-irsT Choral
Begins Oct. 2
,sident Sink Sees
xceptionally ine Seas
Sees Fine Season.
Rachmaninoff, Political Exile,
Famed For Musical Versatility
Russian Soloists
I Figure
i Issued
Tling Series
mism over tlhe re-
ts will receive from
public, Dr. Charles
t of the University
predicted an excep-
son for the Choral.
eries of concerts.
ic about the recep-
accorded the artists
known excellence
s public comments
'am was formed,"
clared, adding that
Greatest Stars
Dot 61-Year
Concert History
For 61 successive years the Choral
Union has presented to Ann Arbor,
audiences the best obtainable in con-1
cert performers. The list of artists
who have appeared locally reads'like
the roll of a musical who's-who. The
past five years, for example, have
presented the following stars:
ist .... Nov. 6
.ss .. Nov. 13
Nov. 27
Ln. 25
............Feb. 141
in, pianist . Mar. 6
word from most of
f the artists assur-
of them will be able
despite the war situ-
Sales Huge
ve been tremendous
head of last year, he
ther support for his
would be an "excep-
's annual statement
Union concerts fol-
on of 1879-1880, the
al Society .has been
bringing to the Uni-
ie city of Ann Arbor
s of concerts. The
sistently endeavored
ost renowned artists
ns for the two-fold
iding cultural facili-
>usands of studei8s
come and go, and
e, to provide whole-
vent for those who
Rosa Ponselle, Lawrence Tibbett,
Dcn Cossacks, Josef Szigeti, Boston
Symphony, Lotte Lehman, Jose
Iturbi, Gordon String Quartet, Ar-
thur Schnabel.
Metropolitan Opera Quartet, Rach-
maninoff, Don Cossacks, Fritz Kreis-
ler, Boston Symphony, St. Louis Sym-
phony, Kalesch String Quartet, De-
troit Symphony, John Charles Thom-
as, Myra Hess.
Kirsten Flagstad, Chicago Sym-
phony, Moscow Cathedral Choir,
Jascha Heifetz, Boston Symphony,
Josef Hofmann, Detroit Symphony,
Gregor Piatagorsky, Artur Schnabel,
Nelson Eddy.
Rachmaninoff, Cleveland Sym-
phony Orchestra,. Richard Crooks,
Fritz Kreisler, Boston Symphony,
Ruth Slenczynski, Helsinski, Univer-
sity Chorus, Gina Cigna, Roth String
Quartet, Georges Enesco.
Lawrence Tibbett, Cleveland Or-
chestra, Jose Iturbi, Boston Sym-
phony, Josef Hofmann, Bartlett and
Robertson, Yehudi Menuhin, Gregor
Noted Pianist Has Written
Many Types Of Music;
Led Moscow Opera
Sergei Vassilievich Rachmaninoff,
pianist, composer, conductor, political
exile, will open the 1939-1940 Choral
Union Concert season Tuesday eve-
ning, Oct. 24, with a typically dis-
tinctive Rachmaninoff piano recital.
Rachmaninoff has written prac-
tically all forms of music-operas,
symphonies, piano compositions,
sdngs, the best known of his works
being his C Sharp Minor Prelude.
Given Gold Medal
Awarded a gold medal for his ef-
forts by the Moscow Conservatory,
Rachmaninoff did hisfirst compos-
ing while still a pupil. While at the
SCo nservatory his one-act opera
leko" was produced with success at
the oscow Opera shortly after his
CSharp Minor Prelude attained
popularity. By 1900 his reputation
began to spread throughout Europe.
He gave up his duties as conductor
of the Grand Theatre in Moscow and
went to Dresden, wherehe devoted all
his time t composition. This period
gave impetus to a list of works which
now includes three symphonies; a
symphonic poem, "The Iland of the
Dead'?; four concertos for the piano;
a "Rhapsody on a Theme hy Pa-
ganini" for piano and opera; a sec-
ond. opera, "Francesca de Rimini";
a cello sonata; a piano trio; two
suites for the piano and many mis-
cellaneous piano pieces and yongs.
Never satisfied with his works,
Rachmaninoff continually revises his
compositions. His famous C Sharp
Minor Prelude has been ,changed
since its original publication.
Somber Personality.
Rachmaninoff's somber personal-
ity has caused such speculation. As
one critic put it: "He is austere, soli-
tary, aristocratic, morosely sensitive
and simple . . . He hides away in
daily life, and you can hear in his
playig emotions that are elemental,
simple, lyric and plaintive as only
uncorrupted vision can be."
