PAE 'OLyTP;. T1I~E~ MTCIITfAN TVATTY SATVlW1AV.WM*1WR0 &194 ........ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _..,_____~.____, I®.R ~a Y A .t:a"i.1 N aaas-a.VaVS:sta.A a,,l l. C.Z.AVVil l79 ii li MAL THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE REPLY CHURLISH By ToUCHSTONE Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press the Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for-republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Enteed at the Post Office at Ann'Arbor, Michigan, as secon: class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRES$NTED FOR NATIONAL AoVERTIaING B. National Advertising Service, Inc. CollegePublishers Representative 420 MADISON Ave. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES "SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Staff Hervie Haufler Alvin sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser . Helen Corman . Managing Editor Editorial Director .* . . . City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor .Women's Editor Exchange Editor LOCAL BOOKSTORE gave me a picture of Ernest Hemingway last week, which when I have cut the advertising off will be mounted on the wall of my room, Already, "Greatest book in years and all," that photograph of Hemmy sitting at his desk working on something or cther, with a typewriter, piles of manuscript, and a glass of water in the background, has served as an inspiration to me. Hero worship is a funny thing. It changes back and forth. As I have said in the past, I went through a Woollcott stage while in high school, during which I was very nasty about books and plays and things. Then there came the reaction, and I quit being literary and though I hadn't been at it long, I quit shaving too. During this stage of the game I used swea"l words in all my short stories. Third stage: I got literary again, but in a different way, so that E.B. White, then of the New Yorker, now of Harper's came into-the picture, but note that Hemingway is still there. BUT MY VOCABULARY, though once a thing that used to please all my teachers and an- noy the people in my classes, has remained as it became during that spell with uncle Ernest, and is still a ripe and rather vulgar affair. Which makes it dificult for me to get along with certain of the gentry who feel that art is a thing people do in beautifully decorated studio apartments, and with the utmost caution and precision in both dress, speech and manners. On the other hand, having adopted a rather high, religious attitude toward this business of 'Facts" arrag'e Hits Wastebaskets SOME OF THE SOLONS in Wash- ington are said to be incensed over the amount of German propaganda they have been receiving, through the mails. One of the boys has even gone so far as to send the ma- terial to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, with a request that the bureau look into this nefarious business. On what grounds? The literature in question seems to consist chiefly of a bulletin entitled "Facts in ,eview," which is being distributed weekly from a New York address, and some larg, manila envelopes containing excerpts from speeches by one A. Hitler. THE BULLETIN is denounced as exihibiting a strong Nazi prejudice and it undoubtedly does. But unless "Facts in Review" can be shown to be, in addition, fraudulent or other- wise contrary to existing federal statutes, it is bard to see what legal objection may be raised to its circulation. As for Herr Hitler's diatribes, since virtually all of them have been etherized on national radio hookups for years, it looks a little late in the day to get excited over reprints of excerpts. OF COURSE this is propaganda. It is propa- ganda of the most obvious and ineffective sort. But while the United States continues to operate on a constitutional basis of free speech, there presumably is only one thing to do about it. Or are the Senate and House office buildings no longer provided with waste baskets? -- William Baker Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsace Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: A. P. BLAUSTEIN The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the. writers only. U.S. Industry Faces Labor Shortage . .. A LABOR SHORTAGE in the United States is something that most peo- ple never expected to see again, at least for a long time. Yet after a survey of the probabili- ties, the Twentieth Century Fund predicts a shortage, not of jobs, but of men to fill the jobs! This is in strong contrast indeed to the often reiterated and familiar reports of unem- ployed workers up to 10 million or more. On the basis of a previous survey, it had been concluded that even with the increased demand for labor there would be an ample supply. But the first survey was predicated on the assump- tion of only a 16-billion-dollar expenditure, for defense as provided by the last session of Con- gress. Then early this year the defense budget was stepped up by 11 billion dollars. As a mat- ter of fact, it has been increased even more by the latest administration request for another 3,812 million dollars (1,750 of it a net increase)- a point that even the present survey does not take into account. ON THE BASIS of a 27-billion-dollar