: vaz ar, , x THE MICHIGAN. DAILY 1'A K' E R ! i 'Cellist Began Career At Six I --Aw - + - Wiw'S Who On The Podium.. Associate conductor under Orman- Harrell On Start In America; Novotna Rated Highly In N.Y. F K- - - dy is Saul Castor. American-born (__ drm__ by Arturo Toscanini, noted conductor, Mr. Caston joined the Philadelphia male contestants and a contract for she had become one of the musical Piatigorsky Aided Family Orchestra when only 16 and was the year. luminaries of Europe, appearing at Btt- the Paris Grand Opera, the Vienna By Playing Regularly made second trumpeter by Stokowski. Born the small town of Celeste State Opera, the Warsaw Opera and At Ukranian Cinemas Five years later he had advanced to a violinist. In his late teens he ear under Toscanini at Salzburg first place and now enjoys a reputa- ed money for his violin lessons by In addition to her operatic achieve- Gregor Piatigorsky, world-famed Lion as one of the finest trumpeters playing with the local theater or- ments in Europe, Madame Novotna 'cellist who will appear here at the chestra first in his home state and had been starred in a number of May Festival, is only 37 years old, in the world hater in Oklahoma, where he attend- European motion pictures, including but those years have been marked ed the State University. several of Max Reinhardt's major by a closely packed series of inci- Though relatively new in his post Shortly after he was graduated productions, notably "Die Schoene dents full of privation, suffering, ad- as Choral Union conductor, Thor from the university, he was awarded lene" "Die Fledermaus" and venture and romance. Johnson is a conductor who has won a scholarship to study violin in Phil- 'Tales of Hoffman". Born in the Ukraine in 1903, Pia- distinction for his magnetic ability adelphia with Emanuel Zetlin. As Born in Prague, Madame Novotna tigorsky began to play the 'cello at six as a leader. a side interest, he filled a long-felt came from a well-known Czech bank- years of age under the instruction of desire by taking vocal lessons with ing family. When only 17, she sang oif ae ndefrthe nveru aoo Before taking over -the reins of the his father. At first he never appear- BeCor ning in 1h0 Mr.nson Robert Lawrence Weer. It was not her first opera role, Violetta in "Tra- ed publicly to give 'cello recitals, but;Choral Umon m 1940, Mr. Johnson long before he gave up the violin to viata" at the Prague National Opera. when his family met ill luck a few was musical director of the Mozart concentrate on voie up the viliod The same role, when sung at the latr h strte tosuporthisFestival at WtSlemNC was cocnrteo oc. At the Juilliard jTh saerlwnsug tte years later he started to support hisinsonaem. Graduate School in New York he Metropolitan, has won the acclaim family by playing at the local cinema the holder of the Beebe Foundation studied with Madame Schoen-Rene. of the critics. houses. Scholarship for a year's study abroad Worked In Imperial Opera and has conducted the Little Sym- Stories of Harrell's boyhood reveal Madame Novotna participated in phony of the University on several that as a lad he developed a method the San Francisco and St. Louis Op- remai lonatky his ocured ost itours of the Middle West and South. of study of his own. By imitating the era seasons, before she appeared at remain long at his obscure post inmIvoices of great sopranos as he heard the Metropolitan for the first time the theatre orchestra, for he was soon As conductor of the University them on recordings, he learned such last season. She made her New York engaged as first 'cellist at the Imper- Symphony Orchestra, he has brought favorites as the Shadow Song from debut in "La Boheme", singing the' ial Opera in Moscow and also became that group to a high state of perfec- "Dinorah", as recorded by Galli- role of Mimi. She has also appeared a member of the string quartet of the tion. Local audiences should well-re- Curci, in "Orfeo et Eurydice" and "The Moscow Conservatory. member his work in producing "Mes- Marriage of Figaro". His promising career was inter- siah" last December in Hill Audi- !} Madame Novotna has also sung rupted by the Russian Revolution, torium. He is also the conductor of ! Mr. Toscainiwith the NBC Symphony Orchestra, and he decided that the new Russia, the Grand Rapids Symphony Orch- i in their performance of Beethoven's was no place for an ambitious artist. estra. "Ninth Symphony" at Carnegie Hall But it was not easy to obtain a pass- * * *Rated by New York musical critics and a special brodcast of DeBussey's port from the government, and in Head of the Youth Chorus, Juva as the most important recent addi- "The Blessed Damozel". 1921 Piatigorsky had to resort to de- Higbee, has trained hundreds of Ann I tion to the personnel of the Metro- Offstage Madame Novotna is Bar- pending on a band of smugglers to Arbor boys and girls. Her youthful politan Opera Company. Jarmila No- oness George Daubek. She is at pres- get him across the border. ! singers from Ann Arbor public votna, soprano, will sing in Ann Arbor ent the only titled member of the Robbed By Smugglers schools who will appear in the Festi- for the first time, when she appears Metropolitan, the first nobility since The smugglers robbed him of his val are a tribute to her ability to at the May Festival this year, the days of Maria Jeritza, who was last ruble and most of his clothing, handle children. Recommended to the Metropolitan Baroness von Popper. and he arrived in Warsaw in rags and ~ ~ --~ - tatters. After a period of painful ,want, he managed to substitute for a 'cellist at the Opera, and almost overnight he became a musical sen- sation. Emigrating to Germany, Piatigor- Fourth Festival Concert sky found Berlin in the throes of a serious money inflation. Under such conditions, he could only find odd jobs at coffee houses and motion pic- ture houses. One day he was invited by Arturo 2