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September 29, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-09-29

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in Ann Arbor Briefs Debate Squad Masculine Tone Called Keynote Local Lions Group
.a Pn. B. Sullivan, a graduate of the Mees MoTda In Engineering School istor To Give Dance Here
the campus as a graduate student
rt rom his position as professor in a.Members of Ann Arbor Lions Club
Shanghai, China, university. Interscholastic Contest Is Rapid Growth Is Credited and his two associates, Prof. Charles announced today that they would be-
S.noDnnedotoand Prof theyB. Davis.
Mr. Sullivan, who is a professor ofPlanned For Fll To Great Prsonalities . gin an immediate canvass of Uni- a me
" political economy, was in Shanghai Pare o alT ra esnlte Mortimer E. Cooley, a Navy' en-
during its bombardment by the Jap- In All Departments gineer and Annapolis graduate, versity fraternities to sell tickets for Varsit
ports anese. He plans to return in Jan- en interested Varsity debatg joined the faculty in 1881 as profes- their benefit dance, which will be 4 o'c
uary. will have a good chance to make the By KARL KESSLER Isor of the newly organized depart- given in the Intramural Building
Faes * * - squad this year as Coach Arthur Definitely masculine in nature, the ment of mechanical engineering. e Oct. 7Hil
President Ruthven will speak at a Secord of the speech department ex- ha became dean of the college after the a
vrehen- state-wide conference' on prevention pects only two of last year's veterans engineering\college is reported to haves G Earl (Father) Hines will bring his and t
ture the of juvenile delinuency to be held at to show up at the organization meet- depressiv6 influeice on would-be Engineering Specialties orchestra to furnish music for the invitee
weekly Saginaw on Oct. 13, it was announced ing at 4 p.m. Monday in Room 4203 Casanovas, but presents a haven of Since those early days, not only has affair, which will be held on the night studer
n to be Thursday. A.H. refuge to what few misogynists are the engineering college become a dis- of the Michigan-Michigan State foot- Saturc
Other speakers include Dr. Lowell "Resolved: That the Federal Gov- left in this co-educational institution. tinct division of the University, but ball contest
bridge, G. Carr, director of the Michigan emnent Should Own and Operate .Other unusual features offered by the college itself has become special -andr_
ers or- Child Guidance Institute; Probate the Railroads" is the topic chosen the college include job placement ized within itself through the estab-i
or and Judge Clair R. Black of Port Huron; for eight interscholastic contests byservices and its honor system. Close lishment of numerous departments, Ere
with L. and Ella Gordon Smith of the De- Varsity squad. Tentatively, the contact between the college and en- such as those of chemical, metallur- , a.r meeti
depart- troit News. schdul includes a tri 6toIllinois gineering firms is maintained by the gical, aeronautical enTogini Monday, Oct. 9 in the
_and Ohio State on Nov. 16landh-,hadministration in an endeavour to First work in engineering was car- nMna
a which "ing,
us pro- Organ recitals will be given at 4:15 respectively. Michigand l r - place a large per cent of the gradu- ried on in what is now the South Meals will not be served in the new
.rnished on each Wednesday in November and ta noi N4 2ates. Wing of University Hall. It was not west quadrangle of men's dormitories.
he for- the first two weeks of December by tern Ndsv2d. The College of Engineering was not until 1881 that a building solely for until Monday, Oct. 9, it was an-
se soc- Palmer Christian, University organ- with two Big Ten championships at established as an independent branch engineering was built.
