N D 1. '_-- % ,- 1 been an advance much talked-about, but never attempted. With Germany's decision several years ago to kindle the home fires with the Treaty of Ver- sailles, she was faced with the problem of creat- ing a winged arm of might as cheaply, efficiently and quickly as possible. For a solution to the problem, German technicians adapted the car- a-minute automobile production line methods to the needs of the aircraft industry. fl -Heyw ood B ro n It isn't a very cheerful thought, but it seems to me that England and France can hardly hope for victory except in an extended war. German 'U El I and managed by students of the University of in under the authority of the Board in Control of tPublications. shed every morning except Monday during the ty year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press Associated Press' is exclusively entitled to the republication of all news dispatches credited to ot otherwise credited in this newspaper. All f republication of all other matters herein also ed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as class mail matter. riptions during regular school year by carrier, V mail, $4.50. REPR6PENTED POR NATIONAL AOVERi81ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Pubshers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO "BOSTON - LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO er, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial tersen . . M'araniss Swinton L. Linder A. Schorr Flanagan Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor . . Associate Editor Associate Editor * .Associate Editor * .Associate Editor . Women's Editor . . Sports Editor Business Staff ;r., Cxedit Manager s Manager ing Manager lager Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko Jane Mowers lHarriet S. Levy NIQT EDITOR: HERVIE HAUFLER The editorials published in The Michigan aily are written by members of The Daily aff and represent the views of the writers zly. th Eyes The Future T HAT PRESIDENTIAL booms are getting a big boost from the embargo cash and carry" oonflict now facing Con- was pointed out this week by Pearson and 1 in their "Washington Merry-Go-Round." nerica wants to stay out of war, and the eof public opinion toward a desire for peace wring many a politician's hopes on its crest. e is an intense focus of popular in- t on Washington, and the statesman succeeds in maneuvering himself in- his limelight has a greater, more at- ye audience than any amount of peace- manipulation can bring. It is a time when .cal careers can be made or broken in one ch or one vote. a consequence, the fight for the leadership e embargo bloc is taking on the appearance free-for-all. He who gains command of the p will become the kingpin of most of the New Deal forces, at least temporarily, and be able to capitalize on the bouquets tossed enator Borah, Henry Ford, Colonel Lind- h, Father Coughlin, et al. Accustomed s ricans are in sublimating their political \poli- n the personality of a leader, the fortunate sman might well find himself riding into as the white hope of the malcontents. ndenberg would like to head the parade; "' ould Bridges' of New Hampshire, banaher innecticut and Gurney of South Dakota. Not outdone in this matter of catching the spot- The result of planning and research was the design of a limited number of basic plane de- signs which could readily be adapted to any of the various military uses required of aircraft in modern warfare. And, what from our view- point is more important, these basic types were designed to incorporate a maximum number of interchangeable parts, thus providing the key to mass production application. Nor is Germany's military production the only recent noteworhy advance toward the "two planes in every garage" goal. Working more slow- ly, and without the impetus of large-scale rearma- ment, American engineers have recently pro- posed several noteworthy innovations. Most unusual of these is the plan to cast air- plane bodies in a new form of thermal plastics. The practicability of the proposal has yet to be proven, but its effect on the industry, if suc- cessful, would undeniably be revolutionary. Not as revolutionary perhaps, but certainly more tanglible at the present time is the design of a welded stainless steel "air flivver." En- visioned by William B. Stout, famed designer of the "unusual", the plane will sell for approxi- mately $3,00. With the possibility of cheaper airplanes in sight for the near future, the question immedi- ately arises as to what portion of the population will be in a position to afford both the initial cost and the upkeep of these "sky flivvers." To insure any degree of ,.popularity and the resultant saving gained through the application of mass production techniques, we must necessar- ily achieve an economic equilibrium which will make possible the market for the airplane tat engineering is able to produce. Either the priee of the planes must be set to conform to the present level of the national standard of living, or the average national