7 WEDNESDAY, MARCR 12, 19T1E M4C1HIG N Ii W PAGE V. -Two Jewelery Designers Go To Nature For Nev For A Date Gadgets Are Novel 0 Shells, Cork, Wood Offer Colorful Ideas Sporting World Contributes Cues For Novelties In Fashion; Flowers, Animals Are Popular By FRANCES GOLDBERGC Gilding the lily will be delightful work this Spring, for jewelry de- signers have created some arresting styles to don this season's wardrobe. Jewelry will be fun to wear and clever designers have conceived most of their ideas from the sporting world. Sailing is important recreationally, and in fashion too. One necklace boasts of natural wooden boats and anchors alternately hung on a chain of wooden rings. A breezy accessory is a graceful sailboat made of a pa- triotic red, white and blue plastic material that promises to last longer than one sailing. Now you can make your strikes and spares outside of bowling alleys by wearing an intricate pin of a mipia- ture bowling ball that always knocks them down. Jacks Provide Adornment Returned to popularity is the game of jacks for entertainment and adorn- ment. One clever pin invites you to a game by extending a wooden hand full of gold, jacks and ball. You can steer your own boat now by wearing a unique silver captain's wheel en- crusted with rhinestone and a syn- thetic ruby center. Back to nature is easily the theme of jewelry makers, for they have-re- turned to using nature's raw mater- ials for some clever novelties. Whole necklaces of square bits of bright hued sponge are effective on sweat- ers, and their ;brilliance and size are reminiscent of Hawaiian leis. Cork, jewelry dressed up in pastel lacquers and assuming the shape of bottle tops make cute sports bracelets and necklaces. Real unpolished shells combined with rough leather compose necklaces of a primitive charm. Unusual and colorful is the jewelry made up of bamboo sticks and red and green stones. Nuts Add Glamour Man's ingenuity added to just the common pecan1 produces some start- ling results, for nuts are no longer nuts when an artistic mind thinks of glamorizing the ordinarily unat- tractive shells. A real fashion terror is the necklaces with hand painted faces of cannibal witch doctors which is strikingly like the larger coconut heads of zombies. Then too, authen- tic sea horses have been processed for use as jewelry. Evolved from the fad of wearing footwear on or dresses are the gold or silver Roman sandals which act as clips to add a classic touch to modern dresses. To be truly bewitch- ing, yet feminine, add pins of rhine- stone or brilliants to your costume. Huge sprays of flowers, graceful bow knots, lucky horse shoes, keys, and question marks are popular patterns for these dressier jewels. Wood is as good as ever for casual accents, and either plain or pointed fruits or animals are fashion leaders. Pins of carved wood are now made to resemble floral pictures in frame- work. 4 . t-~ II3 i'ea (e~r3J 4',.. ep Ca By JEANNE CRUMP .i ' 1 .% 3 i t ;:;.>: x4:: Since Fashion Futures a few months ago enough time has passed to see what predictions have rung true. "Fashion Loyalties," the color green, straighter skirts, ruffles and flowered hats were among them. All have proven themselves. The loyalties are the biggest fa- vorites, and top among them is U. S. boosting with military trends, and best of those are the sailor outfits. Navy blue, gold buttons, square collars and anchors adorn feminine raiment now. Gold chains and mnilitary belts on suits give the army full credit as do stripes and eagle emblems. Even the air corps does its part to decorate a white crepe formal with spreading wings below the neckline. Next most acceptable of the loyal- ties, is Chinese. Smoothest of cover- up fo).mals under the oriental influ- ence can be topped by large flowers, ~ LI Tailored Suits Take .Dictation From Militia The men of the country won't be alone in uniform this spring, not with the styles that designers have "draft- ed" or created in women's suits. Borrowing their ideas from the army, the navy, the air force and the military splendor of past cen- turies, they have turned out trim two and three piece outfits for sports- wear and dressier occasions, tailored very much like those of our fighting forces. Dressed America plans to show itself again and again in spring fashions with tierred skirts in both afternoon and evening clothes. Mex- ico donates miles and miles of multi-colored beads to twine around your neck, and the South Sea islands gives us lei-length flowered necklaces. Another suggestion by XI Mexico Is an off-the-face I)" sombrero with Dutch cap crown, and the enormous brim is gathered at the crown. But