_____________ °THiE ;M ICHItP7AN,. IDiAILY UTi?-A., 1 4i' MICHIGAN DAILY r> .. W.1 I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Stsion. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, *4.00: by, mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERNSING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representaive 420 MAADISON AVE. .N EW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON * LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Carl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary Mel Fineberg Editorial, S . Staff . Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Women's Editor Sports Editor Business Staff Business Manager Ast. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager . Paul1R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko . Jane Mowers Harriet S. Levy NIGHT EDITOR: ALVIN SARASOHN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only Arms And The People. - - ITH CONGRESS speeding up plans W ,for the creation of a super-arma- ments program, as suggested by the Roosevelt administration, it becomes more and more es- sential for the American people, especially American Youth, to analyze the reasons and values underlying this new arms program. First, it seems quite evident that the motives of the administration in sponsoring an econom- ically unproductive arms expansion at this time are to a great extent political. The Democratic party, facing a national election this November, must insure for the nation a superficial, rapid prosperity in order to insure reelection for itself. And a war boom engendered by large-scale arm- aments building can best create this short-term prosperity. There is the second political consideration by the FDR regime that a domestic arms pro- gram falls well in line with the determination to keep the public mind focused on foreign rather than domestic issues. This determination has become more and more evident by the President's persistent requests for national unity and the end of partisanship in view of what he terms "paramount" considerations of foreign policy. The seriousness of these foreign issues, however, especially when compared to some of the pres- ent-day dynamic domestic problems, can be realistically questioned. Again it seems evident that the new New Deal, the party that was in 1933 the standard-bearer of American humani- tarianism, has now forsaken its lofty humani- tarian principles for the more base considera- tions of practical politics. The spending, at this time, moreover, of mil- lions of dollars on a gigantic arms scheme, is indeed distressing. It is difficult to see the value of an intensified arms program when in the former words of that program's author, "One third of the nation is ill-housed, ill-clad and ill- fed." A gigantic arms program is difficulty ap- preciated when estimates have been made prov- ing that with even smaller expenditures of funds an adequate health program for the nation, so urgently needed at the present time, could be instituted and maintained and that such diseases as syphillis could be almost completely eradicat- ed from the American scene. The arms program and the motives behind it, also serve to bring to mind the forthcoming na- tional election and its probable issues. With recent pronounced shifts in New Deal attitude, with emphasis on politics rather than reform, it. seems quite possible that the November election will concern itself with the petty squabbles and differences of the two major parties rather than with clear-cut, important issues. Yet the com- ing election should be decisive. It should deter- mine whether the nation wants a continuation of the vast program of social and economic re- form that the New Deal of 1933 instituted. It should decide upon the future of such agencies as the NL~RB, the WPA, the CCC, the TVA and the many others that constituted the remark- able record of the Roosevelt administration. But at the present time, especially with the New Deal's preoccupation with political considera- tions as revealed in the armaments program, it does not seem likely that either of the two major parties will take a stand on these truly "paramount" issues. It does not seem possible, furthermore, that the new arms program can be defended on the grnnnis of aeuate natinnl ld+ne +nr t , MUSIC. THE CALENDAR of music broadcasts for the coming week over the Columbia Broidcast- ing System follows. Programs of the CBS can be heard in Ann Arbor over WJR, Detroit, WBBM, Chicago and WCAR, Pontiac. Sunday, Jan. 28 2:30 to 3 p.m.-"So You Think You Know Mu- sic" returns by popular request after a two- weeks absence, with Ted Cott again as master- of-ceremonies and Leonard Liebling judge. Four contestants vie for prizes of concert tickets, books and phonograph records, including two volunteers from the studio audience and two professionals to be selected. 3 p.m.-Simon Barer, pianist, is soloist with New York Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra. John Barbirolli conducts and Deems Taylor is intermission commentator. Overture to "The Merry Wives of Windsor" ... ......... Nicolai Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in B-flat minor ........ ................ Tschaikowsky Simon Barer "Brigg Fair: An English Rhapsody" .....Delius Capriccio Espagnol ....... ..Rimsky-Korsakoff 9 to 10 p.m.