weather Partly cloudy to cloudy today and tomorrow. Jr 41P an j~mt!1 Editorial Reciprocity Treaties Vs. Lack' Of Foresight .. . VOL. L. No. 90 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JAN. 26, 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS Japan Seems Calm As U.S. Trade Treaty EndsTonight Relations Between Nations Will Be 'Under Strain', Tokyo Officials Assert Fear Of Pressure Causes Uneasiness By RELMAN MORIN TOKYO, Jan. 26., (Friday)-(P)W- Japan maintained outward calm to- day over expiration of the Japanese- American trade treaty of 1911, yet harbored uneasiness over the fact that the United States is free to ap- ply economic pressure on Tokyo in behalf of American interests in China. The calmness was "due to a belief there would be no immediateachange in Japanese-American trade relations, although the foreign office stated expiration of ther29-year-old treaty would put general relations between Japan and the United States "under strain." Japan's. major concern is whether the United States will move further to curtail shipments essential to prosecution of the Japanese war in China by legal or moral embargo. At the same time Japan's diplo- matic tangle with Great Britain over the Asama Maru incident reached a new tenseness as the press sharply attacked the British ambassador, Sir Robert Leslie Craigie, for giving news- papers an outline of the British po- sition before formally replying to the Japanese protest. The Japanese-American t r a d e treaty ends 'at ~midnight tonight in accordance with its denunciation by Washington last July 26. Abrogation of the treaty, removing legal obstacles to a possible embargo against Japan, was effected, the United States state department said, "with a view to bet- ter safeguarding and promoting American interests as new develop- ments may require." No Discrimination Against Nippon Expected WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.-(P)- With the Japanese-American trade treaty due to expire in 24 hours, the Commerce Department made public tonight a study showing that Nippon depends upon this country for a third of all the foreign merchandise it buys and normally sells a fifth of all its exports here. The treaty will end at midnight Friday. The State Department, pro- testing alleged discrimination against American interests in Japanese-oc- cupied areas of China, denounced it last summer, but the cancellation could not take effect until six months after notice to Japan. So far there has been no indica- tion here that the treaty's demise will bring any immediate change in Japanese-American trade relations. Treasury Secretary Morgenthau said today that, as far as he knew, no discrimination against Japanese goods would be made in assessing customs duties after tomorrow. IHowever, after the treaty expires, the United States no longer will be bound legally to treat Japanese goods on a par with merchandise from other parts of the world. Some con- gressmen have talked of embargoing the sale of essential raw materials to Japan. Youth Admits Starting Fires Ypsilanti Pupil Confesses To School Damage YPSILANTI, Jan. 25.-(IP)-Sergt. Cyril J. Ray of the Ypsilanti police said tonight that a 13-year-old pupil of the Woodruff School here had con- fessed starting six fires in that school. Ray said the boy had been taken to juvenile detention home in De- troit by two state police troopers and would be taken to Ann Arbor Friday morning to make a formal statement to Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp. Sergt. Ray said the boy held had "discovered" four of the fires and had assisted in getting other children out of the school on the two occasions when the hilding was evanuated Models And Movies To Illustrate Lecture On Aviation Progress Program At 8 P.M. Today In Rackham Building Sponsored By Sigma Xi Aviation's history, from magic car- pet to rocket ships will be demon- strated graphically and mechanically at 8 p.m. today in the Rackham Lec- ture Hal. Presented by the Franklin Insti- tute of Philidelphia and brought here under the auspices of Sigma Xi, hon- orary scientific society, the lecture demonstration will be under the di- rection of R. V. Thayer of the Frank- lin Institute, assisted by Charles W. Schipf. Featuring demonstration models, slides and animated pictures, the presentation of aviation in review Union Opera Begins Ticket SalesBy Mail Orders Are Now Accepted; At Box Office Of Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Ticket sale for the Union Opera, "Four Out of Five," was set into mo- tion yesterday with the announce- ment that mail orders, addressed to1 the box-office of the Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre, will be accepted. The Union Opera, first since 1935, will