cooler today;
eraliy Ifair.
5k gan
And Pu
tv Hinted
'In Moscow Parleys
Police Work
To Halt Pool
Action Here
St. Louis Syndicate Uses
Mails In Attempt To Get
Business In Ann Arbor
n In Powerful
In Domination
And Balkans
Sea Power
t. 28.-(P)-An auth-
said tonight that
oviet ambassador to
ured the' British Gov-
,ussia was willing to
ns for a war-trade
'ned while the Ger-
inister, Joachim von
in Moscow engaged
which have excited
significance was at-
indication that the
g to negotiate with
ontraband and war
, even though at the
inducting talks with
quarters said that
xpected some "peace
ny in the immediate
roach yet had been
ectly or through any
uch as Italy.
Foreign observers considered it
significant that German Foreign
Minister Joachim Von Ribbentrop
of Germany should time his jour-
ney to Moscow to coincide with
that of Turkish Foreign Minister
Sukru Saracoglu (above). Object of
speculation was the possibilitiy of
a joint German-Soviet request that
Turkey act as intermediary in a
peace effort in Western Europe.
CIO Triumph
In Auto Plants
Is Announced
Campaign Issue Is .Based
On Exclusive Bargaining
In ChryslerCorporation
To Postal Officials
Ann Arbor police today took action
in an effort to keep a football pool
syndicate with headquarters in St.
Louis out' of Ann Arbor this year.
The St. Louis pool, offering to pay
winners amounts of money at vary-,
ing odds according to the game re-
sults predicted accurately, was at-
tempting to do business by mail, the
police announced.
Police Chief Norman E. Cook was
informed Thursday that the pool
was attempting to do business here.
Chief Cook assigned Detective Sgt.
Eugene J. Gehringer to investigate
the case.
Detective Gehringer has forwarded
the information to the chief postall
inspector in St. Louis * for whatever
action the post office department
may decide to take against the con-
cern mailing the "football parley
handicap card."
The cards which reached the cityl
yesterday list 16 football games for
Saturday, Sept. 30, and offer to pay
odds ranging from 4 to 1 for three
games guessed correctly to 1,000 to 1
for 16 correctly guessed games.
Several students reported that they.
had received these cards.,
Michigan Coeds
Of Athenia Fame
To Arrive Home
NEW YZORK-(AP)-Tiwo University
of Michigan coeds, Barbara Bradfield,
Grad., Grand Rapids, and Joan
Outhwaite, '41, Bennington, Vt., sur-
vivors of the Athenia' disaster, were
en route home after arriving here
yesterday aboard the liner Orizaba.
Both girls were returning from a tour
of Europe when the Athenia was tor-
The Orizaba was carrying 532
passengers, 240 of them Athenia sur-
vivors. The trip was marred by a
false torpedo alarm, resulting in gen-
eral hysteria throughout the vessel.
The ship's bells rang in early morning,
awakening most passengers.
Prison Break
Probe Begins
In, Marquette'
Governor's Investigation
Is Completed By Read;
No Report Given Yet
MARQUETTE, Sept. 28.-(P)-Ed-
ward G. Heckel, head of the State
Department of Corrections, arrived
here today to open the second in-
vestigation of conditions at the Mich-
igan Branch Prison, scene Monday of
one of the most fantastic breaks in
the State's history.
Meanwhile Attorney G e n e r a 1
Thomas Read completed the first in-
vestigation, ordered by Governor
Read devoted much of his time to-
day to a study of methods used in
searching cells. The four convicts,
who abducted. the warden, deputy
warden. and two members of the
State parole board carried daggers
-and a wooden pistol.
Thomas McCarthy, one of the con-
victs who took part in the break, said
the daggers were made from table
knives filed down.. "They didn't find
my knife because I hid it in the
prison yard," he said.
Read gave no indication of what his
report to the governor would say.
However, he commented at one stage
that it was "the first time in the
history of Marquette prison that
escapees ever went through the
prison's main gates."
Ties Seen
29. (Friday)-P)
bentrop, German
was expected to
r today or tomor-
im of agreement
g Reich, into even
DETROIT, Sept. 28.-('P)-The
CIO-United Automobile Workers,
campaigning for exclusive bargaining
rights in the auto industry, won its
third major triumph by being re-
turned the victor tonight in 10 of 13
plants in the huge Chrysler Corpora-
tion poll.