-Richard Crooks, Metropolitan Opera tenor, makes his season debut as guest artist on the Ford Sunday Evening Hour. Vic- tor Kolar conducts the orchestra and mixed chorus. W. J. Cameron is speaker. Overture to "Masaniello" (orchestra) ....Auber Anita's Dance from "Peer Gynt" Suite ....... (orchestra) .......... ...........Grieg Prize Song from "Die Meistersinger" .. .Wagner Mr. Crooks, orchestra Ride of the Valkyries from "Die Walkure" . W... ........................... agner Orchestra.. Vienna, City of My Dreams ........Sjeczynski Mr. Crooks, orchestra Morning (Mr. Crooks, chorus and orchestra) . ................................... Speaks Etude (orchestra) ................Rubinstein Ah, Moon of My Delight from "In a Persian Garden" ..........................Lehmann Mr. Crooks, orchestra Village Swallows (orchestra) .......... Strauss God of Our Fathers (ensemble and audience) . . ........... . . ....... W arren Monday, Jan. 29 4 to 4:30 p.m.-The Cincinnati Conservatory of Music String Quartet plays the Ravel Quartet. 10:30 to 11 p.m.-Curtis Institute of Music program. Marcel Tabuteau conducts a wood- wind ensemble in some unusual musice. Variations on "La ci darem la mano" from Mo- zart's "Don Giovanni"..............Beethoven Sonata............... ..............Riet Aubade .........................de Wailly Three Chinese Impressions ..... ... .Kameneff (Arranged for wood instruments by Joel Spector) Tuesday, Jan. 30 9:15 to 9:45 a.m. (rebroadcast to West, 3:15 p.m.)-"Folk-Music of America" series of "Co- lumbia's American School of the Air." Alan Lomax, folk-song specialist, again represents Aunt Molly Jackson, Kentucky ballad singer now living in New York, as soloist. Bernard Wagenaar, well known American composer, will be represented by an original orchestral work especially commissioned by CBS for this series. Columbia Concert Orchestra. William Fine- shriber is producer. Wednesday, Jan. 31 10:30 to 11 p.m.-Indianapolis Symphony Or- chestra, Fabien Sevitzky, conductor. San Francisco Suite ............ Henry Hadley Waltz, Mazurka, Krakowiak from "Life for the Czar" .. ......................Glinka Saturday, Feb. 3 11:05 a.m. to 12 noon-Ohio State University Symphony Orchestra plays under direction of Eugene J. Wiegel from Columbus. Joseph Tague, piano soloist. Overture to "Euryanthe"................Weber Dirge and Interlude from Concerto Grosso for String Orchestra with Piano Obbligato .Bloch Joseph Tague On Mule Back from "Impressions of Italy" ................................Charpentier Concerto No. 2, in C minor, for Piano and Or- chestra: Ist two movements . ..Rachmaninoff Joseph Tague Introduction and Cortege des Noces from "Le Coq d'Or" .................Rimsky-Korsakoff 3:35 to 4 p.m.-Vera Brodsky presents a pro- gram of American piano music that features a musical discourse on surrealist art by Harold Triggs. First movement from Sonata "Tragica" ...... ....MacDowell Berceuse; Scherzo.........lexander Semmler The Whippoorwill........Daniel Gregory Mason Four Surrealist Afterludes..... .Harold Triggsl 1. Two Children Are Menaced by a Nightin- gale (after painting by Ernst). 2. Catch as Catch Can (after painting by Picabia). large-scale armaments seem even more uneces- sary. It is certainly not necessary for us to arm against any of the nations in the Western hemisphere. War with Britain or France or any of their possible allies seems highly im- probable. If we are arming for defense and defense only, as the supporters of the new arms bill so ardently maintain, our present forces, in the opinion of military experts, are power- ful enough to protect us from invasion of our continental territory by either Japan or Ger- many or any other possible attackers when we consider the distance which separates them from the United States. The conclusion, then, can be drawn that the new arms program is being created for, first, political stratergy, and second- ly, as preparation for a possible war outside of the United States, a war on foreign territory. m77ym hn a nt-;r-e4 - A 4 4 4U _ _ Drew Pearscn Robert S. Alten WASHINGTON-The President's quiet effortsI to ease Secretary Harry Woodring out of the Cabinet by offering him another job continue to prove unavailing. The little. Kansan refuses to budge. Roosevelt's latest offer was to make him U.S. Ambassador to Italy. Ambassador William Phil- lips is planning to retire in the spring and Roose- velt saw a chance of killing two birds with one stone-filling the post quickly and at the same time getting shed, of Woodring in the Cabinet. But he wouldn't bite. "Harry," the President said ingratiatingly, "how would you and the Mrs like to go to Rome?" "Thanks, Mr. President," was the prompt re- ply. "It was nice of you to think of us, but I don't want to go to Rome." And that was that. Roosevelt smiled, Wood- ring grinned back at him-and is still in the Cabinet. Apparently it's going to take more than a sugar-coated hint to dislodge the Sec- retary of War. Bricker For President Without public announcement, the presiden- tial campaign of Gov. John Bricker of Ohio has been thrown into high gear again. It was voluntarily switched off several months ago after a series of secret pow-wows with Sen. Bob Taft, at which Bricker