be presented at the Theatre for four nights, Feb. 28 to March 2, with a' matinee performance on, March 2. According to Robert Mix, '40, gen- eral chairman, the early announce- ment of ticket sales has been made to enable alumni to make plans for attending the revival performance of the Opera. As many of the alumni as possible will be informed of the revival, Mix said, since it is probable that many of the graduates who were in the Opera during its period of greatest success may want to share in its re- vival. During the twenties, the Opera was one of the most prominent institu- tions on campus. More than 500 men annually tried out for parts in the cast or on the committees. Each year the Opera went on tour through- out the East and Middle West, and one Opera set an attendance record for amateur productions at the Metro- politan Opera House in New York City. Cold Hovering Over Midwest Ohio, Mississippi Rivers Clogged By Heavy Ice (By The Associated Press) Piercing cold kept the majority of North America's millions under heavy wraps yesterday. Subzero temperatures were coin- mon throughout the midwest. Most of the east and the bulk of the south remained under the big top df freez- ing weather. The Pacific Coast re- ceived a dash of rain and snow. Re- cent snows covered the entire United States with the exception of the South Atlantic seaboard states, a fringe of territory along the gulf and the far west. . No general break in the subnormal spell was sighted. Ice 10 inches thick nearly filled the Ohio River at Cincinnati while a huge gorge formed downstream. Zero -or worse-was forecast for most of the valley. A drop to 12 above in Pennsylvania and 15 above in New York City was in prospect. Snow delayed trains 45 minutes in upstate New York. High- ways in some sections were still im- passable, but the main roads were cleared of drifts in Virginia, Dela- ware and other states burdened by the mid-week storm. One of the heaviest frosts in years extended as far south as Tampa, Fla. Residents of Miami hustled about for fuel and extra heaters. Heavy dam- age to citrus fiuit was reported in the lower Rio Grande valley of Texas. Richard Thomas Named Winner Of Technic Prize Richard V. Thomas, '40E, has been named winner of the November Tech- will trace the development of avia- tion from prehistoric boomerangs to the recent advances in rocket-propul- sion motors. Shown in the passing parade will be models to illustrate early balloons, and modern dirigibles, Wright-type flying machines and the latest clipper ships. Flight To Be Demonstrated The story of human flight will be presented in a series of 39 demon- strations depicting how and why air- planes fly, with wind tunnel experi- mnents and animated and high-speed motion pictures to explain the tech- nicalities of aeronautical engineering to the non-technical listener in an Interesting manner.< Emphasized in the lecture will be the parallels between the flight of1 birds and the mechanical contri- vances with which man has achievedt the miracle of flight. Flying -models will be shown to demonstrate the type of performances rendered by weight carriers, endurance fliers, speed planes and acrobatic gliders. Slow Motion To Be Used 1 Through the medium of the ani- mated screen, will be shown what aeronautical science has learned aboutmtherudiments of flight. Slow motion pictures and slides of birds in flight, from the great prehistoric Pterodactyl to the tiny humming bird will illustrate what man has learned from his teachers in nature. A scientific lecture planned for' popular consumption, the lecture is one of the series of Franklin Insti- tute lectures and has been made pos-t sible through funds donated by thet Carnegie Corporation of New York. German Plans Speed B.l1ding Of Submarines One-A-Day Now Claimed To Be Result Of High Pressure Construction BERLIN, Jan. 25.-()-An excel- lently informed source said tonights that Germany's submarine construc- tion program has reached the stage of one built every day. This source said the first group of submarines built under this high pressure program now is completed. Officers and crews will need about four weeks' practice before going on regular duty, he asserted, and there- after submarine warfare will be in- creased "by leaps and bounds." Although submarines constitute Germany's chief weapon at sea dur- ing this war, the Reich is not neglect- ing her surface craft. It is understood that the Von Tir- pitb and the Bismarck, 35,000 ton battleships (five are believed planned) are almost ready to be commissioned.. Weyer's naval almanac mentions still another ship of this class, the battleship "H". Many believe this ship is the one for which Adolf Hit- ler has reserved the name "Deutsch- land." The 