Fo u THE MICHIGAN-- DAITAN TMAMAV- 11fAII.C fit 11 1441 T Has Mu ~ flaTs .a 4. as-1 V -C- 14 ,A .ILA .5. T 4 d T I TT I l "T v~- . T . -.. -. _"'-""I l1 £4i VtJ , l.', lI LA1.1? 1 *J L ri IJU 11 MIUCIGAN DAILY lm ) Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.- Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All tights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.J Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan. as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI3NG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. 1:College Publisbers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CNICAGO * BOSTON . LoS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Stafff Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Laurence ascott Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman. . . . . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . City Editor . . . ~. Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor * . . . Associate Editor . . . . . Sports Editor .Women's Editor . . . . Exchange Editor Business Stafff Business Manager Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager . Irving Guttman . Robert Gilmour . Helen Bohnsack . . Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: ALVIN DANN The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. i Profits, Defense . . Whither Democracy? . . .0 RICHARD BOYER, writing in PM, tells this episode: "On my last day in Germany I talked to a Nazi official in the Foreign Office for a long time. With a peculiar, bitter. little smile curling at his thin lips, he spoke of the world, of England, and of the U.S.A. "'There is only one way to beat us, and it is beyond the power of your so-called democracies to do it. You would have to extend democracy to an extent that it is impossible to do with your plutocrats. You can't win,' he said, and his manner was taunting and unpleasant. 'Look at France. Her rich men were afraid to win, afraid to fight because they feared the people. It will be the same in all countries. Your wealthy men are more afraid of the people than of us." YOU MAY QUESTION the authenticity of this interview. You may doubt whether it ever took place, if such words were spoken. But i its implications there is painful truth. For from the very inception °of the defense program there have been powerful'business interests in the United States putting "profits above patriotism" *nd paying mere lip service to the cause of de- mocracy. It has been thus in Great Britain and in every other nation which has been the object of Hitler's drive. Evidence proving this mockery of total defense fense is not lacking. Aluminum, according to a recent estimate, is produced at a cost of 11 cents per pound. Military aircraft are more than 80 per cent aluminum. Yet it was pointed out in the New Republic, the selling price of aluminum has ranged between 17 and 35 cents per pound. The American people are now paying for these profits; (1) Hitler has been further aided in his fight to create industrial and financial chaos in the democracies; (2) the huge profits made by the ALCOA monopoly have contributed much to- wards keeping aluminum production down, so that at this time, facilities for its production are inadequate, fitted perhaps for "business as usual," but not for matching Germany's indus- trial might; (3) our air forces are inexcusably weak. In the vital aiation industry, the case has been little better. I. F. Stone made serious charges against the industry last summer in The Nation, which have not been contradicted. They boil down to this: "It is well to recall that government aid made the development of avi- ation possible and that the aviation industry played an important part in giving Hitler the , world's greatest air fleet. The companies are now intent on cashing in at our government's ex- pense on the menace they helped to create," Mr. Stone poins out how the industry developed through the letting government mail contracts, sometimes at huge profits to the operators, and by plane purchases. THEN, FIRMLY established, the aviation in- dustry went after -the foreign market. "Three aviation companies," Mr. Stone charges, "ex- tended aid to Hitler in building up his air fleet: Pratt and Whitney, Curtiss-Wright, and Doug- las Aircraft. Equally valuable help was rendered by Sperry Gyroscope, ioaker of a Ut)Ia uit ip;julots, gyro compas, and Otie' aviatiou iintrminnCits The Reply Churlish by TOUCHSTONE THERE IS A MAN. His name is Anning. He is a nice man. For a long time he has been intereted. What has he been interested in? In the Michigan Daily. Why is he a nice man? Because his interest is friendly. What does he do? He catches typos. Mostly. What else does he do? He says my sentences are too long. Do I resent it? No, because I like Mr. Anning. Also because my sentences are too long. Mr. Anning sends postcards. On them he points out mis- takes to us. This is better than many other people do. It is specific. It is also cheerful, and helpful. Many people only carp. Mr. An- ning does not carp. He does not criticize our politics. He does not think we are dangerous. We