income will have to be raised to allow the average American family to purchase one of the planes without foregoing other more essential needs. /e -Karl Kessler QULLIVER'S CAVILS )y Youn~g 9ulliver After spending a sleepless night trying to figure how to wriggle out from under Professor Slosson's blanket of statistics, Gulliver composed the following letter, straight from a tortured soul. Dear Professor Slosson: All right, so we sell automobiles to Canada. All right, so we import rubber from British Indo-China. I've got an answer ready. First thing. we have to do is dispose of the eighteen thousand cars Iy ' won't be exporting. Simple.. We raise the auto ban in Ann Arbor, and every student buys a car As for the rubber, instead of covering the wheels of the cars with rubper, we cover them with velvet. Me personally, I've always wanted to have the sensation of riding on velvet. Yours, Y.G. Seriously, however, Gulliver thinks that Pro- fessor Slosson has overlooked the most vital fac- tor in the rationale of the "new isolationists," namely, that non-intercourse with warring coun- tries would necessarily be accompanied with an almost complete regearing of our economy. Now Professor Slosson has been far more frank than those advocates of cash and carry who declare that they are really neutral; he thinks that it's our job to help Britain and France beat Hitler because (1) Britain and France have the moral right on their side and (2) if we let Hitler win, we'll only have to fight him ourselves some day. Gulliver agrees with neither (1) nor (2). He re- fers cash and carriers to Professor Lovering's excellent letter in yesterday's Daily, to Maraniss and Petersen's editorial in tomorrow's Daily, and to the articles by Charles Beard and John Cham- berlain in this month's Harper's. Meanwhile Gulliver humbly suggests that we plaster our shirts to our backs and begin boning up on economic facts and figures, as Professor Williams suggested at the ASU meeting the other night. As a starter, we might all get busy study- ing Tansill's America Goes To War, Grattan's Why We Fought, and, Lenin's Imperialism. In other words, maybe we ought to be a little less hysterical and a little more historical. Before Gulliver lets fly with another collegiate fable, he must coney some interesting informa- tion to prospective purchasers of the Student Directory. There is now a freshman on campus named John Keats. This shoud be good news to all those who use the Directory for cheap fun on cold winter evenings, when it's too much trouble to go down to Flautz's. You just sit around in a circle and thumb through the Direc- tory, looking for literary personages and his- torical characters. There are plenty of them there. Sometimes a University catalog will do just as well. Example: it was an Ohio State catalog which told nie that Professor Bull teaches Animal Husbandry there . . . Anyway, welcome to Michigan, John Keats. And if Christoher Marlowe shows up on cam- pus as a prospective major in Play Production, Gulliver will blow him to a Hillbilly hamburger (with everything). We will conclude our sermon for today with aft anecdote, again apocryphal, about Professor Carnap, the eminent German logician now at the University of Chicago. He was at Princeton a . efficiency tends to defeat it- self in the long haul. There is pretty general agreement among all the soldiers I ever met that the German army in the last war was the finest military machine the world has ever known. And yet it was finally shattered. Much has been said by Hitler and others about the Reich's having been betrayed by the promises of Woodrow Wilson. Indeed, there is a widely cur- rent belief that Germany consented to lay down its arms at a time when it was still capable of effective resistance. According to all the testi- mony I have ever heard, this is erroneous. In spite of the fact that the cities and towns of Germany had felt' the effect of the war only slightly on the surface, the army was through. The soldiers did not in any literal sense lay down' their arms. Their weapons were knocked down. It was true that there was a sizable force in being, but morale had been shattered. The efficient machine was something which no longer functioned. And the failure, in a curi- ous way, grew out of the very perfection of the organization. The German is a good soldier be- cause almost more than any other man he has learned to take orders. As casualties grew it became necessary to move men up from the ranks to take the place of officers who were gone. As a rule, the German private does npt make a good leader. The gulf between the priv- ate and the officer has been greater among the Germans than in almost any other arIty. * * * Genieral Adolf One must admit that Hitler has succeeded to leadership in spite of the fact that as a fighter he did not move beyond the rank of corporal. Still, in spite of the success of the Reich in the Polish expedition, it remains to be discovered whether the Fuehrer is a military genius. The same American and British military men