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January 25, 1940 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-25

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Doctor Advises
Adequate RTest
In Ixai Week
Nelson Smith States Lack
Of Sleep Causes Fatigue,
Impairs Good Health.
"Don't neglect your health by study-.
ing too hard and too long during
this week and next; it isn't worth it."
Dr Nelson Smith, student medical
adviser at the Health Service, voiced
this warning in an interview yester-
day. "It has been definitely proved,"
he continued, "that too much work
and not enough sleep will result in
fatigue. This goes hand in hand
with inefficiency and you will find
yourself spending an hour trying to
get a half hour's work done."
Students were also advised to divide
their study periods with fifteen min-
ute periods of relaxation. For ex-
ample, when six hours have been set
aside for study, work should be done
in two hour periods with these re-'
laxation intervals in between.
Another thing which must be
watched is eating regularly, Dr. Smith
declared. Although it is true that
one has less activity these days and
needs less food, he should neverthe-
less, eat his "three squares." Break-
fast, especially, he said, should not
be neglected as lunch and dinner us-
ually come within five or six hours
of each other, and a missed break-
fast means about 18 hours without
After meals, one should relax be-
tween a half and three-quarters of an
hour, he continued. Studies are not
the only important things in a col-
lege education, he said, and this rest
period can well be spent in reading the
newspapers, playing a friendly game
or just chatting.
"Failure to take care of yourselves
during this period is especially in-
advisable because of the weather,"
Dr. Smith pointed out, "as colds and
other respiratory diseases are preva-
lent now, and because of exams it
is very difficult to keep a student in
the Health Service."
Dr. Smith warned students against.
taking coffee, tea or "keep awake"
tablets in order to spend more time
studying, as these contain stimulants
which can be harmful when taken
in large quantities.

K-- y JUNE MdKEE --~-
With the program this Saturday
afternoon, campus broadcasting gives
way to exams and won't resume till
Sunday, Feb. 18, with a lecture by
Prof. Preston W. Slosson.
The radio extension class Prof.
Waldo Abbot conducts in Detroit will
carry on at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb.
7, in WJR's Fisher Building studios,
with enrollment limited to 35. This
is the course repeated Thursday eve-
nings throughout the semester, deal-
ing with the writing and production
of radio programs, and the com-I
posing of all types of continuity as,
well as auditions of speech and dram-
"It's the Bunk!" explodes fortune
telling superstitions through WCAR
and WMBC at 2:45 today. Those
concerned are Ada Goldman, '40, and
Kay Dolch, Grad, as well as Peter
Antonelli, '41, Cecil Beglinger, Grad,I
Margaret Ford, '40, Helen Westie, '40,
and bordon Laing, '40.
Prof. Louis M. Eich's class in radio
reading and dramatics airs over WJR
a miscellaneous program of skits and
poems to tie up any broadcasting ends
left loose in this last program of the
semester. Practically the whole class
From Georgia's WSAV, the "Voice
of Savannah," comes greetings from
Jack Zuideveld, now news editor of
that station, which is NBC's new Blue
and Red outlet for southeastern
Georgia. Jack writes of WSAV's three
studios, portable transmitters. The
station plans to act as key station of
a new Georgia network, starting
shortly, and then he describes delight-
ful stays in New Orleans and Florida,
visits to interesting spots in Cuba and
Buenos Aires, broadcasting 10 Eng-
lish economics lectures on German-
South American trade treaties, and
acquiring a wife in the course of his
Smith Chosen
Scout Leader

Convicted Browder Tells His Followers It's 'A Great Honor'


Uniciue among
fraternities is A
tional service fr
izing a new c,
A scout trop
the society is b
and membership
movement. All
with Scout trai
membership an
is to "assemble
fellowship of t
Law, to develo
promote service
Over 70 chapt
ganization on
throughout thec
of the most a
located at Mic
The neophytic
includes a men
students with
rolled in the Ur
As the name
purpose of the s
ice to the campu
carried out by
chapter include
information boo
during orientat
sorship of an in

ate Scout


rn Chpter Her e
campus societies and campuses include a survey of room-
Ipha Phi Omega, na- ing conditions conducted by the
raternity now organ- chapter at Purdue University, a li-,
hapter here. brary established for the poorer sec-
p "gone collegiate," tion of Dallas, Texas by the Texas
based both in theory chapter, and services rendered by
upon the Boy Scout various chapters to Boy Scout troops
Scouts or students composed of hospital patients.
ning are eligible for Tentative plans of the local neo-
d its avowed purpose phyte chapter include a proposed
college men in the civilian fingerprint service to stu-
he Scout Oath and dents, conducted in conjunction with
p friendship and to she civilian fingerprint drive being
to humanity." conducted by the Federal Bureau of
ters represent the or- Investigation.
as many campuses Officers of the Michigan pledge
country, including one chapter of Alpha Phi Omega are
ctive of its branches Richard F. Fletcher, '41, president;
higan State College. James H. Gormsen, '42, vice-presi-
chapter here now dent; Albert K. Ludy, '42, secretary;
Mbership of over 30 Irving C. Koval, '42E, treasurer and
Scout training en- Richard G. Schoel, '43E, historian.

