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January 27, 1940 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-27

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Continued cold with somec



Enlightened Opinion
can Stop Lynching



Senators May
Let State Dept.
Adjust Trade
With Japanese
Expiration Of Commercial
Treaty Leaves U.S. Free
To Decide On Relations
Army To Continue
Invasion Of China
WASHINGTON, Jan. 26.-(P)-The
idea of giving the State Department
discretionary authority to restrict or
ban trade with Japan, now that the
Japanese-American commercial treaty
is dead, gained support tonight in
some Senate quarters.
Senator Hatch (Dem.-N.M.) said
he thought such a step was advis-
able. One member of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, who
requested that he remain unidenti-
fied, also endorsed it. This Senator
pointed out that it would give the
State Department a powerful weapon
which it could bring into use
at any moment if developments in
Japanese-American relations neces-
No Ceremony At End
The hour of the treaty's expira-
tion was midnight tonight, EST, ac-
cording to official calculations here,
although Tokyo considered that the
pact died at 10 a.m. Thursday. No
ceremony marked its end here; no
official proclamation was issued; no
instructions given to government de-
Notice of abrogation of the 29-year
old treaty was given six months ago
as a means of bringing pressure on
Japan to respect American rights in
China. That was the only official
There was no comment in official
circles on the arrival of the expira-
tion date. President Roosevelt de-
clined at his press conference to dis-
cussit. Secretary of State Hull was
ill at home with a cold. Sumner
Welles, Undersecretary of State, had
no comment.
There was every indication, too,
that for the time being at least trde
relations would remain the same.
Senators To Go Slow
Most members of the Senate For-
eign Relations Committee indicated
a disposition to go slow in consider-
ing proposals to embargo the ship-
ment of American raw materials to
Such legislation has been intro-
duced by Chairman Pittman (Dem.-
Nev.) and Senator Schwellenbach
The Committee is expected to meet
Tuesday or Wednesday and then may
give prelimirry consideration to the
embargo bill.
There are several steps which the
Administration can take without fur-
ther Congressional action.
The President, if he finds Japan
discriminating against American in-
terests, can invoke an act of 1928 and
impose an added duty of 10 per cent
on imports from Japan, or imports
brought to this country in Japanese
ships. He can invoke the Tariff
Act of 1930 and impose any amount
of extra duty he decides to fix, and,
if the discrimination then continues,
place a complete embargo in imports
from Japan, and place added harbor
fees on tonnage rates on Japanese
Japanese Army

Intends To Go Ahead
SHANGHAI, Jan. 26.-()-Jap-
anese Army officers in China say
that the ending of the United States-
Japanese commercial treaty today
can not alter their program for the
establishment of "a new order" in this
They assert that no matter what
economic pressure the 'United States
may bring in the treatyless period
ahead their program, which has
meant harm to Americans and in-
fringement of their treaty rights,
must go on even if this means frontal
conflict with the United States.
Since 1931 the Japanese Army has
dictated the Empire's policy respect-
ing China. If its attitude is un-
changed, experienced observers here
see little chance for a Japanese-
American agreement to replace the
old treaty, since there would be no
assurance that promises made by the
Tokyo government to respect Ameri-
can interests would be carried out