who mentioned the German army of the last war as the best military machine did note one exception. When put upon his own in some unexpected situation the German was less able to decide for himself than the American, the Australian, the Britisher or any other soldier of the allied nations. An exploit such as that of Sergeant York's would be almost impossible for a lone German private. Democracies begin slowly. The French and the .British make their worst mistakes at the beginning of a war. The German blunders come more commonly toward the end. When a perfect machine begins to give way it caves in all over. PQilus Aren't Showy In this sense the English and the French will be wise if they try to hand the offensive over to Germany along the Western Wall. Any great sacrificial push upon the part of the Allies at this moment would be a piece of fatal tactics. Al- though the French are less showy in the field than some of the other armies, many Americans, who served in the last war think that in one essential they are the best of all. They profit by being a nation of shop-keepers. In the last war the pressure of politics led the French upon a few occasions to make reckless experiments. Particularly the offensive of Vin- elle proved almost fatal. The French fight best when they keep in mind the principle of so much for so much. They retreat superbly and live to fight another day under more auspicious circumstances. In spite of French romanticism, the army functions best when it discourages heroes and plays for conservation of man pcwer. Even in the trenches the French are good waiters. The secret of the final outcome may lie in the histrionics of Hitler himself. Wars are not won by the raising of hands and the breathing of defiance. Victory may come at last to quiet, bearded men who keep to shelter as long as they can. An" army or a nation can afford to lose all the battles if only it can win the last one. Drew Pedrson Robert S.AIen Embargo Lobby This blase capital of the United States has seen all kinds of lobbies, from bonus marches to midnight par- ties featuring chorus girls and bibu- lous Congressmen. But never in all history has it seen such an incon- gruous mixture of wire-pullers and high-pressure boys as the motley army now storming the doors of Congress to oppose lifting the arms embargo. In that crowd are thousands of Coughlinites pulling shoulder to shoulder with the Quakers; Quakers, in turn, hand in hand with the du- Ponts; and Ernest Weir, labor-bait- ing steel magnate, in sympathy with Bob LaFollette, the champion of labor. Also in the embargo lobby are such incongruous partners as Henry Ford; Norman Thomas, the Socialist; lddie Rickenbacker, the war ace; Charles A. Beard, the historian; John Haynes Holmes, the preacher; John T. Flynn, the columnist; and Roland Hayes, the Negro tenor. Behind the scenes, the peace bloc is organized along military lines. They have pulled against each other in the past, but now they are work- ing together under a "General Staff" for peace. Peace Bloc Chief of staff in the Protestant part of the army (the Catholics operate separately) is Frederick J. Libby, who runs the National Coun- cil for the Prevention of War. Its officers are in Gen. U.S. Grant's for- mer headquarters, directly opposite the State, War and Navy Building, where Mr. Libby can look across at Secretary Hull's young mn who vig- orously oppose him. I Other members of the peace bloc, working under Libby's General Staff, include: Fellowship of Reconciliation, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, World Peace- ways, The American Friends Service Committee, and The Methodist World Peace Commission. Then there are the War Registers League, headed by John Haynes, Holmes; the Youth Committee against War, +headed by Fay Bennett; the Keep America Outof War Congress, headed' by Norman Thomas; the Peace Committee of the Mennonites; the People's Lobby; the School of Liveable Christianity of Chicago, and the Peace House of New York. Dupont Alliance For the first time in their lives, some of these organizations now find themselves allied with the name "du- Pont". During the munitions investi- gation, the duPont firm was bitterly attacked, day after day. But now Mr. Libby refers to the duPonts as being "on our side," and has mimeographed a "duPont edi- torial" which appeared in one of the duPont newspapers. All of the above organizations op- erate frankly, openly as pressure groups. Big Business Lobby Operating more quietly behind the scenes are certain big industrialists. One day Senator Vandenberg had been receiving many calls from Michigan asking him to support the President. Suddenly came a call from Ernest Weir of the Weirton Steel Company, and Vandenberg pre- pared to resist a similar plea to lift the embargo. "How do you stand on this neu- trality matter?" asked Weir over the long distance telephone. Vandenberg braced himself and replied, "I am strictly following my conscience and I intend to oppose removal of the embargoes." The Senator waited for the expect- ed blast of disapproval. Instead Weir said, "Excellent! I'm back of ou in that. Will you stick?" The Michigan senator assured hiref that he would. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLE Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all membersaof tb Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m.; 11;00a (Continued from Page 2) ceive a Certificate of Eligibility a stu- dent must have earned at least 11- hours of academic credit in the pre- ceding semester, or 6 hours of aca- demic credit in the preceding ,um- mer session, with an average of at least C, and have at least a C average, for his entire academic career-. Unreported grades and grades of X and I are to be interpreted as E until removed in accordance with University regulations. If in the opinion of the Comimittee on Student Affairs the X or I cannot be removed promptly, the parenthetically report- ed grade may be used in place of the X or I in computing the average. Students who are ineligible under Rule V may participate only after having received special permi'sion of. the Committee on Student Affairs. VI. Special Students. Special students are prohibited from participating in any public activity except by special permission of the Committee on Stu- dent Affairs. VII. Extramural Activities. Students' who are ineligible to participate in public activities within the Univer- sity are prohibited from taking part in other activities of a similar nature, except by special permission of the Committee on Student Affairs. VIII, Physical Disability. Students ex- cused from gymnasium work on ac- count of physical incapacity are for- bidden to take part in any public activity, except by special permission of the Committee on Student Affairs. In order to obtain such permission, a student may in any case be required to present a written recommendation from the University Health Service. IX. General. Whenever in the opinion of the Committee on Student Affairs, or in the opinion of the Dean of the School or College in which the stu- dent is enrolled, participation in a' public activity may be detrimental to his college work, the committee maya decline to grant a student the privilege of participation in such ac- tivity. X. Special Permission. The special, ermission to participate in public ac- tivities in exception of Rules V, VI, VII, VIII will be granted by the Committee on Student Affairs only upon the positive recommendation of theiDean of the School or College, to which the student belongs. XI.' Discipline. Cases of violation of these rules will be reported to the proper disciplinary authority for ac- tion. }}, XII. Off icers; chairmen and managers of, -ommittees and projects who violate the Rules Governing Participation in Public Activities may be directed to, appear before the Committee on Stu- dent Affairs to explain their negli- gence. order that receipts and membership cards may be returned to them in time to avoid the inconvenience of enrollment at the association con- ference in Detroit later this month. The University constitutes one dis- trict in the Michigan Education As- sociation and all faculty members are eligible for membership. Dues are $3.25 per year except for those with salaries below $1,000, who pay $2.25. Enrollment cards may be obtained from Mrs. Olga Vedder, Universiy Elementary School. J. M. Trytten. Phi Lambda Upilon: All faculty and student members of Phi Lambda Upsilon who are affiliated with, the University of Michigan for the first time, or who are returning after an absence, please get in touch with me by phone or post card. C. W. Zuehike, Secy. Delta Chapter .727 S. Stat. Mt. Phone 3918 A cademic Notices Orientation Seminar, for beginning graduate students in mathematics. Preliminary meeting, Monday at '3 p.m., in 3201 A.H. Geography 171 will meet Monday, Oct. 2, 1939, in Room 209 Angell Hall, at 3 p.m. Sociology 51: Make-up examination for those who missed the June ex- amination-on Friday, Oct. 6, 2-5 p.m., Room 115 Haven Hall. Political Science 51 will not uneet on Monday, Oct. 2. German 11: Will meet from 5-6 in Room 225 Anggl Hall. Frank X. Braun. Today's Events Freshmen Round Table: Prif. 'A- thur VanDuren will speak on the sub- ject "For What Are We Educating?" at Lane Hall tonight at 7:15 p.m. All freshmen men and women are wel- come to take part in the discussion. The Outdoor Club invites you to attend a bicycle hike this afternoon. The group will meet at Lan Hall at 2 p.m. A limited number of bicycles will be available for renting*. Open meeting, everyone welcome. Hillel Foundation: All f 6 0an and .transfer students are cordially invited to attend the party fr new Ast4t'at the illel. nd o tonight begi g at 8 p.m. Daneing and refreshments. Coming Events The Graduate Opting Club will meet at the northwest entrance of the Rackham Building at 3 p.m. Sun- day, Oct. 1. The group will go for. a hike which will end at the Island, where a wiener t-oast will be held. All graduate students are cordialy invited to attend. Eta Kappa Nu: There will be a meeting of