EARL BROWDER (center) Communist leader free on bond after being sentenced to four years in prison
for passport fraud, told 20,000 demonstrators at a mass meeting in Madison Square Garden that he con-
sidered the conviction a great honor," and would carry on his campaign for election to Congress. He is
shown on the platform with William Z. Foster (left), national chairman of the Communist party, and
Robert Minor (right), member of the national committee.

implies, the primary
ociety is to offer serv-
is as a whole. Projects
the Michigan State
the maintenance of
sths for new students
ion week, the spon-
terfraternity sing.
ered on other college

Survey Shows Students Favor
Debt Payment Loan To Finland


Of University

(Special To The Daily)
AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 23.-A1-
though college students have often
shown an emphatic desire to keep
the United States neutral, a nation-
wide poll completed last week reveals
that sympathy for Finland is greatl
enough for a majority of them to
approve American loans to the only
nationthat has kept up its war debt
Specifically, 62 per cent of the col-
legians answered "yes" to the ques-
tion, "Should Congress allow Fin-
land to draw on her latestWorld War
payment to the United States?" This
study of sentiment in the American
college world is one of the weekly
polls conducted for The Daily. and
other undergraduate newspapers that
form the Student Opinion Surveys
of America. A carefully-derived
sample of students is used by the in-
terviewers in measuring opinions of
the nearly one and a half million U.S.
Favorable sentiment was found in
all parts of the country onthis pro-
posal that President Roosevelt made
recently, and controversy over the
type of aid this country should give
Finland hasalready flared in Con-
gress. New England students are the
most in favor, more than seven out
of every ten approving, while those in
the Far West are the least in favor.,
An interesting fact brought out by
the Surveys in this and many other
polls on international questions has
been that people in colleges on the
eastern coast are usually more inter-
ested in the part the U.S. should play
in the solution of Europe's troubles.

New England .......... 72%
Middle Atlantic .........62
East Central........... 60
West Central .......... 64.
South .................64
Far West .............. 54
U.S. Total .............. 62
This survey stands out in


Ira M. Smith, registrar of the Uni-
versity was elected vice-president of

As one goes West interest wanes, as
these results of the present poll show:


the Washtenaw-Livingston Boy Scout
Council at a recent council meeting.
Artists' Alliance Elects Fielding H. Yost, director of athletics,
Barnes To Membership was chosen commissioner.
The work of the Council is the
Prof. Ernest H. Barnes of the Col- guidance of the 5 Scout Troops op-
lege of Architecture and Design was erated in the two counties by various
recently elected to artist membership j hurches, PTA's, Service Clubs, and
in the Allied Artists of America, Inc. Legion Posts; the maintenance of
Professor Barnes exhibited his standards, the extension of Scouting
painting, "In Majesty Enthroned," at and Cubbing programs to more in-
the November exhibition of the Allied 5titutions; service to troops through
Artists. His contribution to the dis- a volunteer staff of commissioners
play was noted in the Art Digest. and the working out of inter-troop
activities which gives motivation to
St. Joseph's College-has discontin- each Scout to advance his ranking.,
ued football as an intercollegiate
sport. Williams To Speak

contrast to student opinion last Octo-
ber, when a majority differed with
national public opinion in opposing
change in the neutrality law in favor
of cash and carry.
Tieman Is Elected
Chairman Of AIEE
Charles R. Tieman, '41E, was re-
cently elected chairman for the com-
ing year of the University's chapter
of the American Institute of Elec-
trical Engineers.
Other officers elected by the chap-
ter include Robert Buritz, '41E, vice-
chairman; John Strand, 141E and
Harold Britton, '41E, Engineering
Council representatives, George Got-
shall, '42E, secretary and Prof. J. S.
Gault of the electrical engineering
lepartment, counselor.
Retiring officers are Wesley R.
Powers, '40E, chairman; Tieman,
vice-chairman; Herbert Blumberg,
'40E, secretary; Richard Brown, '40E,
treasurer; George Renholt, jr., '40E,
Council representative and Prof: S. S.
Atwood of the electrical engineering
department as counselor.
Talamon Elected To Post
Prof. Rene Talamon of the romance
languages department was recently
elected Chairman of the French Liter-
ature of the 16th an 17th Centuries
Group for 1940. The election was
held at the annual ineeting of the
Modern Language Meeting Associa-
tion of America Dec. 28 to 30 at New