most applause in -iats goes to the screwy little things that are absolutely swamped with flowers and veiling. They're often perched on the forehead but when they're back of the head, they're really far back so that a pompadour hair-do fits in. Flowers must be built up even higher than the pom- padour. Four new points are combined in this suit. It is green tweed, and it also has a straight skirt. Or- Bandy ruffles come spilling out of the neckline, and the jacket is very long. This long torso fad was not new last January but will none the less be a powerful factor in spring styles. Ruffles and all types of lingerie collars are much in evidence, and this too is a style for after- noon and evening. Latest devel- opment is to have flounces fall- ing over the wrist. California saddle leather is this spring's most flat- tering for shoes. . It's a sandy col- ored smooth lea- ther, which is also quite adaptable to purses and gloves.o Earrings are show- ing themselves VIf, I more nowadays in a host of varying themes. A summer sports frock which has yet to prove .itself but should have a brilliant future is linen and looks as if the sleeves have been forgotten-quite on purpose. It comes above the knees and has a chiffon scarf knotted loosely around the neck. Another important sum- mer feature will be the broomstick pleated skirt. From the looks ofI things, it should be a gay spring. v Teme Straight-Lined Sport Jackets Reach To Hips Mannish Influence Still Popular; Open-Throat Models Fashioned Of Soft Materials Are Shown By GERALDINE STADELMAN Women's fashions seem to have been drafted into the army. This impression is given by pre- views of this spring's sport coats. The influence of the army and navy upon the new styles can't be overlooked. The women, also, this year will have gold stripes on their sleeves. The gold buttons down the front of the jacket are decorated with the United States eagle, and some styles even have epaulets on the shoulders. For those who are strong for the navy, there are jackets with nautical designs on the sleeves. Mannish Influence Noted But this mannish influence is car- ried even into the design of the spring sport jackets. The new styles are very tailored and generally masculine ap- pearing. The long hip length, to- gether with the straight liues of the jacket, add to this appearance, and also help emphasize. the long slim f figure, which is going to be more pop- ular than ever this spring. The latest thing in jacket collars is the open-throated style, made like the silk shirts which dominate campus this season. Most of the jackets this spring will be continuing this new trend. Materials Are Soft t Long Wooden String Of Baby's Beads Gives New Necklace or bouquets over each ear. Absolute- ly cute is the Chinese No. 1'House Boy jacket that has grosgrain edging its high neck, down the front and ac- centing the slits on the side. Color Are Dull Most of the suits are very tailored and in navy or some dull color re- sembling khaki, like the uniforms of the present day, but many make I use of lighter blues, reds and the cape-like effects which added dash to the garb of the officers of the 18th and 19th centuries. Greek wraps also follow this trend. In earth brown they adapt themselves to a wool jersey after- soon dress, and in ice blue to a silk jersey evening dress. South Chic Hairdress We take the baby's beads, not his Another new item.which the spring rattle, for a whimsical new idea injackets will feature is bound braid. costume jewelry. A long string of This braid is carried around the edge these wooden beads spikes p sweat- of the collar, down the front of the ers, and gives us something to cut jacket, and on the edges of the large our wisdom teeth on. gt square pockets. It will be seen partic- ularly in white, but also in red and Animals of any species, size, or blue -- adding to the nautical influ- color have always been favored. This ence on some of the jackets. spring seems partial to the aquatic As to a hint on the, materials of fmlfor the walrus in a silvery A oahn ntemtraso pasicy ate adusonthesport coats, there is a wonderfully plastic material and lion tusks is im- soft new cloth, called kitten's ear portant. Lobsters of delicate pastel wool, which is threatening to be pre- enamels and jeweled antennae, and dominant this spring. Then there is long and many armed octopuses crawl British wool and, to continue with out of their watery habitats to strike the masculine appearance, men's a pretty pose on suit lapels. For more flannel - and not to forget rabbit's weighty decoration, we name the hair wool, which is still showing its necklace of white elephants as a