like Mr. Anning. He is as ready to praise as to condemn. That is good. Also unusual. His is a good hobby. And he is right. I am amazed at how long some of my sentences get to be. But how's this, Mr. Anning? As stated in my column 3-8-41, I admit the influence of E. B. White in my journal- istic (cane-carrying newspaperman) enter- prises. Only mention this because latest fan letter, for which I am duly grateful, seems to detect shades of 0. O. McIntyre in my stuff. Nix. My father has always been violently opposed to anything smacking of Mr. William Randolph you-know-who, and this extends to the late O. O. McIntyre. So, simply and succinctly, I just never read Mc- Intyre during my or his life, Maybe I imi- tate him. I wouldn't know. But if I do, shame on you, Mr. E. B. White. ENOUGH OF MY AWFUL LINEN. An item which was cut for space reasons last week here concerned a bus ride from Detroit a week ago Sunday. A large bunch of Custer boys on the bus, returning after leave. All of them surprisingly young looking, and untough. Just like us. The station master got pretty nasty 'with a few pathetic parents who.sneaked in onto the loading platform to wave a last one at the kid going back to camp. The scene saddening, and alarming. The reason I dig it up again is this. On the way, a civvy in the seat behind me was talking to one of the boys in khaki. "How soon you think you'll be out?" he asked. "We don't know," the kid said. "Maybe a year, maybe ten years. We're in now. They can do about what they want with us." And in a spirit of bravado, when I originally wrote the item, I added something about let 'em try, kid. I'll be up there with you about next July. I know some boys who went in this February, and if they aren't out by next February there'll be some hell raised. 1HAT'S WHAT I SAID last week. Ha ha ha. The government beat me to it. The papers of Sunday a.m. this week carried a story, page one, saying that there was a pretty fair chance of the draftees not being let out in a year's time. Not much talk about the new class of eligible fodder coming up next fall or sooner. Not much about promises made earlier in the game. Not much talk at all at all. The Army doesn't have to explain things any more. The Army is hav- ing a hell of a swell time. It is running things for all of us. And isn't that nifty, fellows. Gentlemen of the younger generation, we have been done in, bilked, duped, had. If I hear one peep from a man over thirty- five about cynicism in the Young People of Today, I'll blast him right out if his digni- fied easy chair. I don't think we need to wait until this war is over to go through our post-war bitterness, gang. We are getting plenty of material for it right now. I wonder who will call me a fifth columnist if I say Hitler doesn't have to conquer this coun- try to make it over along his lines? Just look about you, ladies and gentlemen, and note the changes of the last two years. Are we military? Yeah man. Are we tough on labor? Yeah man (and more to come if the dirty X7+*8Z% don't fall in line For Defense). Are we one-sided? Yeah man. Have we done away with popular representation? Yeah man. Who runs the country?. Yeah man. Have we got censorship? Answer: yes or no. Are ae going to go in there and fight? Yeah man. So long until soon. But of course it is unpatriotic for labor to try and "grab off ten cents an hour" more in wages. The attitude of certain big businesses toward democracy is one of greed; in it they see great opportunities to exploit democracy, and if tempt- ingly advantageous, to double-cross it. Most to be condemned is the intense, shortsighted de- votion of a large influential portion of: the business world to profits without ethics. For- tune magazine queried 15,000 "high executives" and found that more than a third of those polled would do "as much" business "as possible" with an economic bloc dominated by Hitler, while 50 per cent more would follow opportunist pol- icies in effect. F SOME of our prominent business men are as determined to stop Hitlerism as they would have us believe, why dO they permit prof- it and dreams 6f monopoly to overshadow the most elementary principles of decency? Why do they continue to do business with aggressor nations? Why does Bethlehem Steel have 40 per cent of defense steel orders when its ca- pacity allows for 13 though other plants are idle? Why do the aviation and the automobile industries oppose the Ruether plan, a contribu- ti oa of great inagitude? , Tike situations have challenged all free pco- I Theatre Needed To the Editor: In a letter to The Daily -last week, the need for a community theatre, the need for an ex- perimental theatre was pointed out.. May I re- emphasize the importance of such a theatre. There is in Ann Arbor, and on the campus, a great deal of dramatic talent. It is a widely varied talent, coming from all parts of the coun- try, attracted by the fine English Department of our University and by the Hopwood awards. That this talent is important and worthy of attention is beyond question. That these plays need production, not only for the sake of the dramatist himself, not only for