Only in one instance--at Evans-
ville, Ind.-did the rival American
Federation of Labor emerge ahead in
results announced by the National
Labor Relations Board,.and in all but
ohi off 1tSVitories the CY0 majority
was heavy.
Russell Miller, elections examiner
for the Board, announced tlat 51,303
of an approximately 54,000 eligible
votes-greatest in the Board's record
-had been cast, with the CIO ac-
cumulating 40,564 to the AFL's 4,744.
A total of 4,426 employes voted for
neither union.
Homer Martin, president of the
AFL-UAW, had ordered his follow-
ers to ignore the election, charging it
was impossible to obtain a "fair" vote
because of labor board "bias toward
the CIO."
The'Detroit Plymouth AFL local,
Reaches Floor Of Sen
Legion Announces St,
at sea con-
ous, many-
have been
an 24 hours
the creation
in Russia 22
hiese negotiations
to answer the
>urse Russia will
Tickets Still Remain
A t Hill Auditorium
In spite of unprecedented opening
day sales, there are still many tickets
available for the 1939-1940 Oratorical
Association lecture series, it was an-
nounced Monday.
The ticket office will be open every
day except Saturdays and Suhdays
from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to
4 pm., the business office Chas an-
nounced. The office will also do
business from 10 a.m. to 1. p.m. Sat-
.Ticket seekers jammed into the
streets surrounding Hill Auditorium
when the sale opened Thursday
morning. Among the lecturers who,
will appear this year are Mrs. Frank-
lin Roosevelt, H. V. Kaltenborn, Jan
Masryk, and others. 1 .
Tickets are still available in all
price ranges, both main floor and
Ralph Heikkinen Released
By Dodger Football Team
NEW YORK, Sept. 28.-UP)-Ralph
[eikkinen, an all-American guard on
the University of Michigan's 1938
football team, was released tcday by
the Brooklyn Dodgers of the Na-
tional Professional League. Club of-
ficials said they had asked waivers
on him,., had received no offers and
released him outright.
New Commander Kelly
Demands Government
.Shun European Conflict
Detroiter Acclaimed
Leader In Wild Vote
CHICAGO, Sept. 28 --P)- Ray-
mond J. Kelly, 44-year-old Detroit
attorney, was elected National Com-
mander of the AmerL:an Legion to-
day and pledged himslf to do every-
thing possible to keep the nation out
of war.
A lieutenant of artillery in the
World War, Kelly was unanimously
acclaimed in the closing session of
the Legion's 21st annual convention.
So obvious was the sentiment for
Kelly among the delegates that the
names of but two others of the six
exepeted candidates were placed be-
fore the convention. Milo Warner,,
Toledo, Ohio, and Lynn Stambaugh,
Fargo, N.D., withdrew in' behalf of
the favorite.
Even before a successor to Stephen
F. Chadwick, Seattle, had been offi-
cially announced, enthusiastic Le-
gionnaires rushed upon the stage
brandishing their state standards.
which they clustered fanwise behind
the man of their choice.
Wild Cheering
Amidst wild cheering and arm-wav-
ing, Kelly stood with Chadwick in
fraternal pose. The new commander
"The voices of more than 1,000,0001
American World War veterans united1
in a common chorus that America
must maintain a real neutrality," he;
asserted, adding "that under no con-
ditions shall it be distorted into a
.deceptive and misleading attempt to1
take sides behind the scenes.
"The American 'Leion says that
our country must stay out of armed
conflict overseas. It believes the
neutrality policy of our country
should be a highly realistic one. It
believes that the attempt to cloak
our neutrality with a biased bellig-
erency will surely draw us into the
Peace Through Deliberation
"It believes that only through sane,
thinking by our individual citizenry,'
the absence of hysteria and' the de-
liberate consideration of the problems
of maintaining the peace can we feel
reasonably certain that war involve-
ment will not be our lot.
"It says to the American people,
be cool and deliberate in your pro-
nouncements and actions. If you
must become partisan, let it be solely
an aggressive partisanship for the
American way of life.
"The Legion urges all right-think-
ing citizens to join with it in the
effort to make unmistakably plain
to our chosen leaders and represen-
tatives within th9 nation's capital
that it is their job to see to it that
the best means of keeping America
out of war are followed."