Chinese ist and professor of organ, and two . of the University until 1895. It was Around this structure the building ou T s
other guest artists. The guests will the four years which Mr. Seconrd has formally authorized at that time by now known as the Engineering Shops While work on the quadrangle is
toniht be Thomas H. Kinkead, of St. An- ched yeas, the Board of Regents with Charles grew. Boom that it was, this sudden almost completed, the dining rooms
expertdrews Episcopal church, and Cather- E. Greene as its first dean. expansion proved inadequate b eore and kitchens'will not be finished un-
'ine Crozier, a member of the organ Long History it was completed, and in 1902 the con- til that time.
r's gen- faculty at Eastman school, Roches- Its true beginning, however, dates struction of the present West En-
h Nel- ter, N.Y. almost to the foundation of the Uni- gineering building was authorized.
will be "The European Scene," the first versity, according to Wilfred Shaw, Pride of the new building was its
age ex- BATTLE CREEK CLUB STARTS in a series of lectures on economic director of alumni relations. The 300-foot naval testing tank. As late
ent will Officials of the Battle Creek Club, social and political problems con- article authorizing the University, in a the ast World W ar, it wans t OU ARE INVI
n Eng- an organization of students with fronting Eurpe today will be given 1837 in fact, provided for a chair in only tank of its character inthe
who in homes in Battle Creels, today' re- by Prof. Christian N. Wenger of the civil engineering and drawing, which country, aside from that at the Wash- HAVE LUNCHE
iguages quested that all men who are inter- English department at a meeting of was first filled n 1853. n
ers are ested in joining the club call Robert the Liberal Students Union at 7:30 The University was the fourth -in--_ ____
.ting as Irish '41, or Reid Hatfield, '42L, dur- p.m. Sunday in the library of the stitution in the country to offer Services At Hillel
traded' ing the next two days. Unitarian Church. courses in engineering, and with the
i where graduation of its first two students Will Begin Today
int1860, became the sixth institution CUT-RATE DRU
1 1to grant degrees in that field. Conservative services will be held at
jj ll eeto r The history of engineering at the 7:30 p.m. today at the Hillel Founda-
University in those days is more prop- tion with Ronald Freedman, Grad, FRIDAYLUNCH
eerly a history of personalities. First serving as cantor.RDY UC
S. STATE--Modrn tw t vigorous proponent of the engineer's Following the services addresses No. 1. Salmon Loaf, Cold Slaw, Torn
THE MICHIGAN DAILY ment, fine for 2 girls, price reason caus re was Prof DeVolso Woo , i ecgvr b Dr IsacRabino Coffee, Tea or Milk
able, 934 S. State. 6387. A3 ashppointedvito agneeasistn pofesor witz, director of the Foundation, Pro-
CLASSIFIED able.______.___a__.___87._A_ ship in civil engineering in 1857. fessor Jacob Sachs of the pharma- No. 2. Veal Chops, Peas and Car
ADVERTISING . LAUNDERING-9 Under ChangesAttempted cology department, Betty M. Stein- Cofeee, Te or Milk
A V R II GUdr his direction numerous hart, '40,' president of the Hillel CfeTa rMl
ses- RATES LAUNDRY -- 2-1044. Sox darned recommendations and innovations Council, and Freedman, welcoming SPECIAL - Hi-Test Chocolate i\
tm"se- AT SAeUlwRk, at104.lowp are were attempted. Most of these new students to the Foundation and
oblems Careful work at low prices- changes were doomed, however, by greeting the returning upperclassme
SAMS HOME LAUNDRY-Students a general misunderstanding of the At 9 pm. a social will be held to the Mi Th Bld d
1. Mor- 12c per reading line (on basis of laundry a specialty. We call and aims of technicial education preval- which all students are invited. inchign etre g.- One
landy peiaty e al ntaththe time.tudentsareinvied._
on an- five average words to line) for one deliver. 4568 Jackson Rd. Dial ent at the time. PHONE 9288 ... Prompt Delivery
- or wo isertons.69B4Prior to his resignation in favor of
ade for 10c per reading line for three or .__B a similar position at Stevens Institute _ilkman Falls Asleep;
y mem- more insertions. SILVER LAUNDRY of Technology, he presented ade- Delivers Too Much Milk
eligious Minimum of 3 lines per in6er-otailed plan for the organization of a
tosaid, Thon bai F c nveries school of engineering and technology The Charles Bhonet family ordered
o those These low rates are on the basis Free pickups and deiveries as a fourth department of the Univer- only a couple of bottles of milk Wed-
ure of of cash payment before the ad is Price List sity. It was just 23 years later that nesday morning, and received a truck
ng ar- inserted. If. it is inconvenient for All articles washed and ironed, this change was finally brought about, full.