defense, expenditure, however, the survey sees a, need of approximately six million workers in a two-year period ending with the fall of 1942, whereas the available supply of labor is esti- mated to be only four million. This estimate made allowance for men who might be drafted, those employed on government projects, and those on temporary layoffs from the same kind of employment. Should the last two groups be included in the potential supply of workers, however, the situa- tion would be altered considerably. There would be enough labor to supply any demands that now seem possible or probable. SO THERE IS NOTHING necessarily alarming in a showing of a possible labor shortage. When needed elsewhere, men could be shifted from the government projects. Not only would there be a welcome decrease in government ex- penditures due to the decrease in work relief rolls, but the question of the labor shortage caused by industrial expansion would be an- swered. -William Baker Reduced Market Creates Problem F REBODING INDEED, was the warning of Charles E. Kellogg, Chief of the Soils Division of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in an interview here Friday that "drastic changes" will have to be made in the present agricultural system to cope with the loss of export markets as a result of the war. The fate of America's thirty million farm pop- ulation undoubtedly lies in the balance. The great market for cotton, wheat, lard and fruits on the European continent is cut off because of the blockade and the self-sifficiency program of the Axis. England is turning to her Empire and South America for supplies while Japan, once a heavy cotton purchaser, is now usiing China and India a a source for this prodcL 2Parmers are becomiumg ju tiy alarned at the communication, and having a certain belief in the importance of individualism in the treat- ment of characters, I am something of a heel when I have -any dealings with the younger set who are just starting in on the Hemingway style, saying goddam and hell and other things. They feel that I am being just a bit precious when I try to steer them over into the ranks of saying a thing straight, avoiding as much as possible both Walter Pater and James Farrell. BESIDES, they like the other bunch, make the. mistake of confusing the man and the vocab- ulary. The two have very little in common, really. I am not a very tough guy, nor is Ernest Heniing- way I am sure. Don't get me wrong; I'm not identifying myself with one of the cuntry's top writers. But the thing is that in this business of hero worship, it is important to see what is behind the man you are looking up to, and to hold onto that difference between yourself anl him that makes you aperson. Hemingway does a lot of zany things like shooting big game and tripping off to wars all the time, but when he gets.around to writing a story, he is as careful in his choice of words as the longest haired poet in a velvet jacket who ever took a quill pen in hand, and his product is considerably better than that of the students of Literature who at best bring out skillful and unconscious imitations of the men they admire most when reading. Here in the University we are constantly bump- ing up against dificulties arising out of this con- flict between our personal idols and tho e of the men who teach us things. Neither we nor the older men are right, and the battles between youth and old age are really the battles between hero and hero. Q.E.D., we all dream, none of us are sure, and there are times when each of us finds himself on the other guy's side. Avoid exteriors, and don't make moral judgments. So long until soon. THE PLAY Hillel's Annual SUCCESS STORY: A play in three acts by John Howard Lawson; production directed by Arthur Klein; settings designed by Robert Mellencamp; at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Friday and Saturday evenings, March 7 and 8. Sylvia Stone........................Joan Sack Dinah McCabe............... _....Phylis Wener Raymond Merritt...............Donald Diamond Rufus Sonnenberg..............Arthur Fischer Norman Ross ...........Herbert London Marcus Turner ....................Robert Cohn Agnes Carter.....................Miriam Shaf ton Harry Fisher ................Theodore Leibovitz Miss Farlev .......................Dorothy Slater s m By MLTON ORSHEFSKY The most that can be said for the Hillel Play- ers' production of John Howard Lawson's "Suc- cess Story" is what a woman sitting behind this playgoer said last night with a painfully indif- ferent sigh: "It's all right-in spots." That is probably the most succinct critical comment that can be made on the Players' thirteenth annual offering. The truth is simply that, whatever Mr. Law- son's play offered originally, it has not worn very well. One month before President Roosevelt's first election, the Broadway version of the study of the effects of a wobbling social structure on a donfused ego-centric might have been ac- cepted because of the sheer urgency of its ap- peal. Eight years later, however, we can ask for a less diffuse, and consequently, more moving statement of the conflict between individual and social values. A decade of Odetses and -Mac- Leishes and even of Senate investigating