Britain Doubles Rations; Russians
Again Beaten Back, Finns Claim-

-° v,

English Will Get More
Meat; Sign Economic
Treaty With Greece
LONDON, Jan. 26.-('P)-British
conviction that the Navy and Air
Force are finally solving the problem
of German assaults upon the Em-
pire's vital supply lines was bolstered
today by a Food Ministry order doub-
ling the bacon and ham ration.
This development was closely fol-
lowed by official announcement of
the conclusion of an economic and
financial agreement with the Greek
government, details of which were
not immediately disclosed.
Britain previously had pledged aid
to Greece in the event of aggession
threatening her independence.,
Despite the better situation in im-
ported food supplies as reflected by
the relaxation in rationing, three more
neutral ship losses were revealed with
the landing of 49 survivors at Scot-
tish and Irish ports. Twenty-four
other crewmen from the three were
The new rationing order, effective
Jan. 29, increased to eight ounces
the amount of bacon or ham allowed
each person per week, and was greet-
ed jubilantly by the press with such
headlines as "Navy Brings Home the
Bacon." Rationing of bacon, ham
and sugar was begun on Jan. 8.
Elation over this evidence of ade-
quate pork supplies was tempered
somewhat by reports of a shortage
of fresh meats-probably in Febru-
ary-under the government butcher-
ing program, adopted recently as a
preliminary to rationing of these com-
Sharing attention with the food
situation on the home front was a
terrific explosion in a power station
supplying the Lancashire Steel Cor-
poration at Ir.am, one of the largest
steel plants in England.
The explosion was the second in
Western England within a fortnight,
however, and the War Office warned
the public today that sentries posted
at vulnerable points had orders to
fire if challenges went unheeded.
Sinking by submarine of the 1,300-
ton Norwegian steamer Gudveig in
the North Sea with a loss of 10 men
was disclosed when seven survivors
were landed in a Scottish port. The
Latvian steamer Everene, 4,484 tons
also was reported sunk by a submarine
shortly after leaving the English port
of Blyth. -.The crew was rescued.
Windt To Pilot
City's Annual
Drama Season
Civic Committee Appoints
Professor To Direct
Five Play Productions
Ann Arbor's eleventh annual Dra-
matic Season will be directed by Prof.
Valentine B. Windt, of the speech de-
partment, it was announced yester-
The Civic Committee in charge of
the season also said that Mrs. Lucille
.W Waltz will be business manager
and Janes Murnan will be company
Five plays will be presented by the
organization between May 13 and
June 15. More complete plans will
be announced later.
Chairman of the Civic Committee
is Daniel L. Quirk of Ypsilanti. Other
members are Mrs. Guy Maier, treas-
urer; Dr. Joseph A. Bursley, dean of
students; Dr. Alice Lloyd, dean of
women; Harold Golds, Prof. Wilber
R. Humphreys, of the English de-
partment; Mrs. M. Rees Hutchins;

Mrs. I. L. Sharfman, and Neil Staeb-
Information Please:
What's The War For?
STOCKHOLM, Jan. 26.-()-The
Finnish radio tonight broadcast an
"Information Please" program with
40 Russian prisoners from the de-
stroyed 44th Soviet Division sitting in
as the "experts."
Cigars were passed to those who
those who answered their questions
correctly but only 11 of the 40 did
any smoking.
All were stumped by these ques-
WXhn unne flneniff n9



(By The Associated Press)
Shanghai: Japanese army of-
ficers express determination to
continue "new order" program in
China despite abrogation of com-
mercial treaty with the United
Washington: Proposal to give
State Department authority to re-
strict or ban trade with Japan
gains support in Senate; treaty
expires without ceremony.
Helsinki: Week-long fighting
northeast of Lake Ladoga finds
Red Army companies cut to pieces;
Soviet dead, Finns say, "Counted
in the hundreds."
Paris: German and French ar-
tillery engage in long duel as
French scouts report signs of pos-
sible offensive.
London: British Food Ministry
doubles bacon and ham ration;
49 survivors of three neutral ships
land at British ports.
Artillery Shatters
West Front Quiet
PARIS, Jan. 26.-(Y)-The slum-
bering steel giants of the Western
Front suddenly burst into action to-
day with a fierce artillery duel which
shattered the frosty silence of the
Vosges Mountains.
Military sources said French big
guns opened the engagement from
behind icicle-draped emplacements
after scouts had brought back re-
ports of feverish German outpost
activities, possibly indicating an im-
pending offensive.
Nazi artillery replied in kind and
for hours both sides threw shell after
shell at each other while Allied and
German planes took advantage of the
first favorable weather in, days to
roar aloft on reconnaissance flights.
BERLIN, Jan. 26.-(IP)-The news-
paper Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung
said today that the crews of 17 of 18
German merchant ships halted by
British warships since the war be-
gan had succeeded in scuttling their
ships and the eigtheenth was made
so unseaworthy that the British had
to sink her.
Oh, Johnny Comes
Marching Home Again
STEVENS POINT, Wis., Jan. 26.-
(A)-Undersheriff John Longbauer
drove all over Keene Township with
a warrant in his pocket for the arrest
on an assault charge of John Rice,
Jr., 18-year-old farmer.
After several hours of fruitless
search he gave up and started back
to headquarters. A youth, standing
on the highway thumbed a ride. Long-
bauer stopped and picked him up.
It was Rice.