Contest Offers,
Career Prizes
Vogue Will Award Jobs
To Talented Seniors;
Entries Due Feb. 20
Seniors with imagination, a way
with a lens and a seriors interest in
photography have been offered the
opportunity to step straight from the
classroom into a career by the 1940
Vogue Photographic Contest.
The contest, sponsored by Vogue
magazine, offers two career prizes,
me for men and one for women. The
winners will serve a six month's ap-
prenticeship, with salary, in the
Conde Nast Studios in New York
City, with the possibility of a perma-
nent position at the end of the pro-
bationary period.
Entrants are limited to the gradu-
ating class of 1940. Entrance blanks
may be secured at the University Bu-
reau of Appointments and Occupa-
tional Information, 201 Mason Hall,
{ and must be sent not later than Tues-
day, Feb. 20. Three camera shots
that the contestant considers his best
are required in the application.
A series of eight photographic prob-
lems will appear in Vogue Magazine
starting with the Feb. 1 issue. These
will cover a wide range of topics in-
cluding outdoor and indoor shots,
action and still life. Their solu-
tions must be submitted before the
June issue of Vogue.
In addition to the two career prizes,
cash awards and honorable mentions
will be made for the best photo-
graphs entered each month.
S elfin,0

Services rend(

Herbert J. Seddon I
Wins Oxford Post
(Continued from Page 1)
years in charge of Betsy Barbour
In 1933 Professor Seddon was
awarded the Robert Jones Gold Med-
al and Association Prize by the Brit-
ish Orthopaedic Association for a
study on "Potts' Paraplegia." Two
years later he delivered the Hunteri-
an Lecture at the Royal College which
is one of the highest honors in Eng-
iYsh surgical circles.
Professor Seddon has published a
number of articles in English and
American surgical journals and has
won his way to the head of his pro-
fession through his initiative in re-
search and his capacity for organiza-

Whip pietree Wasn't
Whip pletree At All,
It Was 'Wif f letree'
The whippletree wasn't a whipple-
tree in the old South. It was a
whiff letree. At least so the results
of a broad survey of folk speech in
the Great Lakes area indicate, Mr.
Harold Allen of the English depart-
ment and field worker in the survey
writes in an address given before
a convention of the National Asso-
ciation of Teachers of Speech in Chi-
During the last century, Mr. Allen
writes, immigration from the South
brought new dialectic forms into the
North. A broad triangle passing from
Illinois into Michigan and then east-
ward to West Virginia pushed the
Mason-Dixon line nearly two hun-
dred miles northward in some sec-
tions of the country.
35 mm. FILM, spooled or in
bulk. See "Bob" Gach.
Nickels Arcade



Actuty fl " iIn.w s.
Thy d*netgodr f
Amning new pinciple 4
UAl., EAUTYfUt MQDR4.0 t t WI$10 V."
112 South Main Street

In Detroit Sunday
With civil rights under fire in many
parts of the world, the Civil Rights
League of Detroit is sponsoring a talk
on "The History of American Civil
Rights" by Prof. Mentor A. Williams
of the English' department at 3 p.m.
Sunday in Northern High Auditorium
Included in this series bf talks is
a lecture on "The Preservation of
Civil Rights in Times of War" to be
given March 10 by Prof. John Shep-
ard, chairman of the psychology de-
Other lectures in the series will
consider the civil rights of labor, the
rights of racial minorities, the rights
of aliens in America, civil rights and
the church, and the Wagner Act and
labor's rights.

Movies To Show Schnied,
Champion Skier, Today
Movies depicting Otto Schnied,
champion skier in action, will be
shown at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Rackham Amphitheatre by Jonathan
Edwards of Sun Valley, Idaho.
The pictures of skiing will be
shown under the auspices of the
Graduate Outing Club, and admis-
sion will be free to everyone.



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Formerly to $6.50
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Some as low as $6.50 . . . That's something to J-Hop
about! All are Christmas and early Spring fascinators,
but down they go in our remarkable Going-Out-Of-
Business Sale. Now you, too, can have a new frock for
the super dance of the year, at just Half Price!
Alsn , rastic reductions on Evenina SliDs,





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