PAGE THE MICHIGAN DAILY tYT' _; J-.\Afl914 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Washington Merryc Go-Round J ART DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of- Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. RPIf SENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING By National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADiSON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * aSTOR . LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Staff Hervie Haufler tAlvin Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtehafter Esther Osser Helen Carman * . . Managing Editor S . . Editorial Director * . . City Editor . . . Associate Editor Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor Associate Editor .* . . . Sports Editor . .Women's Editor Exchange Editor Business Staff business Manager . Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause WASHINGTON--Prohibition, after being in the limbo for eight years, again has a potent lobby on Capitol Hill. The Women's Christian Temperance Union and other Dry organiza- tions have launched their most intensive cam- paign since the one that put over the 18th Amendment during the last war. And they are using the same tactics. Con- gress is being barraged with appeals to "protect" soldiers and sailors by prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages near military reservations. Simultaneously, the heat is being put on state legislatures to enact "local option" statutes. The only thing new in the drive is its slogan. This time it's "Defend the Defenders.'" THE DRY CAMPAIGN is well organized. In the last few weeks thousands of letters have poured in on Congress. Some are written on WCTU stationery, but most are form letters signed by individuals obviously connected with. Dry organizations. The arguments range from Biblical allusions to an assertion that "alcohol had its part in the downfall of France." One, form letter going the rounds states: "We certainly can commend Hitler on one thing-his strict insistence on total abstinence by his soldiers. We believe much of his suc- cess is due to this." Sour Puff J OHN R. STEELMAN, dynamic chief of the U.S. Labor Conciliation Service, is convinced someone is trying to pull his leg-after reading an article in . "Factory," a trade journal for employers. Entitled "Strikes that Didn't Happen," the article says in part: 7 "Hats off to the U.S. Conciliation Service! Last year alone these labor trouble-shooters for Uncle Sam figured quietly in 746 threatened strikes, settled 709 of them without stoppage of work. "By phoning National 6471 in Washington," the magazine, adds, "management of labor enn get instant help." You might think such a pretty conmpuient would puff Steelman with pride. And so it would, but for one slight detail. National 6471 is the phone number of a Washington ready-to- wear clothing store. POSTMASTER GENERAL FRANK WALKER said notl,ing in his report to Congress, but he has quietly taken steps to plug up the inflow of foreign propaganda via first-class mail. Postal officials were able to seize and burn fifteen tons of illegal literature under the au- thority that permits inspection of second- and third-class matter without a search warrant. First-class mail, however, is immune from di- rect investigation, can be examined only on a search warrant. Ordinarily this is . laborlous proceeding. But thanks to the mass of matter that was seized, Walker found a way to simplify the job. From the seized material were obtained the names of hundreds of persons in all parts of the country who apparently are on Nazi, Fascist and Japan- ese propaganda lists. Henceforth, under an ordr quietly issued by Walker, all 'foreign mail addressed to these in- dividuals will be subject to a search warrant examination, and if found illegal will be de- stroyed. This is not the most effective means of coping with the foreign propaganda problem. It has many loopholes. But until Congress arms postal officials with the added authority Walker has recommended, his order will afford some pro- tection against this type of fifth columning. va_- - NIGHT EDITOR: CHESTER BRADLEY The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Praise For Senate Scholarship Campaign "0 " HE STUDENT SENATE'S CAM- PAIGN for alumni scholarship funds in conjunction with Dr. Robbins' scholarship committee merits the praise and assistance of the entire campus. It has been often said that for a University of its importance and prestige, the scholarships this schQol distributes to undergraduate students are far too inadequate. Every reader is probably acquainted with at least one deserving case where a scholarship should be given. Faculty men who award scholarships have been heard to complain that theirs is a thankless task since the meager funds available make it necessary to refuse many qualified applicants badly *in need of financial help.j This situation was well-described by Dean Kraus in the last President's report. He pointed out that "even though a rugged constitution can withstand the strain of four years of self-support