h Union Formal To Open Autumn Social Season Friday, Oci to 1 '? 4_ ')eddings . and, Egagemen ts The wedding of Mary Ellen Wilson, daughter of Dr. Fred B. Wilson of Deaver, Pa., and the late Mrs. Wilson, and Alfred H. Waldchen, '38E, sonI of Mrs. Anna Waldchen of Dearborn, took place Saturday, Sept. 30 in the Michigan League chapel. Mrs. Waldchen, a graduate of Gen-1 eva College at Beaver, took her mas- ter's degree in the University in 1937 and studied toward her doctor's de- gree. Mr. Waldehen received his de- gree in chemical engineering and is' a member of Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering society, and of Vulcans. * * * The engagement of Jean Kyer, daughter of Mrs. Charles Kyer of the Forest Plaza and the late Mr. Kyer, to Dr. Thomas Findley of St. Louis, Mo., son of Dr. and Mrs. Pal- iner Findley of Omaha, Neb., has been' announced by Mrs.. Kyer. The wedding will take place in April. Miss Kyer graduated from Smith College at Northampton, Mass., and then attended the University. She is affiliated with Alpha Phi. Dr.l Findley received his degrees from Princeton University and the Univer- sity of Chicago medical college. He is a member of the medical faculty of Washington University in St. Louis, and was an instructor in internal medicine in the University. Al -State Dance To Be At Union, Traditional Football Affair Will, Be HeldSaturday The traditional All-State dance, climax of the annual Michigan-Mich- igan State football classic, will once again be held at the Union, Irl Brent, '40, social chairman of the Union an- nounced yesterday.; Two ballrooms will be utilized, with; Bill Sawyer holding forth from his usual stand on the second floor, and Woody Mack playing from the third- floor ballroom. Dancing will be continuous from 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday, and the music of each band will be piped through to the other ballroom, Brent{ said. The All-State dance is open to al- umni and undergraduates from both Michigan State College and the Uni- versity. Mass Meeting Set For Theatre Arts For the benefit of the less hardy and adventurous members of our community there will be a second mass meeting of the Theatre Arts Committee at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday at the League. Zelda Davis, '40, general chairman, Dorothy Nichols, '40, assistant gen- eral chairman, and Richard Mc- Kelvey, director of the Children's Theatre join the central committee in urging all those interested in any phase of the committee's work to at- tend the meeting. Ushering'Applicants Called Grecian Motif P redoin ales New Jewelry "It's all Greek to me" wail the freshmen as they wander across cam- pus in a greenish haze. And well they may in this season when soror- ities and fraternities are the thing, and no one has been known to utter a coherent sentence without an Al- pha or a Beta slipping in. Our bustles and our plaids may re- flect the Paris influence, but our accessories cry "Greece." A famous Swiss designer gives us a necklace and bracelet composed of wooden discs with a variety of fraternities symbolized on them. You can have the buckle of your favorite belt em- bossed with the name of your own sorority. A tailored blouse has an all-over print of the Greek alphabet, and of course the scarves on our heads have a distinctly foreign touch. A novel idea would be to have your socks and handkerchiefs embroid- ered with your sorority emblem. This would certainly be more effective than your first name or initials, and much more subtle than your phone number. A canvass of users of this method shows that they recommend it highly. The results are more than worth the effort they say. The Greeks may not have had the word for it, but they certainly had the alphabet. W.A.A. SPORTS. Archery: Shoot and supper at 1:15 p.m. Thursday at the Wo- men's Athletic Building. Dance Club: Tea and organiza- tion meeting from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday at the Women's Athletic Building. Field Hockey: Practise sessions at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thurs- day at Palmer Field. House MWainagers: Organization meeting at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow at the Women's Athletic, Building. The wedding of Miss Frances Ingall All women interested in ushering of .Thompson St., and Bennett Mc- for the Theatre-Arts productions are Glone of Chicago will take place on asked to meet at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday Oct. 7 in the Church of Christ, Dis- in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. ciples in Ann Arbor. Mr. McGlone of the League, according to Peggy is a graduate of the University and is Cornelius, '41, chairman of Art Cine- enployed in Chicago. ma productions. THE MacDOUGALS AND Mac- newest ideas. Want the phone J U N E G R E Y'S GREGORS ARE SCOUTING FOR number? It's 4702. SHOP (you pass it THE CLAN! We're looking for * * * as you walk toward you if you've' a "wee the Engine Arch) is "