SATURDAY, JAN . 27, .1940 THE ~ MTCT1T1GA.N T ATTYAUDY A~ 7 90... . ... S .A~U . .n 1~~n n ~ - """"" - 1 L1 l.I 1111 CG 111 LT 211\ L L"11 L 1 wr.s+vaw a.i var. nr . vsv DAIL OF-CIAL BULLETIN SATURDAY, JAN. 27, 1944 he retires and receive the semester: Each student should plan VOL. U. Nt. 91 pension. to register for himself during the Shirley W. Smith appointed hours. Registration by NoticeS proxy will not be accepted. Federal Income Tax: The Collector The University Council Committee Robert L. Williams of Internal Revenue, Michigan Dis- on Parking earnestly requests that the Assistant Registrar rict, advises that: parking of cars and trucks on the . ovals between the Chemistry and Na- Registration Material, Colleges of 1. Deductions made by the U-tural Science Bildings, or anywhere L.S.&A., Education, and Music: Stu- versity from salaries for the purpose dents should call for second semester of creating old age retirement .- else on lawns, be discontinued. The registration material at Room 4 Uni- sions or annuities pre not deductible grass underneath the snow will be versity Hall as soon as possible. Please by the individual in arriving at tax- damaged not only by the ice conse- see your advisor and secure all nec- netiiincome.-quent to the packing of snow, but essary signatures. able net income. also by the dripping of oil from Robt. L. Williams, 2. Additional contributions by the motors. Assistant Registrar. University for the purchase of old age Herbert G. Watkins pensions do not affect the individual's Registration Material, College of income tax returns until such time as All Students, Registration for second Architecture: Students should call for second semester material at Room 4, University Hall, at once. The College of Architecture will post an / Mvevy A !ou r. *.. * ........ .a. tannouncement in the near future giving the time of conferences" with; your classifier. Please wait for this' notice before seeing your classifier. Robt. L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. Student Loans: All applicationsI for student loans for the second sem- ester should-be filed at the Office of' the Dean of Students not later than Monday, January 29. Applicants should arrange for an appointment ; at that time. Doctoral Examination of Gardner Ackley will be held at 9:00 a.m.i today in the West Council Room, Rackham Building. Mr. Ackley's dlepartment of - specialization is, Economics. The title of his thesis is "Spatial Price Relations and Imper- fect Competition." Professor E. M. Hoover, as chair-; man of the committee, will conduct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has; the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced- doctoral1 candidates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum The University Bureau of' Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Civil Service examinations. Final date for filing applications is noted in each case: United States: Associate Aeronautical Inspector, salary, $3.500, Feb. 12. Assistant Aeronautical Inspector, salary, $3,200, Feb. 12. Telephone operator (for appoint- ment in Washington, D.C. only) sal- ary $1,260, Feb. 12. Senior stenographer (open to men only), salary, $1,620, Feb. 12. Junior stenographer (open to men only), salary, $1,440, Feb. 12. Senior typist (open to men only) salary, $1,440, Feb. 12. Junior typist (open to men only) salary, $1,260. (These for appoint- ment in Washington, D.C. only). Electrical mechanic (floor scrub- bing and polishing machines), salary, $1,860, Feb. 19. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING X-Ray Crystallographer, salary $2,600,.Feb. 26.t Michigan: Petroleum geologist II, salary range $200-240; Jan. 27. Landsbape architect II, salary range, $200'240, Feb. 10. Attendant Nurse C2, salary range, $75-100, Feb. 10. Attendant nurse B, salary range, $105-125, Feb. 10. Complete announcements on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Required Hygiene Lectures fer Wo- men-1940: All first and second sem- ester freshmen women are required to take the hygiene lectures, which are to be given the second semester. Upperclass women who have not com- pleted the hygiene lectures, or their equivalent Hygiene 101, should also enroll for these lectures, at the time of regular classification at Water- man Gymnasium. Any women who did not complete the lecture series in a previous year are urged to attend the lectures so that they may pass the final examinaton, thereby com- pleting the requirement. Students should enroll for one of the two following sections. Each section will meet at the same hour and day each week for seven weeks. Section No. 1, Monday, 4:15-5:15, February 19, Natural Science Aud. Section No. 2, Tuesday, 4:15-5:15, February 20, Natural Science Aud. These lectures are a graduation re- quirement. Margaret Bell, M.D. Medical Adviser to Women Aeronautical Engineering Students: Classification numbers for sopho- more, junior, and senior students in Aeronautical Engineering will be giv- en out in Room B-47 East Engineer- ing Building at 10:00 a.m., Friday, February 9. In the case of sopho- moreand junior students who have board jobs or other employment dur- ing the semester, requests for early classification numbers may be made to the secretary in the Department of Aeronautical Engineering before February 9. Summer Employment: All students who wish to register with the Bureau of Appointments for summer jobs are notified that registration forms may rrnr , f< 40 Jv Y ty A i THE MICHIGAN DAILYg be obtained at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12, 2-4. Several calls 