10,000-ton pocket battleship Deutschland's return home after five months of raiding merchant shipping was announced today, along with dis- closure that Hitler had ordered her renamed the "Luetzow" so her old name could go to a mightier man o'war. In addition, a 40,000 ton flagship is reported to be under construction, to be named for Frederick the Great. Authorized sources said the safe return and exploits of the erstwhile Deutschland, sister-ship of the scuttled Admiral Graf Spee, demon- strated that Great Britain "is not completely mistress of the seas." Lewis Talks As Red Flagm Is Unfurled Unknown Displays Banner During CIO Leader's Address At UMW Meet Denies Union Men Are Communists COLUMBUS, Jan. 25.--(P)--An up- roar disrupted the United Mine Work- ers' convention today when someone -now sought by police-unfurled a huge red Communist flag above John L. Lewis in the midst of a speech by the CIO leader. Scores of startled delegates in the crowd of 5,000 jumped to their feet, shouting: "Tear it down, tear it down." ' A squad of men dashed into the loft above the stage from which the flag was lowered and removed the banner while delegates milled about the convention floor muttering angry protests The incident occurred in the midst of a nation-wide broadcast commeor- ating the 50th anniversary of the union's founding. Lewis, president of the UMW, nev- er saw the flag and calmly finished his speech despite a growing confu- sion. Then, learning the cause of the disturbance, he ordered delegates to their seats and said. "It appears that someone has tried to perpetrate a most cowardly, repre- hensible and distardly trick. No one can regret this more than a delegate of the United Mine Workers. "I was unable to see, but I was told it was a Communist flag." "There are no Communists in the United Mine Workers of America," he almost shouted, and the delegates arose and cheered. Lewis explained the UMW consti- tution prohibited a Communist from belonging to the organization and sked that police investigate "and enforce the law" on the person re- sponsible for the incident. A squad of police began a inquiry. He then had a band play "America"~ as the audience, sang. Final Exams Prohibit Plans For Tag Day f1 C antile Paralysis Drive To Be Aided By Dime Cards Circulated Here Participation in the national cam- paign against infantile paralysis will be somewhat curtailed, Tom Adams, '40, president of the IFC, announced yesterday. The originally scheduled Tag Day o be held Saturday on campus has been cancelled, he said, because of the inability to get tag sellers during examinations. This should not stop students from contributing, however, because collection boxes have been set up in the Law Quadrangle, the General Library, the Health Service, the Union, the League and Univer- sity Hospital. More than 1,000 dime cards have been distributed among fraternities, sororities, and independents, Adams pointed out. Barbara Bassett, '40, president of Panhellenic, Mary Fran Reek, '40Ed., head of Assembly, Phil Westbrook, '40, president of Con- gress, together with Adams are tak- ing care of their distribution. Finns Report Soviet Drive Unsuccessful Assaults By Russian Army Fail To Relieve Forces Marooned Near Kitela Dispatches Claim ManyLeft Dead By WADE WERNER HELSINKI, Jan. 25.-(1P)-Relent- less assaults by Russian armies, all day and all night across the blood- stained snows and frozen lakes on the flank of the Mannerheim Line, were reported by Finnish military authori-, ties topight to have failed utterly to relieve large Russian forces trapped and harassed from every side near Kitela. These forces are cut off almost en- tirely from communication with their main armies, and the impression grew in Helsinki that Finnish strategists are on the verge of another coup such as the one which brought de- struction to two Russian divisions on the Salla front. Even the reported importation of fighters from the Asiatic Soviet snow- lands-in the hope of achieving a great victory by Feb. 23, 22nd anniver- sary of the establishment of the Red army, failed to crack the Finnish de- fenses in the furiously contested sec- tor north of Lake Ladoga, or to bring help to the marooned divisions. Additional hundreds of Red Army troops were left dead on the battle- fields northeast of Lake Ladoga, terse official reports said. After a tremendous all-day battle in the stubbornly contested Aittojoki sector, the Russians spent all night sending wave after wave of troops against Finnish lines at Kollaanjoki. The Finnish high command said the Aittojoki attacks were thrown back with "heavy" Red army losses; the Kollaanjoki assault was smashed at dawn today with several hundred Soviet dead and three tanks de- stroyed. At two points to the north and in the Karelian Isthmus, iron-ribbed barrier to Helsinki, the Finns said the Russians had equally bad luck. An army communique said Finnish positions at Markajarvi, on the Salla front 50 miles from the Soviet border, were assaulted but held fast. A Red army force of .40,000 men, abandon- ing a drive intended to cut Finland in two, retreated to Markajarvi some days ago, where it was forced to fight a biter rear-guard battle. Now, ap- parently, this force has launched a counter-attack.