popularity. cute accessory. Beige is going to be very good A really splendid sight is that of this year, in both separate jackets and proud father duck decked out in complete suits. Also, plaids are still derby, taking the lead in a stroll while way up in the foreground, with gor- all the younger ducks bring up the geous pink, blue, and yellow designs rear. being shown. Ensignia's, models copied from ev- ery branch of the service, are used'Features Bangs as designs for gold buttons, lapel dec- orations or even on the sleeves of Side Curls At Temples Soften the coat to add to the military air. S Finally blouses, and other acces- New Stylish Pompadour sories, such as hats and bags can be added which will be in keeping with If you want your new hair-do to be the note. 4bang up with chic this spring you Ideas Are Aired will go for bangs. True, this is not a completely new For bangs it is to be, whether a fashion trend, for in every wartime, mere wisp of a short lock at the side fashion usually assumes a martial of the forehead, or an out and out air but the suit I am about to de- bang across the front. However, the scribe is strictly new for it gets its all-across-the-forehead bang is only inspiration from the newest unit of for the very young things and should# warfare-the air force. be shunned by the late twenties and! It is a three piece suit of natural after. covert with a slim skirt and a strict- The arrival of the bang does not ly tailored torso jacket. It has en- necessarily mean that the up hair-do signia crested gold buttons, and a with the pompadour is out. The bang brown belt that is a miniature of is being used in a number of ways the kind army officers wear. to soften the latter a bit-a lock at The top coat is a trench-coat of one of both temples, or, where an wrap-around style and three-quarter unstudied pompadour arrangement is length sleeves. The lapel of the jacket worn, a soft curl that seems merelyC and coat sport tiny "wings." Any to have escaped. women wearing this would feel per- One particularly charming version fectly at ease on a shopping expedi- of the bang is with the hair parted tion or an expedition into the clouds in the center and a few feathery in her own plane. curls at e4ther side of the part. P0 U LOOKinG G LRSS Ahce Flower-strewn hankies to accent new spring clothes are found at the Polhemus shop fo an infinitesimal quarter. Un- usual costume jewelry, much of it inwood or brig tleterb- evitable wardrobe leg basis, you will find long-wearing Globe 1 and Larkwood hosiery in new- est shades, begnig at 69c. K/ Corner-stone of every sprng ward- robe is a good coat. Whether its belt- yo'u want this year, the Dillon shop promise to fill your request. Covert cloth Iis prominent and especially practical in a military, blue model cravenetted to shed rain. /d forall-round weather wear is "Cap'n Jack," new rain f7 hater by Printzess. Epaulets on V1 houlder and army-inspired b u t n i t f a s e n s w i t h a s a s h NA blt. hIb beige, red, navy, or lih Aluea nbd'just the thing ornn A 's spring. Housecoats to relax in are a prime necessity, s~u so Jacobsons have2 been able to f indA Isome combining glamour with relaxability. Mexican colors In silk jersey put a green and yellow sash against a terra cot- ta background. A Soth Amer- ic lan print scatters big flowers Iand pineapples in gay colors. White pola dots on navy are emphasizedl by white levers onV1 ยง,a trim, tailored, and full-skirted style. Or you can be lucky as well as 'practical in rd wash- able silk printed with four-lea MR clvrs 1 /I /2 Kr j To blend with spring wardrobes j is the scent of , Shulton's "Friendship Garden." Violet, primrose, jasmine, pink and heliotrope are subtly com- bined in delightfully refresh- ing toiletries-talcum, cologne soap, sachets, or dusting pow- der. At Calkins-Fetcher in 1.00 or 200 sets. 11 Ewer-effieientJ and competent service is found at the Vogue beauty hP a7n Wetrwha NE'S will 1' F V . .d.. ..- V i t Youth's in the SADDLE-t one . Sp:gs:xiig:ntrL colo"a leathers! New honey ,hue that's a bright ray of sunshine with your>. >9 ": " :r" :r your Formals 4 Lace Net Chiffon Moire Taffeta Mousseline de Soie obtain their lustre and body during the manufacturing process in which the pores of these materials are filled with sizing. This sizing comes out with wear and is replaced during our finishing process. for New Life and Lustre beige-to-toast or sissy coLor ed little woolens. Heels on these Walk-Overs are low...toes are round and roomy. So soft. ..so flexible...your feet feel as lively as a mustangl ;. s "4'.a -..... i:y" s } :::ii::. i. "., NAVAJO n 9 qu 9 '-1 L 1I II I 1 J'J3 i I