agreed to give his fellow Ohioan a clear field. Taft has been busily campaigning ever since, dashing about the coun- try with his dynamic wife, making numerous speeches, and jousting with Roosevelt over bal- ancing the budget. Recently Bricker lieutenants decided that Taft's boom was not catching on. After con- tacting friendly leaders in a number of states, they quietly reopened their headquarters at 120 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, and are again doing business at the old stand. According to a private letter sent out to state leaders, "Governor Bricker has not sanctioned this activity, and in all probability will not ap- prove of it." But to date he hasn't disapproved and the campaigning goes merrily on. Bricker intimates consider him a victim of re- peated bad breaks. If it hadn't been for Taft, they say, the Governor would by now have been far out in front as a "favorite son" candidate. Another bad break they list is the Cleveland relief mess. It is significant that in the publicity matter sent out by the Bricker headquarters, no mention is made of the relief controversy. He is pictured as a great vote getter and adminis- trator, but there is not one word about relief. The Editor Gets Told. A Liberal Speaks To the Editor:. I (Continued from Page 2) i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Jackson's Hat Bob Jackson's first cabinet meeting as Attor- ney General cost him a hat. He remained behind after the others left, to discuss several legal matters with the President, and when he emerged from the office his hat was gone. There was a hat on the rack, but it wasn't Jackson's and there were no initials on the band to identify its owner. "Well, Pat," he said to Pat McKenna; genial, veteran White House receptionist, "I've heard of losing one's shirt, but I didn't expect to lose my hat." "Maybe," laughed McKenna, "somebody took. it to throw into the ring. They're doing that a lot these days." Anti-Lynching Vote Vice-President Jack Garner not only favors a Senate vote on the long-stymied anti-lynching legislation, but he has worked out a compromise bill to get a vote. Repeated Southern filibusters have been the sole obstacle to enactment of this measure for years, and Garner has always sided with his fellow-Southerners. But in this session, with his hat in the presidential ring, Cactus Jack has changed his tune. Garner's plan is to junk the ;House-passed measure, which would subject local officials and counties to heavy fines, and substitute investiga- tion by the FBI. His bill as tentatively drafted reads as follows: "Whenever a lynching takes place in the Unit- ed States and there are no arrests or prosecu- tions the Federal Bureau of Investigation will make a thorough and complete investigation and report to the Governor of the State in which the lynching took place." This formula is similar to the compromise sug- gested by the President in the 1938 fight over anti-lynching, when a six-weeks Southern fili- buster, led by Sen. Tom Connally of Texas,-final- ly forced the shelving of a bill passed by the House. At a secret White House conference of con- gressional leaders, Garner was very emphatic. "I mean business," he told the conference. "I'm going to see to it that the Senate votes on this issue." Roosevelt was very much amused by this dec- laratio nand kidded his running-mate. "Atta boy, Jack," he laughed. "You tell 'em. They can't shove us around." Finnish Loan One behind-the-scenes factor weighing heav- ily in the Senate against a loan to Finland is its failure to use money already available to it. Shortly after the Soviet invasion, the Export- Import Bank extended a $10,000,000 credit to the Finns for purchase of food supplies. So far only $500,000 of this fund has been drawn on. The Finns still have $9,500,000 available. Also being questioned privately by a number of cern-nr isthe-n-ihi tvyof -nrr+*ff-- I object strenuously to the condem- nation of The Daily editorials simply on the grounds that their sources, are of a pinkish character, as a1 friend put it, or that the writers read and get ideas from The Daily Worker or the New Masses, as Professor Du- mond protests. With equal vigor I, would protest against the ridicule of Free Press editorials simply because their origins are found among con- servative or Republican ranks. In either case the value of the editorial and the validity of its arguments must be judged upon its own indi- vidual merits and not upon the par- ticular position in the political color spectrum of the person who flour- ished the pen. Furthermore, I do not think that the arguments of The Daily editorials against Finnish assistance can be curtly brushed aside by the simple assertion that they are the same per- sons who favored giving assistance to the Spanish and Chinese Repub- liss. This is an extremely superfi- cial observation and the argument is found to hold little weight when more closely examined. The question of Finnish assistance as compared with the Spanish and Chinese situations can be subdivided, I think, into three derivative questions: First, the question of neutrality. Sympathizers of the Spanish Govern- ment were protesting against the arms embargo of the Neutrality Act, asking for its repeal, and recommend- ing that a policy