Soviet's Troops Battered
As Finns Repel Attack
At LakeLadoga
HELSINKI, Jan. 26.-(P1)-Week-
long attack without quarter tonight
found company after company of the]
Red Army cut to pieces northeast of
Lake Ladoga, the Finnish command
announced, with Finnish redoubts
"everywhere retained."
With Soviet dead declared by the
Finns to have been "counted in the
hundreds," the furious assault pene-
trated the eastern shores of the
lake itself. Under a heavy artillery
barrage, the Russians were sent in,
waves against the bastions of Fort
Mantsi, island stronghold command-
ing a coastal corner of Finland.
Like the other attacks, the Finns
said, these were repulsed, "the enemy
leaving more than 100 dead before
our positions."
Cavalry Destroyed
A Finnish communique told the
grim story of the destruction of long
Russian cavalry columns. It drew
a terse word picture of the carcasses
of more than 400 horses sprawled in
the snow.
It is in this area that the Russians,
in attacks at various points, have
tried all week to cut a flanking swath
behind the Mannerheim Line. One
large force of attackers was cut off
several days ago near Kitela, and,
apparently, has still obtained no re-
Up just above the narrow Finnish
waistline, north of the Arctic Circle,
dispatches from the field described
a sudden hush in Russian artillery
fire combined with unusual activity]
on the highway east of Markajarvi.
It was to this town that 40,000 Rus--
sians retreated after abandoniing a
drive to cut Finland in two.
May Resume Retreat
Paul Sjoblom, Associated Press
correspondent with the Finnish army
on the Gapland front, said the Finns
believed the Russians were moving
back their heavy arms in preparation
to resuming the general retreat be-
gun last week at Lake Joutsi, and
then digging in at the Central Soviet
base of Salla village.
Salla is less than forty miles from
the Russian border.
A number of United States and
Canadian volunteers, most of them
s i experts, were reported in train-
ing in northern Finland preparatory
to front fighting within a few weeks.
L leven nations now are represent-
e i n the Finnish Foreign Legion. The
frc t battalion sent into the lin , it was
said, will be under the command of
an Italian officer.
(A Berne dispatch quoted Allied
sources as saying more than 2,000
trained Italian and Hungarian volun-
teers recently crossed France en route
to Finland).

