THE MICHIGAN DAILY , l Regular Friday and Saturday night daces at the League will start this Wekend, with a special welcollhe planned for freshmen. anid transfers, Beth O'R&ke, '40, vice-president of the League in charge of the ballroom, announced yesterday. The dance for freshmen will be' held from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. today and the transfer's dance will be from 9 pin. to midnight tomorrow in the ballroom. Quiz Vo Be e tiured A "Campus Quiz" will te the main featfre of entertainment each eve- ning, and questions will be displayed on large posters around the balrom. Pries Will be iven to the winhers of 'te ulz, who will be annou icem ur- ilg the 'evening, and the quizzes will be differeht each night. Another innovation of the first two dances of the year will be favors, which will be given out to the guests by members of the League Council.' The whole council will be there also to welcome the freshmen and trans- fers, and will handle the tickets, the "Campus Qniz," and the distribution of prizes. Earl Stevens' orchestra will pro- Vide music for dancing this week as well as for the rest of the dances to be given throughout the year. Council Members Named Other members of the Council be- 'Ades iss O'ROke are Dorothy Ship- man, '40, presideht of the Ldagte,; Ella Stowe, '40, vice.-president in chege of daning classes; Phyllis Mc- Geachy, '40, vice-president in cha'ge of the candy booth committee; Rob- erta eete, '40, chairman of the me'rit system committee; Mary Minor, '40, chairman of the social committee; Zeda Davis, '40, chairman of the thea'rearts 'committee; Mary Fran- ces Reek, '40, president of Assembly; arbara Bassett, 40, president of Baihfleic; Ann Vicary, '40, worn- "h's 'editor of The Dalily; and Suz- anne Potter, '40, chairman of the pub- licity committee. All students in the University are urged to attehd the dances, Miss 0'- Roke stated, although they are espe- cially planned for new students. Assembly ITa Phis Pu shed Event Opens Indepedetit's 'Fortnight Discussions Plans for the Assembly Tea to be hel from. 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 13 in the League ball-~ room are 6beig rapidly completed according to letty Robei ts, '40, gen- eral chairman. This tea opens the Independent Fortnight which is to acquaint all. women students with extra-curricular activities for inde- pendent women. cdetral committee 'announced that the invitations to every independent roman would be out ifn the mail about Wednesday, Sept. 2. Large posters also. will be placed in prominent laces on ciia'$6us and in the League in particular. Tea To Be Served flea will be served at tables around the dance floo and several of the faculty women will pour. Although the orchestra has not been announced as yet, there will be dancing. Upper- class Assembly women will cut in on the new women and attempt to establish a friendly atmosphere. I Members of the central committee axe as follows: Betty Roberts, '40,t general chairman; Elizabeth Luck- ham, '41, publicity; Anne Schaeffer, '40, patrons; Alberta Royal, '40, in- vitations; Evelyn Eichelberger, '40, music; and Marjorie Polumbaum, '42, merit chairman. To Visit Dormitories D u r i n g Independent Fortnight members of Assembly and Senior Society will visit each dormitory and League house in order to acquaint the women students with their activi- ties. Election of house residents will be arranged to take place at this time during the visits. Thesepresidents are the official representatives of houses on the Assembly Board. Other activities for the Fortnight will be announced later, Mary Frances Reek, '40, Assembly president, stated re- cently. The chairmen and committees for Assembly Banquet will be chosen dur- ing: the Fortnight by petitions and interviews. The officers of Assem- bly, the presidents of the Dormitory Board, the Ann Arbor Independents, and the League House Board will select the chairmen for both the banquet and Assembly Ball. . i Two-Piece Wools Are Perennial Choce ... L .. I - I Mass Meeting Set ForToday Children's Theatre Year's Program Announced A mass meeting sponsored by the Theatre Arts Committee will be held at 5 p.m., today at the League, and all wonmen interested in theatre work are urged to attend, it was announced by Zelda Davis, '40, general chair- man of the committee. The purpose of the meeting is to introdbce the members of the execu- tive council, who will explain the duties of each committee. All those interested in working on the Theatre Arts Conunittee will then be asked to notify the various chairmen of the sub-committees. The Children's Theatre plans to present the following productions during the school year, Miss Davis .announced : "The Tinder Box," Oct. 20 and 21; "Thanksgiving At Buck- ram's Corners," Dec. 1 and 2; "Dick Whittington And His Cat," Jan. 12 