Ministry Of Information
In Britain Faces Shakeup
LONIYON, Sept. 28.-(P)-The Bri-
tish Press Association said tonight
that "drastic reorganization" of the
much-criticized Ministry of Infor-
mation may be considered by the
cabinet at its next meeting.
Sir John Simon, chancellor of the
exchequer, told the House of Com-
mons today an investigation of the
ministry already was under way
Asks Powers Defined
Repeal (
To Aw
te in
a qt
Council Meeting
Plans Activities
For Engineers
New Freshnan Yearbook
Announced; Arnual Ball
Will Be Held Nov. 17
Plans for engineering activities to
be held this fall were discussed it
the second meeting of the Engineer-
ing Council, James E. Brown, '40E,
president of the Council announced"
The Arch, freshman engineer's
yearbook, will be on sale in about
three weeks, it was. announced. A.
new publication launched this year,
The Arch, will contain pictures of a'l
yearling engineers with accompany-
ing information on the high school
record of each freshman. Also in-
cluded will be a description of en-
gineering honor societies and tradi-
Senate itself,
or read, rathe
up further in
There was_
ate, which b
(1). Sena
Mich.) read
a resolution
ney Genera:
what emerg
President ur
tion of-a sta
velt and Secr
But, befoi
group appr
strengthen t
credits to be
ease its effe
steamship li
United State
There was
the comnitte
versial issue
repeal of the
however, went ahead
and gave the CIO its
tively close brush,'
against 5,585.
with the vote,
only compara-
polling 2,771
e right to
mnian wat-
Mrs. Roosevelt Speaks
PASSAIC, N.J., Sept. 28.- (P) -
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt called on an
audience of 1,200 persons tonight to
take seriously their responsibility to
their community, saying that with-
out such citizenship in the United
States civilization might vanish' from
a war-torn world.
ention tonight on
to British sea power
n to checkmate Bri-
a visit to the Wil-
t base gave his per-
3 the submarine and
a Germany asserts
essful in damaging
tish fleet.
c offensive against
g carried on by For-
achim von Ribben-
under conditions
studies at the Ber-
e said were highly
Gilbert Stephenson Is Named
Band Drum Major This Year
Gebert Ex plains
Russian Status
Says Soviets Made Hitler
Move More Cautiously
One must understand develop-
ments since the beginning of the Sino-
Japanese War to understand Russia's
position in the present war crisis,
William Gebert, Polish-American ex-
pert on the Polish national question,
told an audience of more than 150
last night at a meeting sponsored by
the Young Communist League of Ann
Arbor at Unity Hall.
Russia is not an imperialistic coun-
try, he said. By taking part of Po-
land she prevented Germany from
acquiring the whole by aggression.
With the borders of Russia closer to
Germany, Hitler may be more cau-
tious as to his next move, Mr. Gebert
Russia's proposal to the powers of
Europe of collective security against
all aggressions was rejected, he de-
clared. The Soviet Union wants
peace and will do all it can to keep
Hitler out of the East, he asserted.
In his talk, "Youth and the Sec-
ond Imperialistic War," Joseph Clark,
executive secretary of the YCL in
Michigan, stressed the importance of
the youth of America knowing the
cause for which they may be called'
upon to give their lives. An open dis-
cussion period followed the two talks.
Canadians Prepare
Overseas Division
Pan-American Body
PANAMA, Panama, Sept. 28.-(P)
-The neutrality sub-committee of
the Inter-American Conference to-
night approved proposals for a gen-
eral neutrality declaration and an
appeal to European belligerents for
humanization of war.
The sub-committee's action left
the questions of the form; of neu-
trality and belligerents' war, contra-
band lists yet to be disposed of be-
fore putting its report into final
shape for submission to a plenary
session of the conference.
Senior class elections will be held
on Tuesday, Oct. 17, it was an-
nounced, and petitions containing 15
signatures must be turned in by can-
didates for office before 5 p.m., Fri-
day, Oct. 13. Petitions must be
turned -i to the office of the dean
of the engineering college.
Date for the annual Engineering'
Ball has also been set for Nov. 17.
The dance will be held in the Union
Ballroom from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Plans were discussed for an En-
gineering Smoker welcoming fresh-
men and transfer students. Philip E.
