foreign students, the classes in Portuguese, the Wednes- day evening music hour, the Thurs- day tea, the Friday recreation night l and the Saturday afternoon round table. The Sunday evening series will be t opened on Sunday at 7:30 p.m. with _a recital by Mrs. S. Walter Mower, pianist, and Mrs. Waldo C. Johnston, violinist. This program follows the d Sunday supper. Winter Sports Weekend at Patter- son Lake will be held Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 22 and 23, weather per- e mitting. An organization meeting 8 will be held at 4:30 p.m. on Thurs- Sdayin the Women's Athletic Build- ing. If unable to attend this meet- s ing,. please contact Bill Ager (6847) or Gertrude Inwood (2-4471). Fellowship of Reconciliation: Medi- s tation group will meet ..Thursday mornings this semester, at 7:30 in ." L_ T __ T ..7 x ~ s c:. TN . I