and study, it is still economically wasteful to have exceptional or brilliant students substitut- ing dishwashing for hours in the library or lab- oratory. To no small extent the future of much in America is dependent on the superior stu- dents in the colleges of the country. Ability and superiority are found just as often among the poor as among the more fortunate rich. A large increase in scholarship funds would mike pos- sible a substantial investment in superior stu- dents in our college. It is well to remember that investment in human futures is not sub- j et to depressions or stock manipulation." We hope that the alumni will understand the need and cooperate generously. BY TAKING THIS WORK UPON THEM-_ SELVES, the Senate has gained a new im- portance among campus institutions. The old cry "What good is the Senate" has lost any validity it may have had. Now, this body has a justification for respect which equals that of any other student organization. Special credit in this connection should be given to several faculty men who are responsible for this present campaign. Prof. Arthur Smithies suggested the program last Spring and in the last few months Deain Lloyd Woodburne and Prof. Van Duren did much of the preparatory work. The Daily wishes those conducting this im- portant campaign the greatest success and prom- ises its fullest support towards, the fulfillment of their objectives.f - Alvin Dann 'Bull Sessions' That Bear Fruit .. . OUR YEARS OF COLLEGE have F taught me that a bull-session, de- spite its virile and lusty name, is generally as weak a thing as some rare plant-both require unusual environmental conditions before they will bear any fruit. Most bull-sessions tend to break into vain and unproductive bickerings be- cause neither side -has "facts" that the other will accept. Something of a relief from these stalemates is offered tonight when the Wesleyan Guild Shegins its serie of driissions nnen to stuients Mexican Toreador AFTER the tortures of the lease-lend bill fight, Washington is looking forward to a little comic relief with the visit of the bull-fighting brother of the President of Mexico. Maximino Avila Camacho is the hombre who wanted Henry Wallace to come to the State of Pueblo, -of which Maximino was the governor, to witness a full fight in his private ring. Vege- tarian-minded Wallace ducked the invitation, dropped in instead for a brief and fight-less visit. Maximino will go first to Havana, then to Nassau for a visit with the Duke of Windsor, then to Washington late this month for a real social whirl. Martin's Successor AQUIET EXCHANGE OF VIEWS by Repub- lican state chairmen, following Representa- tive Joe Martin's announcement that he would resign as National Chairman, has resulted in certain general conclusions by these highly practical politicos. As revealed by The Washington Merry-Go- Round, the state chairmen have developed an. informal organization, particularly in the Mid- dle West, whereby they confer among them- selves on' party matters. At a secret powwow preceding the recent Omaha meeting, they de- cided to press for the selection of one of their group as Martin's successor. Later view-swap- ping led to the following informal understanding: 1. To avoid saying or doing anything publicly that would engender factionalism, or fan the strife within the party over Wendell Willkie. The state chairmen will try to keep out of any inner scrap over the 1940 standard-bearer. 2. To press for installing a state chairman in a key executive post in national headquarters, either as National Chairman or as Executive Director, in the event a successor to Martin is not immediately chosen for fear of a factional row. 3. Not to allow personal ambition to lead to any strife among them. GOP chiefs generally are of the opinion that despite Martin's announcement and his urgent desire to step out, he will not be allowed to quit for the present. The belief is that a fight over the chairmanship at this time might result in a serious party split, and that to avoid this danger Martin will be persuaded to stay on, although his resignation may be nominally accepted. lionilnie Says THE PRESSURE of the imponderable facts of life upon us, the vastness of forces now be- ing let loose in the world, and the bald injus- tices which leap forth from every morning pa- per, cause men of very diverse training and ex- perience to "pray about it" or to pray for them- selves. What may this mean for a student? One of the world's greatest biologists writes in the current READERS DIGEST, "The in- fluence of prayer upon the human mind and body is as demonstrable as that of the secreting glands." By prayer a man may increase his private personal significance. Prayer involves intense mental concentration. By this disci- pline, kept up day after day as a normal part of a program of work and social interchange, one can learn to set non-essentials aside, give relevant matters the central place and move habitually among higher values. In this phase of prayer we deal with'the self in its unfoldment. BUT NONE OF US IS ADEQUATE. Each in a large measure