the drama-lov- ing public, but for the future of the drama in America, cannot be disputed. America cannot afford, in times such as these when cultures are being destroyed, to allow this talent to disappear because of neglect. The dramatist needs an experimental theatre to pro- duce his plays in order that he might "polish it up." America needs an experimental theatre in order to stimulate her talent. A culture will decay unless new life is brought into it. Look at the plight of the Broadway stage this season- look at its paucity, its sterility. That the Amer- ican drama needs new life-blood no one can deny. Hence there is a great need for thees-- tablishment of community stages, for experi- mental theatres, A start has been made in other parts of the country, but unfortunately Ann Arbor, although one of the important centers of dramatic talent in the country, has no such theatre. Student plays are not and have not been produced. The only group which had produced student plays was Hillel. but they, too, have abandoned this policy. Witness their abortive effort last Friday night. Ann Arbor drama audiences deserve bet- ter than this, But why is this the situation? As far as I can find out the only dramatic stage, the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre, is a private, not a University institution. Since, then this is the case, who- ever wishes to produce a play has had to be very sure that the production would at least meet expenses. This has been the block over which Play Production has stumbled this season. "The Bat," "Three Men On a Horse," "Margin For Error," and "Trelawney of the Wells" was poor fare for the intelligent drama lover. Again Ann Arbor audiences deserve better than this. Play Production is not to be entirely blamed for this. Such a selection of old, once popular plays was necessitated by the fact that they could not afford to take a chance on an experimental or an unknown student play for fear of not meeting expenses. The evidence, then, points toward the need for an experimental and cmmunity theatre, as was pointed out in a previous letter to The Daily. Ann Arbor drama lovers: let us do some- thing about this deplorable situation. Let us . demand a University or a community theatre. Alastair Craig, '41 RECORDS From time to time this column has been pur sued by wandering jazz zealots who want to know, usually in belligerent terms, why so-and- so's recording of such-and-such has not been acknowledged. Let it be put on record here and now that the question of what gets re- viewed in the popular line is pretty much out of our hands. We do not choose; we simply accept what the record companies send as the "outstanding" releases of the week, and are thankful for them. At that, it is usually not too difficult to be thankful. This week, for example, we are in receipt of a more or less recent recording for Columbia by Benny Goodman and band that has been on our "must" list for quite awhile. The recording: Benny Rides Again and The Man I Love, a 12-inch Jazz Masterwork. The first, despite its apparent lack of form, is in- teresting all ;the way, and gives Benny more fine solo work than he has undertaken ini months. The high spot of the number, how- ever is a quiet little steal from Rimsky-Korsa- kov's "Scheherezade." The second side has the smooth orchestral background that has always distinguished Goodman's bands, but this lis- tener still believes that Helen Forrest is a vo- calist of limited capabilities, none of which quite takes care of a ballad like The Man I Love. Benny has also waxed two indications that his new organization is rounding into smooth- ness. Perfidia and Let the Doorknob Hitcha have the full sound of a recording made in a ballroom, and are solid orchestra rocking all the way. Miss Forrest reaches for the vocal on the first; a weird, offtimes unintelligible Cootie Williams takes care of the second. FOR THE RECORD: Harry James with his own band has turned out Music Makers and Montivideo that show off a smooth trumpet and saxophone section. The first tune is a kind of "Shortnin' Bread," two-beat, walking rhythm number. Dick Haynes does the lyrics on the second, a surprisingly good BMI fox-trot . . . As logicUl successor to his "Beat Me Daddy" Will Bradley has recorded ano thcr rock-and-ride, Bounce Me Brother Witt) a Solid Four. the B TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1941 VOL. Ll. No. 112 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, March 12, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Apparatus Exchange: The Regents authorize the sale of scientific ap- paratus by one department to another, the proceeds of the sale to be credited to the budget account of the department from which the ap- paratus is transferred, under follow- ing conditions:- Departments having apparatus which is not in active use are advised to send description thereof to the University Chemistry Store, of which Professor R. J. Carney is director. The Chemistry Store headquarters are in Room 223 Chemistry Build- ing. An effort will be made to sell the apparatus in the other departments which are likely to be