com- mittees, although themselves wallowing in con- fusion at times, have indicated the fundamental issues in clearer form and with much sharper sig- nificance. What "Success Story" becomes, really, is an over-long mixture of raw emotion and conven- tional situation. Mr. Lawson, has the ability to express himself often in burning prose, but just as often he is likely to drift into sentimental stereotypes. Some of the passages he writes crackle and blaze with the poetic fire of modern social writing; others thud dully into mere pos- turing and cliche. At his most intense, he can provide gripping theatre; at his most unoriginal, all he can evoke from an audience is squirming embarrassment. That unevenness is also the dominant word in a story of the acting. Herbert London, as Norman Ross, the object of Mr. Lawson's psycho- logical probing, naturally is given most of the play's attention, and, for the most part, he makes a convincingly rebellious product of rampant capitalism. But last night Mr. London had the unfortunate tendency of pitching his emotional violence on a high, inflexible plane from which he was never quite able to descend when the situation required. The "yours-for-the-Revolu- tion" kid of the first act is not the man who comes to wonder momentarily in the last act whether his way is the right one, and the tran- sition was not dramatically clear. After the part of Ross, there is really no one simply because Mr. Lawson has peopled the stage with several handfuls of conventional characters, and has neglected to write full sense about them. The Hillel Players, then, are definitely at a hand- icap and during the course of the evening they are never able to remove it completely. Joan Sack mixes the emotion and sense required of her in not irremediable disproportions. Director Art Klein, pressed into acting service, does a short bit as fraternity inan who, at least, is "happy," with his usual aplomb, Phyllis Wener,' nanv.iI I1j: intmin Aribi lmjeIori Pj-n1ir' C'nnh i LETTER S TO THE EDITOR To The Editor: Saturday's editorial by Robert Speckhard, taking issue with New America's stand on the war, shows a cautious and clear view of the gen- eral state of English politics; but, in my opinion, it seriously distorts the situation of America, and its presentation of. the position of New America is unnecessarily inadequate. Mr. Speckhard asserts that Ameri- ca's first task is to become a real democracy, so that when we fight fascism- it will be democracy that fights. The obvious answer is that fascism is not going to stand ,still while we work on democracy at home; and the closer it comes to us, the faser our democracy .ill fade. The sole' .hope. of the United States is to stop Germany very -soon; if Eng- land falls we art lost. We will be able to have peace, then, of course- the peace of masters and slaves; but who will uphold "justice, democracy, the moral order, and the supremacy of human rights?" In going to war, even in preparing for defense, we give up some of 'our freedoms, perhaps many of them; but who prefers Nazi domination to this sacrifice? If Mr. Speckhard were more fa- miliar with New America's analysis, he.would know that the struggle for American democracy and the fight against fascism are two ends of the same stick; and inseparable. We have tolerated for a long time the choking grip of monopoly on our productive economy; now the threat, of fas- cism tightens it to a stranglehold, and we must tear it loose or be subju- gated. Our Aefense effort to date has been like one of those frightful dreams in which one tries to run from some awful danger, and can hardly move -from the spot. New America hammers home in every publication the vital importance of expanding democracy in this country and else- where; but it does not make Mr. Speckhard's mistake of insisting that the fight against fascism stpp short of armed combat. Does anyone sup- pose that we would not go to war, and under much worse circumstances than now, to keep the Nazis from tak- ing over Canada or Mexico after they had digested Europe? Then we would lose our war, and our hope would in- deed be blasted. If such an event can be averted by maximal aid to Eng- land or even by a short hard fight in the near future, so that the Ger- man threat is destroyed, we will be able to resume our uninterrupted ascent toward democracy and peace, -- Pinx SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1941 f VOL. L. No. 14O Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to alla members of the University. Notices Notice in re University Property Re-o moved from the City or off Universityd Property: Any University representa-- tive having charge of "University pro-a perty should give notice in advance tot the Inventory Clerk, Business Office,t University Hall, when such property is to be taken outside the City bf Ann Arbor or off University proprty fore use in any University project, as, fore example, the W.P.A. A loss recently occurred on which the University had no insurance because of the fact thatc no notice had been given to the In- 1 ventory Clerk that such property hadc been taken to the location where itC was in use, and the property was therefore not covered by the insurance policy. Shirley W. Smith