and 13, -and a marionette show and dance pantomime to be given by the Dance Club Feb. 16 and 17. i _ ; _ _ .. . Ty icl examnples of the college girl's favorite two-piece outfits are those pictured here. Both ire simple wools, which may be "dressed up" or "down," as the occasion dictates. Shirtwaist top, full skirt, and mniitary sleeves combine to make the dress on the left outstanding in its simulicity. The other is the more versatile, since the entire checked ensemble may be worn with an ascot, to make a. chic afternoon dress; or the skirt may be combined with numerous sweaters or blouses, excellent for campus wear., - ... Studying Made Easy By Addition Of Lounging Pajamas To Outfit i I _1 ,, 7 i 1 A _+( I Lounging pajamas, although 4 ot as convenient as house coats which can be easily slipped on over sleeping: p.j.'s, have a definite place in the college girl's wardrobe. Needless to say, Winter isn't too far off, and, needless to say again, Ann Arbor's winters are not of the mildest sort. However, warm weather or cold, studying continue , and being comfortably dresser, can e of in'esti- mable aid in preparing next day's lesson~s. Three-Piece Outfits, Attractive What could be more attractive on an icy winter evening than a three- piece flannel lounging pajama out- fit, in one of the bright new plaids? The third piece can be either a short jacket with long sleeves, or a three- quarter length robe, in which case it may also be used as a bathrobe. The third piece is not, of course, eisen- tial, and some very smart red, blue, and green two-piece sets, in checks, solid colors or combinations, will serve the purpose admirably. For the more conservative girls, there are always handsome navy blue, brown, or black standbys.g, Lounging pajamas, too, have come' in for their share of the new styles, and almost every new effect for dresses has had a counterpart in the styling of the latest pajamas, with' the exception of the bustle back, of course! Tailored Pajamas Popular The tailored miss will find her ideals among the shirtwaist tops, and simple pants, with perhaps one crease, comparable to that in a mann's trousers. For the girl who prefers to lounge, in "dressier" fashion, there are gay ) nsembles featuring balloon sleeves, and balloon pants legs, with a bright sash around the waist. Comm unity Fund Captains Selected Captains for the women's division of Ann Arbor's annual Community Fund Drive were named yesterday by women's division chairman Mrs. H. F. Taggart. Twelve captains have been select- ed, each of which will choose her own team of 10 volunteer workers to solicit funds in the residential districts dur- ing the campaign. The drive will be- gin Oc't. 31 and continue until Nov. 6. The captains are Mrs. Peter Badger, Mrs. O. W. Blackett, Mrs. R. P. 'Briggs, Mrs. L. A. Burns, Mrs. Frank Carson, Mrs. Charles L. Jamison, Mrs. L. D. McClure, Mrs. Albert B. Peck, Mrs. A. H. Stockard, Mrs. R. H. Up- son, Mrs. Erich Walter and Mrs. Mac Watterworth. All parts of the city are represent- ed by the captains. 'LWeddings c~and e &igagem en ts The wedding of Jane Forbes Break- ey, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. James F. Breakey of Barton Hills, and Charles Mead Miller, son of Judge and Mrs. Frederick C. Miller of It Clemens and New Baltimore, took place Thursday afternoon, Sept. 28 at the home of the bride's parents. Mrs. Miller attended the Cambrige- Haskell School in Cambridge, Mass., also the Boston Arts and Crafts Col- lege, 'and Oranbrook Institute of Fine Arts, and studied with the Crafts Guild of Detroit. Mr. Miller was graduated from the University and the Detroit College of Law and was admitted to the state bar last summer. * * * The wedding of Gertrude I. Hyde '40, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hyde of Niagara Falls, N.Y., and Paul F. Johnson, also of Niagara Falls, took place Sept. 5 at St Peter's Episcopal Church, Niagara Falls. Among the attendants were Marion Price, '40, of Toledo, and Mrs. Doug- las Williams, '39, formerly Winifrid Cutts, of Cleveland. New Officers Named By Mosher Dormitory Officers for the coming year were elected at a house meeting last night t tM6sher Hall. Mary Jane LeGros, '40, was named president, Jane Pollak, '41, and Doro- thy Merki, '42, are to be social chair- men. Other committee chairmen are: scholarship, Esther Osser, '41; ath- letics, Margaret Cotton, '41; music Emily Root, '41; dramatics Norma Vint, '40; and kitchenette, iVarjorie Ullman, '41. Exchange Student Stays Here :Despite 20 Pairs Of Silk Hose Constance Bryant Learns some particular technique of dress- War And Scholarship ing- You know, campus fads! Plans For The Trip To Beirut Won't Mix Previous to the outbreak of war, By MAYA GRUHZIT Miss Bryant had been corresponding with a girl from Damascus. It had No doubt the bankers rejoiced Swhen war was declared that day inbeen her intention to visit the wo- September; even the sugar manufac- man and also take trips to the sur- turers had fun the first week. But rounding country, Istanbul, for ex- ample. However, this year, she will the whole thing was just art irregular have to "See America First" if she pain in the neck to Constance Bry- wants to do any traveling. 