depends upon forces beyond his conscious control. Some of these forces, the native energy of the body, for example, re- spond only after continued mental effort. Hence prayer may seem to be a human result rather than a Divine cause. There is reason for debate just here as in the case of learning to swim by swimming or to sing by singing. The essential impulse to accomplish the art of singing or swimming or praying should be accepted as de- pendent upon the way we fit action to the wish. The student will at once recognize that fit- ting that act to the wish or to the goal-in-view requires learning, use of the accumulated experi- ence of others and perhaps requires that one submit himself to instruction in the art. All about us are trained ministers of religion, age- old litanies, practices through which the saints have evolved, customs wlcch have been the tu- tors of millions and the solace of mankind. Have we taken time to master the elementary lessons of the Jewish worshippers, to discover the beauties conserved in Orthodox rituals, to join with Catholic devotee in the sacred Mass, to open the Holy Scripture for ourselves with the later Christians, to look into the deep rever- ence with which the Moslem repeatedly bows, or to make any inquiry as to the refinements of soul which religious Humanists find in the contemplation of truth as one with God? Only after we have mastered primer lessons through some given discipline may we vote intelligently upon this question "What may prayer mean?" R. Southey has given the introductory condi- tions: "Not what I would, O Lord, I offer Thee, Alas! but what I can. Four things, which are in Thy treasure, I lay before Thee, Lord, with this petition: My nothingness, my wants, my sin, and my contrition. 4-!i fth« liierst s three eXciavania1 n m gy pt, tbe M41 seum of Art and Archaeology leas assembled a number of late Roman grave stelae, which have been mount- ed in the West Gallery /of the Rack- ham Building. The stelae present some interesting problems, chief being the survival of ancient pagan symbols well into the Christian time of the fourth and fifth centuries. The jack- al of Anubis and the hawk of Horus SUNDAY, MARCH. 9, 1941 VOL. L. No. 111 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, March 12, from 4 to 6 o'clock. are frequently present, as is the sac- To residents of the Pittsburgh,I 'pA1'i. ire. inig, red bark or raft. On many of the p stelae is a figure with upraised armse in the traditional gesture of prayer.C But, as 'Mr. Peterson remarks ina his notes, this is similar to the olda hieroglyphic symbol of the Ka, or sur-£ viving soul. This Ka, in the oldesta graves. was given real food for sus-c tenance. On these are pictures of suchr food. The stelae are usuaily in-f scribed with the name of the deadc and his age. In one or two instancesC there was an effacement of the origi-t nal name and a new one substituted.i THESE GRAVE STONES are thei individual expression of one con'- munity, Kom Abu Billu, at a partic- ular time. They reperesent the Grae- co-Roman aesthetic tradition as the clothing of an older iconography as it survived, in what was rapidly becom- ing, a Christian milieu. That these stelae were Christian or not may be7 definitely determined. What is ob- vious is the continuation of ancient tradition and opinion. Whether the old religion of the dynasties had be- come merely a formula and tradition- al obeisance, like the phrase in the death notice 'Died in the faith of the Lord,' or whether it was still vital in a changed form is also not to be determined precisely. Probably it was the latter, for one knows that the times were obsessed with religious mysteries. The stelae are of two general types, a deep-cut relief and a shallow-cut. tost of the stones show substantial traces of the original paint. This raises the eternal question of painted sculpture; to judge from these pieces, one is rather inclined to feel that sculptor lost immeasurably when it abandoned the paint pot. About the cutting of the stones in these pieces there is a spontaneity andsbravura quality that is most ingratiating. These late Roman objects may seem but decadent reminiscences of the great manner of fifth century At- tica. Yet there is a freshness and directness which suggests that the right word for description might bet- ter be transitional. One may wonder if similar products from our own transitional - or moribund - cul- ture could still hold in themselves merit and interest after fifteen hun- dred years. y- John Maxon RECORDS Irving Berlin is about as versatile a popular lyricist as we have today. He can write you a brazen "Slummin' On Park Avenue" or a self-satisfied "God Bless America" without so much as a noticeable tongue in his cheek. In what apparently are his latest mani- festations he is concerned with man's future in an optimistic musical de- claration that takes two forms: a sweet, simple ballad of "A Little Old Church In England," and a rhythmic brassy ride about "When that Man (Satan) is Dead and Gone." Glenn Miller does the recording for Victor, and provides some interesting eccles- iastical