To All Interested Male Students:p Lieutenant Orville B. Bergren, U.S.E Marine Corps, will be present at Navals ROTC Headquarters, North Hall, thisv morning and Monday morning to meet applicants desiring information relative to training for commissionsb in the Marine Corps Reserve.p Students, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Election cards adn Robevt54A lei "s 2 WASHINGTON-Big words, such as "momentous,"' "historic, "crucial," have been common in de- scribing the Senate debate on the s lend-lease bill. Defending themselves P against the charge of filibuster, the p opposition has maintained that the N issues are so grave that national in- s terest demands weeks of discussion. i Daily throughout long weeks the t front pages have reverberated with the Senate's embattled thunderings. The headlines and crackling state- ments have given the impression of c fierce struggle. But the reality has i been far different. There has been no blood shed. The g Senate has never presented a more r peaceful, more indolent appearance.B If a great battle is raging, there aree few signs of it on the floor of the I "greatest deliberative body in the world." Most of the time it looks more C like the lounge of a ritzy club thana a council chamber where history is S being made. Here is a blow-by-blow 8 account of a typical day of this "epo-A chal" debate:b Quorum, Quorum ELEVEN A.M., the convening bell rings. A quorum call is demanded. and the clerk calls the roll. There is no quorum. The bells ring again. The E clerk again calls the roll, very slowly. Senators straggle in. Finally, afteri much stalling, enough senators an-a swer the roll to permit the chamber) to get to business. The clock readsC 11:35.t Vice President Wallace bangs thev gavel and the debate resumes. Sen- ator Harry Schwartz, Wyoming New Dealer, has the floor. He favors the bill. says, "We are killing time whilep Hitler is killing people." Schwartz fin-1 ishes in half an hour, making the score 18 hours of talk for the propon- t ents of the bill. 52 hours for the oppo- sition. When Schwartz sits down at 12:05 the antis take up where they left off the day before. They are no half- hourers. When they talk, they talk. Senator Alex Wiley, portly Wiscon- sinite ,takes the floor and holds it until 2:05. High spot of his harangue is a pas- sage obviously intended as fine rhet- oric, but it brings a ripple of laughter from the galleries. "As we ride above the clouds of this world conflict," he says, "we see below us Germany, Italy and Japan astride the dogs of war!" To save Wiley from ridicule, Senate stenographers quietly change the phrase to read, "having unleashed the dogs of war." Eating And Drinking T HERE ARE NOW only 11 senators in the chamber. Senator Rad- cliffe of Maryland strolls in wearing a red carnation, making an even doz- en. Wiley drones on.. Senator Clark of Missouri, opposition generalissimo, writes a note on a pink memo pad, calls ;t p ige boy ud sends it to W1ley's Wisconsin colleague, Bob La- Follette. Bob reads it, grins broadly DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN filed after the end of the first week of the semester may be accepted by the Registrar's Office only if they are approved by Assistant Dean Walter. Students who fail to file their elec- tion blanks by the close of the third week, even though they have regis- tered and have attended classes un- officially will forfeit their privilege of continuing in the College for the. semester. If such students have paid any tuition fees, Assistant Dean Wal- ter will issue a withdrawal card for them.. Student, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: No course may be elected for credit after today. School of Education Students: No course may be elected for credit after today. Students must report all changes of elections at the Registrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall. Academic LNotices Biological Chemistry Seminar will be held Monday, March 10, at 7:30 p.m., in. Room 319, West Medical Building. Subject: "Gluconeogene- sis from Fat." All interested are in- vited. Economics 53 Make-up Final will be given Thursday, March 13, 3-6 pm. in room 207 Economics Build- ing. Make-up Examination in English 127 for persons who received incom- plete or "X" last semester will be held on Wednesday, March 12, at 2:30 p.m., in 205 South Wing. Political Science 51 (Prof. Cuncan- aon's section) make-up will be given Monday afternoon, March 10, at 1:30 .n. in room 2035 Angell Hall. Physics 25 and Physics 71: Make- Up Final Examinations will be given Tuesday, March 11, in Room 202, West Physics Building', beginning at p.m. Concerts Faculty Concert: Hardin Van Deur- en, Baritone, and Mary Fishburne, Pianist, will present a concert at 4:15 .m. Sunday, March 9, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Mr. Van Deur- en will be accompanied by Ava Com- n Case. The recital will be open to she general public. Student Graduation Recital: John Nheeler, '41, Pianist, will give a re- ital at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, March 9, n the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. His program, complimentary to the eneral public, is in partial fulfill- nent of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree. Mr. Wheel- r is a student of Prof. Joseph Brink- nan. University Symphony Qrhestra Concert: Arthur Hackett, Tenor, will ppear as soloist with the University Symphony Orchestra in a concert at 8:30 p.m. Monday, March 10, in Hill Auditorium. No admission fee will be required. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: A collection of drawings in various phases of Design from Pratt Institute in New York, and an exhibition of the last semester's work in Design by students of the College, are being shown in the third floor e- hibiton room, Architecture Building. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sunday, through Mar. 10. The public is in- vited. Exhibitions: Ceramics and Bronzes from Siam. The Neville Collection. March 5-15, 2-5 p.m., Rackham Building. Stelae from Kom Abu Billu. From the University's excavation in Egypt. March 5-15, 2-5 p.m., Rackham Building. Ancient Chinese Bronze Mirrors. March 5-15, 2-5 p.m., Rackham Building. Lec tures University Lecture: Dr. C. N. H. song, Sterling Professor of Physiolo- ical Chemistry, Yale University, will give the following lectures under the auspices of the Department of Bio- ogical Chemistry: Today: "Chemistry and Physi- ology of the Adrenal Cortex." 11:00 a.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. George D. Birkhoff, Perkins Professor of Mathe- matics, Harvard University, will lec- ture on the subject of "Aesthetic Measure" under the auspices of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters at 4,:15 p.m. on Friday, Marchr 14, i athe Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited, American Chemical Lecture: Pro- fessor Frank C. Whitmore, Dean of fil qrhn o .h.m ,rAmr ahry. ART C ? , =/ Jar who City Editor's Pa ONE OF THE CAMPUS CHARACTERS, as you may well know, is a fellow named Mike Church. This fellow Mike is one of the local NYA officers, and thereby has met many stu- dents. But try and discover his business. He moves from Ann Arbor to Detroit, Lansing, Kala- nazoo and Washington faster than a Matt Mann swimmer. Still, Mike is a good guy. Who knows anything about the Book of the Month Club? Some conspirator sent our name to the agency, and the mail today brought a complicated mass of free books, instructions, bills, letters, auditor's state- ments and assorted paraphernalia. Now we need a staff of secretaries and interpreters to handle the pure business of the deal. Af- ter that is done, maybe we should learn to read. . ONNIE W. (the Daily Double) thinks that the track team will win the Big Ten crown. Everybody in the editorial rooms fears that this is not true. But we hope so, just as much as the Wirt. Farm Bureau president has asked Congress to fix 'a bottom to farm prices' by making govern- ment loans at 85% of parity, which is defined as the 'fairtexchange'sprice for farm products," the Associated Press said in a Washington dis- patch Thursday. ALTHOUGH some such government move to fix prices for products like cotton, wheat, corn, tobacco, and rice would probably be de- sirable, other "drastic changes" will surely have to be made. Perhaps the plan, advanced by Mr. Kellogg, of finding industrial uses for old .r ra At vf a ilrixr ~mf s.f onx k fit,n hi_ N THE MIDDLE GALLERY of the Rackham Building is displayed1 a collection of Siamese ceramics and bronzes given to the University byl Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Neville. Mr. Ne- ville, one of the most notable of thec University's alumni, was American minister to Thailand, and during his1 incumbency there he and his wife formed this collection. These Siamese wares form a uniquei collection which the University may congratulate itself upon owning. They represent part of the great east-Asianj tradition of the craft of the potter.; Here may be seen ideas and forms which occur in China and recur in Siam. It would appear that style in pottery is but a part of a contemp- orary; culture which appears in var- ious centres. There are varyinjg pos- sibilities to explain influences, cross and counter. There is the famous legend about the Siamese king's bringing back potters from the court' of the gerat Khan, in the thirteenth century. But there are Thailand wares similar to the Chinese, long before this. Mr. and Mrs. Neville postulate that the Thai people brought the craft tradition with them and adapted it to local materials. 1 HE WORKS are all pieces of prac- - tical utility, done by artisans, rather than by artists in the modern sense. Iike all oriental artifacts, these pots have sacred and symbolic mean- ings. The fine wine pot, admirably conceived from the functionalist's viewpoint, is also wonderfully wrought as the hamsa, the bird sym- bol of the spirit. The tiny toy with the delectable green glaze was more than a toy in the adult's sense: it was to its maker the symbol and ultimate reality that all toys and images are to all childrenof spirit.The lotus patterned rice dish is another exam- ple of a sacred form coinciding with the practical. These pieces, all in an authentic tradition ofworkmanship, demonstrate the inevitability of de- sign and image in an age where simi- lar, though not identical, cultrires exist side by eACh- T11E BRONZES afe two heads of ,1