'ant, '40. The first semester Miss Bryant More in fact, Miss Bryant had been h e frst gemests Miss B n a l se t spnda yar n eirthad made arrangemenits to live in all set to spend a year in Beirut ean American home, and then second Syria absorbing knowledge via the semester to change over to a non- exchange scholarship technique at American boarding house. The thing Beirut University. And when a few ships started sinking to and fro the that Miss Bryant regretted os con- > ~cerning her postponed trip was the United States, she decided that it fact that she was missing the ex- wasn't quite worth the effort. To be perience of living with strange peoples more accurate, Secretary of State and attempting to understand them' Hull settled the matter very nicely- Traveling in the various countries was no Americans were to leave the coun- also another experience which she try regretted not being able to under- Buys 20 Pairs Of Stockings take. So despite a new steamer trunk, despite several of the very best of un- recognizable passport photos, despite twenty pairs of silk stockings, and despite several letters from a young girl in Damascus, Miss Bryant has become quite accustomed to the idea 314 S State St. ( of taking her senior year here at Sin e 1908 Michigan. However she can console herself with the fact that if and when TYPEWRITERS. New and R the war ever stops, she will still be models of all makes. Bonght, able to use the scholarship, the new repaired. One of the largest and trunk and the passport pictures. As turer's Closeouts of brand'ew pc for the twenty pairs of silk stockings, she is one who won't have to worry FOUNTAIN PENS Parker, Wo about a mere run in one pair! Repair wor As the Beirut University is an American unversity with a faculty Sf composed of English speaking schol- OfFFCE SUPPLIES We Hu ars fron, all over Europe and the Near East, the transfer of hours and credits was comparatively simple. There was just one thing wrong, she said, and that was the fact that all ~ the courses in history she really r wanted to take were given in only Y languages like Arabic or Turkish. And Turkish isn't Miss Bryant's best point. t Takes Many Courses As a sociology major she was plan- ning to take a course in comparative philosophy involving the different a creeds of the East, an introductory 'philosophy course, more French and sociology courses. After her year abroad she had planned to come a back to Michigan, and after getting_., . her Master's degree go either to Chi- cago or Cleveland and work in settle- - mient houses. DANA C As for clothes, Miss Bryant decided to get nothing here-except the stock- 309 Soufh State ifre ings and five or six pairs of shoes-30SotSaeSre but to wait until she arrived in Syria and get her wardrobe from the local tailors. She firmly believes in 'the principle, "When in Rome do as !the Romans do." We hardly think she, would have turned up in some foreign looking scarves and wraps, but no doubt the students at Beirut have , , HOSIERY! Join our Hosiery Club! The 13th pair is FREE! Snarest Kosiery Shoppe Michigan Theatre Building ,> ' I -- Sweaters Still Dominate With Cardigans Favored Sweaters, national stand-by for the campus, are with us year in and year out. Slipovers have given way this year, however, to the popular cardi- gan. The choice of color is unlirmited with muted and soft shades ledi ng the procession. The bigger, the bag- gier, the longer, the sloppier the sweater, the smarter its wearer is considered. -sr ii t CAMPUS QUIZ NIGHTS! at your - NEW LEAGUJE BALLIROOMV PRIZES! i t s' i i, j j j j / j 7/ f/ fl /: w .FRIDA .- We will have a representa tive of a very fine Coat House with a special show- ing of .: vWinter Coats These added to our own stock will give you a com- plete selection of every type of Winter Coat. FuI-Trim jeam Conats ... Furred coats with individuality to set the tempo for your winter wardrobe! Luxury furs in ripple :r sailor collars . . .lavish plast- ron, tuxedo effects for that air of elegance. Nubby or moss woolens, beautifully tailored in swagger or fitted styles. Ac- cented with new back or front fullness. Choose your Winter Coat here today. Sizes 10-44, 16-2i/2. $39.75 to $98.50 Arlistocratic Y Sport Coats ®e. New with broad shoulders, small collars, slim or bell sleeves . . . dressmaker tailor- ing. Flared reefers, swaggers, boxies. Fleeces, tweeds, diag- onals. Interlined. Sizes 10-44, "f t 1 a/ _ i 1/ ' l'44#n[qan 1.nn rr uay anu J vv V///