Newman, '40E, was appointed chair-
man of the committee in charge of
the smoker
(2). Senator
like Vandenberg
troduced a reso
special seven-m
mnittee to investi
any persons, co
acting on behplf
ment with the in
ly or indirectly,
tral position of
At Barkley's s
Clark's acquiesc
was referred to t
While all was
mittee room, tl
outside its door
men and phot
many sightseers
milled about aw
7U 0
n i
Informed quarters intimated Von
Ribbentrop, would come home with an
accord not only freezing England out
of Eastern Europe but affecting
English interests in far-flung quar-
ters of the world.
City Requires
Bike Licenses
Students Are Cautioned
On Other Regulations
University students owning bicycles
were warned today by the Ann Arbor
police department that they must ob-
tain license plates and comply with
certain neher nrovniions of the city
When, the 1939 Varsity Band
marches down the field for the first
time this year at the Michigan-
Michigan State game Oct. 7, that1
prancing, strutting figure at the
head of the big blue square will be
Gilbert Stephenson, '41E, who was
named yesterday as drum major.
Stephenson, who has been with the
band for two years, has served his
apprenticeship as twirler and as as-
sistant drum major. He also drum
majored the band at Kalamazoo
Central High School, and at Western
State Teachers' College in his fresh-
man year there before he transferred
to the University as a special student
three years ago. He replaces another
Kalamazoo student, Robert Fox, who
held the drum major's job here for
four years.
Assistants Appointed
Named as assistant drum majors
were John, C. Sherrill, '40, who will
also act as Stephenson's alternate,
and Ward Fearn. '41SM. Sherrill.
those appointed, Clair Heatly, '42AE,
and Gene Sherry, '42SM, have been'
reporting at South Ferry Field every
afternoon from 4 to 6 p.m. since the
opening of school. - Concerning the
men who, tried out, Major Walter B.
Fariss, drillmaster of the band, said,
"Conpetition was very close this
year. The turnout was the largest1
and the material some of the best we'
have ever had. Any one of the boys
named as assistants or twirler would'
be capable of handling the job of
drum major."
Revelli Praises Appointees
Prof. 'William D. Revelli, director
of the band said, "These boys are
worthy of the recognition they have
earned by qualifying for the posi-
tions. The major and myself recog-
nize the tremendous amount of work
that each- boy has done in order to
gain the honor of leading the 1939
Michigan Band."
"I hope I can fill the boots," said
Stephenson, who has been twirling
for five years, when asked how he
felt about the appointment last night.
Pollock Approves Erench Action
In Suppression Of Communists
OTTAWA, Sept. 28 - (Canadian
Press)-The first overseas division of
the Canadian active force, now being
organized, will be made up of men
from all parts of Canada, Defense
Minister Norman Rogers announced
The active force, he said, will in-
clude a reserve force of two divisions
with a quota of ancillary troops.
From this force, one division will be
Aided Reg
France's decision to outlaw its
Communist Party was a necessary
step and should cause little internal
trouble, commented Prof. James K.
Pollock. of the political science de-
partment in an interview yesterday.
The one disturbing element in the
order, he explained, is, of course, the
possibility of complete suppression of
free flow of public opinion; however,
that measure is not necessary to
carry on the war successfully.
Professor Pollock pointed out that
Daladier decided to suppress French
Communists obviously on the grounds
clared, and on the grounds of pro-
tecting its own war interests I con-
done the French government's recent
drastic suppression measure.
The order should cause no serious
or widespread internal repercussions,
Professor Pollock observed, as French
nationalist feeling has overcome party
sentiment in the great majority of
French Communists. Although the
Communist party in France until
recently had the largest membership
outside Russia, he pointed out, its ex-
istence has been fraught with dis-
content, and it now appears doomed.
Registration for fn
increased this year b
over last year's figur
son, '40, secretary o
ternity Council, annc
Registration was a
an additional booth
Gym on University n
Davidson said, and
ternity night" at1
helped to awaken in
men. The'figures f
last were 708 and 59'7
Outside of a specia
rushing rules with re
residence halls, Da'
practically no rule v
dent this year. The
phones have been
halls as yet makes i
fraternity represent:
pective rushees per
ually forbidden.
War Postpones