Filipino Liner
In Sea Storm
President Quezon Aground
Off Japanese Coast;
Rescuers Are Hampered
'City Of Flint' Ends
TOKYO, Jan. 27.-(J)-The 8,341-
ton Philippine liner President Que-
zon was reported by the Japanese
steamer Ukishima Maru to have sunk
stern first today several hours after
going aground on treacherous reefs
off Tanegashima Island, southern
The President Quezon carried a
crew of 114 and one or more passen-
gers. A raging storm hampered res-
cue work.
The Japanese ship, two hours after
reaching the side of the stranded
liner, wirelessed that the engine room
and forward hatches were damaged.
One hold and the engine room were
reported full of water.
Domei, Japanese news agency, said
there were 12 passengers besides the
crew. Other reports placed the pas-
sengers at 20; still other advices said
there was only one aboard.
The Ukishima Maru reported she
picked up the Quezon's SOS calls at
3:30 a.m. Friday and reached her
side at 5:50 a.m.
The Quezon first gave her position
as latitude 30.16 north, longitude
130.16 east.
The Quezon was making her first
voyage under the Filipino flag. Form-
erly the American liner President
Madison, she sailed from San Pedro,
Calif., Jan. 6. She usually carries
about 1,500 passengers in addition to
her crew of 140.
Famed 'City Of Flint'
Will Arrive Today .
BALTIMORE, Jan. 26.-(P)---The
City of Flint, an unassuming little
freighter catapulted. by war into the
center of an international drama,
moved into the safety of U.S. w-
ters tonight and toward a gala wel-
come befitting a hero coming home
from the wars.
Nothing more sinister than a stiff
north wind and occasional ice floes
remained to be conquered as she
steamed up Chesapeake Bay-at the
end of a "six weeks" voyage that took
113 days to complete.
Capt. J. A. Gainard and his crew
:f 40 will arrive tomorrow morning,
ending a fiction-like journey that
saw them seized by a German crew,
held captive in a Russian port, head-
ed through the gun-sprouting Brit-
ish blockade and, at last set free,
turned for home with an unromantic
cargo of iron ore. She was expected
to reach quarantine sometime after
midnight, and dock after daylight to-j
Families and friends of five Balti-
moreans in the crew planned joyous
receptions, and promised a crowdE
"and maybe a brass band" would be
on hand when the 4,963-ton freighter
ties up at Sparrows Point, several
miles from the city's center.
Home after a cold, gale-swept voy-
age during which they held to the cir-
cutious but comparatively safe nor-I
thern route, the crewmen probably
will plan celebrations of their own,i
for they have been without pay sincef
Oct. 3. Officials of the United States
Lines took heavy pay pouches aboard
at Cape Henry today.

Club Sponsors
Of Airplanes
Braving zooming, scalp-creasing,
flying models and the impending
threat of exams, 900 air-minded Spec-
tators last night witnessed the travel-
ing air show "From Magic Carpet to
Rocket Ships" brought to the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall by the Franklin
Institute under the sponsorship of
Sigma Xi society.
Presented here by Richard V.
Thayer, the lecture demonstration
traced the history of aviation from
the flight of birds to modern clipper
ships through a series of demonstra-
tions and motion pictures, accom-
panied by a running explanation and
pertinent wise-cracks when the per-
fnrmnr hara H.mnn hnlbrv

Regents Approve
Creation Of New
Denti stry Institute

Attend First Meeting

* . *

Local Dimes March On Capitol
To Alid National Paralysis Fight

Get Wheeler's
Strong Backing
Senator's Labor Alliance
Seen As Bid For 1940
Farm And Labor Support
COLUMBUS, Jan. 26.-(P)-De-
mands of labor and agriculture for a1
government-backed war on unem-
ployment-termed "America's No. 1
problem"-received strong backingI
today from Sen. Burton K. Wheeler1
as he turned aside queries whether
he would be a Democratic presiden-
tial aspirant.
(Senaor Wheeler is a Michigan al-
umnus, a graduate of the law school's
class of 1905.)
President Roosevelt, who has* not;
acted on pleas by the Congress of
Industrial Organizations and the Na-
tional Grange for a general confer-
ence with industry on unemployment,
also was implored by Wheeler to de-
clare his third term intentions im-
Wheeler told the jubilee conven-
tion of the CIO's United Mine Work-
ers of America that only through gov-+
ernment leadership and solution of
"economic absurdities" could unem-
ployment be ended, prosperity as-
sured and "American ideals of in-
dustrial and political democracy"
The Montana Senator, regarded in
some quarters as a leading Democrat-
ic presidential possibility, gave defi-
nite indications of a bid for farm-
labor support.
Filipino Educator
Addresses Banquet
Filipino students here were urged
to take advantage of their stay in the
United States by learning the ways
of democracy in action by Bemilo
Osias, former president of the Na-
tional University of Manila and at
present assistant to the resident min-
ister in Washington.