When the question recently was
Barber Shop Presents
Problem To Virovai
Young Robert Virovai, world famed
violinist, finds the barber-shop a
problem. He goes every week for a1
shampoo, but he finds the American
manner of procedure rather discon-
certing. The method in Europe is1
to let the customer lie on 'his back'
in the chair and work on him from?
behind Heire, they favor the for-
ward pass before dowsing the head
in the bowl of soapsuds,
Virovai has been shampooed from
New York to Milwaukee, as far south
as New Orleans, and up in Canada.
No matter how carefully he explains
his wants, he gets no response. As
much as he admires America, he
thinks that there is room for con-
structive work in barbering.
Oherwise, America is great. He
is thinking of becoming an Ameri-
can citizen.
put to the pianist directly as to why
he has the reputation of being so
sombre, he said frankly:
"For many years I have been away
from my native land-my Russia. I
am a man without a country. I
have no real home anywhere in the
world. Perhaps no others can un-
derstand the hopeless homesickness
of Sus older Russians."
Born at Onega in the province of
Novgord, Rachmaninoff early showed
musical ability. At the age of nine
he entered the St. Petersburg Con-
servatory to study the piano, but
three years later transferred to the
Moscow Conservatory, where he
studied under such masters as
Zvierey, Siloff, Taneiey and Arensky,
An invitation from the London
Philharmonic Society to appear in
the threefold capacity of composer,
conductor and pianist, afforded
Rachmaninoff his first great success
outside of Russia, 'and his perfor-
mance immediately established him
as no longer a Russian but an inter-
national artist.
Jussi Bjoerling
Just One Tenor
In Big Family
Has Performed In Many
European Opera Houses
Since Stockholm Debut
Jussi Bjoerling, the young Swedish
tenor of the Metropolitan Opera
Company, has been singing ever
since he can' remember. His fath-
er held a very respectable position
in Europe as a tenor and even
sang -some minor roles in the Met-
ropolitan some twenty years ago.
The three brothers of this twen-
ty-two year old singer are alsowten-
ors and hardly a day goes by with-
out some member of the family sing-
ing, an important engagement in
some part of Sweden. It is said that
the Bjoerling family occupies a
place in Swedish musical circles
comparable to the high position the
Barrymores have held in American
theatrical affairs.
Jussi came to this country when
he was about -eight years old, short-
ly after the death of his mother. He
came with his brothers and his fath-
er and made a successful music
tour here for two years.
The father died in America and
the brothers returned to continue
their work in Sweden. Jussi's voice
developed with extraordinary beauty
and power and at the early age of
17 he made his first gramaphone
recording, the first of a long series
of best sellers.
In 1929, he was sent to the Royal
Opera School in Stockholm where
he came under the tutelage of the
famous John Forsell, general direc-
tor of the Kungsholm Opera. Bjoer-
linig profited much from his instruc-
tion given by this hard taskmaster
and after one year he made a sen-
sationally successful delut in Mo-
zart's "Don Giovanni".
From then until the present he
(Continued on Page 3)
Rubinstein Travels
Kipnis Started
Singing Early
As Coloratura
Alexander Kipnis, like every truly
great artist began his musical de-
velopment at an early age, showing
a remarkable aptitude for singing as
a child. It is interesting to note that
.he man, who today has the deepest
voice in the concert world, sang all
the important arias for coloratura
sopranos when he was just a young-
He was born on Feb. 1, 1891, in the
village of Jitonir, in Russia,. the son
of a typographer who tried to influ-
ence the boy into a business career.
Kipnis, however, had other ideas and,
even during the years that his voice
was changing, he devoted his whole
attention to the study of music.
In 1912 he graduated from "he
Conservatory in Warsaw as a con-
ductor, and received as an award for
his work a handsome gold watch up-
on which was engraved the Czar's
eagle crest inlaid with gems. This
is a treasure he carries with him and
uses daily.
Kipnis journeyed to Berlin later
for further study realizing that his
prime interest lay in singing rather
than conducting. The war kept him
from returning to Russia, but 3ie was
given the opportunity of singing at
the Royal' Kaiser Opera in Wies-
At theetermination of hostilities he
accepted engagements in opera and
concert in Italy, France, Belgium, and
the Scandanavian countries and
came to America in the season of
1922-23 in .a Wagnerian Festival
Company. He was immediately signed
by the Chicago Opera Company
where for nine seasons he sang prin-
cipal bass roles.