of cash and carry replace it. This was their singularly important demand. The President recognized the faults of this Act and soon after the beginning of the pres- ent "world war" Congress repealed it and substituted for it the cash and carry policy. The advantages which might have accrued to the Spanish Government from this change, then recommended by Daily editorials, are now available to the Finnish Gov- ernment. I have seendno indication of any desire to withdraw these ad- vantages. Secondly, there was no demand by the vast majority of Spanish and Chinese sympathizers on our govern- ment to make direct and outright loans to these nations. But today there is considerable support- for direct loans to Finland, and in so far as such loans were a factor in lead- ing us toward war in 1914-17 and the additional fact that there is now a menacing "world war setting," I am in complete agreement with those who object to making outright loans to Finland. Furthermore, such loans would set a dangerous precedent for like action in the cases of other bel- ligerents., Lastly, there is the question of private aid to Finland. This is where the most heat and the least thought has taken its toll. I hope to add no more heat. The crux of the prob- elm seems to be one of motives. Now motives are extremely complex and overlapping things, and humanitar- ian and political motives are no ex- ception. You can't completely dis- sociate one from the other. Conserv- atives (Mr. Hoover, for instance) who have the Communist bogy-man mania necessarily experienced a dilu- tion of their purely humanitarian motives by their political motives in the case of Spain and China be- cause of Communist influences, (even though they were pitifully small). Similarly, they experienced an over- exuberance of humanitarianism in the case of Finland because it was being attacked by Communists. Mr. Hoover may have seen this as an op- portunity to plug for the Republican Party because giving aid to debt- paying Finland fits well into the aroused attack on New Deal spending and an unbalanced budget. If this was conscious on Mr. Hoover's part Swell, it's probably one of the few times that he has ever shown the attributes of an astute politician. Radicals (possibly some of The Daily staff) who are not overly sym- pathetic with the status quo democ- racies, but who are unquestionably sincere and determined to keep the United States out of war, have like- wise been swayed by political consid- erations. Radicals oppose this aid to Finland on the grounds (and I think quite rightly here) that it may fan the already red coals of war sympathy into uncontrollable flames. But also they oppose aid to Finland on the ground that Russia is the victim of a gargantuan and insidious plot devised by all capitalist nations, and thereby Russia is justified in taking Finland for strategical andadefensive pur- poses (with this I cannot agree). But how about the liberal who is more devoted than his radical friend to the status quo democracies, and who is resolved to slow and gradual economic, political, and social change? the liberal who realizes the inevitable difficulties democracies must face in an undemocratic world? Iiberals have found themselves able to give irivate aid tn all three eonntries- to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoaikum' Literature, Science, and the Arts: The attention of students and faculty is called to the following regulations of the College: Students are in no case examinedc at any other time than that set for1 the examination of the class in whichI the work has been done. When an ' entire class is affected by a conflictf in the examination schedule, a special examination during the examinatoni period may be arranged by the in-t structor, with the consent of the Ex-I amination Schedule Committee., It should be noted that a reportt of X (Absent from Examination) does not guarantee a make-up exam- ination. An instructor must, in fair- ness to those who take the final ex- amination at the time announced for it, give make-up examinations only to students who have a legitimate reason for absence. E. A. Walter Student Loans: All applications for student loans for the second sem- ester should be filed at the Office of; the Dean of Students not later than Monday, January 29. Applicants should arrange for an appointment at that time. Seniors expecting to teach in the state of New York are notified that the examination in French, German, Spanish, and Italian will be given here on February 17. Those expect- ing to take this examination will have to notify this office immediately so that we can inform the "Division of Examinations" by February 1. Prof. Hugo P. Thieme, Chairman Department of Romance Languages Required Hygiene Lectures fer Wo- men-1940: All first and second sem- ester freshmen women are required to take the hygiene lectures, which are to be given the second semester. Upperclass women who have not com- pleted the hygiene lectures, or their equivalent Hygiene 101, should also enroll for these lectures, at the time of regularclassification at Water- man Gymnasium. Any women who did not complete the lecture series in a previous year are urged to attend the lectures so that they may pass the final examinaton, thereby com- pleting the