Kipke And Herbert Attend
Initial Board Meeting;
Donations Acknowledged
Men's Dormitory
To Open Next Fall
The University Board of Regents
at their regular January meeting yes-
terday approved a new organization
for the study of graduate and post-
graduate dentistry and accepted gifts
of $152,508.
The session was attended by Harry
K. Kipke of Detroit and J. Joseph
Herbert of Manistique.
Both Kipke and Herbert were
elected on the Republican ticket
last fall, and yesterday's meeting was
their first official act. They succeed
Junius E. Beal of Ann Arbor and
Ralph Stone of Detroit, members of
the Board who retired Jan. 1.
Kipke was placed on the Public
Relations and Plant Equipment com-
mittees. Herbert will serve on the
Educational Policies and Student and
Alumni Relations committee.
The East Quadrangle, newest men's
dormitory group, will not be opened
until next September, the Regents
Largest of the donations was $100,-
000 from the Horace H. Rackham and
Mary A. Rackham fund, to be added
to the income of the Institute for
Human Adjustment.
The University Musical Society
contributed $25,000 to be placed in
the University Musical Society En-
dowment Fund.
Name Is Announced
In recognition of financial assis-
tance from the W. K. Kellogg Foun-
dation of Battle Creek, the new grad-
uate dental organization will be
named "The W. K. Kellogg Founda-
tion Institute: Graduate and Post-
graduate Dentistry." Action taken
by the Regents provides that the In-
stitute will be a separate unit of the
University, affiliated with the dental
school. Its staff will be independently
organized, although some of the fac-
ulty will also participate in under-
graduate teaching. The Institute
will operate under its own budget,
Accrding to the citation approved
by the Regents, the functions of the
Kellogg Institute will be to "conduct
postgraduate work in dentistry and
in cooperation with the Horace H.
Rackham graduate school to give
graduate instruction leading to ad-
vanced degrees."
Prof. Paul H. Jeserich, present di-
rector of postgraduate education in
the dental school, has been named di-
rector of the Institute.
Resignation of Prof. George H. La
Rue, director of the University bio-
logical station at Douglas Lake for
the past 23 years, was accepted. Prof.
A. H. Stockard, of the zoology de-
partment, was appointed to succeed
him. Professor Stockhard will be
assisted by an advisory committee
consisting of Prof. Paul S. Welch, of
the zoology department, Prof. Carl
D. LaRue, of the botany department,
and Prof. C. W. Creaser of Wayne
Resignations Are Accepted
Resignations of Prof. Justin L.
Powers of the pharmacy college and
Prof. Robert R. Dieterle, of the
University Hospital, were accepted.
Dr. Powers has been a member of
the faculty since September, 1926.
On March 1 he will take up new
duties as chairman of the National
Formulary Revision Committee and
Director of the Laboratory of the
American Pharmaceutical Associa-
tion at the American Institute of
Pharmacy at Washington.
Dr. Dieterle received the degree of
Doctor of Medicine from the Univer-
sity in 1923 and he has served at
Georgetown University, at the Mil-
waukee Sanitarium, and in the medi-
,al school here. A specialist in the
field of psycho-therapy, Dr. Dieterle
will enter private practice in Ann

Leave of absence from Jan. 15 to
March 14 was granted to Dr. Kent G.
Latham, of the medical school, so
that he can work in the laboratory
of Dr. Eugene Church, at Pontiac.
Leaves of absence for the second
semester were granted toeMr.
Harry O. Potter, of the engineer-
ing college; to Prof. John Alexander,
of the medical college; and to Prof.
J. E. Emswiler, Qf the engineering

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