the officers and members in the Michigan Union, Sunday eve- ning, Oct. 1, at 7:1^ p.m. varsity Men's Debate: There will be a meeting of all men interested in Varsity Debate, Monday, Oct. 2., at 4 o'clock in Room 4203 A.H. University of Michigan Glider Club will hold its first meeting Tuesday, Oct. 3, from 7-9 p.m., 348 West 9n- gineering Building. Dues payable at that time. Let's have everyone out to start in on the ftn. Freshmen Men's Glee Clb:. Try- outs for Freshmen Glee Clul will be held Tuesday, Oct. 3, 4 p.m., third floor, Union. Rehearsal at the same time for the new men and for those who have already tried out. The Michigan Christian Fellowship, student organization, invites all Chris- tian students to its meeting in the fire-place room at Lane Hall, Suni= day, Oct. 1, at 4:30 p.m. The Ann Arbor Hockey Club will meet at 9 o'clock Sunday morning at the Women's Athletic Building. All Graduate Students and towns- women wishing to play field hockey are cordially invited to be present. Churches First Congregational Church, State and William Streets. 10:45 a.m. public worship. Dr. Parr will preach on "What the World Needs-Now." 6 p.m. The Student Fellowship will meet at the church for supper. 7 p.m. Prof. John L. Brummn of tihe' School of Jour ii~sm will address the group on "The Menace of Educa- tion." Varsity Glee Club: The men will' report for Glee hearsal Sunday afternoon third floor, Union. Bring cards. following Club re- at 4:30, eligibility the. LaFollette brothers, Phil stole the show. LaFollettes may still be pla'ying party movement, which was a n in the last presidential race. ican aspirants are, therefore, to Phil LaFollette's plan to and Bob,' with their miserable The four extremely set up a nwide neutrality organization, with branches ery city and Phil doing the master-minding Washington. rally any laggards in their forces, the rgoists and the "cash and carry" votaries heightened their arguments until it woi;; Congress. is choosing between peace and Each side. maintains that it must have its that war is the alternative. Such alarmist ments are merely scareheads to draw atten- It is important to select the safest and t neutrality law, but there is not enough rence in the relative merits of the two pro- is for anyone to conclude that the defeat ae plan or the other places us on a road :g irrevocably to war. spite their emotional appeals before the and their Cassandra-like forebodings that. follow, the losers, whichever side it will be, d not be able to convince us of the inevit- y of America's entrance into war. Behind ' overstatement and every croak of presenti- there' may be a personal axe a-grinding. -Hervie Haufler ro Planes AS OTHERS SEE IT 4 0 + To the Editor: Passed almost unnoticed, unheralded and un- sung in the whirl of the beginning of another college year in Ann Arbor, was the withdrawal of the compulsory Saturday class provision for Lit school students this semester. This repeal of a requirement, perennially de- nounced as No. 1 Wrecker of Student Weekend Happiness, coming in accordance with a Univer- sity program of mapping out things in general, ten years in advance (proclaimed last year when everyone was moaning for a four-day Thanks- giving Day vacation), surely demonstrates for us the great foresight of the University offi- cials of almost a decade past. If the Big Boys back in 1929 really had their thinking caps on as to how to revamp the Uni- versity program, we can expect things to start popping any day now. Sincerely, Bellerose Berger, J. Barber, J. Brown, C. Case, P. Draper, T., Connor, J. Davis, N. Draper, A. Erke, H. Fennell, B. Fennimore, K, Fromm, J. George, J. 'ell, E. Gibbs, C. Gibson, C. Holt, .. Hines, C. Haberaecker, W. Heininger, K. Kelly, R. Lusk, H. Liimatainen, T. Lovell, R.r Loesell, E. Landis, C. Lewis, G. Lewis, K. Levinson, H. Luxan, J. Langford, W. MacIntosh, W. Morris, H. Muller, G. Nelson, Al. Pinney, C. Purdy, B. Penn, J. Pankaskie, L. Peterson, R. Reizen, M. Rhoads, K. Schwarzwalder, Shale. t, . Stitt, C. Sorensen, R. Smith,1R. Tuttle, H. / Tobin, R. Vandenberg, R. Henry Ford Lobby Vandenberg also got word from Henry Ford that he would back him to the limit in the neutrality fight. The Senator welcomed this and later called Ford on the phone to ask how much he would be willing to con- tribute to pay initial expenses in or- ganizing the fight. "I do' not contribute to causes," snapped back the auto magnate. It turned out that Ford meant he would help Vandenberg in a .politi- cal way if he got into trouble in the next election as a result of his em- bargo stand. Explanation given for the opposi- Lion of Weir, Ford, and the duPonts to lifting the embargo is: 1. They fear a third term for Roosevelt. 2. If the United States should get ery Ga rage . . . J. A S THE SAYING GOES, "'tis an ill wind . . ." and the present cyclone ring over Europe seems to be no exception, a the line of bringing us cheaper transport private aircraft, it appears to have made a ;antial contribution. First Presbyterian Church, Washtenaw Ave. I i