- Far to the north, in the deadly cold of Petsamo, Finland's northeastern tip, two Russian attacks met no suc- cess and the Russians lost two more tanks, the Finns said. r1 King Government Ends Parliament, Calls For Election Blaze, Fire Truck Meet At Train Station MILWAUKEE, Jan. 25. -(A)-- "Please have a fire engine on hand at 2619 South Fifth St. in five min- utes," the voice on the telephone told the fire department today. The dispatcher of the North Shore Railroad was calling. "We're bringing a fire to that sta- tion," he said. Engine company 31 rushed to the station. Two minutes later, a North Shore merchandise train from Chica- go rolled in, with rubbish ablaze in one car because of an overheated stove. The firemen made short work of it. Dies Receives Appropriation From House Secretary Ickes Committee C To Resign Le Advises hairman eadership Local Refugee Conmnittee Aids in Coordinatin Relief Groups Schwarzwald ert To Give Recital For Music Degree John Schwarzwalder, baritone, will present a complimentary musical re-t cital at 8:15 p.m. today in the School of Music Auditorium in partial ful- fillment of the degree of Bachelor of Music. Schwarzwalder, who is studying voice under Prof. Arthur Hackett, will be accompanied by Paul Jones, pianist, who is working for his Master of Music degree under Prof. Joseph Brinkman. Among the selections to be- heard are Handel's "Lascia ch'io pianga" and "Verdi prati," Mozart's "Baca amorosi e cari" and "Che fiero cos-1 tume" by Legrenzi. Also scheduled on the program areI Hugo Wolfe's "Wie viele Zeit verlor' ich," "Biterolf," "Anacreon's Grab" and "Der Soldat," Fevrier's "L'In- truse" and "Thou art Risen, my Be- loved" by Coleridge Taylor. Schwarzwalder will also sing "Le Miroir" by Ferrari, Duparc's "La- ment," Bemberg's "Il Neige," Stra- vinsky's "Lullaby," "Requiem" by" Bennett and Keel's "Tomorrow." Industrial Design Exhibit To Be Held An exhibition of industrial designs and examples of student work will be opened Thursday at the College of Architecture and Design and will be open daily until Feb. 10. The exhibits are being held in con- nection with a conference on coordi- WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.-(IP)--- Representative Dies (Dem., Tex.) re- ceived from the House today a $75,000 appropriation for new investigations by his committee on un-American ac- tivities, and fro gSecretary Ickes the advice to resign so that "Public confidence" in the committee would be restored. Soon after the House voted new funds for the committee without de- bate and without dissent, the interior secretary loosed at a press conference a blast of criticism of the committee's past methods in which he said that Dies ought to relinquish the chair- manship. The committee, Ickes asserted, had failed to give accused persons the right to appear in self defense and to cross-examine accusers, and in consequence had lost public confi- dence. "If he (Dies) is sincere," Ickes add- ed, "in view of the widespread criti- cism which his tactics have created, now is the time for him to step aside." One reporter asked Ickes how he accounted for the fact that the House voted 345 to 21 last Tuesday to con- tinue the committee for another year. "They (the House) were afraid not to," Ickes replied. He went on to say that the House, "like myself and many others," be- lieved that there was real work for the committee to do and that "it now will do it in the face of criticism of its past methods both in and out of Congress." Ickes said Dies had picked his own witnesses and selected "the individu- als and organizations to attack" and that this was one cause for criticism. overnor Long Closes Session Louisiana Assembly Ends in Great Confusion BATON ROUGE, La., Jan. 25.