Because he has always looked up-
on this country as his ultimate home-
land, Kipnis became an American
citizen and in 1925 married Mildred
Levy, the daughter of a Chicago mu-
sic professor.
SeAries Grew
With Building
Each season the list contains a
happy balance of old favorites and
new stars, carefully chosen to cover
as wide a range of music literature as
Cooperative Public Praised
Whatever success has attended the
efforts of the Society in its endeavor
for so many years has been due in
large measure to the cooperative sup-
port of a sympathetic and discrimi-
nating public. Through its words
of commendation and its continued
resence, this public has given the
Society courage in major undertak-
ings, which otherwise would be im-
The Society takes pleasure in mak-
ing this public acknowledgement of
appreciation, and expresses the hope
that the programs arranged for this
season may again warrant the en-
thusiastic approval not only of for-
mer concert-goers but newcomers as
'Tin Sconces' Listed
In Symphony Budget
Music lovers are familiar in gen-
eral with the great yearly cost of
the Philharmonic-Symphony and ofy
Pro minent Solo
Symphonic Gro
To Give 1'0 Cone
Sergei Ra
Begin S
Progyra n
It has been estimated by an admir-
er of Artur Rubinstein that the,
Polish pianist has covered more than
one million miles in fulfilling his con-
cert engagements. This globe-trot-
ting record is a by-product of Rubin-
stein's career of more than a quarter
of a century which began during his
childhood when he was a protege of
the musician Joachim.
Pianist's *ii
Marks Second
Of U.S. Tours
Artur Ruibinstein ro Play
In Piano Concert Here;
Was ChildProdigy
Artur Rubinstein, distinguished,
Polish..pianist and interpreter of
classic and modern music, will ap-t
pear at Hill Auditorium on March 6,1
1940; marking the second time that
the famed artist has visited America.
in his more than twenty-five years.
of public recitals.
Rubinstein was born in 1890 in'
Lodz, Poland, he youngest of seven
children by nine years. He early
displayed musical talent, and the in-
habitants of Lodz presented him for
his fourth birthday with visiting
cards bearing the inscription "Artur
Rubinstein, Artist Musician."
At the age of six, Artur gave his
first concert in Warsaw, for charity.
He studied in that city witiv Profes-
sor Rozycki, but in a few months had
learned all that the professor could
teach him.
Rubinstein's sister arranged to pre-
sent the young artist td Joseph Joa-
chim, whom he impressed so that he
was immediately taken as a pupil,
Three years later he made his formal1
debut in Berlin, playing the Mozart
Concerto in A Minor, with Joachim,
conducting the orchestra.
Rubinstein, .only sixteen and al-3
ready a specialist in Chopin, Bee-4
thoven, Brahms and Liszt, made his
first trip to America in 1906, where
he appeared with the Philadelphia
Orchestra, and made his New York+
debut in Carnegie Hall soon -after.j
During his tour he gave seventy-five
He concertised extensively through-+
out Europe .during the next half-
dozen years, playing in St. Peters-+
(Continued on Page 2)
KoussevitZky Key
To Group's Fame
Serge Koussevitzky, who has di-
rected the Bostony Symphony Or-
chestra for the last 12 of its 59 sea-
sons, is regarded as the man mainly
responsible for the high quality of
this organization.
Kreidler Refutation Of Own Belief
That Early Success Is A Detriment
Ann Arbor's winter mnusie
son gets under way officially
p.m. Tuesday, Oct 24, when
Rachmaninoff, steps onto th
of Hill Auditorium to deli
first program of the 61st
Choral Union series.
Ten concerts, featu rmng t
standing soloists and ensemble
in the musical world, have b
ranged by the University :
Society, sponsor of the serif
lowing Rachmarlinoff in th
1940 series will be: F:r't re
olinist; Alexander IKipnis,
New York Philharmonic-Syi
Orchestra, John Barbirolli, co
Jussi Bjoerling, tenor; the
Symphony Orchestra, Serge
sevitsky, conductor; Kirsten
stad, soprano; Robert Viroval,
ist; Bartlett and Robertson, I
and Artur Rubinstein, pianist
Capacity Crowd Epect
A capacity crowd is expe
attend the opening progrm'
Choral Union series, Which
years have established Anh A
one of the foremost centers ?
cal culture in the country.