you to call at our offices to make Shirts .......'..............(4 From 1872 to the present day the The milk arrived with a crash when
"I Be- payment, a messenger will be sent Undershirts ................. .04 engineering college. enjoyed a rapid a truck piled on their front porch
eligious to pick up your ad at a slight extra Shorts ..'.. . ........ . . . ....04 rise in enrollment and facilities. after the driver, Leonard Clark, 24
t to be charge of 10c. , Pajama Suits . . ..... . . ......10 Prominent in the early history of the years old, fell asleep at the wheel at
10 at For further information call Socks, pair . . .. . .......... . . .03 department were Professor Greene 3:39 a.m. and see
iave as 23-24-1, or stop at 420 Maynard Handkerchiefs ............ ...02
of the Street. Bath Towels ................ .03
various ° _All Work Guaranteed CLEACRoPURE, REFRESHING ompletely "R
n said STRAYED, LOST, FOUND - 1 lsospecalpicesonCoed'slaun-
n ATthat1 dries. All bundles done separately.
rtunity LOST-Shell rim glasses in black No markings. Silks, wools our store
er idea case. Bob Wagner. 2-2565. specialty. 9
eo DRUMS and equipment lost at DANCING INSTRUCTION - 14
Michigan Union, Sept. 20. Reward.
tradted Cadillac 9714, 523 Free Press, De- DANC--Tap or Ballroom, Piano,
at troit. classical or swing, note or ear. Uni-
at its versity Grad. Guaranteed quick t~oAd4t
which SITUATIONS WANTED-2 learning. Dial 8578. Ruth Patton.
will be students have applied for room
at 7:15 and board jobs. Phone .Interna- WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL -
ad Oc- tional Center 4121-exten. 2131. Driveway .gravel, washed pebbles. DB Y"7
stated. -iFOR RENT-lins Gravel Company. Phone I
____ FOR RENT-5 ~~~~7112: ______________________
ARCH -'Furnished student" double -
Aroom, 711 Arch. Cal around 6p.m. I 1
310. A-1
HAVEN--Front suite, well furnished,
block from campus, rent single or
double. Reasonable. 4929. 735 1hh

Haven. A2 Come in now and choose fror
WASHTENAW-Large, (ont double of Beauty Aids. We
student's room; also one student e a1y
to share suite. One block from Colognes and Perfumes.
campus. 1236 Washtenaw. 7242.
LARGE LIGHT front single room FEZ ...MANTILLA
$3.75 week; also suite to be shared * DOROTHY GRAY DARE-I
with law student $3.50 week. 808
5c Packard St. 2-2668. New Fall Shad
WASHINGTON-Two newly. decor- " SPECIAL - TUSSY I
p 1 ated rooms with adjoining lava- $1.75 Value... fo
tories, shower, steam heat. 422 E.
Washington. 5K
Or NEW If You Prefer For Mi
END your laundry and LU
e by conve n ien 0n.tDELICIOU
ILWAY EXPRESS hnie-cooke4
dea, this It saves you bother, nd cash too, for STUDENT SUPPLIES'__
n express it home "collect", you know. So phone
gent today. He'll cal for your weekly package, /
- it away by fast express train, and when it for all departm ents-
urns, deliver your laundry to you -all with.C M R P
t extra charge. Complete and handy, eh?
)nly RAILWAY ExPREss gives this service, and CAM E SUPI
it's the, same with your vacation baggage. For We carry a ca
either or both, just nick up a phone and call a EASTMANKOD
Ann Aoort. K. .Depot
420 S. Ashley St. 'Phone 7101C E
Depot Office: Mich. Central R. R. CAMERAS
'Phone 5714 Ann Arbor, Mich. PROJECTORS .
ss... A Cas' of Serwes ....1039C0H E
-Ir-r 11 A r A 4K 7 1:n i I C T

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