requirement. Students should enroll for one of the two following sections. Each section will meet at the same hour and day each week for seven weeks. Section No. 1, Monday, 4:15-5:15, February 19, Natural Science Aud. Section No. 2, Tuesday, 4:15-5:15, February 20, Natural Science Aud. These lectures are a graduation re- quirement. Margaret Bell, M.D. Medical Adviser to Women Doctoral Examination of James Kline Eyre, Jr., will be held at 2:00 p.m., Monday, Jan. 29, in the East Council Room, Rackham Building. Mr. Eyre's department of specializa- tion is Political Science. The title of his thesis is "The Philippines, The Powers, and the Spanish-American War: A Study of Foreign Policies." Professor J. R. Hayden, as chairman - of the committee, will conduct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Doctoral Examination of Edward Harold Litchfield wil be held at 2:00 p.m., Monday, Jan. 29, in West Coun- cil Room, Rackham Building. Mr. Litchfield's department of specializa- tion is Political Science. The title of his thesis is "A Statistical' Analysis of Certain Aspects of Political Be- haviour in Detroit, 1930-1938." Professor J. K. Pollock, as chairman of the committee, will conduct the ex- amination. By direction of the Ex- ecutive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candi- dates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Doctoral Examination of Karl Frank Lagler will be held at 1:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 29, in 3089 Natur- al Science Building. Mr. Lagler's de- partment of specialization is Zoology. The title of his thesis is "Ecological Studies of Turtles in Michigan with Special Reference to Fish Manage- ment." Dr. C. L. Hubbs, as chairman of the committee, will conduct the ex- amination. By direction of the Ex- ecutive Board, the chairman has the; privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candi- dates to attend the examination and Doctoral Examination of Robert Allen Boyd will be held at 2:00 Tues- day, Jan. 30, in West Council Room, Rackham Building. Mr. Boyd's de- partment of- specialization is Physics. The title of his thesis is "The Hyper- fine Structure of CSII." Professor R. A. Sawyer, as chair- man of the committee, will conduct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Doctoral Examination of Frank Xavier Braun will be held at 2:00, Fri- day, Feb. 2, in 204 University Hall. Mr. Braun's department of specializa- tion is Germanic Language and Liter- ature. The title of his thesis is "Kul- turelle Ziele Im Werk Gustav Frens- sens " Dr. H. W. Nordmeyer, as chairman of the committee, will conduct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examina- tion and to grant permission to others who might.wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Summer Employment: All students who wish to register with the Bureau of Appointments for summer jobs are notified that registration forms may be obtained at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12, 2-4. Several calls have already been received and we will recommend candidates as soon as possible. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Informa- tion. Eligibility for second semester: Students applying for eligibility cer- tificates for the second semester are reminded that they must present first semester report cards at Room 2, University Hall, in order to assure immediate receipt of their new cards. First semester eligibility certificates will be invalid after March 1. Applications for Fellowships and Scholarships in the Graduate School of the University may be obtained from the Office of the Graduate School. All blanks must be returned to that Office by February 15. Glider Club Members: During the examination period the scheduled groups will not operate. A list will be posted on the Aeronautical En- gineering Bulletin Board in the East Engr. Building of dates and times that instructors will be leaving for flying. Any member may go out as often as he wishes. J-Hop Parties: Requests for dances or house parties for the J-Hop week- end should be filed with all accom- panying detail in the Dean of Stu- dents Office on or before February 1. Women Students attendng the J- Hop: Closing hour for the night of February 9, 1940, will be 3:30 a.m. for those students attending the J-Hop, who do not attend an ap- proved organized breakfast: for those attending breakfasts approved by the Dean of Students, the closing hour will be 4:30 a.m. Academic Notices Room Assignment for Final Ex- amination i German 1, 2, 31, and 32. Saturday, February 3, 1940, 9-12 a.m. German 1 1025 A.H., Philippson, Diamond, Gaiss, Eaton, Graf. 25 A.H., Braun, Broadbent, Ed- wards. 231 A.H., Striedieck, Norbury, Pott. German 2 B H.H. All sections. German 31 35 A.H., Reichart, Van Duren, Pott. B H.H., Gaiss. C H.H., Schachtsiek, Philippson, Diamond. 1035 A.H., Graf, Ryder. 301 U.H., Wahr. German 32 D H.H. All sections. Room Assignments for Final Exam- inations in Mathematics. (L.S. & A.) The regular classrooms will be used except for the following classes: Math. 1, Sec. 2, 301 South Wing, Elder. Math. 1, Sec. 6, 2231 Angell Hall, Myers. Math 1, Sec. 7, 2231 Angell Hall, Schneckenburger. Math 2, Sec. 1, 405 South Wing, Nesbitt. (Continued on Page 7) * -l -X- - A ] -J-H OP EX TRA A