Returning for the sevent
to the winter qoncerts, Rach
of f, famed Russian pianist, cc
and conductor, will open thE
His versatility has received
wide recognition. He .has
practically all forms of mu
has conducted the Moscow
phony Orchestra and also th
cow Private Opera. But i
piani that he has gained
appreiation and acclaim.
Fritz Kreisler, violinist, w
give the second program i1
Nov. 6, needs no introduction
Arbor music fans. He has a
here on 10 previous occaslo
always to SRO signs. By m
and laymen alike, his name-
instrument are murmured'
breath. "There are many
-there is only one Kreisler
come a musical adage
Bass Is Newcomner
A newcomer 'to local music
is Alexander Kipnis, Metr
bass, appearing here Mloni
13. Most of his fame has beer
on European concert "stage
has sung at Bayreuth and e
music festivals, and was chi
Toscanini to sing at the Inter
Festival in Lucerne. The Ne
Times, speaking of his operati
has called him "the greates
John Barbirolli brings b
York Philharmoic-Sympio:
chestra to Hill Auditorium I
Nov. 27 to mintain the Chor
tradition of presenting the 01
ing symphony orchestras
country. The organization
oldest of its kind, and has the
est conductor, but the comi
seems to be a happy one. F
birolli has stepped forward ef:
to plug up the hole left by To
departure several years ago.
Jussi Bjoerling, the young
jor star of the Metropolitar
Association, will sing in/ti
program Monday, Dec. 4.
his youth, Bjoerling Is a ve
opera, having made his debu
Royal opera at stockholm
was 19 years old. ; In his fi
York r'ecital in Town Hfall, it
ported that the "wals resou
the greatest applause exp
since its construction."
Ninth Sueesslve Yea,
For the ninth 4u cessive ye;
Koussevitsky and' the Bosto
phony Orchestra will pla
Thursday, Dec. 14. The 3O
row in its 59th season, has b
The theory that child prodigies
burn themselves out before fulfilling
their promise in maturity certainlyl
does not apply to Fritz Kreisler who
made the transition from wonder-
child to mature artist with no loss to
his art,
Kreisler appeared in concerts in
Vienna at the age of :seven and en-
tered the Vienna Conservatory the
same year, although the entrance age
for regular pupils was set at 14: Three
years later, he won the gold medal
for violin playing, and transferred to
the Paris Conservatory under Mas-
sart, celebrated violin teacher, and
Delibes who taught theory. Some-
what reluctantly they admitted him
pletely, and announced his ambition bile together. This can never re-
to become a physician like his father, main the object of music. People
He studied intensively for his degree, will get away from it again.
but was interrupted by a period of "Success is not easy to acquire, and
military service during which he be- if it does come at an early age, it is
came an officer in a regiment of Uh- apt, to a certain extent, to have an
tans,, injurious effect on the artist, limit-
Kreisler failed to touch his violinI ing the free development of his a'rG,
during his stay in the army, but after- which needs a stimulus for full ex-
wards, he began playing again 'nd pansion," he explains.
made several appearances. In March, "I enjoyed only very moderate
1899, he made his return debut in success until I was about 34 or 35, ^nd
Berlin and established a place for my success has been at its highest
himself among the violin greats. That only during the last 20 years. Yet
same year he returned to this coun- when I think of the days when I was
try on another triumphant tour, and 21, I feel quite certain that my
ever since, he has been a world re- technical equipment was just as good
nowned artist. then as it is today.
Bigger,. Better Co icerts
Result From Donation
By ArthurHill, '65
With the moving of the Choral'
Union concert series into Hill Audi-
torium, so has the quality and size of
the musical festival improved. .
The Choral Union Concert Series
was first inaugurated during the sea-
son of 1879-1880, with the first May
Festival in 1894. For almost two de-
cades from that time.the concerts and
festivals were held annually in the
small confines of University Hall.
In 1909, Arthur Hill, an alumnus
of the University, bequeathed funds
for the construction of an auditorium
wherein concerts, and other Univer-
sity functions might be held. He was
one of the first private donors to pro-
vids funds in large enough amounts to
care for needs which could not be
taken out of by the regular University
The Auditorium was completed
early in 1913 and was first used to
stage the May Festival of that year.
Because of his contribution and in-
terest, the auditorium has been
named for Mr. Hill. Today it sta ads'
as an imposing structure on North
University avenue, one of the finest
college auditoriums in the nation.
F®r _ W7 ". - wr--f ,r