--() -Political invective echoed loudly through Louisiana's capitol today when Gov. Earl Long closed a special legislative session in a swirl of angry oratory unmatched even in the days of blustery Huey Long. The assembly adjourned in confu lion with a lone oppositionist, Sen. James A. Noe, still seeking the floor. The six-day "lame duck" session gave quick assent to all of Long's pro- posals, described by Noe as "vote get- ters." The Governor denounced his po- litical opponents, the state's news- papers, and criticized Assistant U. S. Attorney General O. John Rogge, prosecuting the federal "scandal" in- vestigations in Louisiana. He charged Rogge was trying tc "run our elections down here" but in- vited him to conduct a "real investi- gation of some of our politicians." Alleged Failure Of Canada To Push War Efforts ' Brings Surprise Move Premier Indicates Lincoln's Example OTTAWA, Jan. 25. -(A')- Under continuing attack for alleged failure to push Canada's share of the Empire war effort, the government of L. L. MacKenzie King decided suddenly to- day to call a quick general election and proclaimed the dissolution of Parliament' at the end of a one-day session. Parliament was dissolved at 7:07 p.m. E.S.T., a few hours after the election decision was announced in the traditional speech from the throne. The date for the election will be set shortly. MacKenzie King in- dicated it should be over before the end of March, one reason being the possibility of "heavy fighting" on the Westirn Front by spring. Stresses Opponents' Efforts The premier laid the greatest stress, however, on efforts of his political opponents to "create distrust of our patriotic effort." In support of his decision to hold a wartime election he cited the example of Abraham Lincoln. "As I was prepared to trust the people to decide on the question of peace or war, so I am prepared to trust the people to decide what gov- ernment is to carry on the war," he told the legislators. No sooner had the Prime Minister spoken than Dr. R, J. Manion, the conservative leader, renewed the at- tack on the government's war activi- ties. War Effort 'Disgraceful' "The government has handled the war effort !in a most disgraceful manner," said Dr. Manion. "It should have been prepared years ago for a war which had appeared inevitable." He charged the government had called up one division without clothes, boots or equipment and that one Bri- tish Columbia unit had crossed the nation in winter wearing cotton uni- forms and underwear. Many of the men wound up in the hospital, Man- ion added. Dr. Manion also charged it was "unscrupulous politics" to call Parli- ament together only to announce an election and try for a "snap decision" from the people. The dissolution, coming as it did four hours after the eighteenth Par- liament had opened its six session only to hear there would be a general election, was without precedent in Canadian history. Lord Tweedsmuir, the Governor General, signed the dissolution order. Puts Blame On Opponents MacKenzie King made no bones about blaming his position on "poli- tical opponents who are seeking to undermine every effort that is put forward by this administration." Speaking betore the House of Com- mons after the election announce- ment had jolted the Parliament at the very start of its session, he declared the voting shoud be over before the end of March, at least three months earlier than is usual. The Premier said his opponents, in- cluding Provincial Premier Mitchell Hepburn of Ontario and conservative opposition leaders, already had start- ed the campaign and that the con- servative slogan was "King must go." "I am quite prepared to accept that challenge and go to the people," he said. Alumni Office Urges Report Coordinating the work of several relief groups is the purpose of the Ann Arbor Committee for Refugees, As the center of this work in the city, the committee provides information concerning people in central Europe who wish to come-here, and helps refugees to orient themselves in Ann Arbor. Though not primarily a fund-rais- ing agency, the committee forwards money to any relief group designated by the donors; and through its con- nections with all national organiza- tions concened with relief work, it provides information on any specific efforts, one refugee was able to get a permanent visa and to bring his family to the United States. Besides obtaining employment and lodgings for refugees in Ann Arbor, the committee helps them with their English, and assists them with other problems which arise in adapting themselves to American culture. Another organization carrying on relief work is the Ann Arbor Jewish Committee, which helps refugee stu- dents from Germany and other anti- semitic countries, and conducts the annual campaign for over-seas relief, held early in May. This groun of students, faeilty Graduates Should Signify Class Preference Students graduating at the close of this semester will be listed in alumni files as part of the Class of 1940, Robert 0. Morgan, assistant secre- tary of the Alumni Association, an- nounced yesterday. He urged all those who wish (for purposes of pos- sible alumni reunions, etc.) to be 1-Hop Booth Realested Payments By Conuress I I