effects on the first side that compensate for some particularly inane lyrics. With the aid of Tex Beneke and The Modernaires, the B side is a rousing story of the con- quest of original sin. Glenn has also recorded two more new tunes: I Dreamt I Dwelt In Har- lem and A Stone's Throw From Heav- en. Both are treated with typical Miller smoothness. The first side is enlivened by some tricky orchestral background. Ray Eberle warbles the second. Enric Madiguera made his disc de- but with Victor this week pairing Un Dos Tres Un Dos, a rumba, and Un Momento, a bolero by Alberto Do- minguez, Mexican responsible for Frenesi and Perfidia. A chattering or- chestral background makes the, first number; the second is a well-exe- cuted piece of nostalgia that is less cloying than Dominguez' other two works. This week, too, Leo Reisman re- leased a novel "samba" (whatever it is, it isn't in this observer's diction- ary) of I Yi, Yi Yi, a joyous stut- tering of the high-spirits that only romance can justify. Sara Horn does an obvious but appropriate vocal. The other side is a good dreamy predom- inantly reed affair, Boa Noite, that features a lulling Anita Boyer. Vaughan Monroe's Victor contri- bution of the week couples a slow- drag blues ballad, Racing With The Moon, with a jumpy fox-trot, Re- Pennsylvania area: Through the gen- erosity of the University of Michigan Club of Pittsburgh, there is avail- able for the year 1941-42 one schol- ayship providing free tuition in the School of Business Administration for a resident of the Pittsburgh area tvho meets the qualifications for ad mission to the School. These quali- fications include either a bachelor's degree (bachelor or arts or bachelor of science) from a recognized insti- tution and satisfactory preparation in the principles of economics, or satisfaction of requirements for ad- mission under the Combined Curricu- lum in Letters or Engineering and Business Administration. An application should consist of a letter from the candida:e, offering at least two references accompanied by an official transcript of the col- lege record ,of thsapplicant. Ap- plications should be directed to the Dean of the School of Busmess Ad- ministration, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. They will be received up to June 1, and the award v ill be in:,de by June J0. The Alumnae Council is again offering the Lucy Elliott Fellowship to women who wish to continue their studies in the graduate field. Any woman- with an A.B. degree from a recognized College or University is eligible to apply. A graduate from the University of Michigan may use the award on any campus of her choice, but a graduate of any other College or University must continue !per work at Michigan. Applications are available at the office of the Dean of Women, and must be returned by March 15. Appointment will be made April 15. The award carries a sti- Pend of $300.00. To All Interested Male Students: Lieutenant Orville B. Bergren, U.S. Marine Corps, will be present at Naval ROTC Headquarters, North Hall Mon- day morning to meet applicants de- siring information relative to train- ing for commissions in the Marine Corps Reserve. College of Literature, Science and the Arts, School of Music, and School of Education: Students who received marks of I or X at the close of their last term of attendance (viz., semes- ter of summer session) will receive a grade of E in the course unless this work is made up by March 17. Stu- dents wishing an extension of time beyond this date should file a peti- tion addressed to the appropriate official in their school with Room 4 U.H., where it will be transmitted. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Michigan Civil Service Examinations. Last date for filing application is Political Science 51 (Prof. Cun- annon's s'ection) make-up will be given Monday afternoon, March 10, at 1:30 p.m. in room 2035 Angell Hall. Physics 25 and Physics 71: Make lp Final Examinations will be given Tuesday, March 11, in Room 202, West Physics Building, beginning at 2 p.m. Concerts Faculty Concert: Hardin Van Deur- sen, Baritone, and Mary Fishburne, Pianist, will present a concert at 4:15 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Mr. Van leursen will be accompanied by Ava Comin Case. The recital will be open to the general public. Student Graduation Recital: John Wheeler, '41, Pianist will give a recital at 8:00 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theare. His program, complimentary to the general public, is in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree. Mr. Wheel- er is a student of Prof. Joseph Brink- man. University Symphony Orchestra Concert: Arthur Hackett, Tenor, will ppear as soloist with the University Symphony Orchestra in a concert at 8:30 p.m. Monday, March 10, in Hill Auditorium. No admission 'fee will be required. Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, Organist, will present a recital at 1:15 p.m. Wednesday, March 12, in Hill Auditorium. The program will consist of works by contemporary composers who have found inspira- tion in the Gregorian plain-chant. The recital will be complimentary to the general public. Faculty Concert: A miscellaneous program of chamber music will be presented Thursday, March 13, at 4:15 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by members of the faculty of the School of Music, assisted by members of the University of Michi- gan Little Symphony. Those por- ticipating in the concert, which will be open to the general public, include: Arthur Hackett, tenor; Wassily Be- sekirsky, violinist; Mabel Rhead, pianist; William Stubbins, clarinet- is t; and from the Little Symphony, ItaloaFrajola, Spec.Grad.S.M., violin; Vladimer Lukashuk, 42M, violin; SamdKurlandskyG Grad, viola; Wi- liam Golz, '41E, violoncello; and Jos- eph White, Grad.S.M. French horn. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: A collection of drawings in various phases of Design from Pratt Institute in New York, and an exhibition of the last semester's work in Design by students of the College, are being shown in the third floor ex- hibition room, Architecture Building. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sunday, through Mar. 10. The public is in- vited. Exhibitions: Ceramics and Bronzes from Siam. The Neville Collection. March 5-15, 2-5 p.m., Rackham Building. Stelae from Kom Abu Billu. From the University's excavation in Egypt. March 5-15, 2-5' p.m., Rackham Building. Ancient Chinese Bronze Mirrors. March 5-15, 2-5 p.m., Rackham Building. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Edgar Allen, Professor of Anatomy at Yale University School of Medicine, will lecture on the subject, "The Ovaries and Their Hormones," under the auspices of the Department of Ana- tomy of the Medical School at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, March 14, in the RackhamLecture Hall. The lecture Sis open to the public and members of the Michigan Academy of Science are especially invited. University Lecture: Dr. George D. Birkhoff, Perkins Professor of Mathe- matics, Harvard University, will lec- ture on the subject of "Aesthetic Measure" under the auspices of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, March 14, in the Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Ernesto Galar- za, Chief of the Division of Labor and Social Information, Pan-Ameri- can Union, will lecture on the sub- ject of "Economic and Social Effects of the War on Inter-American Re- lations" under the auspices of the University Committee on Defense Issues at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, March 17, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: George H. Sa- hine, Professor of Philosonhv. The room 207 Economics Build- 1 eC ,,, =i The City Editor's £ic~atcA Park I P A FAN LETTER! DEAR CITY EDITOR: Please let me set you straight on a few things. Not "one" of the Ruthven's guests but four of them frenched the presidential bed. (Two look- outs and two short-sheet special'i ts!) Furthermore, not one of the four "tripped up the stairs..' They were all quite nonchalant, and spent a good three-quarters of an hour sipping tea with some pretty gals before they leisurely walked upstairs to get their coats. - After the "deed" was done the four came downstairs, thanked Dr. Ruthven for an ex- citing tea (he's a swell egg), patted Eleanor to keep her on friendly terms, and dashed home. Consider thi sas "official verification" if you like, for I am one of "THE SHORT-SHEET EXPERTS" considered by Congress. For these facts the students will be able to turn to experts in the field of labor problems. IN THE DISCUSSION of "The World in Con- flict" such issues as conscription of wealth and men, aid to Britain and war-profiteering will be considered. Adult resource leaders will include Col. Ambro C. Pack, director of the local draft board, and John Marvin, editor of "The Christian Advocate." Each group will have exnert leaders-union heads for the labor sec- i i ti T'. 1 7. 1 S 1 h V r r t s t s t; e Practical Nurse Cl, salary $95. Cook Cl, salary $95. Cook B2, salary $105. Cook A2, salary $115. Cook Al, salary $140. Complete announcements on file at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. "Summer Jobs: There are available several summer camp positions for doctors, nurses and cooks. If quali- fied and interested, please get in touch with the Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall, hours 9-12, 2-4. Summer Jobs: Will the students on the campus who are interested in summer positions please \take care of their registration this week. We are asking this in order to bring their records up to date and render serv- ice to them. Forms may be obtained at the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will be held Monday, March 10, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 319, West Medical Building. Subject: Gluconeogene- sis from Fat." All interested are in- vited. Bacteriology seminar, Monday, March 10, at 8:00 p.m., Room 1564 East Medical Building. Subject: April 2, 1941.. Student Prison Social salary, $85. Institution Recreation B, salary $105. Institution Recreation A2, salary $115. Worker A. Instructor Instructor