'have already been received and we will recommend candidates as soon as possible. The University Bureau of Appoint- me its and Occupational Informa- tion. Eligibility for second semester: (Continued on. Page4) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING . RATES I Effective as of February 14, 1939 12c per reading line (in basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or nore insertions. Minimum of 3 lines per inser- tion. These low rates are on the basis of cash payment before the ad is inserted. If it is inconvenient for you to call at our offices to make payment, a messenger will be sent to pick up your ad at a slight extra charge of 15c. For further information sall 23-24-1, or stop at 420 Maynard Street. HOUSEKEEPING Rooms: clean, rea- sonable; nice, quiet house of gradu- ate women. Will take business women. Ph. 7485. 241 NICELY furnished apartment: For rent; 5 or 6 rooms; electric refrig- eration-two blocks from campus. 621 Forest. 238 DOUBLE room for 2 boys, warm, quiet, separate study room, good location, 816 S. State. Phone 2-3759 evenings. 236 FOR RENT-Large, warm, single and double rooms for men students one block from campus. 518 E. Wil- liam St. 237 J-HOP Bargains Black velvet wrap, size 15; dress, size 38.+ FOR RENT FOR MEN-Singles, doubles, reason- able, one block from campus, 1207. East U. 2-3466. 240 FOR RENT: Singles, doubles in League House, accommodations as a group or singly. 825 E. Univer- sity, 8598. 242 FOR MEN-Room one half block from Law Club, single or double. Phone 5400 after six. 243 UNIVERSITY APPROVED-1 block from campus, single and double rooms for men. Quiet, warm, pleas- ant. Shower. 1236 Washtenaw. 234 PLEASANT, warm room, nice closet, large bed, near hospital. 10 minutes from campus. Phone 7704. 247 ROOMS for girls available for next semester, 1402 Hill, phone 4759. 246 Today at 2- 4 - 7-9 P.M. Now Playing! in good condition. innerlined hooded midnight blue full Call 5238. 245 SUITE and double room for women. Approved house, 730 Church St. Phone 4872. 239 DOUBLE ROOM for boys-2 blocks from Michigan Union. Continuous hot water. 522 Packard, Phone 8209. 233 OLIVIA: Double room for boys; in- nerspring matresses; study condi- tions excellent. Mrs. Guy Groom, 923 Olivia, 2-1465. 228 FOR RENT-Single room with pri- vate porch, for men, $2.50, 904 S. State. Phone 4685. 229 FOR RENT: Single room for gradu- ate woman. Shower. Two blocks from campus. Write Box 1, Michi- gan Daily. S. FOREST: Single room with fire- place;. double or triple with fire- place; single with private bath. 1022 S. Forest-2-1196. 209 FOR RENT-928 Forrest, large pleas- ant well-heated rooms for men- double and single. Shower. $3 per person. Phone 2-2839. 222 ROOMS for boys, double and singles. Reasonable. 420 Thompson. 190 FOR MEN: Suite for three with pri- vate bath apd shower. Also a double room. Steam heat, shower bath. Phone 8544. 422 E. Wash- ington. 189 WANTED -TO BUY-4 HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for your discarded wearing apparel, Claude Brown, 512 S. Main Street. 146 LAUNDERING-9 LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. 16 ARTICLES FOR SALE-3 FOR SALE-Antique shawl from Se- villa. Makes a beautiful evening wrap. Phone 4559 evenings 7 to 8.- 244 SITUATIONS WANTED POSITION WANTED PROMINENT DETROIT CLUB- HOUSE COOK wishes fraternity cook position. Best references. Can 'menu,' budget, order wholesale and retail! Box No. 1, Michigan Daily. 235 TRANSPORTATION --1 WASHED SAND AN4D GRAVEL - Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company. Phone 7112. 13 STRAYED, LOST, FOUND -1 LOST: Black zipper notebook. Call Ed Barrett 7217. 248 MISCELLANEOUS-20 WANTED-Fifty couples to reserve Starbuck's College Inn for a good J-Hop breakfast. See Mr. Starbuck or phone 2-2214. 232 PRIVA' E INSTRUCTION -151 MISS MAC NAUGHTON'S Nursery School, 711 Catherine St. can take a limited number for 2nd semester. Call 8537. 195 TYPING-18 TYPING SERVICE-Dorothy Testa, M.A. 625 E. Liberty (at State St.) 2-1835. Reports, theses, disserta- tions, briefs. 113' TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or 2-1416. 34 TYPING-Miss L. M. Heywood, 414 Maynard St. Phone 5689. 43 EXPERIENCED TYPIST wishes typ- ing of all kinds. Immediate serv- ice. 7c per page. 411 Thompson, phone 4601. 159 co mra Corn n l Steaming furs and vel. vets can be done easily and inexpensively with the aid of this handy electric teakettle. Because of its cleanliness, the kettle can be used4in any room in the house. Sim. ply plug into the nearest electric outlet. $4.95 at any Detroit Edison office. iiilllllllllrlllallll fglffllliin0ilillill ilill{IIIi111D iiI lllll;fllfllli311tllHllli}(l4 iNftl II( - F1 : ' 7 - A " . _ ' s _ . : .. . - :. _ _ : z a. ; ' . .. .. ~1 THE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN Cordially invites you to attend a FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Entitled CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: THE REMEDY FOR FEAR by JOHN RAN DALL DUN N, C.S.B. BOSTON, MASS. Member Of The Board Of Lectureship Of The Mother Church The First Church Of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. MASONIC TEMPLE SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE SUNDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 28, 1940 AT 3:30 11 SECRETARIAL and BUSINESS TRAINING NEW TERM: FEBRUARY 12 FREE EMPLOYMENT. SERVICE Hamilton Business College Phone 7831 25th Year William at State XeOK ISELZNICK INTER~NAIONAL. presents UFS DIIF j, Or J I 14 for your jsi TEXT LOOKS I I N WARD in INTERMEZZO 4A Love story N 139 UI O Du4 A Square Deal Always