able to use it. In some instances the apparatus may be sent to ,the University Chem- istry Store on consignment and if it is not sold within a reasonable time, it will be returned to the department from which it was received. The ob- ject of this arrangement is to pro- mote economy by reducing the amount of unused apparatus. It is hoped that departments having such apparatus will realize the advantage to themselves and to the University in availing themselves of this oppor- tunity. Shirley W. Smith{ First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- sity has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern, well-located, Ann Arbor residential property. Inter- est at current rates. F.H.A. terms available. Apply Investment Office, Room 100, South Wing, University Hall. Public Health Assembly: Dr. H. A. Holle, Regional Medical Consultant of the United States Public Health Service, will be the guest speaker at the Public Health Assembly today, at 4:00 p.m. in the Auditorium of the W. K. Kellogg Institute. He will speak on "The Interests and Activities of the United States Public Health Serv- ice." All professional students in Public Health are expected to be' present. Vocational Guidance Talk on Nurs- ing: All students who expect to enter the School of Nursing, and all others' interested in the profession, should meet Miss Rhoda F. Reddig, Director of the School of Nursing, and mem- bers of her staff in the Lobby of Couzens Hall at 4:00 p.m. today. Miss Reddig will speak on the prepar- ation and qualifications necessary fora admission to the School of Nursing and various aspects of the profession. The next vocational guidance talk will be on Medicine, to be given by Dean A. C. Furstenberg on Thurs- day, March 13, in Room 319 in the] Michigan Union. All students ex- pecting to enter the medical profes- sion should meet with Dean Fursten- berg at that time. To resjdents of the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area: Through the gen- erosity of the University of Michigan Club of Pittsburgh, there is avail- able for the year 1941-42 one schol- arship providing free tuition in the School of Business Administration for a resident of' thc Pittsburgh area ivho meets the qualifications for ad mission to the School. These quali- fications include either a bachelor's degree (bachelor or arts or bachelor of science) from a recognized insti- tution and satisfactory preparation in the principles of economics, or satisfaction of requirements for ad- mission under the Combined Curricu- iJ lum in Letters or Engineering and Business Administration. An application should consist of a letter from the candidate, offering at least two references accompanied by an official transcript of the col- lege record of the applicant. Ap- plications should be directed to the Dean of the School of Buness Ad- ministration, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. They will be received up to June 1, and the award will be mde by June 10. Aeronautical Engineering Seniors: Positions in the government program of combined research work at Wright Field and graduate cooperative fel- lowships at the University of Cin- cinnati will be available in June for students in Aeronautical Engineer- ing graduating this year. These en- gineers work in the Experimental En- gineering Division of the Field for 30 weeks and attend the University for 21 weeks of the year. At all times they are actual Junior Engineers of Wright Field with leave for graduate study at the University, where they are classified as graduate students working toward their Master and Doc- tor of Science degrees. Students in- terested may consult the letter posted on the Aeronautical Engineering Bul- letin Board. Senior and Graduate Students in Aeronautical Engineering: Announce- ment is made of a Civil Service Ex- amination for Junior Engineer. Stu- dents interested should file applica- tions with the Civil Service Commis- sion immediately. Please examine the announcement concerning this posi- tion, which is posted on the Aero- nautical Engineering Bulletin Board. The Alumnae Council is again offering the Lucy Elliot Fellowship to women who wish to continue their studies in the graduate field. Any woman with an A.B. degree from a recognized College or University is eligible to apply. A graduate from the University of Michigan may use the award on any campus of her choice, but a graduate of any other College or Universityemust continue aer work at Michigan. Applications are available at the office of the Dean of Women, and must be returned by March 15. Appointment will be made April 15. The award carries a sti- ?end of $300.00. The American Association of Uni- versity Women Fellowship, in honor of May Preston Slosbon, is to be awarded for 1941-42. Open to women for graduate study. Application blanks may be obtained at the Gradu- ate School Office, and must be re- turned to that Office, together with letters of recommendations, before March 24, 1941. The Detroit Armenian Women's Club Scholarship: Young men or wo- men undergraduate students who are enrolled this year, who are of Armen- ian parentage, and whose residence is in Detroit may apply for the schol- arship of $100 which the Detroit Armenian Women's Club intends to provide for the year 1941-42. Candi- dates must be recommended by the institutions in which they are en- rolled. Selection, which is made by the donors, is on the basis of high scholastic ability in the field of con- centration, together with character. Recommendations must be made be- fore May 1, 1941. Students who be- lieve themselves qualified and seek recommendation by this University should apply to Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Assistant to the President, 1021 An- gell Hall. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Michigan Civil Service Examinations. Last date for filing application is April 2, 1941. 1Student Prison Social Worker A. salary, $85. Institution Recreation Listructo B, salary $105.I Institution rlecreation Istructor A2, salary $115. Practical Nurse Cl, salary $95. Cook Cl, salary $95. Cook B2, salary $105. Cook A2, salay $115. Cook Al, salary $140. Complete announcements on file at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. . All women working in League activ- ities must have their eligibility cards signedby Friday, March 14, in the undergraduate office of the League. Hours: 3-5 p.m. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Civil Service Examinations: DETROIT CIVIL SERVICE The Detroit Civil Service Commis- sion has open for examination the following fields: General, Engineer- ing, and Business Administration. These positions are open to seniors, residents of Detroit only. Minimum age-20. Starting salary: $1,560. Positions open to women require the use of typing and shorthand. Mr. Francis King, Principal Per- sonnel Examiner for the Detroit Civil Service Commission will be inter- viewing Thursday, March 13 and Fri- day, March 14 at the Michigan Muni- cipal League. Appointments should be made there beforehand. UNITED STATES Last date for filing application is noted in each case. Associate Entomologist (Taxo- nomy), salary $3,200, April 10, 1941. Deck Cadet in Merchant Marine, $50 mo. Room and Board, May 10, 1941. Engineer Cadet in Merchant Ma- rine, $50 mo. Room and Board, May 10, 1941. Student Nurse,. salary $288, April 7, 1941. Construction Inspection Coordina- tor, salary $3,800, until further no- tice. Principal Research Chemist (any specialized branch), $5,600, Dec. 34, 1941. Senior Research Chemist (any spe- cialized branch), $4,600, Dec. 31, 1941. Research Chemist (any specialized branch), $3,800, Dec. 31, 1941. Associate Research Chemist (any specialized branch), $3,200, Dec. 31, 1941. Assistant Research Chemist (any' specialized branch, $2,600, Dec. 31, 1941. Complete information on file at the University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Academic Notices Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet on Wednesday, March 12, in room 410 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. Professor R. H. Gillette and Mr. Theodore Berlin will talk on 'Some theoretical aspects of molre- fraction." Speech 127: Mr. Brandt's section will meet at 1 o'clock today. There will be a demonstration debate be- tween teams representing Wayne Uni- versity and the University of Michi- gan. Fine Arts 192: Special 'Meeting for members of the class only, at 3014 kackham Building-today 9 o'clock sharp. Preliminary Examinations for the Doctorate in English will be given at 9 a.m. in Room 3217 A.H. on the following schedule: American Literature with Contin- ental Backgrounds, April 23. English Literature..1700-1900, April 26. English Literature, 1550-1700, April 30. Engish Literature, Beginnings to 1500, May 3. All those intending to take the ex- (Oontinued on Page 5) LETTERS DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN TO THE EDITOR 76c City dgitor 6 £$cpatch Pad RAD IOSPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 750 KC - CBs 920 KC - NBC ied 1030 KC - Mutual 12411 KC-NBC Blue Tuesday Evening 6:00 News Ty Tyson Rollin' Bud Shaver 6:15 Liberty's Story Newscast Home Rhumba Band 6:30 Inside of Sports Frazier Hunt Conga Day In Review 6:45 Musical Lowell Thomas Time Waltz Prograin 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring Happy Joe Easy Aces 7:15 Lanny Ros Royal Review Val Clare Mr. Keen--Tracer 7:30 Haenschen Orch. Sherlock Mixture Melodies Ned Jordan 7:45 Haenschen Orch. Holmes Doc Sunshine - Secret Agent 800 Court of Johnny Gratiot Avenue Bert Bernie Presents Baptist Church Orchestra 8:15 Missing Heirs 1orace Heldt's Your Job Uncle Jim's 8:30 First Nighter Treasure Chest Interlude; News Question Bee I1:00 We, the People Battle of Montreal Grand Central :15 We, Hl People the Sexes Sympholy Station 0:30 Profeso r Quiz Fibber Mc e Orchestra John B. Kennedy 9:45 Pi rfesoQUIlZ And Molly Hlour Mysteries I KITE was yesterday. flying over The Daily Is that spring? Here is a true life fable. It is not funny, but it shows what a Michigan nan is up against. On The Daily there is a boy and a girl, quite "fond" of each other. Naturally he seeks dates, But tiis girl is ini deamtnd. In order to keep the dates straight she actually (and